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  • 2 weeks later...

Something I don't quite get about this mod.  In the mesh / texture folders, there are two different schlong models with slightly different shapes.  The longer, paler version has more detail and a somewhat better texture set.  But I do not know how to gain access to this model for my character.  When I swap the meshes and textures (swap the ones called malegenitals with the ones called malagenitalsf), the in-game result has the schlong hovering a few inches off my character's body.


Before I cut my teeth on trying to correct this anomaly with Nifskope, I thought I might ask 1) is there a legit way of accessing this alternate schlong model?  And 2) why exactly does the alternate model render in the wrong place when I manually swap the models?  In Nifskope, the two different meshes have different values for the "Translation" variable (0,0,0 vs. -0,-4.5784,62.4135) but this does not seem to be the specific reason why the schlong ends up hovering just a few inches in the wrong place.


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Hello, I have some problems with the mod.


When I edit my character's genital, ends up being "reset" to the original size (small). Another problem is with genital erection in men works perfectly, but the woman does not work. I used the Debug SOS, and saw that the "Erection: false".


I thought it was the body that use (manga Body), installed the UNP that you recommended and the skeleton of the nexus. Nothing worked, do you have any idea on how I can fix this?
I am not good in English, have an enormous difficulty to write in another language  :s
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Something I don't quite get about this mod.  In the mesh / texture folders, there are two different schlong models with slightly different shapes.  The longer, paler version has more detail and a somewhat better texture set.  But I do not know how to gain access to this model for my character.  When I swap the meshes and textures (swap the ones called malegenitals with the ones called malagenitalsf), the in-game result has the schlong hovering a few inches off my character's body.


Before I cut my teeth on trying to correct this anomaly with Nifskope, I thought I might ask 1) is there a legit way of accessing this alternate schlong model?  And 2) why exactly does the alternate model render in the wrong place when I manually swap the models?  In Nifskope, the two different meshes have different values for the "Translation" variable (0,0,0 vs. -0,-4.5784,62.4135) but this does not seem to be the specific reason why the schlong ends up hovering just a few inches in the wrong place.

The "alternate model" is the original mesh for males.



Hello, I have some problems with the mod.


When I edit my character's genital, ends up being "reset" to the original size (small). Another problem is with genital erection in men works perfectly, but the woman does not work. I used the Debug SOS, and saw that the "Erection: false".


I thought it was the body that use (manga Body), installed the UNP that you recommended and the skeleton of the nexus. Nothing worked, do you have any idea on how I can fix this?


I am not good in English, have an enormous difficulty to write in another language  :s

Not sure what mods are you using. This http://www.loverslab.com/topic/20211-sos-schlong-for-females-unp/ will work better with SOS full, instead of the equipable version.
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Terrible headache so i don't really want to read all the post to find an answer...im using it with a CBBE body, aside for skin mismatch, works wonders, only question i have is, when equiping the Schlong it takes off my armor (is using armor slot), but i've seen screenshots using it while wearing armor, i need something special or what? or it only works on certain armors? im using Nigheim race, xpm skell, the fixed version found here on loverslab, so it does use the armor slot, or am i using it wrong??? Hope anyone can answer me, but still, good mod, im enjoying using it on Kaine :P

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Terrible headache so i don't really want to read all the post to find an answer...im using it with a CBBE body, aside for skin mismatch, works wonders, only question i have is, when equiping the Schlong it takes off my armor (is using armor slot), but i've seen screenshots using it while wearing armor, i need something special or what? or it only works on certain armors? im using Nigheim race, xpm skell, the fixed version found here on loverslab, so it does use the armor slot, or am i using it wrong??? Hope anyone can answer me, but still, good mod, im enjoying using it on Kaine :P


Nevermind that, i found a solution, using the Creation kit to modify the slot it uses, for some reason number 52 didn't work (it even gave me an error about the used slot when loading it), so i put it on 55...i can't use facial stuff but...well, i may edit it again for a different slot, but so far, i got my solution xD...and i don't think i use any facial jewerly mod...so...


Thanx to Vioxsis for the solution (=w=)b...

This is a sample (Don't know why it looks like that, it was .bmp and when converting it to jpg it turn out like this :s)


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a question(s), im currently using this mod and its awesome ive almost never had any problems other than a rare ctd when i look at the item in my inventory but i was wondering how exactly and i suppose to make the schlong bigger on OTHER people every time i equipped it it looks very small compared to everyone else(the males).


also when i equip schlongs and put the erection up to max there is some kinda weird  L shape where the bottom of the L is the base and the rest of the L is the schlong going up. is that normal?

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I've seen alot of awsome pics of human/elven characters, but what of the beast races?  I realy want to have my Khajjit showin the goods as well, but I'm curious on how this actualy will look on them.  Realy want to be able to keep my 6nipple texture I got for CBBE bodies as well.   And also, is there a page that can show how to install these properly, cause I'm bad at modding without a manager doin the main work or step by step avalable :/

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i wonder what you do to keep the male schlongs in size and position.  they are 90% misaligned and dont hold erection during an Animation.



ok i switched to the equibalble finally. here is what you have to do to make them fit for skyrim.



1. follower schlong is too small.

 load nifscope as belisario has shown in his moddescription. it is really easy, but take the female Skeleton no 371 bone. i recommend to raise the size of the bone to 1.70.

with this nifscope set you dont need the racemenu plus all females you give the schlong will get it in size 1.70 and not in mini vanilla 1.00.


