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Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & the Secret Fairy Nude Mods

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13 hours ago, nothingworksfuck said:

see, i noticed that too when i was changing the hex back. i did not know if it would effect the changes i made to the mesh but i will try that thank you so much!

Edit: so i changed the header back to what it was before importing the mesh, game still crashes. im at a lose

Hmm...I do not know why the game crashes even after correcting the header.
Can you upload the g1m file whose header has been changed back to original one?

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- First I checked the switch version and the DLC (at least for the JP version, that is all I could find), and it doesn't seem to have any new costumes. But checking the DLC lists, there is a DLC named "Beware of Puni!" and "Blue Puni Costume" T-Shirts for Ryza (01009A90120230C9 - EN or 0100B020117D90C9 - JP), that wasn't in the JP DLC pack I found. There are pages for them on the tinfoil website, but I don't use that, so maybe someone who does can download it. (Edit: Also missing 0100B020117D90C8 from the pack)


- I did a list that correspond to each costumes for Ryza and the corresponding number. There are 2 costumes missing (F & L), probably the 2 T-Shirt. Costume List.txt


- I found a problem using 3DMigoto to hide the hat, when using Place Accessories, with it enabled some camera angles do not show correctly, so I redid the Hide Hat mod when using the Nostalgic Straw Hat. ev_obj_45_straw_hat.g1t


- I also did a small recolor of the Sea Breeze Blouse to change the shorts Black. pc20b_model.g1t



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5 hours ago, fiore99 said:

Hmm...I do not know why the game crashes even after correcting the header.
Can you upload the g1m file whose header has been changed back to original one?

I went back and tried a few more times and I was able to get it to work(I think I pasted the hex wrong), I must still be doing something wrong because the import triples the file size whenever I edit mesh, but the game accepts it anyway. I am free to add/remove vertices right? as long as I keep the bone structure in tact?

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On 1/30/2021 at 10:36 AM, RyuUzuki said:

Someone here asked about that PS4 button mod, i didnt find it anywhere so i made it myself. unpack PACK00_01 and PACK00_04_01 first. and it propably only works for english language.

PS4input.rar 7.62 MB · 77 downloads


You missed some textures, here is a v2 v3(Edit: 1 file was corrupted, sorry to the 3 that downloaded it) with those that were missing.

Note: this is for v1.0a max, for further updates check v4 here check v6 for (v1.03) here


PS4input v3.rar

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14 hours ago, Navylian said:

RatFlat released the Tanned Goddess in her new outfit with some extra details in her cape and less accesories btw. All hail this guy.


Out of curiosity, does he "bit lock" his mods or something? trying to unpack his g1t file via gusttools fails.

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5 hours ago, nothingworksfuck said:

I went back and tried a few more times and I was able to get it to work(I think I pasted the hex wrong), I must still be doing something wrong because the import triples the file size whenever I edit mesh, but the game accepts it anyway. I am free to add/remove vertices right? as long as I keep the bone structure in tact?

The game seems not to check the file size or mesh structure, and hence, you can freely add/remove/edit vertices.

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2 hours ago, nanogenesis said:

Out of curiosity, does he "bit lock" his mods or something? trying to unpack his g1t file via gusttools fails.


No. It's just that the g1t provided is not compliant with the official G1T format.

The 3rd 32-bit field of a G1T should contain the total size of the file, always, because the game engine might use that to confirm that it's not working with corrupted data.




For whatever reason, RatFlat din't bother updating that field or used a tool that doesn't update the file size when creating a new .g1t. Therefore gust_g1t will not open it as it considers that the file is corrupted. And there are other issues with how he created that file.


If you want gust_g1t to open a file, you must make sure that it complies to the expected data format, just like the actual game assets do. And while you might want to argue that gust_g1t should be as lenient as the game engine will allow, the problem is that we do not know how lenient the game engine actually is. Therefore, if we made gust_tools too lenient, you would fail to catch issues, such as this one, that might be very relevant as to why the game is not accepting your mod at all.


So, rather than being there to inconvenience modders, the checks that gust_tools perform with regards to file format compliance are actually there to help them. And that is why it will report an error on an asset that doesn't comply with the expected file format.





