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17 hours ago, tinkerbelle said:

An underground anti-slavery movement will start up and you'll be invited to join.  You can betray them or work with them.  If you work with them, at some point you'll get to meet the real slave bosses and later you can "remove" the real slave bosses.


Slavery coming back is basically deja-vu all over again, but without the preamble of notes, carriages and murphy in the riverwood inn.  I seem to recall that the Jarl's task of having to ask Whiterun folks if they would like to have slaves is still there.  If I recall, the arena remains after you stop the slavers, so I don't think you need to build it again.



Thanks a lot! Maaan I avoided this mod for so long thinking it wasn't really my wheelhouse, but after testing it in practice the last few days (still waiting for any significant Whiterun NPC's to become slaves) it's been great and I really haven't had any noticeable Issues. Also, is the Luxurious dresses/theme preferred? I have the free/strong theme installed but it seems inconsistent? One of my followers got auto-equipped with DD items when I first fast-traveled to Slaverun, but reloading and walking in meant we both kept our clothes, this is with the Nude settings so that Free women shouldn't have to be nude and also followers should be treated like the. Although, I did have the 'treat followers as NPC's' checked.


EDIT: just read through some of Kaxat's explanations in the thread and I guess I just need to update and tinker some with the settings :)

Edited by tallman
Self-inflicted Research
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5 hours ago, tallman said:


Thanks a lot! Maaan I avoided this mod for so long thinking it wasn't really my wheelhouse, but after testing it in practice the last few days (still waiting for any significant Whiterun NPC's to become slaves) it's been great and I really haven't had any noticeable Issues. Also, is the Luxurious dresses/theme preferred? I have the free/strong theme installed but it seems inconsistent? One of my followers got auto-equipped with DD items when I first fast-traveled to Slaverun, but reloading and walking in meant we both kept our clothes, this is with the Nude settings so that Free women shouldn't have to be nude and also followers should be treated like the. Although, I did have the 'treat followers as NPC's' checked.


EDIT: just read through some of Kaxat's explanations in the thread and I guess I just need to update and tinker some with the settings :)

No problem, I'm glad to help where I can.  When I answered your post, I thought we were in the Slaverun thread, later found out it was the enforcer thread, which I haven't played.  The things I mentioned are valid for the slaverun mod and the present version of enforcer still uses slaverun to startup.  At some point in the near future, Kaxat will make the Enforcer standalone.

So I don't know about dressing used by free persons, but the good news is it sounds like you found answers for that.


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14 hours ago, tinkerbelle said:

No problem, I'm glad to help where I can.  When I answered your post, I thought we were in the Slaverun thread, later found out it was the enforcer thread, which I haven't played.  The things I mentioned are valid for the slaverun mod and the present version of enforcer still uses slaverun to startup.  At some point in the near future, Kaxat will make the Enforcer standalone.

So I don't know about dressing used by free persons, but the good news is it sounds like you found answers for that.


Yeah, It seems like I'll get into the weeds on theme creation to match the fantasy I'm looking for. Also really looking forward to the V2 enforcer release, but if most of the lore goes away I think I'd really miss it. Some of the coolest parts of the Slaverun experience has been the things I didn't know would be there when I started. I had no idea there was an intro quest and I found it really immersive, not to mention the slavers you'll find in free towns just casually harassing you and reminding you that this thing will creep across and eventually envelope all of Skyrim.

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Is there anyway to change the enforcers checks to look for sexlab gender rather than the base game gender variable? This is for a very weird project I am working on that would allow you to run SkyFem as a male (which is already done), and have the Slaverun Enforcers recognize those converted males as males (also done). This would give you a  Slaverun world where you are the last man in a world that is ruled by Futas and females are slaves. Getting Slaverun to recognize the original males as male and not females is the last piece of it. Right now it's a futa/female world with one man (you) but everyone is treated like a slave unless they have the right clothing. 


The outcome would be that anyone marked female in sexlab, which can be done in many ways both pre-and during game,  will be treated as female and anyone marked sexlab male will be treated as male regardless of how Skyrim sees them. I was looking through the scripts for Slaverun and this mod but since there is a lot of code to go through I wanted to ask if anyone knew offhand (or knows what specifically to look into). Or, if any other variable that I could apply to a selection in xedit could be used instead of sexlab gender that would be fine too.


I know this might be more of a Slaverun Reloaded question but there is a lot more active development going on here that touches similar topics. Any help is appreciated.

