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Toys Poll  

865 members have voted

  1. 1. The most important feature in Toys is...

    • The toys themselves
    • Toys Effects & Buffs, incl. transformation & unique escape methods
    • Toys "Love" features... Rousing, Fondle, Denial, Oversexed, Spontaneous Orgasm
    • Animations... Bound, Blind Fall, Spontaneous Orgasm, Signing, & Other
  2. 2. When using Toys, I normally have...

    • Only Toys Framework installed
    • Toys + DD installed
    • Toys + ZAP installed
    • Toys + ZAP + DD installed

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1 hour ago, HILRAGI said:

I have Toys SE working but for some reason when I'm binded my character unbinds themselves and doesn't use the kick animations what can I do to fix that 


If the toy you are wearing has the Magical Wrist Bindings Effect, it sounds like its behaving normally.


To see the Effect any toy has, go to Toys MCM - Worn Toys tab - click on a toy to see its details.


I think maybe you don't understand Magical Wrist Bindings. If it's that, read the highlight tips on the Toys MCM Settings for Magical Wrist Bindings. The Features page describes them this way...


Magical Wrist Restraints

  • Random animations for hands tied behind your back. You can break out as needed for things like combat

Hard Core Magical Wrist Restraints

  • The Magical Wrists Restraints, if enabled in MCM, may switch to hard core mode where you cannot break out. You can kick in combat though
Edited by VirginMarie
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On 1/21/2022 at 8:35 AM, VirginMarie said:


I was dreaming about keys last night... I dropped a couple during an innocent Spontaneous Orgasm, then as I desperately try to pick them up, a toy transformed, causing magical energies to blow the keys off a cliff into the water below. Then when I dove under water, I dropped another key and recovered none!


Additional thoughts on this :P ...

  • Since most people are wearing at least one toy frequently, not sure your idea changes things up. No different than just lowering the existing chance
  • Its normal that you start out with no keys, but eventually, no matter what, you accumulate a set of the 4 keys
  • The existing feature that does balance this is the Toys - MCM - Keys tab. In particular, if you set "Don't Drop Last Key" to off. This makes a big difference, and pretty sure I had it off in my dream

So I'm betting you could find a difficultly level you like by adjusting the existing chance options in TT, plus by adjusting Toys - MCM - Keys tab settings.


Some good suggestions, thanks!  I also left comments in the TT thread like you suggested.


One other thing I've noticed is that the automatic unlock option for Toys, while convenient, can be a little unintended at times.  I have lots of equipment with unusual equipment slots (bandoliers, bikini armor, etc) and they tend to conflict with a lot of DD/Toys slots.  It's hard to remember which is which, so I am used to just going and trying to equip all my gear again and having a few of them fail.  With DD that works fine - when I try to equip the armor that conflicts with a DD slot, equipping the armor just silently fails.  But with Toys it unlocks and removes the toy.  It's nice how Toys streamlines removal compared to DD, but in this case it's not ideal.  I wonder if it's possible to prevent auto-unlock when you're equipping a different item?  I don't know which papyrus events you're hooking to implement unlock (or prevent unlock without keys) so I don't know if it's possible to distinguish this case.  If you can't tell them apart through the events, I wonder if your code could check on unequip to see if that slot is occupied by a different item, then reequip the Toy?  That wouldn't conflict with the normal case (of clicking the Toy to unequip it) but might allow you to tell if the Toy was unequipped via equipping a different piece of armor.

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16 minutes ago, throwaway219 said:

I wonder if it's possible to prevent auto-unlock when you're equipping a different item?  


So it would be, a new MCM setting "No auto-unlock when swap" on/off

If this is off, I'd need to do some crappy pop up stuff like DD does :P


A side effect is that this will happen also when DD mods, that are not aware of Toys, when they try to equip a DD during their quests, will cause the pop up too. That will appear very broken. Toys has purposely submitted to that, as its the best of the 2 evils.


This whole area is very complex and sensitive. Your use case is not common. So no... I think I will stay away from this idea :D. I'd do it if it were easy, but tis not the case.


Edited by VirginMarie
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37 minutes ago, VirginMarie said:

This whole area is very complex and sensitive. Your use case is not common. So no... I think I will stay away from this idea :D. I'd do it if it were easy, but tis not the case.

Not that uncommon, I've wished for something to do so repeatedly as well. As workaround I usually throw my keys in an extradimensional container, but inevitable I forget or just fall behind and an unintended unlock will happen. Obvious drawback of that method also is, that I can't lose my keys. So a different solution would be welcome.

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53 minutes ago, Talesien said:

Not that uncommon, I've wished for something to do so repeatedly as well. As workaround I usually throw my keys in an extradimensional container, but inevitable I forget or just fall behind and an unintended unlock will happen. Obvious drawback of that method also is, that I can't lose my keys. So a different solution would be welcome.


