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16 hours ago, leakim said:


Alright, I think I figured it out. It's because I removed the material keywords. Re-adding those fixes the problem. That being said, I will say it feels a little bit weird that the outfits must have these keywords, since it can create the following situation:

  • You are wearing the outfit that `Free Females` must wear, but because those clothes does not have any of the keywords specified in the `keywords` section of the JSON file, you're no longer considered to be part of the group (Free Females) that uses the very outfit you're wearing. 


Oh, and if anyone shares my belief that Luxury collections should not be armor then...


Luxury Collection.esp 486.03 kB · 2 downloads

Thanks for sharing your mod. If I was to design the Luxury Collection I too would do it different. But we get what we are given. I have no desire to fork it. Especially due to the 6 different body types that it supports.

You can do what Cleave said and add each individual clothing item to the list. I won't do that in the base update because I wish to keep lists short for performance.

The material keywords do not indicate whether or not something is armor. The game uses them for many things. This mod uses them to find glass and leather items. Both of which are considered free clothes. If you remove those keywords then naturally the game will no longer find them. If you still want them picked up then add a keyword back. There is already a ClothingRich keyword... if I was to build the Lux collection I would have tagged them all with that.

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On 1/3/2023 at 2:48 AM, Cleave said:



@boofsquad That's the neat part of this mod! You can configure it the way you want, it's all explained in the first post. It's easier than it looks.. Just open the .json files in /skse/plugins/slaverun and change what makes sense to you. The files provided are mostly examples of what can be done..

I was scared to edit the json initially bc I'm not tuned into how modding works, but I get how to do it now.   The FAQ about creating  "outfit themes" made me think it was way more complicated than it actually is.

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@canglang Some have solved that using follower mods that let you make anyone a follower. Make whoever is following you a follower and they won't up and leave.


@ald134 Most slavery mods have the Zaz Animation Pack as a dependency because it provides a framework for marking the player and NPCs as slaves. When one mod marks them as a slave the other slavery mods know about it. Same thing works here. You can choose from any of the existing mods that offer a role play reason to make the player a slave. And after that they will be. Beyond that I have envisioned some very simple scenes that will tie into the Simple Slavery mod. Where the player can be sold as slave to that mod. Or purchased by a slaver agent and brought into the city for a short training regimen. Also there are MCM options to make you a slave, slaver, or free, if you are inclined to use them.


For the most part I hope to leave story quests up to other mods. Alongside an MCM that lets you configure this mod to match roleplay from other mods. But I am planning some simple radiant style quests for progressing some stuff. For instance in the attached screenshot you see various towns of Skyrim in different stages of slavery. The default settings cause each to be progressively enslaved. Each moves at its own pace getting more and more Slaverun laws.


The system is not fully working yet. And might be simplified before release. But at present I am trying to mimic Reloaded's preslavery town quest. Where the player can be used as a public demo of what life would be like with slavery laws here. In this phase (stage 100+) slavers will visit the town every few days. They will keep approaching female NPCs and the player until they get someone willing. A crowd gathers and watches. After each sex act the town will move slightly more towards slavery. Stage 200+ the slavers stay in town and bring a couple slaves with them for the men of the town. Each sex act moves town towards more slavery. 300+ Slavers start enslaving poor women in the town. 400+ they begin enforcing some of their laws on Free females. 500+ is full slavery. Same as it is in Reloaded.

Fingers crossed I keep this system going through to release. Speaking of I also plan a radiant quest for freeing towns from slavery by murdering all slavers in the town. As you can see in the screenshot the MCM lets you adjust each towns slavery stage manually. And you can even mark towns for no auto progression. Also other mods will be able to lock town stages so that you won't break their quest lines by changing settings on a town mid quest.


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That was a long post. But I forgot to mention I hit a couple personal milestones with v2. Probably not exciting for anyone else. But for me they are huge!

First milestone is that I can actually play test all of the core code now. This is the foundation atop which everything is built. Figuring out where to enforce laws. If the player is in compliance. Etc. Being able to see the mod in action is huge. I massively slowed down development after a while because I was getting lost in my own head. Picturing how stuff would work but not being able to see is a drag.

Second milestone is that I have enough of the MCM built that I am no longer stuck on the MCM. Every time I would encounter an option I wanted to port over I would spend entirely too much time rethinking how it could work. For example there is no longer an auto undress MCM option. Instead there is a hotkey to toggle player clothes off and on to make them compliant. Toggling them back on is super convenient. A noteworthy improvement. But when you take each tiny feature and rethink it like this you end up spinning your wheels and not getting much done.

Both of those hurdles are mostly behind me now. Next up is rewriting the code for finding actors in the area. I am switching to a keyword distributor that will tag city NPCs with the needed keywords. Thanks to PowerOfThree's extender I can nearly instantly get all slaves in an area. Once tagged with keywords. Or all Free women. All Slavers. Etc. This is an insane performance improvement. I do mean instantly. This combined with a bunch of other performance improvements should make the Enforcer incredibly snappy. Most things are event driven now instead of polling every few seconds. But this is my fourth rewrite of this chunk of code. I did it twice prior to v1. And now twice in v2. Fourth times the charm?