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4 hours ago, cbeyond8027 said:

This is for a very weird project I am working on that would allow you to run SkyFem as a male...


I just wanna say, I'm the original SkyFem V1 author for the LE version, and this makes me lol hard. Back during the V1 days the most frequent request was "But can I still play as the sole remaining male please?" and my answer was always "It's technically possible but too much effort for me". Plus I only like futa/female (those are the ONLY 2 legitimate genders lol lmao) so I'm not motivated at all.


So it's funny to see that some things never change. You have my sympathies and I wish you the best of luck for your project. The best outcome would be if someone would make a SkyFem V3 that is updated to run as a Synthesis patcher with extra customization options for gender stuff, I looked into it but I don't know anything about coding unfortunately.



4 hours ago, cbeyond8027 said:

Or, if any other variable that I could apply to a selection in xedit could be used instead of sexlab gender that would be fine too.


I'm assuming your project makes the male PC use their own exclusive race and clothing/armor, since both SkyFem versions need to make their own edits to the vanilla ones used by futa/females. That's how I expected it would be done for the V1 and I assume for the V2 as well. I don't know, but I'd take a wild guess that your request would be done best by detecting keywords that are added to the exclusively male NPC races and male clothing. But Kaxat already has a high workload for this mod so I wouldn't expect him to introduce that kind of functionality, especially since (as far as I know) he doesn't play SkyFem.


I guess the other option is to work with the pre-existing features of this mod and make changes to your project to accomodate this mod without expecting it to be changed for you. You would need to apply gender segregation to worn items, rather than expecting this mod to detect gender differences. You would have to make sure that the male PC only wears items that will be ignored by the Sexlab Enforcer. You could do this in xEdit by cloning armor/clothes that will be worn only by the male PC. Then you can add the necessary keywords for the Enforcer to ignore those male wearable items. I think it's the keywords for rich clothes, I'm not sure, you will have to read this thread to find what keyword is used.


This cloning+keyword method won't work with items that are shared between all 3 genders of futa/females and males because the keyword would apply to all of them at the same time, so you need to make sure that they never wear the same sets of wearable items. Wearable items would have to be for either futa/female OR males, but not all 3 at once. This also causes a problem, because the male PC can't pickup and use 'normal' wearable items, you will need to have a way to convert items from futa/female versions into male versions. I'd suggest that you setup some recipes for constructible objects, the recipe will consume the futa/female version and create the male versions. This makes sense, because you would have to tailor the item to be worn by another gender (I'm guessing that futas need way more crotch space than males lmao).


Protip; you could probably integrate the Schlongs of Skyrim male bikinis into your project (if that was your fetish), because you already know that futa/females will never wear them. Therefore it is safe to add the Enforcer exclusion keyword to all of them, then you can add the futa->male crafting recipes and you're done.


I'm happy to provide support and suggestions for SkyFem projects (if it's within my skills), but this isn't the thread for it, use PMs or another thread if you have something to say.

Edited by Corsec
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On 3/10/2023 at 5:34 PM, kaxat said:


  1. [...] It can also optionally change hair styles every day if you have installed hair mods such as Xing or KS Hairdos. Eventually I may bring this hairstyle change to more themes.



Woah! This is really cool. I would LOVE to make a request here, given that you're already experimenting with hairstyles. In my own playthroughs, I have made a modification to a single hairstyle from a mod such that it looks like the hair "HairFemaleRedguard03" (which is essentially bold), I have then also included this item in the outfits that slaves uses from this mod. I would love to see an option for this in your outfits for slaves. I think it REALLY adds to the atmosphere more than anything else, I've tried.

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11 hours ago, Corsec said:


I just wanna say, I'm the original SkyFem V1 author for the LE version, and this makes me lol hard. Back during the V1 days the most frequent request was "But can I still play as the sole remaining male please?" and my answer was always "It's technically possible but too much effort for me"……


I guess the other option is to work with the pre-existing features of this mod and make changes to your project to accomodate this mod without expecting it to be changed for you.

First off I appreciate your work on V1 and understand your reasoning for not changing your mod to suit the needs of a few outliers. That said the issue isn’t one with SkyFem. The lone male (without custom race) with everyone else female, and even lone male with everyone female plus only converted males as futa is easily achievable with minor edits to the xedit script for SkyFem V2 plus leveraging SOS uncloaked for the second scenario. You can even leave some mods out the xedit script and have a small male minority without issues (i.e. armors work for all genders without additional steps).