We can't have "You wanna unlock this, you little slut?" message popping up when DD is unknowingly trying to remove a toy, right? Fine for manually trying to equip, but not fine when its via a DD mod script. A pop up for a swap scenario is not a possible solution.


Needs to be silent, also to keep my covenants! :D MCM option "Do not allow swap out of toy". The user tries to equip something into a slot that is occupied by a Toys toy, and just nothing happens, the toy stays put. But here's the catch... now that DD mod trying to equip their DD, unaware of toys, get's screwed. In rare case it might bugger their quest. The mod author is long gone, nobody around to fix it. Thus I've needed to have Toys function this way to play nice and pick the least of 2 evils. Toys submits to DD. See?  One mod must or you get a looping tug-of-war re-equipping battle. You don't want toys to be the dom, like this...




... or things get nasty. *giggles* Trust me, screwing with this functionality is fragile. I can't go there. I can't think of a solution.

Edited by VirginMarie
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1 minute ago, u543764509 said:


If I don't remove any esp/esm, but just move it around a bit (like putting RND at the end of the load order for more compatibility with other mods), do I mess up my mods as well?


Probably, yeah. Can range from the good old F1F9 crash to very subtle corruption of script props, globals, and other fun stuff that causes more and more problems over time till the game becomes unplayable. 

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16 minutes ago, gregaaz said:


Probably, yeah. Can range from the good old F1F9 crash to very subtle corruption of script props, globals, and other fun stuff that causes more and more problems over time till the game becomes unplayable. 

Thanks for quick reply!

Damnit. I loaded RND after Hunterborn and now I want to make RND the master for Hunterborn, but I can't since RND is loaded after it. :(


Last question, if I add a new esp at the very end of load order (and only esp, no esm), so the load order numbers for the other mods don't change does it also mess up mods?


(I've been playing TES since Morrowind and modding it since Oblivion and I never knew these things until now :facepalm:) Thanks for your help! :)

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36 minutes ago, u543764509 said:

If I don't remove any esp/esm, but just move it around a bit (like putting RND at the end of the load order for more compatibility with other mods), do I mess up my mods as well?


Yes, in addition to what Greg said, you can read FAQ #4.

The very essence of the golden rule is to not change load order. Moving a mod is changing LO.



Last question, if I add a new esp at the very end of load order (and only esp, no esm), so the load order numbers for the other mods don't change does it also mess up mods?

Read FAQ. The golden rule clearly states you can do this. You can also replace a mod with the same mod (aka. upgrade), unless the mod author has stated its not safe for upgrade.

Edited by VirginMarie
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2 minutes ago, u543764509 said:

Last question, if I add a new esp at the very end of load order (and only esp, no esm), so the load order numbers for the other mods don't change does it also mess up mods?


Hot modding is never 100% safe, but strict "end only" additions are much less likely to kill your game. The main issue you get there are things like persistent records not getting updated because your save (load order FF) is overwriting them with pre-change data.


Out of curiosity, why do you need to make Rnd a master for campfire? Could you accomplish what you want by putting an override patch at the end of your load order that has RND and CF both as masters to hold your edits? 


That way you could preserve your load order and also avoid having to edit the underlying plugins and risk losing your changes if you have to reinstall.

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1 hour ago, gregaaz said:

Out of curiosity, why do you need to make Rnd a master for campfire?


Not campfire, hunterborn.


1 hour ago, gregaaz said:

That way you could preserve your load order and also avoid having to edit the underlying plugins and risk losing your changes if you have to reinstall.


Honestly, at this point I'm completely confused, it's 2am lol. I should go to sleep, but I'm the stubborn type who has to solve a problem first, lol. My problem was that I harvested some meat from a wolf I killed through Hunterborn's butcher menu, but then I couldn't cook it for some reason, the only effect it had was to recover stamina, nothing about being cookable or stop hunger. I tried the other way round, made HB the master for RND, but now the bulb is trying to flicker on and tell me that maybe the problem is with HB's meat's keywords or cooking side of the game.


Cause I have the same problem with AE's fish, brook bass.


EDIT: looks like that Hunterborn and RND 2.0 ports to SE are pretty bad, they're missing the "charred meat" recipees from older versions. Solved some problem by installing HB-RND(USLEEP) patch even though it's for the wrong version of RND.

Edited by u543764509
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58 minutes ago, u543764509 said:


Not campfire, hunterborn.



Honestly, at this point I'm completely confused, it's 2am lol. I should go to sleep, but I'm the stubborn type who has to solve a problem first, lol. My problem was that I harvested some meat from a wolf I killed through Hunterborn's butcher menu, but then I couldn't cook it for some reason, the only effect it had was to recover stamina, nothing about being cookable or stop hunger. I tried the other way round, made HB the master for RND, but now the bulb is trying to flicker on and tell me that maybe the problem is with HB's meat's keywords or cooking side of the game.