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I really like the direction you're taking with this. The slavery progression you're describing is a really good idea! I never thought about it before; to me it was just city enslaved or not enslaved. But having a progression in each city with increasing rules and enforcements is really neat! 


One thing that bothered me in the original Slaverun is that once towns get enslaved, I just stop seeing all the vanilla armor replacers I installed, and almost everyone is naked or in slave gears so I try to stop autoprogression midway through so I can at least see some normal towns... but it always ends up being Solitude that stays free, being the last city to convert... Now with your system we can easily bring all the variations we want, depending on where we spend most of our time in the game! 

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On 1/24/2023 at 4:12 AM, sekuzeku said:

i can't get the enforcer to work in the Vilemyr Inn.


i've tried adding a "The" to it and some spacing combinations but nothing.


does anyone know the proper name of the place?

It is just Vilemyr Inn, no "The" in the name. And if that doesn't work, the location id (the one used for the coc command) is IvarsteadVilemyrInn.

Edited by Erris1123
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On 1/23/2023 at 4:58 PM, Erris1123 said:

Okay, I need someone to explain how to set up an outfit theme to me like I'm an idiot.

Installing an outfit theme is just a couple clicks in your mod manager. It shows you all of the options when you install and you click on one. If you're not using a mod manager... well that doesn't make you an idiot but it's not a good sign.


15 hours ago, Erris1123 said:

If I want to make the slave outfit be just one attire, how would I do that?


Creating an outfit theme like that requires some xEdit knowledge. There is a section in the .json file called "outfits_apply". Underneath is a list of all outfits that are given to slaves. You probably want to trim this list down to just one record. Depending on which slave theme you installed it might contain multiple records.

Note that Corsec Slave themes use leveled lists in their OTFT records. It is a smart way to give you a semi random set of clothes and devices. But it means there is only one OTFT record in the .json file. That record points to a leveled list which points to a leveled list... It's turtles all the way down. If turtles were leveled lists. This makes his theme require a little more knowledge to understand. You have to know how leveled lists work and how they inherit items.


@sekuzeku I am happy you figured out the name. They are a pain to find. In v2 I had added a little extra information to the MCM to help people find relevant info. It lists the form ID for the locations. Which I now rely solely on form IDs instead of checking strings + form IDs. In this screenshots case I am inside a house in Riverwood. It first checked if the house was a slavetown. Nope. Then checked if the parent location was. Which is Riverwood and is currently at stage 400 of slavery. Hopefully one day I will have an alpha version to share.

Current Location.jpg

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On 2/3/2023 at 4:15 PM, RealFredDurst said:

Sounds like it was punishment from the Public Whore mod. 

I use that mod sometimes so it could be. But I never managed to trigger it again.

How does that punishment work?

Edit: Public whore says it's not from that mod.

Edited by xyzxyz
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On 12/28/2022 at 3:46 PM, Cleave said:

The problem with DAR is that it hasn't been updated to work with AE 1.6.640, and only works with prior versions (SE 1.5.xxx). The mod author on Nexus said in Septembre that he was working on updating it, but might take some time. Since then, people flooded the support thread with impatient messages, followed by angry messages, followed by threats etc and an endless argument ensued. Moderators had to step up and permanently close the thread because it was getting out of hand. Bottom line is DAR might never be updated again and is now "dead". :( 


Hi! Sorry it's not about Slaverun, but since earlier I said that DAR might be "dead", I must now point out (so as not to give false information to future readers) that it has since been updated to AE 1.6.629 or later versions.

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@Cleave I saw that too. I am probably going to switch to AE myself. Probably coincidence but I noticed a ~3% uptick in AE users in this topics poll after DAR came out. SE was consistently ahead of it up until then. I know for a lot of us no DAR was a deal breaker.


@xyzxyz Still no. ? That is not a scene I am familiar with. There is no way I created it. Plus you experienced it on past versions. It must be from a different mod.

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Hello! First I'd like to say that I very much appreciate your mod! However, I have a question. How does "strong and rich" rule for determining free women in enslaved cities work? I am asking more about the "strong" part, with female followers in mind. Are they all considered "Strong", or is there some underlying mechanic? Are custom followers from mods considered "Strong" on par with base game, or they are not detected?


Asking all that since I have noticed that my current female follower (Duralis Bandit Follower from Nexus) is shown as a "Slave" in Slavery Status tab (IIRC the tab name) in MCM, and I might like my follower to not have that status (can this be removed somehow after it was assigned to the NPC BTW?).


P.S. The question now became purely academical, since I was asking it while assuming that the "Slave" status of the follower was influencing follower's comments from Slaverun Reloaded Somments Standalone, but turned out that it has no influence on the comments.

Edited by Kharadin
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14 hours ago, Kharadin said:

Hello! First I'd like to say that I very much appreciate your mod! However, I have a question. How does "strong and rich" rule for determining free women in enslaved cities work? I am asking more about the "strong" part, with female followers in mind. Are they all considered "Strong", or is there some underlying mechanic? Are custom followers from mods considered "Strong" on par with base game, or they are not detected?


