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Corrupt A Wish

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Guest Comrade DR. MAHUJ DIK

granted but the next download will give yoy the blue screen of death.

I wish microsoft would fiz the " start menuand cortana stopped working" bug so I could use my good pc instead of my shitty old notebook.

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Guest Comrade DR. MAHUJ DIK

granted but in the middle of shaving the blade will break and youl look ridiculous.

I wish for the power to rule over food (it would be a funny as hell superpower. bacon blast!!!!!!

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Guest Comrade DR. MAHUJ DIK

granted, but theyre all assholes.

I wish I hasnt forgot to get the contact of a certain girl I met, she was a amazing and funny person

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Granted , but the jokes are divided equally amongst everyone and aren't very funny.


I wish it would warm up so I can shave my head.

Jokes about communism aren't funny unless you share them with everyone


granted, but theyre all assholes.

I wish I hasnt forgot to get the contact of a certain girl I met, she was a amazing and funny person

Granted, but she has permanently left and you will never see her again


I wish I hadn't drunk as much as I did last night

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Granted, now instead of homework you get annual tests each day.

I'd still take that over having to work from my house, cutting into my free time


Granted, but it's stuck and can only bring you to the world of giant farting asses.


I wish democracy worked the way it's supposed to.

Granted, enjoy the ceaseless arguments because everyone's opinion must now be heard (gotta love the Athenians)

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Granted, but it's stuck and can only bring you to the world of giant farting asses.


I wish democracy worked the way it's supposed to.

Granted, enjoy the ceaseless arguments because everyone's opinion must now be heard (gotta love the Athenians)


Didn't social media already make this happen??? ;)  lol


I wish the gryphon could remember to make a wish.

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