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Sexlab Defeat Baka Edition LE/SE

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Is there an issue with creatures if you're a male PC and have the ability for male or female creatures to not assault the player, but do allow it to happen to NPCs?  Example would be if me and a follower are fighting falmers and we get downed but the falmers just walk or stand around and don't assault the female follower.  Is that a bug or working as intended?

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On 2022/8/28 at PM4点48分, SilenSE said:

大家好,我对失败动画有疑问。我所有的追随者都正确运行了 DAR 动画,但我的角色没有……她保持不动……我不知道怎么了……有什么想法吗?视频下方

我正在使用天际 AE




I got the same problem as you

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I'm going to leave it here for my future reference or for others.
For the issue of creature defeats not working/animations not starting. I did the following methods to make it work
1. SL Allow creature

2. SL Defeat make sure the race is enabled in supported race (if missing check the steps at the buttom to show the missing races or if empty both enabled and disabled races)
3. Make sure you have animations supported like Billy's SLAL
4. Enable and Register the animation at SL Animation Loader (make sure to go back and it says "TRUE" if registered
5. Turn off the Creature - required tags option at animation settings under defeat mcm (this is due to the defeat only registering limited animations, you can check it by turning it on and shift + e and you'll see the animations will play, if the animation is missing it wont play and it will just skip to your character sitting, hence I recommend turning it off)

This is just my experience trouble shooting the damn thing for hours. It might work for others but ill keep it here for me and to some.

If at the Assault by creatures enabled or disabled race is empty do the ff methods:

First Method:

1. Disable / uninstall defeat and sexlab through MCM

2. Install sexlab through mcm

3. Turn on Allow Creatures at animation tab

4. Wait for creatures installation finishes (ull be notified)

5. Enable defeat

6. Check the enabled list. It should be there, if not and still empty do the second method below


Second Method:

1. Quit the game

2. Disable Baka Defeat

3. Install OG Defeat SE

4. Create a new game

5. Load and install Sexlab and wait for installation to finish

6. Enable defeat and then wait for finish installation

7. Check list of enabled race. It should be there now.

8. Export settings. Quit the game and re-enable Baka defeat and disable OG Defeat, don't delete OG Defeat

9. Load save and import. It should be there now. If not I'm afraid a new game can only save you now.

Edited by sayokone
correction / added info for helping others and me
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I love this mod! Does anyone else have the issue that only one knock out animation plays? For me only the one where she falls to the side plays, I have never seen the other animation where she collapses on her knees. Is there a specific condition for this animation to play? 


And another question, the other Sexlab Defeat has the kidnapping / sex slave addition, what do I need to have this work for Baka version? Currently the aggressor just leaves my character alone and never kidnaps her.

Edited by howdoesthiswork
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Can anyone confirm if the "double get back up" animation is fixed if the 'cover-self' animation is disabled post-rape?


Edit: Also, just want to add that struggle QTE seems to be broken as no inputs are registered regardless keyboard or controller, but that could be instead because I have Auto Input Switch installed.

Edited by Gyra
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Currently using Sexlab Aroused 2.9 SSE and I am wondering if using SLAX  or  Sexlab Aroused Redux LE BakaFactory Edited Version    /  Sexlab Aroused Redux SE BakaFactory Edited Version instead might break some other mods or is it safe to switch? I assume there is a reason those are required here and not the SSE 2.9 version (and I see the modified here is 2.8b)

Edited by Guest
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On 11/13/2022 at 12:11 AM, howdoesthiswork said:

I love this mod! Does anyone else have the issue that only one knock out animation plays? For me only the one where she falls to the side plays, I have never seen the other animation where she collapses on her knees. Is there a specific condition for this animation to play? 




I rolled on here this morning with a similar themed question.  My first foray years ago with LE involved SL Surrender.  The Defeat mod is the more stable, more frequently updated and more native functions to hook into other critical mods, hence the chance.  I seem to remember SL Surrender having around 3-5 post-assault animations (I believe Hentai creatures has a similar collection).  Is there a way to wish-list this function into Baka's Defeat?

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Is there a way to make it easier to get up, when you're knocked down (i.e. laying on the ground, but no one is trying to have their way with you yet)? I swear, I'll break the keyboard soon, trying to get up after the knock!


I can see the option to make the struggle (when someone is trying to do you) easier/harder, yet, I see no such option for being knocked down.

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I am not sure if this is a bug or a feature- maybe someone could confirm? I am playing in LE when a defeat event is triggered, it appears as if game time is speeding up: the creatures (wolves) seem to start running, the actor voice goes really high pitched compared to original defeat mod and all sex animations run at least twice as fast. I have looked at all the MCM options and can't really make out if this is a problem with the settings, the mod or if this is just by design. In any case the high pitched voice and the much faster animations are a complete turn off- so if this is by design, I am going back to the regular defeat mod......

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Hey I am playing the SE version of defeat with the SE Baka Sexlab aroused redux, and when I get knocked down with my health reaching zero I just stay in the bleed out state to struggle, no animations happen, this occurs with male and female protagonist, I have creature animation packs from anubis, fluffy, billyy, etc. creature scenes are turned on under Sexlab, I don't know what could be causing this issue, it won't let me surrender at all either. 

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Seems to be an issue with MCM menu not installing. Log files don't seem to point to anything either, but it does register "new mcm menu readied". This issue persisted across original version, Bane's updated version, and Baka's version. Tried testing to see if various updated common mods were affecting them, but nothing. It seems to be some issue where the games register's it, but then still reads it as "uninstalled". No fix has worked so far, so seems like it may be "perma busted" for some

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15 hours ago, HornyRaccoon said:

Seems to be an issue with MCM menu not installing. Log files don't seem to point to anything either, but it does register "new mcm menu readied". This issue persisted across original version, Bane's updated version, and Baka's version. Tried testing to see if various updated common mods were affecting them, but nothing. It seems to be some issue where the games register's it, but then still reads it as "uninstalled". No fix has worked so far, so seems like it may be "perma busted" for some

Did more testing, for anyone looking into this in the future, the entire defeat framework is easily "stepped on" by other rape mods. This means it is overwritten, but is not shown as being overwritten in logs or by MO2/Vortex. Deactivate mods such as Sexlab Adventures, other rape mods, etc and try building a new character (use Alternate Start from Nexus to quicken the process) and activate SexLab, then Defeat. Seems to allow installation of the MCM menu then

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On 12/19/2022 at 3:19 PM, Only He Stands There said:

Anyone have the issue where nothing happen after the rape? I have it set to 100% rob and 80% left for dead after that. Bandits took my gold but nothing triggers after they took it. My character just stays in the down position.


Yes. Post-Assault events aren't triggering for me either.

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