The reason I asked the question here is because it has to do with Slaverun’s functionality, specifically the method the enforcer uses to check characters gender. As slaverun enforcer adds another layer on top of the base enforcer function that allows you ignore individuals based on a variable (clothing keywords) it stands to reason that variable, or another one, could be changed thus allowing my scenario to run successfully.

Perhaps I was unclear in my post but I’m not asking anyone to change SkyFem, and I’m not asking anyone to change this mod or Slaverun itself to suit my edge case. I’m asking if anyone who has looked at the scripts in Slaverun enforcer (or Slaverun itself) has an idea where the conditions for detection are set or if anyone has looked at changing the slaverun enforcer overlay script to change the ignore variable from a clothing keyword to some other value. 

As I mentioned there is a lot of code to go through and before I go through everything line by line and make the changes myself, I thought I’d ask if anyone could recommend someplace to start or something to narrow things down. There have been other conversations in this forum mentioning, or implying, editing the code base so it’s not unreasonable to assume someone might have an idea.


Lastly, please do not infer this post as a combative reply. I’m writing this to elaborate and clarify my original ask, I have no intention of starting a fight about how we respectively choose to enjoy a game. 

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9 hours ago, cbeyond8027 said:

The lone male (without custom race) with everyone else female, and even lone male with everyone female plus only converted males as futa is easily achievable with minor edits to the xedit script for SkyFem V2 plus leveraging SOS uncloaked for the second scenario.



I don't know how the V2 scripts work so I assumed it'd have to work in the same way as my old handmade patches. I'm impressed that you can do that with the V2 (it wouldn't work with the V1), I had no idea it was possible, so the assumptions in my previous post are proven wrong, and you don't need to do it the way I expected. Well done!


I made the mistake of thinking about your project in terms of how I would plan to do it rather than how you are actually doing it.


9 hours ago, cbeyond8027 said:

Perhaps I was unclear in my post but I’m not asking anyone to change SkyFem, and I’m not asking anyone to change this mod or Slaverun itself to suit my edge case.


Sorry, now I realize that *my* last post reads as more critical and combative than I intended when I wrote it. I didn't mean to say that you are making unreasonable requests or have too-high expectations, the words didn't mean that in my head, but the way I wrote it implies it to the reader. Not my intent, and thanks for receiving it well and correcting me politely, this type of miscommunication too often results in offense and pointless argument.


I have no idea how coding/scripts actually work so I can't really help you with your specifc request about the Slaverun codebase, sorry. Good luck though! I actually have made my own edge-case customised version of SkyFem so I can sympathize with the need to fix all the compatibility issues, it's a lot of work.

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On 5/4/2023 at 11:41 AM, cbeyond8027 said:

Is there anyway to change the enforcers checks to look for sexlab gender rather than the base game gender variable?


Enforcer checks should be easy enough to modify for this. I believe there are only a couple lines in this plugin that call GetSex(). Change those to the SexLab equivalent and you are probably done. These functions return an integer. You might need to convert genders above 1 to a desired equivalent. I forget if the mod still has logic that essentially ignores those genders.


Unfortunately that is not a change I am likely to implement in the core plugin. That code is part of a highly optimized routine that has to run many times. Adding performance overhead is antithetical to this mods primary goal. v2 relies more on quest aliases and those use the engines built in engine conditions. I am not sure if you can even check the Sexlab gender with an alias condition. If there is a way I have not immediately thought of it. Which brings me to another problem you might face.

Reloaded has a massive amount of dialogue. Some of it does check player sex. Not sure how many lines but it could easily be thousands. It too faces the issue that it uses conditions instead of Papyrus to figure out gender. So you might find that the player will be treated differently than you hoped in dialogue.


On 5/4/2023 at 11:42 PM, leakim said:


Woah! This is really cool. I would LOVE to make a request here, given that you're already experimenting with hairstyles. In my own playthroughs, I have made a modification to a single hairstyle from a mod such that it looks like the hair "HairFemaleRedguard03" (which is essentially bold), I have then also included this item in the outfits that slaves uses from this mod. I would love to see an option for this in your outfits for slaves. I think it REALLY adds to the atmosphere more than anything else, I've tried.


Thank you! It is by far my favorite new feature.


