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So I complained that slaves dont stay in furniture after a cell change or reload but it seems the culprit is not Dom but Zaz helper add on.


Furniture spawned by HSH work as intended with PAH/DoM slaves. (I hope Appolonia does not get a heart attack but this playthrough I am really mean with them)



Edited by Gräfin Zeppelin
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On 9/17/2022 at 12:30 AM, TrollAutokill said:

I am not sure you're supposed to use Wrye Bash anymore. I recommend MO2. Our experts on LE might have better advice on that matter, maybe@Gräfin Zeppelin

You need to drop the bag in front of you first, and then point at the bag with the crosshair.

Skyrim won't allow me to empty the bag when it's in the inventory, because when the bag is dropped using scripted commands it is emptied. But I will find a work around.

Either your rig is very slow or very old or both or you have a huge script lag and you will need to revisit your whole installation process.

That's the plan.

refuse to use any mod managers that use that 'file virtualization' due to how much more work it becomes to manage files with them, so MO2 is out (for the same reason I dropped NMM ages ago).
dropping the bag didn't occur to me, though it's nice to know now
Rig isn't slow or old (pretty new and fairly good), so it's probably script lag. the NPC in question was a falmer slave I picked up in blackreach, just an ordinary (and rather pretty) girl I found I liked.

but anyway, playing more with this mod...seeing what things I can see...disclaimer: I accumulated this over today's playtime, it's a lot! also, I use <pet> or <x> for placeholders. going to spoiler the giant mass.


PAH slave dialog was gone for a while, reappeared after a save and load. script lag again?
told my pet to dance, then after a while to stop everything she was doing, now she periodically starts dancing before stopping again. managed to get her to stop by telling her to play a lute for a bit. various poses (look submissive, shake ass) seem to just be...static. frozen.  feels a little off. they tend to get stuck, much like above. pretty problematic if I tell them to lay down in a bed...they snap between the animations.

'confusing a sobbing <pet> for unregistered reason  = 32' - I am basically just pushing a bunch of buttons at this point, not sure how I got this one. But i've been trying a mix of spanking her when she yells too much and comforting her when she behaves.
she keeps saying 'whip' when i'm whipping her...and it got stuck on the screen

I keep rotating the above kinda stuff, and...eventually when I go to 'listen to me, slave'...CTD. seems to be occurring after punishing her for trying to run (which gives the reason of 'no reason'), until she starts crying or goes into shock. much later, I managed to get it to happen after ordering a girl to stop whatever she was doing, then picking the "come here, slave" option.


ordered my girl to touch herself..., got a print of "<x> refuses to touch himself", so a gender check is broken there it looks like.


is there somewhere to turn off 'DoM wheel menu for <pet>' showing up when using the wheel hotkey?

Typo/grammar/punctuation list (just things i've encountered so far):
'etheral plane': use 'ethereal'
'whinning' should be 'whining'
'swallow her tears' use 'swallows'

'stops and wait' missing an s at the end

'order follow me to <pet>' should probably be 'order <pet> to follow me' or if you have to add it at the end, "gave 'follow' order to <pet>", similar with the 'wait here' variant

'not_respectful' is showing up for some things, probably should be 'disrespect', 'running_away' should probably not have the hyphen, didnt_wait should be "didn't wait"
'<x> choose to stop waiting' -> chooses

'one of my favorite fucktoy' last word should be fucktoys

for the olava quest, tracks should be track, and "she ask me" should be "she has asked me". first objective should be "niece's"


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1 hour ago, Khe said:

refuse to use any mod managers that use that 'file virtualization' due to how much more work it becomes to manage files with them, so MO2 is out (for the same reason I dropped NMM ages ago).
dropping the bag didn't occur to me, though it's nice to know now
Rig isn't slow or old (pretty new and fairly good), so it's probably script lag. the NPC in question was a falmer slave I picked up in blackreach, just an ordinary (and rather pretty) girl I found I liked.

but anyway, playing more with this mod...seeing what things I can see...disclaimer: I accumulated this over today's playtime, it's a lot! also, I use <pet> or <x> for placeholders. going to spoiler the giant mass.

sorry to say you seem to be vastly mis informed on how "mod mangers" work.   if your manually installing mods it will be hard for people to help you as there a good chance you have bad files, leftover files and other issues that come wit maunaly installs.
MO and even vortex after initial setup it takes a whooping 1 click to download, 1 click to install, 1 click to enable/deploy, 1 click to put in right mod order then 1 click to put plug in right load order. that all takes

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8 hours ago, Khe said:

refuse to use any mod managers that use that 'file virtualization' due to how much more work it becomes to manage files with them, so MO2 is out (for the same reason I dropped NMM ages ago).
dropping the bag didn't occur to me, though it's nice to know now
Rig isn't slow or old (pretty new and fairly good), so it's probably script lag. the NPC in question was a falmer slave I picked up in blackreach, just an ordinary (and rather pretty) girl I found I liked.

but anyway, playing more with this mod...seeing what things I can see...disclaimer: I accumulated this over today's playtime, it's a lot! also, I use <pet> or <x> for placeholders. going to spoiler the giant mass.

