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Thanks for the fantastic work.

Mod is working well with some exceptions, but most of the time it is due to rape on stairs, tables or other non flat surfaces.


My biggest problem is with one part of the optics. The bukkake are sliding down the frontbody (thats fine and i'm happy for it) but on the backside they are sliding up the body. Is there some way to make them slide -maybe- down the legs?


But all in all a thousand thanks.


Oh, and I found a conflicting mod - AP for Skyrim (in the end not surprising). Running both mods brought me crashes after roughly one hour of gameplay. Now without AP all is fine.


ps. Two pics as thanks.



I've never had a good experience with AP.  It has lots of script problems and bugs.  It corrupted my save games too many times so I stopped using it.  SexiS has script problems but is much more stable than AP.  Sex Addict is the cleanest by far out of the three and I've had no issues with it.  I've run SexiS and Sex Addicts together without issues.

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I think the crashes are because of something else. Both SexiS and SA use their own resources, so there should be no conflict in that. At least they are peacefully (more or less...) coexist on my PC. The only thing is when both of them want to take control of the same character. That should not cause crashes either, you just go dizzy from the constantly teleporting NPCs, or camera if your character is involved...


Umm, come to think of it, you said you upgraded SexiS to a newer version. Have you done it to a clean save (disable SexiS, load game, save game, install upgrade, enable SexiS, load game again)? Because if not, imo that could cause crashes if something major changed in that mod.

lol Yeah you have a point. No. I did not disable SexiS by doing the cleanup function. That is the problem i bet. I guess that means I should use that now? But doesn't that erase the SexiS? Well, I guess I could reinstall it. :P

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I have a problem after i activate random rape in riften they are having sex after i came back they are just standing and doing nothing but i hear sounds having sex. I tried to have sex with them so they can recover but alas it did not do anything

One rule that probably should be stressed more is that you should never leave a cell while a sex act is in progress.


In this case what you are hearing is just the sounds continuing and there is a spell you can use to reset the sounds so it will stop.

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Apparently I'm a total noob when it comes to the creation kit. I tried compiling the _SA_NPCSandbox.psc but get errors line "getName is not a function or does not exist". Can I get the pex as well or can someone point me in the right direction?




GetName is a form function in SKSE. So the form.pex, even the form.psc in the "source" directory should have come with the downloaded SKSE archive. Make sure you copied everything in the "data" directory into its place under Skyrim, including the "source" dir.


Running SKSE dependent mods is fine without the .psc files, but if you want to compile scripts, you'll need them.

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Nope, that "cleanup" is for ending all ongoing acts. Nice to have feature something should go wrong. What I meant is that I think a SexiS upgrade requires a bit more work than just copying the new files into their places. You need a save _without_ Sexis; basically like if you never had that. So,

1. Save the game when no sex is going on

2. Exit Skyrim

3. Delete all files that belongs to SexiS (.esm, .pex, everything you see in the downloaded SexiS archive)

4. Run GenerateFNISforUsers

5. Load game. The game will say that something's missing, but we know that. In fact it may - or should I say, will - take more than one attempt to load successfully....

6. Save game again, preferably into a new file

7. Exit Skyrim

8. Copy all files into their places

9. Run GenerateFNISforUsers

10. Load the last save. At this point (like at step 5) there could (will...) be problems when the game is loaded for the first time, but the second attempt will most likely be successful.


At least I could update SexiS this way, while just copying the new files and loading the old save caused hangups, frozen characters and ctd's.


Edit: I think more or less all mods with scripts and other advanced stuff must be updated this way, because the savefile itself contains info about the loaded mods, and it seems Skyrim can handle (most of the time) if something's missing, but will go crazy, if something's _changed_. However CBBE and other 'simple' mesh/texture replacer mods can be updated without this procedure, but SA and SexiS are way beyond that point.

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Nope, that "cleanup" is for ending all ongoing acts. Nice to have feature something should go wrong. What I meant is that I think a SexiS upgrade requires a bit more work than just copying the new files into their places. You need a save _without_ Sexis; basically like if you never had that. So,

1. Save the game when no sex is going on

2. Exit Skyrim

3. Delete all files that belongs to SexiS (.esm, .pex, everything you see in the downloaded SexiS archive)

4. Run GenerateFNISforUsers

5. Load game. The game will say that something's missing, but we know that. In fact it may - or should I say, will - take more than one attempt to load successfully....

6. Save game again, preferably into a new file

7. Exit Skyrim

8. Copy all files into their places

9. Run GenerateFNISforUsers

10. Load the last save. At this point (like at step 5) there could (will...) be problems when the game is loaded for the first time, but the second attempt will most likely be successful.