If you open up my mods hairstyles .esp file in xEdit you will see it is very simple. It overrides a leveled list and adds a bunch of wigs to it. If the hairstyle you modified can be converted to a wig then it can be injected into this list very easily. It is possible some other mod made vanilla hair styles into wigs. If so it has already done that work for you.


On 4/25/2023 at 3:21 PM, sekuzeku said:

3DNPC follower Zora doesn't seem to respect any settings, she's in 100% of runs no matter what.


other followers will be left alone if i'm free but not Zora.


her status is always slave, is there a way to change that manually?


it would be nice to have a checkbox or slider to handle followers.


Perhaps the mod has gone sentient and knows Zoras backstory in a cage?


Whatever Zora is wearing will dictate whether the mod thinks she is a slave. If she is wearing free clothing she will be free. The rules there get complicated. That is the gist.


I love the idea of making this more customizable. Making specific factions free or slave. Even specific NPCs. Hopefully have time to build that someday. At present it is focused only on clothing.



On 5/1/2023 at 6:42 AM, mangalo said:

I'm trying to create a new set of outfits and you made the process quite easy, so thanks for that.

However, I need some clarification...  From what I understand, only OTFT records can be used in the "outfits_apply" list.  What I'd like to do is alter those records without having to create a new plugin.

Do you or anyone else know if there's a way (SPID/KID/Formlist manipulator ?) to change the content of a OTFT record using .INI files ?


I'm talking about these :

			"0x12CC|Slaverun_Reloaded.esp",		/* SLV_SlaveOutfit Dec.4812 */
			"0x115C77|Slaverun_Reloaded.esp",	/* SLV_SlaveOutfit1 Dec.1137783 */
			"0xBC79F2|Slaverun_Reloaded.esp",	/* SLV_SlaveOutfit2 Dec.12351986 */
			"0xBC79F3|Slaverun_Reloaded.esp",	/* SLV_SlaveOutfit3 Dec.12351987 */
			"0xBC79F4|Slaverun_Reloaded.esp",	/* SLV_SlaveOutfit4 Dec.12351988 */
			"0xBC79F5|Slaverun_Reloaded.esp",	/* SLV_SlaveOutfit5 Dec.12351989 */
			"0xBC79F6|Slaverun_Reloaded.esp",	/* SLV_SlaveOutfit6 Dec.12351990 */
			"0x36E4B6|Slaverun_Reloaded.esp",	/* SLV_SlaveOutfitBlackDiamond Dec.3597494 */
			"0x705F9|Slaverun_Reloaded.esp",		/* SLV_SlaveOutfitBlackFull Dec.460281 */
			"0x705FA|Slaverun_Reloaded.esp",		/* SLV_SlaveOutfitBlackNormal Dec.460282 */
			"0x5A4A9|Slaverun_Reloaded.esp"		/* SLV_SlaveOutfitDiamond Dec.369833 */



If I were you I would override the OTFT record using an esl plugin. Overriding a record or 2 is a great way to make modifications like this. They have a tendency to not break when you update mods. And are extremely performant. I don't know of any distributor mods that would let you do this. It may not exist because there is a built in way to do that easily.


For what it is worth I actually override all of those outfits in my own personal mod. Or I did for a long time before implementing Outfit Themes. I turned those overrides into the ZAP theme. Now I use it instead.


On 5/1/2023 at 6:42 AM, mangalo said:

Also, can I assign specific OTFT records to specific slaves ?


It is a cool idea! Want to build it for us? I jest.


Such a feature could be built in a similar fashion to how I restore NPC default outfits. A lot of the code could be copied and tweaked slightly. That has 4 arrays of equal length. 2 of them are relevant here. One is a list of NPC actor bases. Mod searches to find a match for the current NPC. If it finds one it notes the index for that NPC. It then goes to the other list which is an array of outfits. It grabs the outfit with the same index as the NPC. And then applies the outfit to them.


I am short on time to build such a feature. But it could be done.

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9 hours ago, kaxat said:

Thank you! It is by far my favorite new feature.


If you open up my mods hairstyles .esp file in xEdit you will see it is very simple. It overrides a leveled list and adds a bunch of wigs to it. If the hairstyle you modified can be converted to a wig then it can be injected into this list very easily. It is possible some other mod made vanilla hair styles into wigs. If so it has already done that work for you.


Frankly, this is pretty much what I did. I changed a wig from a mod to use the vanilla hair style and then referenced this item in your outfits lists. As a non-modder I did have some troubles with it, but in the end I managed to get it working.