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PAH slave dialog was gone for a while, reappeared after a save and load. script lag again?
told my pet to dance, then after a while to stop everything she was doing, now she periodically starts dancing before stopping again. managed to get her to stop by telling her to play a lute for a bit. various poses (look submissive, shake ass) seem to just be...static. frozen.  feels a little off. they tend to get stuck, much like above. pretty problematic if I tell them to lay down in a bed...they snap between the animations.

'confusing a sobbing <pet> for unregistered reason  = 32' - I am basically just pushing a bunch of buttons at this point, not sure how I got this one. But i've been trying a mix of spanking her when she yells too much and comforting her when she behaves.
she keeps saying 'whip' when i'm whipping her...and it got stuck on the screen

I keep rotating the above kinda stuff, and...eventually when I go to 'listen to me, slave'...CTD. seems to be occurring after punishing her for trying to run (which gives the reason of 'no reason'), until she starts crying or goes into shock. much later, I managed to get it to happen after ordering a girl to stop whatever she was doing, then picking the "come here, slave" option.


ordered my girl to touch herself..., got a print of "<x> refuses to touch himself", so a gender check is broken there it looks like.


is there somewhere to turn off 'DoM wheel menu for <pet>' showing up when using the wheel hotkey?

Typo/grammar/punctuation list (just things i've encountered so far):
'etheral plane': use 'ethereal'
'whinning' should be 'whining'
'swallow her tears' use 'swallows'

'stops and wait' missing an s at the end

'order follow me to <pet>' should probably be 'order <pet> to follow me' or if you have to add it at the end, "gave 'follow' order to <pet>", similar with the 'wait here' variant

'not_respectful' is showing up for some things, probably should be 'disrespect', 'running_away' should probably not have the hyphen, didnt_wait should be "didn't wait"
'<x> choose to stop waiting' -> chooses

'one of my favorite fucktoy' last word should be fucktoys

for the olava quest, tracks should be track, and "she ask me" should be "she has asked me". first objective should be "niece's"


Thanks for the thorough review. I will try to correct most of it for next version.

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12 hours ago, sidfu1 said:

sorry to say you seem to be vastly mis informed on how "mod mangers" work.   if your manually installing mods it will be hard for people to help you as there a good chance you have bad files, leftover files and other issues that come wit maunaly installs.
MO and even vortex after initial setup it takes a whooping 1 click to download, 1 click to install, 1 click to enable/deploy, 1 click to put in right mod order then 1 click to put plug in right load order. that all takes

wrye bash lets me see what files are missing, matched or conflicting, and I can uninstall and install easily. Does MO2? I don't do "manual" installations most of the time. I only do manual installations when I suspect something is acting up (and like with this most recent issue, it was pretty obvious that it was necessary), but even then I have wrye to tell me the status of the files (even if I'm a lil rusty at actually reading that info). When I install or uninstall, there are no leftovers because I can make sure quite easily. Meanwhile, from what I am hearing of MO2 and such (and, admittedly, it's possibly just hearsay from various locations), if I want to use things like bodyslide or tes5edit to resolve any issues that pop up I have to go through extra hoops just to get them to work.

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in the 3.1.6 version the "put your cloths back on "function is no working, it has text pop up but then noting happens. and when using "you gonna wear this " give cloths to slave it takes a while for cloths to equip or not at all

           hope those problems can be fixed I really like the new wheel menu

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3 hours ago, Khe said:

wrye bash lets me see what files are missing, matched or conflicting, and I can uninstall and install easily. Does MO2? I don't do "manual" installations most of the time. I only do manual installations when I suspect something is acting up (and like with this most recent issue, it was pretty obvious that it was necessary), but even then I have wrye to tell me the status of the files (even if I'm a lil rusty at actually reading that info). When I install or uninstall, there are no leftovers because I can make sure quite easily. Meanwhile, from what I am hearing of MO2 and such (and, admittedly, it's possibly just hearsay from various locations), if I want to use things like bodyslide or tes5edit to resolve any issues that pop up I have to go through extra hoops just to get them to work.

wyre bash is manually installing a mod still.
yeah sounds like people gave you false info about running programs thru MO. probaly on the orginal versions of MO in early days it had issues but  for past 6 years ive never had any  issues with MO/MO2 and bodyslide/edit.the only thing for bodyslide and edit you ahve to do is to run them MO thats it no other specal has to be did. there some things you can do for conveince like adding shorcus or tellign it to put files in in a mod folder for MO but those are more QOL.