At least I could update SexiS this way, while just copying the new files and loading the old save caused hangups, frozen characters and ctd's.


Edit: I think more or less all mods with scripts and other advanced stuff must be updated this way, because the savefile itself contains info about the loaded mods, and it seems Skyrim can handle (most of the time) if something's missing, but will go crazy, if something's _changed_. However CBBE and other 'simple' mesh/texture replacer mods can be updated without this procedure, but SA and SexiS are way beyond that point.

ah i see. Thanks a lot rattlefinger! :) I will give that a try. Since I actually was able to get in game, and just when the rape was about to happen it crashed. xD Will do what you just said! THANKS :)

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I've always had a problem with this mod and it persists with the update. The problem is that my character is a bit above the ground during sex animations, which makes the animations badly aligned, and no matter how much I adjust with shift + Z it's still the same. When I get to z -30 the npc even starts shaking up and down in a very buggy manner. I tried using "ClearInvalidRegistrations" on my save and that removed 5 entries. When I run FNIS my log looks like this:


FNIS Behavior V3.5   4/8/2013 04:21:03
Skyrim: -
Generator: D:\Spel\Skyrim\Data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users
Skeleton female: TBBP (210 bones)   male: Default (99 bones)
Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix"

Reading FNIS ...
Reading FNISBase ...
Reading SexAddicts ...

All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files...
Converting Behavior Files (.xml to .hkx) ...
Moving new behavior files to standard location...

 469 animations for 3 mods successfully included.
 1 Warning(s).


It reports a problem with TBBP. Is it not compatible with SexAddicts or is it some other mod that can cause the problem I described above?

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I've always had a problem with this mod and it persists with the update. The problem is that my character is a bit above the ground during sex animations, which makes the animations badly aligned, and no matter how much I adjust with shift + Z it's still the same. When I get to z -30 the npc even starts shaking up and down in a very buggy manner. I tried using "ClearInvalidRegistrations" on my save and that removed 5 entries. When I run FNIS my log looks like this:


FNIS Behavior V3.5   4/8/2013 04:21:03

Skyrim: -

Generator: D:\Spel\Skyrim\Data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users

Skeleton female: TBBP (210 bones)   male: Default (99 bones)

Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix"


Reading FNIS ...

Reading FNISBase ...

Reading SexAddicts ...


All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files...

Converting Behavior Files (.xml to .hkx) ...

Moving new behavior files to standard location...


 469 animations for 3 mods successfully included.

 1 Warning(s).


It reports a problem with TBBP. Is it not compatible with SexAddicts or is it some other mod that can cause the problem I described above?

Is your character always the TBBP one?


Do you have a high heels adjustment mod installed? If so does turning that off fix the problem?


(Just speculating on a possible cause here, once we know a cause then we can consider how to fix it).


It may just be the TBBP skeleton itself but I realized there may be other factors involved instead.

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I didn't include everything in the log before because I didn't think it was necessary. It's not TBBP that causes the warning. I've tried disabling both my highheels mod and TBBP but the problem persists.


>>Warning: Generator not run from a legal (Steam) Skyrim installation directory.<<

FNIS Behavior V3.5   4/8/2013 04:51:41
Skyrim: -
Generator: D:\Spel\Skyrim\Data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users
Skeleton female: TBBP (210 bones)   male: Default (99 bones)
Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix"

Reading FNIS ...
Reading FNISBase ...
Reading SexAddicts ...

All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files...
Converting Behavior Files (.xml to .hkx) ...
Moving new behavior files to standard location...

 469 animations for 3 mods successfully included.
 1 Warning(s).

I moved Skyrim because I didn't want it in C: but I don't think that it matters where I run it from. I have no idea what can be causing the problem but here is my load order if that helps.




SoS - The Dungeons.esp
SoS - The Wilds.esp
Skyrim Shadow Striping Fix.esp
Economics of Skyrim.esp
Ish's Respec Mod.esp
Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp
Airy Armor.esp
Cloaks - No Imperial.esp
Cloaks - Player Only.esp
fox12 Armor.esp
fox9 Armor.esp
Ghosu - Weapon Pack 1.esp
Indigo Armor.esp
Lia de Russo Outfit.esp
MK 9 Jade Armor.esp
Newermind Bow Collection.esp
Nicos Raven Swords.esp
Northborn Fur Hoods.esp
Osare GothicLolita BU.esp
tera swords.esp
Falkreath Hideout.esp
When Vampires Attack.esp
dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp
Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp
Phenderix's Magic Evolved.esp
Phenderix's Magic Evolved - No Perks.esp
The Dance of Death.esp
Standing Stone Revamp v.1.0.esp
Oblivion hair.esp
Improved Eyes Skyrim.esp
Reduced Distance NPC Greetings.esp
Skyrim 7 Day DeadBody Timer.esp
Skyrim Timescale 8.esp
Better Dynamic Snow.esp
Bashed Patch.esp
ProType - Celia.esp
Additional Player Voices for Skyrim.esp
Tera Elegant Dress.esp
Dual Wield Parrying_SKSE.esp
Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer.esp
Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dawnguard.esp
Osare HotPants.esp



