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[Request/HowTo] Hopefully simple player scale script.


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I dont know about any one else, but personaly I like to use the player.setscale code to make all my charecters more unique, however this has the unintended side effect of messing up all the animations.


I was just wondering if any one who knew more about scripts then I could right up a script that runs when ever one of the animations is played that gets the players scale, records it, sets it to 1, then when the animations are finished returns the players scale to the previous amount.


It seems like something that would be simple to write up, most of that is vanilla console commands, and I belive there is a way to store variables. I just have no idea how to do so my self. If any one would be so kind as to make a script like that, or tell me how to I would very much apreciate it.

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What you do in the script is do the following:


Set fScale to .7 (or whaterver normal scale is)

if PlayerREF.GetItemCount SexoutActor > 0

Set fScale to 1



PlayerREF.SetScale fSetScale


I'm doing that all from memory, command names & spelling could be wrong.

If an actor is having Sex they should have that SexoutActor Token in their inventory.


Also take note I've had an issue of invisible bodies caused by changing the players outfit during sex, don't know whether changing their size may do the that or cause other funky things, never tried it.

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Thank you very much, ummm if I may ask, how do I make it run though? I have never really scripted for fallout before, but I never back away from learning more about how to mod a game.

Create a quest with gamestart enable ticked and a quest script with the above code in it. Have a look at a few other quest scripts to see how to set up the script name & variables etc and read the wiki you'll find under the help help contents tab

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  • 5 months later...

I've tried to code this mod, but I can't get the Sexout actor references into my script.  I initially had the ref assignments before the if (DoOnce) block.  I've looked at other posts and some mods, but everything seems to be declaring the actors in the mod and then initiating sex, which obviously isn't the case in this one.

I'm sorry that I haven't figured out yet how to insert code into posts and have the correct color-coding appear.  I hope it isn't a horrible, unreadable mess.


I'd appreciate any other redundancy/bad code advice.  I do have the script tied to the quest and when I use "sqv" in the console, the quest is running with the variables somewhat set.


Right now, I have it checking Actors A through C to see if they exist because I'm uncertain which actor (if any) is assigned when the actor is masturbating.


EDIT:  Corrected actor size vars to type float.



scn SexoutCharResizeScript

ref rActorA
ref rActorB
ref rActorC
float     fActorASize
float    fActorBSize
float    fActorCSize
int DoOnce

Begin GameMode
    if (DoOnce == 0)        ;Get Actors and Starting Sizes
        set rActorA to SexoutNG.ActorA
        set rActorB to SexoutNG.ActorB
        set rActorC to SexoutNG.ActorC
        set fActorASize to rActorA.getscale
        set fActorBSize to rActorB.getscale
        set fActorCSize to rActorC.getscale
        set DoOnce to 1
    if ((rActorA > 0) && (rActorA.getitemcount SexoutNGTokenTarget > 0) && (rActorA.getiscreature == 0) && (rActorA.ischild == 0))        ;If ActorA is not a creature or child, is having sex, and size > 1, set size to 1


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I put in the check for vanilla child races.  I didn't add in the Sexout child races as that I thought that SCR and/or Preg has checks to prevent Sexout offspring (assuming/guessing that the Sexout child races are only added via preg's offspring).  I did notice that the Child checkbox is unchecked for the Sexout child races.  I'm guessing that this is due to


I do not have Shojo races installed, so I suppose one could guess that they don't have the Child checkbox checked.  To combat that, I could add GetModIndex to search for Shojo's esm.


FWIW, my personal impetus for creating this was using the TTW mod and getting sick of having Charon misaligned in anims.


EDIT:  I'll have it check for both Shojo and the Children of the Wasteland mod, which has its own race too evidently.

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Edited my previous code snipped in the post to remove the majority of the script and only show the part that I'm having trouble with (how to get Sexout Actors into the script as ref vars).  Hopefully since I accidentally wandered onto dubious ground, this will qualify as being within the rules.

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Ah yeah, all those vars are erased after the sex call.

Atm you can still retrieve them with

    set ActorA to NX_GetEVFo "Sexout:Core:Partners:A"
    set ActorB to NX_GetEVFo "Sexout:Core:Partners:B"
    set ActorC to NX_GetEVFo "Sexout:Core:Partners:C"

in a global start hook spell script that'll be cast on actorB, or for masturbation, actorA (see the NG API on how to get those going). When I get Spunk out of the gate, it'll have similar vars ("Spunk:Act:ActorA" etc), among many others, as an extra convenience for modders.


About the dubious ground, if you go in off a global start hook, you resize after the actors have already passed whatever safeties prideslayer has in place, and may still add.

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 Say no more... nudge, nudge :)


 One of these days I might do a Japanese-style playthrough of New Vegas

with lots of skirts and blouses and stupidly overpowered machine guns and

laser katanas ;)



 Is the Shojo race considered underage by the community?

On the darker side of Grey might be the best way to describe it :)



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DoctaSax:  Thank you for the code.


I'm getting a compiling error when I run it, though.  I've tried running GECK with nvse-loader and the GECK power-up (newer fork).

set rActorA to NX_GetEVFo "Sexout:Core:Partners:A"

Error:  Syntax Error.  Unknown command 'NX_GetEVFo'.

Error:  Syntax Error.  Missing expression in Set command.


I've got Sexout (Core - 2.6.82, Data - 2.6.80) and SCR (Core - 20131028.1, Data - 20130602.1) listed as masters.  On my system, I've got both NVSE 4 beta1 alpha 11 and NVSE extender v11 installed.


Any ideas?  My game w/ installed mods runs fine.