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4 hours ago, Sant69 said:

in the 3.1.6 version the "put your cloths back on "function is no working, it has text pop up but then noting happens. and when using "you gonna wear this " give cloths to slave it takes a while for cloths to equip or not at all

           hope those problems can be fixed I really like the new wheel menu

A slave equips only after you close the inventory menu and only if allowed to wear clothes.


The put your clothes back on, I will check.

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11 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

Thanks for the thorough review. I will try to correct most of it for next version.

yup. I like this mod so I wanna help a bit in polishing it. heh.


"you promised me to be gentle" -> "you promised you would be gentle to me"

"you warned me against covering self" -> "you warned me against covering myself", also "I am Afraid" has a capital letter it shouldn't.
"Confusing a fearful <pet> by removing  humiliating device" has 2 spaces between removing and humiliating, those 2 spaces should have 'a' between them

"<pet> couldn't help but moved trying to avoid" should be 'move' not 'moved'


and also adding "Tracking Thugs" in the loadup process gets set to be tracked. VERY annoying when I do not want it to always be on.

managed to get yet another CTD, though this time not from menu dialog...I was punishing a girl with spankings after scolding her via wheel menu for begging me to stop, guessing one of her reactions triggred it

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1 hour ago, Khe said:

yup. I like this mod so I wanna help a bit in polishing it. heh.


"you promised me to be gentle" -> "you promised you would be gentle to me"

"you warned me against covering self" -> "you warned me against covering myself", also "I am Afraid" has a capital letter it shouldn't.
"Confusing a fearful <pet> by removing  humiliating device" has 2 spaces between removing and humiliating, those 2 spaces should have 'a' between them

"<pet> couldn't help but moved trying to avoid" should be 'move' not 'moved'


and also adding "Tracking Thugs" in the loadup process gets set to be tracked. VERY annoying when I do not want it to always be on.

managed to get yet another CTD, though this time not from menu dialog...I was punishing a girl with spankings after scolding her via wheel menu for begging me to stop, guessing one of her reactions triggred it

Capital letters are unfortunately a Skyrim bugs, they come and go without warning...


Some of the text is also simplified because punishing/threatening/praising reasons are stored as string and used in sentences as text replacement.

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2 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

Capital letters are unfortunately a Skyrim bugs, they come and go without warning...


Some of the text is also simplified because punishing/threatening/praising reasons are stored as string and used in sentences as text replacement.

right...and that raised a concern about how well the code is sanitized against attempting to concatenate nils into strings and such, might be one of the reasons the code crashes sometimes...I should probably figure out how to get a debugger of some kind hooked up so that I know what's causing those -.- but lazy


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10 hours ago, Khe said:

right...and that raised a concern about how well the code is sanitized against attempting to concatenate nils into strings and such, might be one of the reasons the code crashes sometimes...I should probably figure out how to get a debugger of some kind hooked up so that I know what's causing those -.- but lazy


But you would be a goddess/god!

Edited by TrollAutokill
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On 9/20/2022 at 11:29 PM, Khe said:


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PAH slave dialog was gone for a while, reappeared after a save and load. script lag again?


Could be.

On 9/20/2022 at 11:29 PM, Khe said:


told my pet to dance, then after a while to stop everything she was doing, now she periodically starts dancing before stopping again. managed to get her to stop by telling her to play a lute for a bit.

If she is well trained she might do special pose on her own initiative while waiting. Otherwise that's a bug.


On 9/20/2022 at 11:29 PM, Khe said:

various poses (look submissive, shake ass) seem to just be...static. frozen.  feels a little off. they tend to get stuck, much like above. pretty problematic if I tell them to lay down in a bed...they snap between the animations.

Idles should not go through if sitting, slipping or riding. But maybe the lay down is an animation. Something to look into. What do you use to have them lay down, do favor?


On 9/20/2022 at 11:29 PM, Khe said:

'confusing a sobbing <pet> for unregistered reason  = 32' - I am basically just pushing a bunch of buttons at this point, not sure how I got this one. But i've been trying a mix of spanking her when she yells too much and comforting her when she behaves.