Cause I have the same problem with AE's fish, brook bass.


EDIT: looks like that Hunterborn and RND 2.0 ports to SE are pretty bad, they're missing the "charred meat" recipees from older versions. Solved some problem by installing HB-RND(USLEEP) patch even though it's for the wrong version of RND.

Yeah, RND 2 is a mess. I personally recommend iWant RND CACO. It's good autodetection function hadn't failed me yet. Glad you got it patched though. 


If you run into a similar issue in the future and want advice/ assistance with making a patch, just shoot me a private message and I'll do what I can to aid you. 

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1 hour ago, gregaaz said:

Yeah, RND 2 is a mess. I personally recommend iWant RND CACO. It's good autodetection function hadn't failed me yet. Glad you got it patched though. 


I tried iNeed with previous install, but didn't like it. RND is at least more informative what effects food has and which food has effects, with iNeed that info was just not there, some food actually did something, while other didn't.


Should've used RND USLEEP tbh, but I thought that 2.0 will be better since it was newer. :S Few and badly ported mods is what has kept me away from SSE and still playing LE for so long, but when I completely messed up my LE install I figured I should just try SE/AE how it's now.


1 hour ago, gregaaz said:


If you run into a similar issue in the future and want advice/ assistance with making a patch, just shoot me a private message and I'll do what I can to aid you. 


Thanks, I really appreciate that! :)

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31 minutes ago, u543764509 said:


I tried iNeed with previous install, but didn't like it. RND is at least more informative what effects food has and which food has effects, with iNeed that info was just not there, some food actually did something, while other didn't.


Should've used RND USLEEP tbh, but I thought that 2.0 will be better since it was newer. :S Few and badly ported mods is what has kept me away from SSE and still playing LE for so long, but when I completely messed up my LE install I figured I should just try SE/AE how it's now.



Thanks, I really appreciate that! :)


I liked some aspects of iNeed, especially the follower needs part, but I agree other aspects aren't as good as RND. iWant RND CACO is RND at its core but it has really good UI (far superior to RND 2) and great on the fly food detection and classification. Of course, the infamous levering list overflow/ crash on save big is a deal breaker for iNeed in any event. 

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15 hours ago, VirginMarie said:


I think you missed this in the instructions...


Known Mod Conflict: SexLab - Remove Standard Animations - will break Toy's Spontaneous Orgasm. Other Known Mod Conflicts Here



That mod removes sexlab's main animations. Will break Spontaneous Orgasm and Exhausted, and things in Toys Content mods too.


I have not installed this mod, but I have installed a cleaned Sexlab Framwork 1.63 version from Bakafaktory and SexLab Utility Plus. That could come out the same.

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17 hours ago, VirginMarie said:


If the toy you are wearing has the Magical Wrist Bindings Effect, it sounds like its behaving normally.


To see the Effect any toy has, go to Toys MCM - Worn Toys tab - click on a toy to see its details.


I think maybe you don't understand Magical Wrist Bindings. If it's that, read the highlight tips on the Toys MCM Settings for Magical Wrist Bindings. The Features page describes them this way...


Magical Wrist Restraints

  • Random animations for hands tied behind your back. You can break out as needed for things like combat

Hard Core Magical Wrist Restraints

  • The Magical Wrists Restraints, if enabled in MCM, may switch to hard core mode where you cannot break out. You can kick in combat though

i figured it out lol SkySA was editing the overwriting h2h animations and conditions thanks 

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Before I totally give up, has anyone out there got any other ideas as to how to forcestart the Toys and Hot&Wet MCMs without going back to the very beginning again.  I really can't face re-doing 100+ or so other MCM settings ...


And, yes, I've tried the patched script, and even the console restart, despite using Jaxonz' MCM kicker 


FWIW, in case it helps, ReSaver shows 270+ active scripts and, aside from the half of those that are 'terminated', almost all the rest, bar maybe half a dozen or so, are Toys related. from ESM, TT, Toybox, etc and some even from SLaV


And if Wonder Woman mentions the Golden Rule, I'll wrap her up in her Gold Lariat and have her take a shower under one of her Waterfalls... ?




More seriously, FWIW, here's the last log after I added some toys to inventory with 'Additemmenu'.  It looks horrible ... ?


If it's any help, observed


1 - Gags didn't activa'e 'open' mouth

2 - yokes disn't raise wrists to the end of the collar rods

3 - no sounds - assuming those bells are supposed to generate sound

4 - if wrist irons are supposed to acivate a bound pose, they didn't



Edited by DonQuiWho
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Afraid starting anew is your only reliable option at this point. You might be able to get it to work somehow, but it's doubtful it will work properly. FWIW while putting together the setup for my current playthrough I went through that about a dozen times (probably more), over the course of a month. One get's faster with practice. ;) It also tells you something about the mods you are using. The best ones save and load their settings automatically, the good ones give you the option to save and load your settings manually, the acceptable ones simply don't have to many settings and the bad ones ... well those have a ton of settings and no save/load option.


