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3 hours ago, cwerde said:


I had this issue too and went to that location you said. The file is named as FNIS_DDClub_Behavior.hkx and I changed it to FNIS_DarkDesiresClub_Behavior.hkx and the problem is fixed. 


Ok, right. I forgot to rename it in the release zip. I will just update it with the fix, keep same version.

Edited by darkdesires04
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9 minutes ago, cheesemonster said:

I really want to use this mod, it looks great. But oddly enough seconds after I enter the club my game freezes and stays that way. Please help. It doesn't produce a crash log because it technically doesn't crash it just freezes.


Make sure you have all the requirements installed and you ran FNIS.

In the game make sure sexlab, sex animations, schlongs of skyrim and devious devices are installed in the MCM before you enter the club.


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6 minutes ago, cheesemonster said:

I'm afraid it's neither, I set up a completly new game and it still crashed, and no, I haven't changed my load order.


Use this... CTD (crash) Scenarios. I did not mention this earlier because you said freeze, not crash.


One guess, in either freeze or crash... you have wrong version of ZAZ, or you have 2 versions of ZAZ.

Edited by VirginMarie
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22 minutes ago, cheesemonster said:

Oh, It's also the only version of ZaZ i have



seconds after I enter the club my game freezes and stays that way


So not evident what the problem is. I might be able to help if you...

  1. Determine if its clearly a CTD or not
    • If freeze is requiring resetting computer or aborting Skyrim externally, we have a CTD
    • If freeze is letting you still do stuff, like open menus, then its not a CTD
  2. Get a log and attach it here
    • If its a CTD... get the crash log as in CTD (crash) Scenarios
    • If its not a CTD... get a papyrus log How to get a Papyrus Log?
      • need a game session where you start the game.... press new button to start a new game.... run the Toys MCM - setup tab - Installation test.... share if that test passed or failed.... now recreate the freeze.... exit to desktop.... grab that log
Edited by VirginMarie
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1. Determine if it's clearly a CTD or not.


When my game freezes I'm unable to open any sort of menu, including the main menu. The only way to abort Skyrim is to shut it down through task manager.

2. Get a crash log.

It doesn't output a netscriptframework crash txt.
Toys test passed



Edited by cheesemonster
Wrong file
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9 hours ago, cheesemonster said:


1. Determine if it's clearly a CTD or not.


When my game freezes I'm unable to open any sort of menu, including the main menu. The only way to abort Skyrim is to shut it down through task manager.


What your Papyrus log tells me...

  1. You are running Nemesis. Its generating errors. I stay away from Nemesis so not familiar with if these errors are ok or not
  2. Toys on a new game should be setting up alternate animations using FNIS. This log is clearly a new game. FNIS is there, but this AA setup is not happening. People do manage to make FNIS and Nemesis co-exist, but in this case, nope, your Nemesis is breaking FNIS
    • Due to no AAs, Toys will have problems with animations. You can expect things like arm binding and yoke to not work
    • Toys is otherwise likely fine, but no AAs is a big hole. May not matter for Dark Desires, not sure
  3. The log shows me nothing as to why you CTD. Papyrus log cannot show CTD info, so as expected, your log just ends. This was clearly a CTD as the log shows no shutdown
  4. I don't think Nemesis is causing the CTD, its just preventing FNIS from working for AAs. Separate problem. But I can't be sure
    • Still, removing Nemesis as a test, to see if CTD goes away, might be worthwhile


9 hours ago, cheesemonster said:

2. Get a crash log.

It doesn't output a netscriptframework crash txt.
Toys test passed


It's more likely that it DID output a crash txt, and you are looking in the wrong folder. Either that or the .Net script framework is not installed correctly.


Not much to go on here. Unless we got lucky with Nemesis being the cause, the Crash log is needed to have any idea why you CTD.


I'd look hard at ZAZ. What happens is as you enter the cell, the club has much zaz furniture and if an assets is not available, you will CTD.

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59 minutes ago, N.Gamma said:

So there are no bodyslides for your mod!
Because these Bodyslides that you have linked me are built in a different folder than where they are in your mod and therefore do not affect them.


There is no bodyslide for my mod. The bodies and clothes that NPCs use in the mod are published along with the mod and each female NPC wears clothes that fits her body. 

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43 minutes ago, darkdesires04 said:


There is no bodyslide for my mod. The bodies and clothes that NPCs use in the mod are published along with the mod and each female NPC wears clothes that fits her body. 

So the clothes from your mod won't be put on a female player? Then it would not matter. If the possibility does exist, a bodyslide would be considered!

Which body do you use for the clothing and body of your mod? CBBE, UNP, BHUNP?

Edited by N.Gamma
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@darkdesires04 I'm interested in your mod because it's compatible with the simple slavery mod, how does your mod work if I'm sold to the dark desire club? Is it eternal slavery or is it like the dark arena, that you must work to pay your debt and then be released?


edit: two more questions ->

1-the creature animations, i use others like anub and baka, is it necessary to install the creature billy animations too? because there wouldn't be more room in FNIS for more animations if it's zaz + full package of billy + baka + anub animations.

2-can be any version of devious device mod ?

Edited by Man O War
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On 3/14/2022 at 5:47 PM, VirginMarie said:


What your Papyrus log tells me...

