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[Wip] Intimacy Project


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This is sounding pretty cool. Just to be clear: you recommend playing fairly barebones, Sexout-wise, right? Just, like, this and Sexual Assaults (combat rape only)?


I play with very few mods other than to test.  Most sexout quest type mods are just not my scene.  I was only testing with Assault, normally I personally don't use it.  I'm more into playing the actual game, so currently what I recommend is in the OP.


I haven't yet received any reports of how this mod interacts with others, so I couldn't tell you.  I will say that I do expect this mod to conflict with other mods that have different intentions.  If you're installing sex mods to make FNV a 'sex' game so that you forget about the vanilla game and are only interested in sex, then I expect the kinds of mods you'd be installing will negate this mod.


If you:

- find yourself using sex scenes as a bathroom break.

- get tired of being interrupted because every single thing in the game is all about sex, always, all the time, around every turn, until it just pisses you off.

- yawn every time sex happens for no other reason than a cheap thrill that has nothing to do with the storyline.

- think that sex in any particular part of the game often doesn't make any sense whatsoever.


Then you'll probably be fine with this mod and whatever else you install.

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Did a clean save.  Started Showgirl quest at the Tops.  Only had "Strip Tease" as an option at both the Wrangler and at the Tops. Did you remove the "Exotic Dance" option, or is it just not working for some reason?


You have to be wearing something that is set to 'at least' sexy.  Strip tease doesn't have outfit requirements, because you're going to take it off anyway.


EDIT:  Check the console when you put on the outfit.  If you look 'Easy', or 'Prostitute', or 'Sexy', or if anyone is staring at your tits/ass/legs, then exotic dance should be an option.

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Sorry.  That was totally my bad.  I had switched from one outfit to a very similar outfit awhile back and forgot to mark it in Eval.  :blush:


No sweat.  Do you always set eval explicitly?  I almost never set eval explicitly, but instead I try to acquire clothing that is set to the look I'm after by default.  That's just my play style though.  I was just wondering if that was a play style choice or because you use clothing mods that aren't set already?

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Clothing mod that isn't set, I presume (belly dancer costumes @ Nexus).  I'm guessing that only vanilla clothes and SCR clothes have things set by default in eval?


Have you thought about how you want to handle a wiki/sort-of walkthrough?  Since you've enabled male PCs, I imagine that usage will go up a lot.  I'll create a male character soon to help test that.  Anyway, this is me volunteering to help with that effort.

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Yeah they have to be in the SCR lists I think.


I'm not sure how much of a walkthrough I'd actually be able to write.  I'm definitely not going to wiki out every variable possibility.  I could probably put the tips spoiler back up there and start adding to it.  But this mod doesn't lend itself well to being wiki'd. ie. I won't often be able to write out definitive actions that gaurantee results like a quest mod would, due to the dynamic nature of the mod.  Much of it would only apply to their specific instance of the game, because it can be different every time.


So if people are looking for ways to 'stage' or 'pose' their game by using a wiki, I'm afraid it will be of little help in that regard.  Most of this mod will have to actually be played out like a game.  If they just want to stage/pose sex, they should completely forget about this mod.


Usage doesn't really help me move forward.  It's the feedback that makes things happen faster.  I've debated taking it down a few times when downloads are high but feedback is non-existant.  But I only get that way when I'm grumpy and/or I'm really struggling with something and need feedback.  My solution is to stop caring and it soon passes.


Male PCs do still need a lot of work, and help is always appreciated.  People should thank you and those like you, because without feedback this mod wouldn't be anywhere near where it is now.  Danka.

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Walkthrough definitely isn't the right word, but it's the one that is most used in connection with mods (in my experience).  I know that you've reanswered things for myself and others a few times, and while writing words does not guarantee that they will be read, it could provide an overview of what's available in the mod (you can solicit for these groups after speaking with X NPC, you can work as a dancer or stripper by doing X, and here's an overview of the the phases of relationships and how your actions impact them).


I need to do a basic bit of basic setup for my companion mod, and then I'll start a male character.  MWAHAHA!  DUAL PURPOSE TESTING!


"Male PCs do still need a lot of work" -- What does this mean?  Missing functionality or....?

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Walkthrough definitely isn't the right word, but it's the one that is most used in connection with mods (in my experience).  I know that you've reanswered things for myself and others a few times, and while writing words does not guarantee that they will be read, it could provide an overview of what's available in the mod (you can solicit for these groups after speaking with X NPC, you can work as a dancer or stripper by doing X, and here's an overview of the the phases of relationships and how your actions impact them).


I need to do a basic bit of basic setup for my companion mod, and then I'll start a male character.  MWAHAHA!  DUAL PURPOSE TESTING!


"Male PCs do still need a lot of work" -- What does this mean?  Missing functionality or....?


I knew what you meant.  I took the tips spoiler down one crabby morning in an attempt to get people to ask more questions. lol  It seemed counterproductive because people look at the tips and then just start trying to play the mod.  At that point we weren't really anywhere near 'playable', but you're right it's a whole lot more playable now (for those that don't want to test. Grrr.)  I don't mind repeating myself as long as I have someone to talk to. lol


It means Male PCs are heavily untested.  They probably have 'unrealized' missing functionality, but I won't know until it's pointed out or until I test it myself.  Right now I'm trying to get pimp support going, so I went back to Fem for a minute.


@CG:  You're always quite welcome pip.

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Updated the OP.  Seems stalkers have been broken the whole time.  Now that they actually work the way they were intended, I figured I'd let everyone know that the danger level has just increased.


To reduce the chances of being stalked in gang territories (in order of most to least effectivenes):

- avoid gang members.

- be with a companion.

- have your weapon drawn.

- have your weapon equipped.

- refrain from wearing attractive/revealing clothing around gangs.