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Double checked versions of nvse and extender.  Updated both to most recent betas.  No change.


Should I have gotten an update to the nvse_loader.exe somewhere?  I would think it would be fine since the updated files are still named nvse_1_4.


Oddly (to me anyway), the nvse_extender.log file is blank.


Here is nvse_editor.log.  In the middle of it, it says that a plugin is incompatible.



NVSE editor: initialize (version = 4.0.1 04002060 01CF07D1A7EF6CA5)
imagebase = 00400000
fallout root = D:\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\
plugin directory = D:\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Data\NVSE\Plugins\
checking plugin D:\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Data\NVSE\Plugins\\MCM.dll
SetOpcodeBase 000021C0
RegisterCommand GetModINISetting (21C0)
RegisterCommand SetModINISetting (21C1)
RegisterCommand GetMCMFloat (21C2)
RegisterCommand SetMCMFloat (21C3)
RegisterCommand SetMCMString (21C4)
RegisterCommand SetMCMFloatMass (21C5)
RegisterCommand SetMCMStringMass (21C6)
RegisterCommand SetMCMModList (21C7)
RegisterCommand GetMCMListWidth (21C8)
plugin D:\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Data\NVSE\Plugins\\MCM.dll (00000001 MCM Extensions 00000001) loaded correctly
checking plugin D:\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Data\NVSE\Plugins\\nvse_extender.dll
SetOpcodeBase 00002140
RegisterCommand NX_GetVersion (2140)
RegisterCommand NX_IsUsingSkeleton (2141)
RegisterCommand NX_IsInList (2142)
RegisterCommand NX_SetEVFl (2143)
RegisterCommand NX_GetEVFl (2144)
RegisterCommand NX_SetEVFo (2145)
RegisterCommand NX_GetEVFo (2146)
RegisterCommand NX_GetConversationPartner (2147)
RegisterCommand NX_ClrEVFl (2148)
RegisterCommand NX_ClrEVFo (2149)
RegisterCommand NX_GetQVEVFl (214A)
RegisterCommand NX_SetEVSt (214B)
RegisterTypedCommand NX_GetEVSt (214C)
RegisterCommand NX_ClrEVSt (214D)
RegisterTypedCommand NX_GetEVFlAr (214E)
RegisterTypedCommand NX_GetEVFoAr (214F)
RegisterTypedCommand NX_GetEVStAr (2150)
plugin D:\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Data\NVSE\Plugins\\nvse_extender.dll (00000001 Extensions for NVSE 0000000C) loaded correctly
checking plugin D:\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Data\NVSE\Plugins\\nvse_extender_ng.dll
plugin D:\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Data\NVSE\Plugins\\nvse_extender_ng.dll (00000001 Extensions for NVSE 0000000C) reported as incompatible during query
checking plugin D:\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Data\NVSE\Plugins\\sr_New_Vegas_Stutter_Remover.dll
plugin D:\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Data\NVSE\Plugins\\sr_New_Vegas_Stutter_Remover.dll (00000001 sr_New_Vegas_Stutter_Remover 0000411E) reported as incompatible during query
dispatch message to plugin listeners
no listeners registered
dispatch message to plugin listeners
no listeners registered
max id = 000021C9
00001000 0001 UnusedFunction0
00001001 0001 GetDistance




Here's nvse_extender_ng.log.  I'm uncertain if this is a check for the German (iirc) no gore version of NV.



NOGORE extender aborting GECK



And because there aren't enough files in here:  nvse_loader.log.  Again with the incompatible plugin message.



plugin d:\steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Data\NVSE\Plugins\\MCM.dll (00000001 MCM Extensions 00000001) loaded correctly
checking plugin d:\steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Data\NVSE\Plugins\\nvse_extender.dll
SetOpcodeBase 00002140
RegisterCommand NX_GetVersion (2140)
RegisterCommand NX_IsUsingSkeleton (2141)
RegisterCommand NX_IsInList (2142)
RegisterCommand NX_SetEVFl (2143)
RegisterCommand NX_GetEVFl (2144)
RegisterCommand NX_SetEVFo (2145)
RegisterCommand NX_GetEVFo (2146)
RegisterCommand NX_GetConversationPartner (2147)
RegisterCommand NX_ClrEVFl (2148)
RegisterCommand NX_ClrEVFo (2149)
RegisterCommand NX_GetQVEVFl (214A)
RegisterCommand NX_SetEVSt (214B)
RegisterTypedCommand NX_GetEVSt (214C)
RegisterCommand NX_ClrEVSt (214D)
RegisterTypedCommand NX_GetEVFlAr (214E)
RegisterTypedCommand NX_GetEVFoAr (214F)
RegisterTypedCommand NX_GetEVStAr (2150)
registering plugin listener for NVSE at 2 of 3
plugin d:\steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Data\NVSE\Plugins\\nvse_extender.dll (00000001 Extensions for NVSE 0000000C) loaded correctly
checking plugin d:\steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Data\NVSE\Plugins\\nvse_extender_ng.dll
plugin d:\steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Data\NVSE\Plugins\\nvse_extender_ng.dll (00000001 Extensions for NVSE 0000000C) reported as incompatible during query
checking plugin d:\steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Data\NVSE\Plugins\\sr_New_Vegas_Stutter_Remover.dll
plugin d:\steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Data\NVSE\Plugins\\sr_New_Vegas_Stutter_Remover.dll (00000001 sr_New_Vegas_Stutter_Remover 0000411E) loaded correctly
dispatch message to plugin listeners
sending 0 to 2
dispatched message.
dispatch message to plugin listeners
sending 9 to 2
dispatched message.
max id = 000021C9



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