I do hope you decide to include an option for this in one of your next outfit options.


Another thing that I have been doing in my own playthroughs is edit a small script from a different mod that enables me to toggle one of the "full-body" tats on and off on NPCs. I also found that this add tremendously to the atmosphere, although I am not sure about the performance of it, given how slow SlaveTats often seems to be. (Maybe RapeTats could do something similar automatically, although I have never used that mod for NPCs)


This seems to work perfectly fine on most NPCs, though for some reason I am having trouble applying it to others.

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Oh god I wish there was a way to assign slavetats as inventory items, I could do *so much* patching if that were possible lol.


I'm not even fantasizing about the fetishes anymore, just about being able to mod the fetishes into the game lol lmao.

Edited by Corsec
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39 minutes ago, Corsec said:

Oh god I wish there was a way to assign slavetats as inventory items, I could do *so much* patching if that were possible lol.


I'm not even fantasizing about the fetishes anymore, just about being able to mod the fetishes into the game lol lmao.

You certainly could do that. I think a fairly simple script could be made in Papyrus then attached to an inventory item.

Personally I would do it using perks or magic effects. Because those don't have equip slots. So you can have an unlimited number equipped and not have to worry about conflicting with other actual equipment.

You should checkout Distributed Bodypaints and Overlays. It distributes tattoos with SPID. Based on the description I would guess that it distributes a perk. And the perk applies a tattoo. While it distributes tattoos in a somewhat random fashion you could use a similar simpler script to distribute a single tattoo. Create a bunch of those and then distribute with SPID. But actually I like the way the above operates.

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15 hours ago, kaxat said:

 Whatever Zora is wearing will dictate whether the mod thinks she is a slave.

sorry, that's my problem. clothes don't seem to affect her. i've put her in fine clothes, jarl, merchant. she's still in 100% of runs, she can't take a single step without being grabbed. i also have Chaconne for example, and her status seems to be whatever mine is (like it says in the description) so if i wear fine clothes she's left alone. 


so my question was is there a way to manually set her as free.

Edited by sekuzeku
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On 5/7/2023 at 6:37 AM, kaxat said:

If I were you I would override the OTFT record using an esl plugin. Overriding a record or 2 is a great way to make modifications like this. They have a tendency to not break when you update mods. And are extremely performant. I don't know of any distributor mods that would let you do this. It may not exist because there is a built in way to do that easily.


Sooo, I listened to your advice and gladly present you my first attempt :)


I wanted my slave outfits to be a little more standard, so I designed two outfits : one for regular slaves, and one for painsluts.  For now, they each have one additional variant (see pictures bellow). 



Pictures :










  Slaverun Reloaded - Standsalone - Custom Outfits.zip


If you want to use it, don't forget to give it a higher priority than the standsalone mod in your mod manager.


Let me know what you think !




@kaxat I tried to give more weight in the outfits distribution to have more regular slaves than painsluts.  To do that, I added more "Regular" entries than "PainSlut" entries to the list, but it didn't seem to have any effect.  Is the outfit picking in the list random ?


		"outfits_apply" : [
			"0xFE000D61|SLR_CustomOutfit.esp",		/* SLR_CustomSlave_Regular1 */
			"0xFE000D61|SLR_CustomOutfit.esp",		/* SLR_CustomSlave_Regular1 */
			"0xFE000D61|SLR_CustomOutfit.esp",		/* SLR_CustomSlave_Regular1 */
			"0xFE000D61|SLR_CustomOutfit.esp",		/* SLR_CustomSlave_Regular1 */
			"0xFE000D65|SLR_CustomOutfit.esp",		/* SLR_CustomSlave_Regular2 - With rope corset */
			"0xFE000D65|SLR_CustomOutfit.esp",		/* SLR_CustomSlave_Regular2 - With rope corset */
			"0xFE000D63|SLR_CustomOutfit.esp",		/* SLR_CustomSlave_PainSlut1 */
			"0xFE000D64|SLR_CustomOutfit.esp"		/* SLR_CustomSlave_PainSlut2 - With gag */

An idea I'm throwing here : maybe expand the JSON structure to assign outfits to a specific faction/keyword.  That way, I could dynamically assign slaves to one faction or the other using an KID/SPID ini file with my ESP.  Maybe we could distribute tattoos that way too...
I think we already discussed it and it seems we're both out of time :P

Edited by mangalo
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On 5/7/2023 at 4:09 PM, sekuzeku said:

sorry, that's my problem. clothes don't seem to affect her. i've put her in fine clothes, jarl, merchant. she's still in 100% of runs, she can't take a single step without being grabbed. i also have Chaconne for example, and her status seems to be whatever mine is (like it says in the description) so if i wear fine clothes she's left alone. 


so my question was is there a way to manually set her as free.

