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[Wip] Intimacy Project


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Being one who (almost) never posts... It's good for me what you're doing, so that's why I usually don't post (or I like a post and then it seems redundant to add more, lol). Anyway, I never play as a male PC so I simply can't be impatient for such content :)


Well that's good.  I mean I kind of have to assume everything is right as rain if it's quiet.  Sometimes it's better when no one posts.  Some of the experienced modders here are experts in the art of not posting.  ie. Sometimes it's more valuable when someone doesn't hold your hand, but let's you try harder on your own.  Kind of like letting go of the bicycle when they're not looking...


The kind of input I'm talking about though, goes beyond just bug fixing or technical help.


Partly because I've been around long enough to know that I don't have all the answers, but also because this mod is more about dynamic capabilities, and less about a linear quest.  If I were trying to tell a story for example, I would have a more linear path in mind, and wouldn't be so interested in opinions outside of that.


But the scope of this mod is a bit more inflated than that, in that I'm more or less trying to provide tools for you to write your own stories.  Which have more possible variations than I can account for in my tiny little mind and narrow play style, all by myself.


I'm not complaining.  It's par for the course imo.  Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with a flood of ideas that could take so many different directions, that I lose track of the majority of them.  I guess you could say 'thinking things through their possible variations' is what I struggle with most.  Which is something better addressed by players, imo.


EDIT: I usually play Male, but Female is where all the good 'stuffs' is so I always begin modding for them, then a lot of the male stuff becomes more cut and paste friendly.

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Hehe... 'the art of not posting' almost sounds like something from Sun Tzu ;)


Anyway, I will definitely pipe up if there's something I think/feel needs saying. Usually though, either nyaalich or ChancellorKremlin have beaten me to it. That, and that I decided about 5 years ago that I'm not relationship material, means my input here is necessarily going to be limited.


Anyways, yeah, you're doing great. And, I know what you mean about possibilities and losing track of them, lol!

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Is there a quick and easy way to check if this mod is working?


I'm on a fresh install of New Vegas (first time playing in a couple of years) and I've been scouring LL for some kind of mod that's midway between The Only Way To Have Sex Is Rape Or Get Raped and Every Living Thing In The Wasteland Will Fuck You Willingly If You Just Ask... It really bugs me that all I can find is extremes (I'm using SexoutConsequences too, but it's only an occasional thing).


At first glance Intimacy Project seemed like exactly the kind of thing I was looking for, but after a couple of hours playtime I haven't seen anything different and my Lust is climbing with still no way to relieve it.

It's a brand new game and so far I've completed all the Goodsprings and Primm quests, and I'm on my way to Nipton. My only companion at the moment is Delilah, and I'm assuming she's not compatible.

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I'm going to assume that you're playing a male character since you haven't seen any DRL dialogue options with other NPCs.  Because of the scope of this and the way that T is putting it together, the mod is only working for female PCs currently.


T:  For custom companions, perhaps you could have a machine dispense a tracker token on request that you could give to custom NPCs through dialogue if you have one in your inventory.  End dialogue script adds the NPC to the allowed form list (or form lists.  don't know if it would break gay or bi checks or if that's just for canon) and tracks them. 

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No.  I mean, you've got your Intimate NPCs formlist for the NPCs that are allowed to use DRL functionality (actual relationships).  If you have a companion or NPCs from another mod that you'd like to romance, they would forever be off limits.  My suggested solution was to have a way for the player to obtain a tracking token that they could give to the NPC that they wanted a relationship with.  If player.getitemcount token != 0, the dialogue option [sODRL: Give relationship tracking marker to this NPC.] displays to NPCs that are not in the list (I suppose?) .  OnAdd, if ref != player, add the NPC to the Intimate form list.


The caveat was that I didn't know if it would break something if a male PC gave a male NPC a token, and the male NPC was only added to the Intimate list and not the Gay list.  This would essentially nullify the Gay and Bi list, since theoretically this would allow you to romance anyone.


