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I've never had this happen before, so I have to ask. Does this apply cum shaders independent of SexLab? I have them disabled in SexLab because I like to take screenshots that I share with PG rated communities, so I can't have jizz on my character's face, lol. But when a scene triggered with this, she ended up with overlays all over her face and body that looked different from my SexLab overlays. They glowed in the dark, didn't fit her BHUNP body, and SexLab Adventures' "clean cum" hotkey had no effect on them. SexLab scenes triggered through other mods aren't doing this. 

Edited by ShenGo
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On 11/27/2023 at 2:52 AM, pinkfluf said:

rapetatoos checks if player/npc is a victim after a sex scene if they are then theres a chance of a tattoo. I had the same problem, tweaked normalnick's script from slThread.AddActor(aktarget) to slThread.AddActor(aktarget, IsVictim = true) (lines 317 & 326 in SIMPHitSexEffect.psc ).


rapetatoos also has a check that disregards the "victim" tag. I usually play with that on (It will trigger reguardless of the situation of the sex). The mods I mentioned also trigger on consensual events. I don't think that's the issue, I'll try to test it at some point.

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On 11/26/2023 at 8:35 PM, ShenGo said:

I've never had this happen before, so I have to ask. Does this apply cum shaders independent of SexLab? I have them disabled in SexLab because I like to take screenshots that I share with PG rated communities, so I can't have jizz on my character's face, lol. But when a scene triggered with this, she ended up with overlays all over her face and body that looked different from my SexLab overlays. They glowed in the dark, didn't fit her BHUNP body, and SexLab Adventures' "clean cum" hotkey had no effect on them. SexLab scenes triggered through other mods aren't doing this. 

Cum shaders are applied independently from sexlab through a sexlab spell at the end of the scene because due to the "ghost" effect (prevents actors from being attacked), spells can't be applied to actors during scenes, which sexlab tries to do, and that's because cum is manually applied at the end of the scene.


On 12/1/2023 at 12:20 PM, mythcraft said:

did you fix the bug when defeated female takes the role of defeater when its on another female (female vs female)

As far i know that's a VR issue that has been fixed many versions ago.


On 12/1/2023 at 6:24 PM, Lilith.Monstrum said:

Could you add the activation power to the vampire lord/ werewolf form?

Not sure what you mean with this.


22 hours ago, bcylcyheprjxbsymlv said:

Can player been Tied Up when it was defeated?

No, why would the player be tied up?, I think the defeated pose is enough.

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Give the Simple Defeat "Start Power" to the players Vampire Lord and Werewolf form, like the "bats" or "revert form" when you open the favourites menu in VL form so you can *have fun* with your foes. Yes the Werewolf does not have a favourites menu but there are mods that add that function, Simple Werewolf Favourite Howls Menu (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/35736) I think Growl adds one?

Edited by Lilith.Monstrum
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7 hours ago, NicholasJMoore said:

"File Not Found" here as well. I'll try again tomorrow.


5 hours ago, DHaranEmpire1 said:

Just affirming that there's nothing to download.  Which sucks because I removed the old one from my mod list like a dumbass before finding out.  So I'm stuck without Skyrim until its fixed because I have too much vested in the current play through, lol



1 hour ago, Linggoshow said:

Keeps saying 'File Not Found' and wont let me download it


Was just able to DL it now.

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On 12/3/2023 at 6:09 PM, Normalnick said:

As far i know that's a VR issue that has been fixed many versions ago.

I am on PC, the female vs female defeat is still reversed as of the latest update 1.5.4

also there are other bugs I would like to mention,

When the player is defeated, the knocked/defeated pose does not work for me, my character either is stuck standing for the duration of the defeat or able to move, same thing goes with the npcs they are stuck standing and rarely see them in the knocked pose. Another is when the defeat is completed the enemies don't wear their armor back.

It might be that some of my mods are conflicting with yours but I don't know if thats the case or not

Edited by mythcraft
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Are there addons or (likely,planned) features like in the old SL Defeat to:


1. extend a tie-up to indefinitely

2. a sneak-taunt-yield ability for players to force unsuspecting NPCs to be assaulted or tied-up

3. an Animosity-relationship-rank-decrease from a player-assault

4. Bounty-for-player assaults on NPCs that have relevant crime-factions


EDIT: No. 3 was addressed some time ago, and the response was what was the utility of it, of which an assault is invariably non-consensual and it will reflect in the hostile dialogue by non-aggressive NPCs.

Edited by hotrack
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1 hour ago, sickboy791 said:

ragdoll ?!


great mod thx

Sorry, english isn't my first language.
After the assault, for Baka Edition, lying on the ground, for Simple Defeat, strange pose with a folded body.
I would request a change to this strange pose.

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4 hours ago, DoroLL said:

Sorry, english isn't my first language.
After the assault, for Baka Edition, lying on the ground, for Simple Defeat, strange pose with a folded body.
I would request a change to this strange pose.

yes bro, i mean just a ragdollpose would be nice, instead of the static pose, or how you call it, ragdoll means the character simply falls on the ground, spasms a bit and stands up again, that might take 10 seconds or so..

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