Asking all that since I have noticed that my current female follower (Duralis Bandit Follower from Nexus) is shown as a "Slave" in Slavery Status tab (IIRC the tab name) in MCM, and I might like my follower to not have that status (can this be removed somehow after it was assigned to the NPC BTW?).


P.S. The question now became purely academical, since I was asking it while assuming that the "Slave" status of the follower was influencing follower's comments from Slaverun Reloaded Somments Standalone, but turned out that it has no influence on the comments.

It is all based on what they are wearing when checked. You can check the JSON, and the "Strong and Rich" rule essentially determines that anyone wearing armor or wealthy clothing are not enslaved, but anyone wearing normal, poor, or other are not. The checks are whenever it says "Slavers are doing a routine check of all females". I think that the MCM has a setting to reset females, I'll have to check again.

EDIT: If Slaverun Reloaded Comments are triggering, that means that you have your follower wearing Devious Devices (or Non-Devious Devices, if you have that), and those items will cause your follower to be put in the slave faction by this mod.

From that page:
"If the speaker/player is male/female.

If the speaker/player is wearing lockable devious devices.

If the speaker/player is wearing armor/clothes on the torso slot.

If the speaker is wearing a gag that would prevent dialogue.

If the speaker is wearing devious belts/plugs.

If the speaker is a member of the zaz slave factions.

If the speaker is a follower.

(Optionally) Whether the speaker and/or player are wearing any Non-Devious Devices from my other mods."

The slave status does in fact affect the comments, as it is the ZAZ Slave Faction that the Slaverun Slaves are in. Make sure your follower is not wearing any (Non) Devious Devices if you don't want them to be in a slave.

Edited by Erris1123
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I have an odd one. The Enforcers in Enslaved Towns just won't approach me (forcegreet). 
When talking to them and asking them what they are doing here, they act like the town they are patrolling in is not enslaved, when clearly it is.
My Slaverun MCM shows Whiterun as enslaved, and Slaveruns main quest is also running. Dunno whats happening here.
Enforcer forcegreet is enabled of course and set to 8hours frequency. Im playing v1.03 of this mod

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When the Enforcer is decoupled from Reloaded, could there be an option to disable all extra mod-related female NPCs? I realized I get a huge performance hit with too many female NPCs on-screen on my low-end setup, probably due to 3BA + physics + skin texture. Not sure which is the bigger culprit

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On 2/14/2023 at 5:49 PM, memati? said:

I have an odd one. The Enforcers in Enslaved Towns just won't approach me (forcegreet). 
When talking to them and asking them what they are doing here, they act like the town they are patrolling in is not enslaved, when clearly it is.
My Slaverun MCM shows Whiterun as enslaved, and Slaveruns main quest is also running. Dunno whats happening here.
Enforcer forcegreet is enabled of course and set to 8hours frequency. Im playing v1.03 of this mod

That is odd. The slaver approach package is added by a very simple quest called SLV_FindSlaverPatrol. You might run sqv SLV_FindSlaverPatrol to inspect the quest. It is probably on stage 1000/ended. You could try running startquest SLV_FindSlaverPatrol and then setstage SLV_FindSlaverPatrol 0 when near a slaver and see if that works. If it does not work then something is probably overriding the slaver's AI package. Or perhaps the slaver is no longer part of the SLV_SlaverPatrol faction.


On 2/15/2023 at 1:06 AM, Gyra said:

When the Enforcer is decoupled from Reloaded, could there be an option to disable all extra mod-related female NPCs? I realized I get a huge performance hit with too many female NPCs on-screen on my low-end setup, probably due to 3BA + physics + skin texture. Not sure which is the bigger culprit


I had a similar issue. Debugging revealed it was caused by SMP physics. Then I discovered Faster SMP. If you are using SMP make sure you are on that new and improved version of it. If your CPU is underpowered you can tweak its configuration to lower than default. Reducing the number of NPCs processed or cutting the max distance can make an enormous difference. While being barely noticeable. I was surprised at how well it worked.


I recently added SMP wigs to all females using an Outfit Theme. And my frame rate is still 60FPS in crowds. Thanks Faster SMP!

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10 hours ago, kaxat said:

That is odd. The slaver approach package is added by a very simple quest called SLV_FindSlaverPatrol. You might run sqv SLV_FindSlaverPatrol to inspect the quest. It is probably on stage 1000/ended. You could try running startquest SLV_FindSlaverPatrol and then setstage SLV_FindSlaverPatrol 0 when near a slaver and see if that works. If it does not work then something is probably overriding the slaver's AI package. Or perhaps the slaver is no longer part of the SLV_SlaverPatrol faction.



I uninstalled Slaverun, made a quick clean up of my savefile with ReSaver, reinstalled Slaverun and started the quest. This fixed my problem, though I really would like to know, why it happened in the first place. I didnt change my loadorder or anything else in that regard.

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