32 means unknown reason. I put a notification so next time it happens you will get the name of the reason. Write it down and report again.


On 9/20/2022 at 11:29 PM, Khe said:


she keeps saying 'whip' when i'm whipping her...and it got stuck on the screen

That's one of the possible dialogues for that yes. If it gets stuck on the screen, that's Skyrim's bug, I am afraid.


On 9/20/2022 at 11:29 PM, Khe said:

I keep rotating the above kinda stuff, and...eventually when I go to 'listen to me, slave'...CTD. seems to be occurring after punishing her for trying to run (which gives the reason of 'no reason'), until she starts crying or goes into shock. much later, I managed to get it to happen after ordering a girl to stop whatever she was doing, then picking the "come here, slave" option.

A logfile would be great to understand what's going on.


On 9/20/2022 at 11:29 PM, Khe said:


ordered my girl to touch herself..., got a print of "<x> refuses to touch himself", so a gender check is broken there it looks like.

Nice find, corrected.


On 9/20/2022 at 11:29 PM, Khe said:


is there somewhere to turn off 'DoM wheel menu for <pet>' showing up when using the wheel hotkey?

You need to turn off debug key mode. But I will remove it for next version since it's working now.


On 9/20/2022 at 11:29 PM, Khe said:

Typo/grammar/punctuation list (just things i've encountered so far):
'etheral plane': use 'ethereal'

No idea where this one is. Not in the scripts not in DoM's quest dialogue.


On 9/20/2022 at 11:29 PM, Khe said:

'whinning' should be 'whining'



On 9/20/2022 at 11:29 PM, Khe said:

'swallow her tears' use 'swallows'



On 9/20/2022 at 11:29 PM, Khe said:

'stops and wait' missing an s at the end



On 9/20/2022 at 11:29 PM, Khe said:

'order follow me to <pet>' should probably be 'order <pet> to follow me' or if you have to add it at the end, "gave 'follow' order to <pet>", similar with the 'wait here' variant

Done - Most of them.


On 9/20/2022 at 11:29 PM, Khe said:

'not_respectful' is showing up for some things, probably should be 'disrespect', 'running_away' should probably not have the hyphen, didnt_wait should be "didn't wait"
'<x> choose to stop waiting' -> chooses

Those are strings defined long ago and the grammar would be hard to respect in this case. Sorry.


On 9/20/2022 at 11:29 PM, Khe said:

'one of my favorite fucktoy' last word should be fucktoys



On 9/20/2022 at 11:29 PM, Khe said:

for the olava quest, tracks should be track, and "she ask me" should be "she has asked me". first objective should be "niece's"





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3 hours ago, TrollAutokill said:

Could be.

If she is well trained she might do special pose on her own initiative while waiting. Otherwise that's a bug.

Idles should not go through if sitting, slipping or riding. But maybe the lay down is an animation. Something to look into. What do you use to have them lay down, do favor?

32 means unknown reason. I put a notification so next time it happens you will get the name of the reason. Write it down and report again.

That's one of the possible dialogues for that yes. If it gets stuck on the screen, that's Skyrim's bug, I am afraid.

A logfile would be great to understand what's going on.

Nice find, corrected.

You need to turn off debug key mode. But I will remove it for next version since it's working now.

No idea where this one is. Not in the scripts not in DoM's quest dialogue.

Those are strings defined long ago and the grammar would be hard to respect in this case. Sorry.


dancing: not well trained, barely started. it just kept flipping between that and normal idling
not sure what to say about the unknown reason...because i'm not sure what is even triggering it
the dialog stuck on screen being vanilla...figures. but why would the slave just say Whip, with nothing else?
i'll have to get a logfile for the crashes, though havent had much luck. will have to poke at the settings
etheral plane: Yes, it's DoM. 2 places, actually, took a bit to get tes5edit filtered right (filter by the dialogues and by name contains: etheral). xx52F8DF and xx52F8E0, under xx422D45 (DOM02DialogueAnswerThanksRespect)

debug key mode...got it. turned that off and forgot to redo when I loaded the save again after a crash. whoops.