Thoughts?  Input from the lurking gallery?

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I actually exlplored something like this when I began.  At one point, the dialogue I gave to everyone on greeting was an options menu that allowed the player to set some initial settings allowing you to customize NPCs to your liking, as they were met. ie. Make this one gay for this playthru, make that one a sex addict, etc.


I see what you're saying now though.  A compatibility trigger of sorts.  That would work fine imo.  I had planned on buildreffing in any custom companions by request though, but I could go either way really.


EDIT: I think I've figured out what was throwing you off on the dates.  Tracked relationships get 3 small talks a day, once those are used up, they won't small talk anymore until the next day.  Which I had completely forgotten about, until I discovered that the daily reset was broken.  It's no wonder you weren't getting small talk.  I think I've fixed that now.  Let me know how it goes?

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Ah.  See...buildreffing is Advanced Modding 201.  I haven't gotten that far yet, so my solutions are primitive.  ; )  I only said a machine because I know that you don't want to add NPCs.  :D


Since I already agreed to work as a dancer at the Tops before you built in the showgirl quest, there isn't a way that I can get that quest without going to a previous save is there?  I was very productive between agreeing to work and actually dancing.  Lots of people died.  Lots of things were sold.


FWIW:  I think I was running 18.03 during my play.

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Ah.  See...buildreffing is Advanced Modding 201.  I haven't gotten that far yet, so my solutions are primitive.  ; )  I only said a machine because I know that you don't want to add NPCs.  :D


Since I already agreed to work as a dancer at the Tops before you built in the showgirl quest, there isn't a way that I can get that quest without going to a previous save is there?  I was very productive between agreeing to work and actually dancing.  Lots of people died.  Lots of things were sold.


Actually the way you suggested would probably be easier if I can get it to work.  It's a one size fits all solution, as opposed to buildref which means I'll have to add them each individually.  The laziest way will always appeal to me.


Ahh I see.  Hmm..  I'm on another box so I don't remember the id.  But yes all you have to do is 'startquest' on the SexoutDRLqShowgirl quest.  You'll probably have to look up the id though.


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What kind of dancing?  Dance together?  Lap dance?  Voyeur sex?


The date token is supposed to be removed.  It's the activity token on the PC that ends it.  Does the PC still have an activity token?  Does the NPC stop dancing?  And has your PC already stopped when they stop, or does the PC keep going a little after?  If they stop, the date has ended successfully. If they stop before you do, there might be a timing issue I need to solve.


Does the console report stat changes when they stop dancing?  If so, the date has been processed and the dialogue didn't fire.  Are you walking or running during the date?  This matters, because if you're running the date won't process (it will end but you won't get any numbers for it = wasted date).


Is it dance sex?  If so, you won't get end of date dialogue, but end of sex dialogue instead.  I need way more details.


EDIT: Updated the OP.  Let me know if that fixed it?

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Thoughts?  Input from the lurking gallery?


I'm not even sure what you're both talking about. This seems like part of an ongoing conversation and I just skip all the programming talk.


I don't know why it matters if males in relationships with other males aren't registered as 'gay', unless it has something to do with unique dialogue?



Aaaaalthough, I am just thinking; poly relationships... If you're flagging that anyway, it would be really cool to have either a non-sexual or bi relationship with another male (or female with female) in which we 'share' a third, in my case female, partner. Then it'd totes be Me & Arcade, Science Buddies 4 Lyfe, doing everything and everyone together. :D

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Updated the OP.  Massive re-write to the activity tracker.  Things should be a hell of a lot less buggy regarding dates/activities now.  This should squash a few outstanding bug reports, but will probably create new ones.  Things like repeated trying to get your attention while following, begins and ends being unreliable, missing date/activity/nightcap dialogue, should be fixed now.  Among other things.  Fixed a lot of quirkiness for super mutants too.