Is it possible you have a mod that added the zbfSlave faction to her? This is a faction shared amongst many mods including Slaverun. It designates an NPC as a slave. You could try removing that faction.

This mod will actually add that faction when someone is dressed as slave. So that is the other possibility. You might try exiting the city. Removing the faction using the console. Then give her free clothes.


For what it is worth I often have Zora as my follower. She obeys the rules as expected. When I wear clothes so does she. Which is inline with my MCM settings.


@mangalo That is excellent. I am glad it worked.


Unfortunately duplicate entries in the JSON will not work like you hoped. They will be deduplicated. If you check your papyrus logs you will probably see duplicate entry detected every time you enter a city.


To remedy this you could override more of those slave outfits and duplicate the contents of some of them. Another option is to use a leveled list. If you examine the fancier outfit themes found in this mod's zip you will see a slightly different structure inside the OTFT. Most of them point to a leveled list. That master list then points to other leveled lists and randomly selects one of them. Each of those leveled lists tend to point directly to the outfit items. They are flagged "Use All" so all of the items they point to will be included. Using leveled lists you can piece together some incredibly diverse outfits. Or you can copy/paste one list a whole bunch and ensure it is seen more often.

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13 hours ago, emicoto said:

I wonder if this mod will work well with sls's clothes and free license.

From my recollection, the freedom license didn't do anything, but the clothes one did. SLS makes a good pair with Slaverun, but it still has some things to be worked out (such as tolls still being active while enslaved). Hopefully it'll be better integrated in the new release

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On 5/9/2023 at 10:00 PM, RoxDox said:

I'm curious if this mod is meant to have its own MCM menu? I just don't see anything so not sure if its working or not...


You probably figured it out by now, but this mod modifies the Slaverun default MCM, some tabs are different and new options are added. 

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3 hours ago, Cleave said:


You probably figured it out by now, but this mod modifies the Slaverun default MCM, some tabs are different and new options are added. 

Thanks for letting me know. Actually hadn't figured it out yet lol. haven't actually played skyrim since I asked the question. 

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@Corsec I believe you changed your Non-DD esp name?

The one packed with Slaverun Enforcer is "Non-Devious Devices Masterlist", but the one Corsec releases individually is "Non-Devious Devices - Masterlist". The missing hyphen means newer .esp versions won't correctly overwrite the one packages.

@kaxat I assume we can simply remove the non-dd plugin you've packaged and edit the slaveoutfit .json to include the new name where appropriate?




Edit: Actually, if I update the Non-DD esp name and use my modified .json, Enforcer tells me it can't load the outfit theme...

Edit: NVM figured it out


Edited by Gyra
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2 minutes ago, Gyra said:

@Corsec I believe you changed your Non-DD esp name?


This is embarrassing, I had completely forgotten about that! It's been a few months since then and I'm not currently modding right now. I don't even remember exactly why I did that, or when I did that lol. Yes, that means that SES and my patches will use different masterlists. I must have done it before updating all my NPC patches, because my NPC all require "Non-Devious Devices - Masterlist" as a master.


@kaxat I'm not sure if the masterlist on my modpage is the same one that is used by Non-DD SES themes. I will double check it later. Maybe I actually wanted them to use sperate masterlists? I will check our PMs to see if I mentioned it.

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1 hour ago, Corsec said:

I must have done it before updating all my NPC patches, because my NPC all require "Non-Devious Devices - Masterlist" as a master.

Seems your newer masterlist is flagged as esl and takes additional items from DD Expansion. But I can't figure out how to make it work with Salverun Enforcer. I'm guessing it's that number to the left of the plugin name in the .json that needs to change, but not sure what to put there instead.


Also, would you or @kaxat know if your non-DD SPID for vanilla female NPCs conflicts with Slaverun Enforcer or Slaverun itself? I wonder if I can use both Enforcer and your non-DD SPID in tandem to eliminate any chance of seeing clothed female NPCs based on my "no free women" setting.

Edited by Gyra
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