In the event someone does get a hold of you:

- when you see the 'They're out to get you!' message, run and don't stop running until they stop chasing you!

- if they catch you, use the resist that represents your strongest traits.  If you're high agility, wriggle free.  If you're high strength, overpower.  If you're high unarmed, kick them in the cauliflower.

- there's also a chance that submitting will take the fun out of it for them, and they'll let you be.


EDIT: Stalker mobs (aka Gang Bangs) was also broken.  Updated the OP again.  Watch your back.  I think this applies to male PCs too (untested).

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Hi! First of all, thanks for this mod!

I've been using this for a couple of days now and here's a little feedback.

First, would be possible a more detailed OP? perhaps what I'm going to say/ask would be (or was) there. If so, sorry.


I just started a new game and here's what I found:


During the tutorial with Sunny, the female GS settler and Sunny, both flirted with me. I felt glad, but It was a bit weird. If possible, I'd have this mod starting after the tutorial.


When you enter the GS gas station to tell Ringo that 'Sunny is with us', this line triggers Sunny also entering the gas station so the gunfire outside begins. But this time Sunny entered to invite me to breakfast. I felt glad again, but It wasn't the proper moment.

So, could be possible to get the mod not working during certain situations in the game?


Last, how about NPC/NPC interaction? I mean, also, during the tutorial, when Sunny sent you to find the flower and the root, on my way back to GS I encountered again the female GS settler (also going to GS) and the ocasional Powder Ganger who spawns there appeared. I was a bit far and It could be an interesting situation as the fem settler and the Powder Ganger were alone and more or less far from other NPCs. A rape attempt could be interesting (evil male NPC vs good fem NPC).


TIA and thanks for your work.

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During the tutorial with Sunny, the female GS settler and Sunny, both flirted with me. I felt glad, but It was a bit weird. If possible, I'd have this mod starting after the tutorial.



You lucky bastard! They didn't flirt with me during the tutorial! :(


More sensibly... Yeah, maybe disabling things till after the tutorial quest(s) is/are done is a good idea, T-dawg.

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One question if you don't mind. I try search around the thread but i can't find it. Is the relationship dialogue implemented for companions?. I'm trying test it with them but seems like the dialogue doesn't show just like Sydney in TTW. Maybe it's just compatible with specific companions?. 



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@Boon: Good catch, ty.  Updated the OP.  I may do NPC to NPC at some point, but it won't be soon.


@mudora: You should be able to start a relationship with just about everyone.  I don't have FO3, so I can't test anything in TTW.  There are no longer any hard exclusions based on orientation.  ie. As a Male PC, you can start a relationship with a straight Male NPC, they just won't be interested in intimacy until you break down their inhibitions.


There are several reasons why the dialogue wouldn't be showing, but none of them have to do with orientation per se.  Could you check their inventory and see if they have a familiarity token?  I've made some changes so make sure you use the new copy in the OP.


EDIT: And by check inventory I mean open the console 'tilde key', click on/select the NPC, and type 'inv' and see if it is listed.  If so, you should be getting at least the 'pick up' dialogue.  If you aren't, then it may be related to the way that particular vanilla NPC dialogue is structured.  In which case, I'll need to work on it.


EDIT EDIT: @Boon:  I can't account for every variation of when it is or isn't appropriate for the NPC to approach.  I've been trying to do this where it's necessary, but there are literally tons of examples like the one you mentioned.  My advice in that particular situation is to tell Sunny no.


This problem is mainly due to the change from originally expecting you to separate from the NPC on occasion, to having no expectations so that people can carry out relationships without ever leaving the side of a companion.  As a result, the mod is active almost all of the time, as opposed to only being active when you return from 'business'.


How would you feel about having a toggle that you would be responsible for remembering to turn on and off?

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I was playing with a male PC and seems like just work with vanilla TTW companions(Dogmeat), tried another TTW companions(Lyons,Amata,etc) and seems like the dialog doesn't work. I guess is not compatible with custom ones yet?.


Basically my testing was.


Vanilla TTW companions = Works, can start relationship.

Custom companions =  Doesn't work, no dialog, can't start it.



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I was playing with a male PC and seems like just work with vanilla TTW companions(Dogmeat), tried another TTW companions(Lyons,Amata,etc) and seems like the dialog doesn't work. I guess is not compatible with custom ones yet?.


Basically my testing was.


Vanilla TTW companions = Works, can start relationship.

Custom companions =  Doesn't work, no dialog, can't start it.




I believe nyaallich uses the Charon custom companion.  Did you check for the token?

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I tried the "showinventory" command and she has the token. Second, i tried remove it and start a conversation again, surprisingly, i got the relationship start dialogue and select the activities(flirt,affection) but if i try to talk with the companion again this dialogue is gone . Is suppose to work like this?.

I mean, do you start the relationship and eventually the companion talk to you?.

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I do use a Charon mod, and he works fine. That isn't how it's supposed to happen.  You should have DRL prompts after the greeting (for companions, either "SODRL: Dialogue" or "SODRL: You can relax now") unless they're pissed off at you for some reason.  If a companion is pissed off at you, sometimes waiting or changing cells gets you the prompt again.


UNLESS they have their post-greeting dialogue choices set within the mod itself so that it isn't showing up right after you say "hi."


If you select "trade" from the main dialogue menu (not the wheel) and then exit out of it, does the prompt display then?  If that's the problem, I could possibly make a patch that removes unnecessary Greeting options (i.e., the normal prompts that you get as opposed to when you meet someone and they talk to you a bunch before you recruit them or at other story-sensitive stuff).  I know that Sydney's a popular companion.


T:  As for the token, I'm a bit confused as to the purpose of/why she'd have the "Familiarity" token instead of the "Tracking this relationship" token.  Maybe you changed stuff?

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