  1. You are running Nemesis. Its generating errors. I stay away from Nemesis so not familiar with if these errors are ok or not
  2. Toys on a new game should be setting up alternate animations using FNIS. This log is clearly a new game. FNIS is there, but this AA setup is not happening. People do manage to make FNIS and Nemesis co-exist, but in this case, nope, your Nemesis is breaking FNIS
    • Due to no AAs, Toys will have problems with animations. You can expect things like arm binding and yoke to not work
    • Toys is otherwise likely fine, but no AAs is a big hole. May not matter for Dark Desires, not sure
  3. The log shows me nothing as to why you CTD. Papyrus log cannot show CTD info, so as expected, your log just ends. This was clearly a CTD as the log shows no shutdown
  4. I don't think Nemesis is causing the CTD, its just preventing FNIS from working for AAs. Separate problem. But I can't be sure
    • Still, removing Nemesis as a test, to see if CTD goes away, might be worthwhile



It's more likely that it DID output a crash txt, and you are looking in the wrong folder. Either that or the .Net script framework is not installed correctly.


Not much to go on here. Unless we got lucky with Nemesis being the cause, the Crash log is needed to have any idea why you CTD.


I'd look hard at ZAZ. What happens is as you enter the cell, the club has much zaz furniture and if an assets is not available, you will CTD.



I’m not at my PC rn but I can assure you it didn’t output a crash log. When my game has crashed in the past, such as during a SS Auction is outputs a log.


I highly Doubt ZAZ is the issue, when I COC into it’s test cell I get no crashes. The most likely culprit is nemesis messing with Toys, because when I look away from anyone wearing toys my game is fine, but as soon as I look at them it crashes.


when I get to my pc I’ll just use FNIS and see if that helps. Btw what is AA?


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33 minutes ago, cheesemonster said:

I’m not at my PC rn but I can assure you it didn’t output a crash log. 


You be the first then. I've not see anyone NOT get a log from .Net script framework when its a crash, but maybe your crash is like a dragonborn size massive orgasmic crash! :P


33 minutes ago, cheesemonster said:

I highly Doubt ZAZ is the issue, when I COC into it’s test cell I get no crashes. The most likely culprit is nemesis messing with Toys, because when I look away from anyone wearing toys my game is fine, but as soon as I look at them it crashes.

  • Nemesis can't directly mess with Toys. Nemesis is messing with FNIS. This means, in this case based on errors in your log, all mods using AA (Alternate Animations), such as DD and Toys, are effected when they try to use those animations
  • The broken FNIS AAs will have zero to do with line of sight however, this is animations we are talking about, not the toys from Toys, or devices from DD you see when looking at NPCs in the club
  • Now that said, it is possible for armor or devices from DD, or toys from Toys, to cause CTD, such as when you have buggered up installation of physics (HTD/SMP etc.) for items that use that

Don't be quick to rule out ZAZ. It's been 90% of the CTD cases reported and then solved for this mod. The Nemesis problem is very likely a separate unrelated problem.

Edited by VirginMarie
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37 minutes ago, VirginMarie said:


You be the first then. I've not see anyone NOT get a log from .Net script framework when its a crash, but maybe your crash is like a dragonborn size massive orgasmic crash! :P


  • Nemesis can't directly mess with Toys. Nemesis is messing with FNIS. This means, in this case based on errors in your log, all mods using AA (Alternate Animations), such as DD and Toys, are effected when they try to use those animations
  • The broken FNIS AAs will have zero to do with line of sight however, this is animations we are talking about, not the toys from Toys, or devices from DD you see when looking at NPCs in the club
  • Now that said, it is possible for armor or devices from DD, or toys from Toys, to cause CTD, such as when you have buggered up installation of physics (HTD/SMP etc.) for items that use that

Don't be quick to rule out ZAZ. It's been 90% of the CTD cases reported and then solved for this mod. The Nemesis problem is very likely a separate unrelated problem.

I’m not ruling out ZaZ, I just can’t see it being the issue since I don’t crash in it’s COC cell, and the animations work fine without crashing. My HTD/SMP work fine but just to be sure I’ll use the Non-Physics CBBE Bodyslide this time. Hell, to be extra sure I’ll uninstall it.


I’ll also disable some animation mods and try again. I’ll tell you the results when I can.



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29 minutes ago, cheesemonster said:

I’m not ruling out ZaZ, I just can’t see it being the issue since I don’t crash in it’s COC cell, and the animations work fine without crashing.

  • Animations absolutely don't cause crash when its a cell proximity thing. So looking at animations for anything, is likely barking up wrong tree. However missing Zaz meshes (the furniture asset itself) is well known for CTD. This is why most people who have CTD from going into the club, have root cause being missing ZAZ furniture
  • Going to ZAZ cell is a good test, as you are confirming the meshes don't CTD when in the cell. But this does not rule out it being wrong version of ZAZ, or two versions overwriting, or a new furniture item that was never added to the test cell


29 minutes ago, cheesemonster said:

My HTD/SMP work fine but just to be sure I’ll use the Non-Physics CBBE Bodyslide this time. Hell, to be extra sure I’ll uninstall it.

I’ll also disable some animation mods and try again. I’ll tell you the results when I can.


Do make sure its a new game after each change you make to your mods and their load order. If you don't do that, the test is not complete.


HTD/SMP is a long shot, and only because you believe looking at a toy causes CTD. You only need to confirm related mods have correct versions installed, not AE if you are SE and vice versa... stuff like that. Disabling animations mods would be a waste of time, other than ruling out Nemesis


We can only get real info with a Crash log.

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