2. schlong looks like glued on the Body

 load the wearable pubes somewhere here in the post or in the sos female unp post, sorry im not gonna search it again. These pubes cover the line between the schlong and the Body and look good.


3. schlong has different color than the Body

take the sg texture files and patch as belisario showed in his description. this way the color of the schlong will fit much better to the Body, especially with non-unp bodies like the cbbe i use. if you dont like the head textures, simply delete them and replace them with your favoured. i use Beauty faces, which keep the flavour of the original heads. (Nexus, search function)


4. cumshot does not work with the schlong

if you use the mod cumshots, then go into sexlab mcm menu and make sure, you use strapons. cumshot will detect it as such and list it to the strapons in sexlab mcm last menu clean and remove. it will be listed there together with the standart strapon.

(i use better males favoured souls for the males, and both types of schlong now work perfect).


5. all armor gets penetrated by the schlong and the pube

to cover that, use the tera armor attach with the schlong and pube esp. however, you Need the original mod for the other files like meshes and textures. just move back here to armor and clothing and find kins tera armor bbp bodyslide2 mod with ist requirements.

if you want to cover your own armor or the vanilla, open creation kit, load your mod, go to armoraddon ( NOT to armor) cross Slot 52 for Schlong and 44 for pube.  save and Exit. use the schlong and pube.esp i attach here or take them by yourself in the ck and switch the bodyslot priority to 4 or lower (armor has5 ).


hope i can save you all the Trouble i had with sos a bit.


SOS Equipable Schlong.esp



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  • 2 weeks later...

Sup! Quick question.


In order to use this mod for a female char, what exactly is needed in an absolutely minimalistic setup?

(keeping it as simple as possible, with regards to scripts, peformance and amount of esm/esp files)



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You should read the OP, it already stated.


Required mods
SOS - Schlongs of Skyrim
Current version requires: SOS Full version 2.03.013 or higher or SOS Light version 1.02 or higher -> SOS Light have less script
Custom Skeleton Replacers SOS Edition or XP32 Maximum Skeleton -XPMS (v1.9 or higher) -> recommend modified HDT skeleton in HDT download section
DIMONIZED UNP female body or any UNP body variant with unmodified pelvis area. It may work with bodies other than UNP, it depends on the pelvis shape and the body textures. -> I use CHSBHC and it is OK (a little noticable texture difference)

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  • 2 weeks later...

All these mods are seemingly impossible to install. They simply won't work on any of my PC's

I've literally spent weeks trying to install them, manual, NMM, in numerous different ways, on three seperate systems, they just don't work.

Nothing shows up, and when miraculously something does show, it insta-crashes the game.



I'm not bashing the creators, just severely frustrated that seemingly everybody can get this to work flawlessly on the first go, and I oddly can't.

I wish someone would just upload a detailed manual, or a folder with all the required mods ready in place or something.


Please, for the love of god, can somebody tell me how to make this stuff work?


*I say manual, because the discriptions for installing by OP don't get me a working mod for some reason.

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All these mods are seemingly impossible to install. They simply won't work on any of my PC's

I've literally spent weeks trying to install them, manual, NMM, in numerous different ways, on three seperate systems, they just don't work.

Nothing shows up, and when miraculously something does show, it insta-crashes the game.



I'm not bashing the creators, just severely frustrated that seemingly everybody can get this to work flawlessly on the first go, and I oddly can't.

I wish someone would just upload a detailed manual, or a folder with all the required mods ready in place or something.


Please, for the love of god, can somebody tell me how to make this stuff work?


*I say manual, because the discriptions for installing by OP don't get me a working mod for some reason.

probably it's a problem of your system.

I've installed all of these mods with NMM and they worked perfectly on the first run, but i guess that a manual install would work as well.

Do you have administrator privileges on your computer?

Did Steam noticed you about any problem with the game?

Did other mods downloaded from Nexus & co. work well?

It sounds to me that either you can't understand where to put a couple of files (but i 'm sure this is not the case)  or your Skyrim is having some difficulty on the very foundation.

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Is it possible to automatically have a female character (including player) equip the schlong during Sexlab sex, for whoever is in the "dominant" pose? I don't usually wear the cock and neither does NPCs, but I  want the cock to show only during sex. Right now I have "females equip strap-ons" in Sexlab settings unchecked, but that causes characters to not wear strap-ons but not have a visible cock either.

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I posted this on the other UNP SOS, but I felt like it should also go here as well.



I thought I would contribute with my own retexture mod that I made a few days ago. I felt like sharing since I'm such a nice person.


Here's a SOS UNP retextured for 0.8 for Fair Skin Complexion, It's not perfect, but it's pretty close and was an extreme pain to get the color right. Took forever with the color filters in GIMP to get the color right. Always came out too gray or too pink. But I like it, and I"m using it :D


attachicon.gifSOS - B3lisario UNP Add-on - Fair Skin Complexion Patch.7z


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  • 3 weeks later...

I can not control the equipable schlong erection with the SOS menu or with the controller ring.

<Shift + Pgup> and <Shift + Pgdn> Do not seem to do anything for me. Does the schlong need to be in a specific slot for this to work?


I have SOS full version

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