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11 hours ago, gregaaz said:


I liked some aspects of iNeed, especially the follower needs part, but I agree other aspects aren't as good as RND. iWant RND CACO is RND at its core but it has really good UI (far superior to RND 2) and great on the fly food detection and classification. Of course, the infamous levering list overflow/ crash on save big is a deal breaker for iNeed in any event. 


Huh, never heard of iWant before, gonna take a look during next playthrough, thanks for the tip! :) Okay, I'm not so far into the current playthrough that I couldn't simply start another one, but tbh the setting up of all my mods in MCM is so freaking annoying, since most of them don't have the preset/profile option, that I would rather swallow these little issues I have than go through all of that all over again. xD


EDIT: eh, screw it, gonna try it anyway.

Edited by u543764509
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1 hour ago, u543764509 said:


Huh, never heard of iWant before, gonna take a look during next playthrough, thanks for the tip! :) Okay, I'm not so far into the current playthrough that I couldn't simply start another one, but tbh the setting up of all my mods in MCM is so freaking annoying, since most of them don't have the preset/profile option, that I would rather swallow these little issues I have than go through all of that all over again. xD


EDIT: eh, screw it, gonna try it anyway.


Here's the link for iWant https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/33227. The UI widgets are in a separate Nexus page: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/33226

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8 hours ago, N.Gamma said:

I have not installed this mod, but I have installed a cleaned Sexlab Framwork 1.63 version from Bakafaktory and SexLab Utility Plus. That could come out the same.


This issue of mods changing/hacking Sexlab goes away with Toys next release. This is because Toys will no longer require Sexlab. So among other things, it wont rely on sexlab animations being there, intact, as it's author intended.  

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5 hours ago, DonQuiWho said:

Before I totally give up, has anyone out there got any other ideas as to how to forcestart the Toys and Hot&Wet MCMs without going back to the very beginning again.  I really can't face re-doing 100+ or so other MCM settings ...


If you don't start a new game, your save is completely fucked, period, end of story. This is not about force starting, its about using a compatible load order. You can't force that.




So behave yourself ! Follow the golden rule! Do it now! :P 


5 hours ago, DonQuiWho said:

And, yes, I've tried the patched script, and even the console restart, despite using Jaxonz' MCM kicker 


Patched script does does not help you, if you don't follow the golden rule! Nothing can help you if you don't, other than maybe my whip above.


5 hours ago, DonQuiWho said:


FWIW, in case it helps, ReSaver shows 270+ active scripts and, aside from the half of those that are 'terminated', almost all the rest, bar maybe half a dozen or so, are Toys related. from ESM, TT, Toybox, etc and some even from SLaV


Because SkyUI can't register stuff into MCM, thus the mods that can't register have hung scripts waiting forever. Resaver is lieterally screaming out to you... golden rule.... start a new game.... golden rule!! <-- there I linked it for you to be helpful


5 hours ago, DonQuiWho said:

And if Wonder Woman mentions the Golden Rule, I'll wrap her up in her Gold Lariat and have her take a shower under one of her Waterfalls... ?


Oh god yes please !! After that, can I have a spanking?

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I shall copy that MO profile in due course


I shall call the new one 'Spank her Butt As Hard as You can'


I'll get rid of everything bar Toys/SlaVe and start a new game. 


But it may take a while (although hopefullly less than the 12 months it took to trying for the first time LOL)  ?


My game PC shall be called 'PigTail'

I shall challenge her magic.  And ....


She shall ride ride my cock-horse to Banbury Cross,
We'll see the fine lady upon her black horse;
With cuffs on her wrists and bells in her ass,
She'll make me sweet music for all of that sass



Strafbock Erector


Thanks for the reply.  You're obviously in as good form as ever  ... ?




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24 minutes ago, DonQuiWho said:

I shall copy that MO profile in due course


I shall call the new one 'Spank her Butt As Hard as You can'


I'll get rid of everything bar Toys, Toyful Temptations, Toys Story, Toys Workshop, HoT&WeT, Whorecrux, Classic Toy Box, SlaVe and start a new game. 


But it may take a while (although hopefullly less than the 12 months it took to trying for the first time LOL)  ?


My game PC shall be called 'PigTail'

I shall challenge her magic.  And ....


She shall ride ride my cock-horse to Banbury Cross,
We'll see the fine lady upon her black horse;
With cuffs on her wrists and bells in her ass,
She'll make me sweet music for all of that sass


Thanks for the reply.  You're obviously in as good form as ever  ... ?




*giggles innocently*


I've made one correction to your text above.

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