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I removed the outer layer of clothes with the metal and a few other bits. The sleeves cannot be removed because from her shoulder to the elbow area there is nothing underneath. Due to the fact that the sleeves cannot be removed, I see two potential directions we can move in to improve Serri...
1.) Bring over the wet parts of "pc21a_wet.g1t" and modify it so that nipples are visible similar to what has been done for Ryza and Klaudia

2.) Add a chest cut-out

I am not much of an artist myself but I'll see what I can do at another date...

At the very least I hope others interested in Serri will be able to take this modified texture file and create something with it :D





pc26b_model.g1t (Please note that you need to use the "pc26b_model.elixir.gz" because the model is different than Serri's other outfits)

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11 hours ago, Nigol said:


You missed some textures, here is a v2 v3(Edit: 1 file was corrupted, sorry to the 3 that downloaded it) with those that were missing.


PS4input v3.rar 12.86 MB · 28 downloads

Yea i noticed later as well that some still missing. Sorry about that.


10 hours ago, hotNess16 said:

Ah so that may be why the original mod from Ryu didn't work for me, although the others that downloaded it said it worked for them. 

What you need to do is: 1. unpack PACK00_01.PAK and PACK00_04_01.PAK

                                      2. it will create Data folder inside the original Data folder, you need to move it and merge it with the original Data folder so you dont have 2 of them

                                      3. unpack the mod rar and merge the content with the original Data folder as well.

                                      4. rename PACK00_01.PAK and PACK00_04_01.PAK into something else, i renamed it into PACK00_01.PAK.BAK and PACK00_04_01.PAK.BAK

                                      5. it should work now.

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when ever I edit the mesh of a model nothing takes effect in the game. i successfully import everything back, it make the file size a good 3X bigger, I replace the elixir, and nothing. I can even open up the ib. and vb. files I edited and see in blender that the edit was saved. why is the game acting like I never edited the file?


Edit: So i tried with some other files and when i try to repack the files into the elixir, im getting "ERROR: number of files doesn't match header". the only thing missing that was on the other models was a .rigbin.

so i just copy/pasted it over from one i know works, changed the name and nothing still.


can anyone use pc20c_model.elixir.gz on gust_elixir.exe and are able to repack that pc20c_model folder? thats the issue i'm having now. (it works just fine with pc20b_model.elixir.gz)

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10 minutes ago, MrBojingo said:

I've been trying to monitor this thread since the beginning, but in case i missed anything, has any full body nude mods popped up yet? i see alot of mods of different outfits though.

Nope, nothing nude. Just removing outfit parts and some sheer seethrough tops and thongs.

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1 minute ago, MrBojingo said:

I've been trying to monitor this thread since the beginning, but in case i missed anything, has any full body nude mods popped up yet? i see alot of mods of different outfits though.

Editing the model's mesh takes much more knowlege and skill than editing the model's texture. Due to the fact that we do not have anything like a swimsuit, we cannot create a full body nude mod purely with texture edits. Some of the clothes can be hidden by removing the texture but at a certain point when trying to remove the clothes the body starts to disappear because there is not a complete body model under the clothes.

The closes thing we have available to a nude mod is...

Ryza with a wet shirt with that shows nipples

Klaudia with a wet shirt that shows nipples
Patrica with a thong and a transparent dress that shows nipples

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13 minutes ago, Joe Average said:

Editing the model's mesh takes much more knowlege and skill than editing the model's texture. Due to the fact that we do not have anything like a swimsuit, we cannot create a full body nude mod purely with texture edits. Some of the clothes can be hidden by removing the texture but at a certain point when trying to remove the clothes the body starts to disappear because there is not a complete body model under the clothes.

The closes thing we have available to a nude mod is...

Ryza with a wet shirt with that shows nipples

Klaudia with a wet shirt that shows nipples
Patrica with a thong and a transparent dress that shows nipples

If we consider the fact that the swimsuit dlc doesn't come out until April, we won't have nude mods until then. Stinks not because of the wait time, but because I do not have the season pass. So I don't have all of the dlc costumes. 

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5 minutes ago, hotNess16 said:

If we consider the fact that the swimsuit dlc doesn't come out until April, we won't have nude mods until then. Stinks not because of the wait time, but because I do not have the season pass. So I don't have all of the dlc costumes. 

Some people are trying to learn how to edit the models on this forum and I'm fairly certain twitter user moderchan@A22@moderchan_steam knows how already but typically waits a bit after the release date to make full nude mods.

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