@Cap: Arcade is in the gay list in this mod.  What do you mean aren't registered?  The PC is whatever they want to call themselves and can have as many varied relationships as they want.  The PC won't be told by this mod what they are.  For non-sexual/non-intimate relationships, you might want to use another mod.  I currently have no plans to track or expand non-intimate relationships in this one. ie. acquaintanceship/friend zone.


All that being said, third party relationships have been planned for quite some time.  It will rely on the inhibitions stat which I have yet to hammer out.

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What do you mean aren't registered?  The PC is whatever they want to call themselves and can have as many varied relationships as they want. 


I don't know, I think I may have misunderstood what nyaallich was asking the 'lurkers' for input on... It was my impression that there was some question about how to flag the PC.


And you've just made the exact point I was trying to; I couldn't see why the PC needed any kind of flag at all, since they can pursue whatever relationship they like.

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It was about how your custom companion and NPCs like her should be handled.  I'm going to try and put together something so they get added to the proper lists and become capable of relationships.  I'm just not sure how I want to go about it yet.  I'm torn between 'I didn't give all these NPCs a will of their own just so you could bypass it all with a click', and 'Custom companions will require some sort of bypass settings to file them properly, unless I buildref them all in.'.


So I don't know yet.  I do wonder how many custom companions out there actually have their own custom gay/bi setting?

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T:  You added NPCs to the various sexuality lists based on the Confirmed Bachelor and Cherchez La Femme (sp?) perk dialogue options, right?  It seems like sexuality is often conveyed by dialogue (wow...kinda like real life), and I imagine that the only checks that you would get are ismale.  Someone could copy those two perks above and make copies for the NPC (fun fact:  If you make a perk for a companion, they will only have it so long as they are hired), but again, you'd have no way to know that besides rooting around in every esp.


Different game, but...the Anduniel (probably screwed up the spelling) companion for Skyrim was initially set to marry human or elven males, but man, how you gonna put a fly-ass honey out there without thinking that every player and their momma ain't gonna want a piece of that?  So a patch was released that allowed females and all races (I believe) to marry her.  I imagine that the patch just removed the ismale/race checks from the dialogue.


Point being:  I wouldn't think that there would be a way to get the character's sexuality automatically through the game's variables.  

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Showgirl Quest:


Do you have to perform at the Tops before you can perform at the Atomic Wrangler?  Before the new version (yes, I clean saved ; )  ), I got the dance to activate there *after* the Tops, but it took forever to get the prompt.  Accepted the quest ~10:30 PM.  Tried to perform at the Wrangler ~11 BEFORE I had performed at the Tops.  Couldn't get it to work.  Same thing AFTER having performed at the Tops.


If there is a requirement to perform at the Tops first (or perhaps just for flavor), after you suggest that you work there, Tommy says something like "Maybe.  How about you hop up there and give Tommy a little taste of what you've got."  A la, an audition.  You get paid after it, and Tommy says (through start conversation ideally), "Baby, you are the tops.  I could watch you any day of the week.  Consider yourself our midnight special."  Or something along those lines.


Also, dialogue bug:  Player says something like "Looks like you could still use another venue."  Should be "act."


EDIT:  If your companion is with you/in the same cell as you when you perform, I think that they should have their lust (or whatever stat it is.  I forget what rolls into what) increased.  Maybe a little if you do the exotic dance and more if you do a strip tease.  I say in the same cell, because it works best when you tell them to wait.  First time performing but before the animation started, Charon (from Charon Improved) did his humming idle.  I think he was jealous and wanted the spotlight for himself.  : D


Haven't gone through a date yet with the new version, but hanging out worked fine (although, I think that it's been working fine).

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I was thinking along the lines of custom companions that aren't pegged by the vanilla game.  ie. Is Willow Gay/Bi/Straight?  I would think she would have the ability to be whichever the PC chooses.  Which, if that's the case, I need to account for her capability to potentially be any of them.  Your perk idea is a good idea though, it would still mean I'd need to buildref them in to get the hired vars I think.