i'll see if I can manage to get a proper log, doubt it though

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Adding more text fixes to the list (yay tes5edit making reading these significantly easier...):
DOM02DialogueFeeling05Topic (Resignation), the khajiit one "My people are not know for" it should be 'known'. the nord one should probably use elipses (...) instead of a question mark, bard one has 'was' twice, when it looks like it should be 'once was'
DialogueAnswerValue: orc one "We Orsimmer" has 1 too many 'm'
DialogueAnswerTouchBegin: Orsimmar should be Orsinium, there is no Orsimmar or Orsimmer
DialogueAnswerStrip: there's one for "I can't breath", should be 'breathe', similar in MoodJealous "I just need to breath"
WeatherCloudyRespectful: 'duty to warn you' lines: "Skyrim's", rather than "Skyrim". "Bad weather is its way" lines should be "Bad weather is on its way"
DialogueWeatherSnowRespectful: shouldn't those lines about rain be snow themed instead?
DialogueFailedPromiseRespectful: "you promise me to be lenient"
DialogueFailedPromise: "you promise me to be gentle"
AnswerAroused: more counts of "breath" instead of "breathe", there's also a "want to feel trapped dep inside" (should be deep)
DialogueFeeling06Respect: the 'only be hurt by people I respect' line for mistresses has an extra space before mistress
AngerRespectful: everydoby ._. also 'for ever' should be 'forever'
'breath' again, DialogueAnswerAttackTopic this time. and another 2 in MoodDepressedTopic.
AnswerBadly: disappointed, not disapointed
MoodLoveTopic: "Master fat cock" should be "Master's"
MoodAshamed: "hapenning" should be "happening"
MoodAngryTopic: multiple counts of "don't you dare touching me" when it should be "don't you dare touch me"

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3 hours ago, Kalysto said:

Please don't fix everydoby, I never told about that cause I found it extremely funny.


Ok fix it, but still very funny.

Next time I make a quest, I will definitely name a character Evry Dobby, and guess what, she will learn the hard truth!

Edited by TrollAutokill
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Wonderful mon.  


I have installed GSPoses SE 13 02.7z (linked from post in this thread), but dance still does nothing. Skyrim SE. Assuming it works for others, would be nice to add it to the list of recommended mods. 


Feature list: 


What I had hoped "All slaves attention" did was select all "near by" slaves and present the user with a unified set of stripped down choices.

This would allow me to tell them all to wait here, come forward, stop attacking, "touch themselves", etc.  Personally prefers it to learning dozens of "all" hot keys. Really any common that would be make sense to be applied to the group. It would really save me a lot of time.  


Would love a "favorites" list of command.  Using a dialog tree in the MCM, the user could toggling commands into favorites.  Favorites would be selected with a hotkey or dialog (it would only appear in dialog if there was a least one command selected) 


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1 hour ago, Good Provider said:

Wonderful mon.  


I have installed GSPoses SE 13 02.7z (linked from post in this thread), but dance still does nothing. Skyrim SE. Assuming it works for others, would be nice to add it to the list of recommended mods. 


Feature list: 


What I had hoped "All slaves attention" did was select all "near by" slaves and present the user with a unified set of stripped down choices.

This would allow me to tell them all to wait here, come forward, stop attacking, "touch themselves", etc.  Personally prefers it to learning dozens of "all" hot keys. Really any common that would be make sense to be applied to the group. It would really save me a lot of time.  


Would love a "favorites" list of command.  Using a dialog tree in the MCM, the user could toggling commands into favorites.  Favorites would be selected with a hotkey or dialog (it would only appear in dialog if there was a least one command selected) 


There will a wheel menu for all nearby slaves.


Favorite hotkeys can already be set. Just unset the ones you don't use.

Edited by TrollAutokill
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Hi gals and guys,


I have been a bit slow recently, among the reasons why was the recent Skyrim SE update. Most of the mods with DLL I am using are not updated yet. So if you let Steam do the update (like me...) you might want to revert to the last working version. In case you feel lost with all the information on internet here is a short summary on how to do it on windows.



Get SkyrimSE.exe 1.6.353.0 from depot


  • Start steam in online mod
  • Press Win+R, paste: steam://nav/console
  • Paste in steam console: download_depot 489830 489833  570833277049890269
  • Wait for download to finish, switch steam to offline mode and exit steam.
  • Copy "Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\content\app_489830\depot_489833\SkyrimSE.exe" to Skyrim top directory, overwriting the new version.
  • Optionally prevent any other update by setting "Read only" property on "Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\appmanifest_489830.acf


Install SKSE 2.1.5




if you have a DLL loading error when trying to start SKSE, it most certainly means you have been updating one of your mods to SKSE 2.2 and you need to revert it.


  • Check which DLLs are listed in the warning window.
  • Download and reinstall the corresponding mods for the Skyrim 1.6.353 version.
  • Latest Address Library is compatible with all versions and can be kept safely.


Edited by TrollAutokill
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