You do not have to perform at the Tops first, but you do have to be hired at the wrangler for the wrangler stage marker to show.  You also only get 1 show per day.  So if you've used up your show for that day at one place, the marker at the other place won't show.


EDIT: Also remember you can't perform at the Tops until after 12am and before 3am.  Wrangler, if you have a show left to spend for that day, is always avaiable as long as you are hired there.


EDIT EDIT:  I was almost certain there was a 'hired' global, but now I can't find it, and I can't remember where I got that idea.

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Aha.  So you can't give more than one performance a day.  I understand now.


However, I only see the "Do you think I'd be a good escort?" dialogue with James Garrett.  Is that what you're supposed to choose, because in that case, I wouldn't be able to say that soliciting isn't in my job description.


I'm not saying that you should craft perks for the companions.  I was just theorizing how someone would mark a companion as being gay/bi/lesbian in the GECK outside of dialogue.  You have to duplicate an existing perk to give it to a companion, so you wouldn't be able to check for the companion having the vanilla perk.


I forgot how the form lists work (that Intimate specifies straight NPCs), and I see what you're saying now.  If you added them to Bi, that would solve problems until you incorporate inhibitions (a player decides that WIllow is straight, but then you want to involve another girl, and once inhibitions are built in, she should have to warm up to the idea).  Of course, maybe it's more commitment level and/or a balance of that and sexual orientation that will determine inhibitions.  I can only make so many guesses as to the future of the mod.  ; )  But you can't know what a player chooses to believe.


I think that Niner is straight, but then I've only had him as a companion when I'm playing a female PC.  So I don't know if he comments on your ass if you're a guy.  But again, that's dialogue, and while you could support all of the major companions (however you define that).  I'm pretty sure that I was able to get into the relationship phase with Willow while playing a female PC.  Aside from people telling you about a companion that you haven't played with before (and my memory can be shoddy at times), there's no simple way to figure it out.  Besides inhibitions, I don't know if orientations defined in this mod would affect other Sexout mods (if someone uses rape mods, would Veronica get pissed off at you if you watched while someone raped her or if you told her to rape someone), and I would think that it would be outside of scope due to the enormity of it.  While lots of vars are shared between the mods, not all of them are, so there are probably plenty of ways to bypass the restrictions of DRL with other mods.


The point is that I think you may be worried about something that will remain out of your control.

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Yes you're being hired as an escort via the Atomic Pimp quest.  However, there are no requirements to solicit anyone.  How I would make sense of this in a play thru is: Finish the Atomic Pimp quest, get all the other escorts working there, and then work as a fluffer for the other escorts by performing on stage.


I knew what you meant about the perks.  And you're pretty much on the money on what I'm dealing with in regards to sexuality and custom companions.  All of those things you mentioned should factor in.


This mod tracks a lot of thing other mods do in regards to sexout, and will continue to add accountability in that respect. ie: If you use a rape mod and your companion gets raped, if you have this mod installed, and someone nearby is qualified, they'll rescue her.  In other words, it doesn't matter which mod initiates the rape, this mod will react to it just the same.


Most of the conflicts with this mod I expect to be more a matter of continuity and less a matter of technical issues.  It's in the description.  If you're interested in sex/rape around every corner of the game, this mod is probably not for you.  This mod is more about what it omits, whereas many mods are more about what they have IN them.  So if you use a rape mod with this mod, you're not adding anything more to this mod, you're actually taking things away from it.


I expect this will become evident very quickly to someone who tries that combination with this mod.  Provoking them to either a. live with the discontinuities, or b. get one of the mods out of the way by not using it.


Hmmm well maybe I dreamed it.  I recall reading something about a hired global somewhere.  Maybe in some mod.  Who knows.

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