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I didn't include everything in the log before because I didn't think it was necessary. It's not TBBP that causes the warning. I've tried disabling both my highheels mod and TBBP but the problem persists.


>>Warning: Generator not run from a legal (Steam) Skyrim installation directory.<<


FNIS Behavior V3.5   4/8/2013 04:51:41

Skyrim: -

Generator: D:\Spel\Skyrim\Data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users

Skeleton female: TBBP (210 bones)   male: Default (99 bones)

Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix"


Reading FNIS ...

Reading FNISBase ...

Reading SexAddicts ...


All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files...

Converting Behavior Files (.xml to .hkx) ...

Moving new behavior files to standard location...


 469 animations for 3 mods successfully included.

 1 Warning(s).


I moved Skyrim because I didn't want it in C: but I don't think that it matters where I run it from. I have no idea what can be causing the problem but here is my load order if that helps.

















SoS - The Dungeons.esp

SoS - The Wilds.esp

Skyrim Shadow Striping Fix.esp

Economics of Skyrim.esp




Ish's Respec Mod.esp




Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp

Airy Armor.esp





Cloaks - No Imperial.esp

Cloaks - Player Only.esp






fox12 Armor.esp

fox9 Armor.esp

Ghosu - Weapon Pack 1.esp

Indigo Armor.esp



Lia de Russo Outfit.esp


MK 9 Jade Armor.esp

Newermind Bow Collection.esp

Nicos Raven Swords.esp

Northborn Fur Hoods.esp

Osare GothicLolita BU.esp





tera swords.esp






Falkreath Hideout.esp

When Vampires Attack.esp





dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp

Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp




Phenderix's Magic Evolved.esp

Phenderix's Magic Evolved - No Perks.esp



The Dance of Death.esp

Standing Stone Revamp v.1.0.esp


Oblivion hair.esp


Improved Eyes Skyrim.esp



Reduced Distance NPC Greetings.esp






Skyrim 7 Day DeadBody Timer.esp

Skyrim Timescale 8.esp


Better Dynamic Snow.esp


Bashed Patch.esp

ProType - Celia.esp

Additional Player Voices for Skyrim.esp

Tera Elegant Dress.esp




Dual Wield Parrying_SKSE.esp












Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer.esp

Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dawnguard.esp




Osare HotPants.esp








I'm not sure what the source may be but there's something you have that must be causing it. With all those mods it's anyone's guess as to which mod it might be. All my animations show the actors either on the ground or even very slightly into the ground.


Anyone else seeing this who can find some common points?

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I've run into a couple of issues with Sex Addict and I'm wondering if anyone else has seen this or has any idea what I may have screwed up :P


First, even with _sa_RQPercentage set to 1 I can't go literally 2 real time minutes without getting raped while in a city.  And not uncommon is rapist #2 starting up before rapist #1 has finished.  Should it be that common?  I figured with it set really low it might happen a couple of times an hour, but that may very well be own preconceptions.  If thats as seldom as it goes, is there a setting (I might have missed it) to leave the player out of the random rapes?


The bigger thing is that when being raped, I randomly incur a 40g bounty.  Happens 2 out of 3 times, and I'm not seeing random bounties occur while sex is not happening.


Any help is appreciated.  Other than those two things everything seems to work as advertised.

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About the bounties, I've the same issue, indeed, as the rapers seem to be "hurt" during the process (what a joke ! a rapist hurt by the rape he is doing ! o_O Poor him...). Not sure about the reason but it could maybe be interesting to try to guess why it happens.


For the other problem, many things. First, yes, you can remove your character from being a target with the usual setting. If you use SkyUI MCM, you have a menu where you could change that. Otherwise, you will need the consol commands I don't remember just at this moment. Then, the percentage is basically really dependant of your skyrim. For me, 0.5% means I've a possible rapist each 30 minutes of gameplay. 2% means every five minutes. For some other people, it's totally different periods. It could be more than 2 hours with the 0.5%, etc. Totally hazardous.

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I get 4 warnings but my game hasn't encountered an error yet. Is this something I should be worried about?


Depends on the warnings, in Skyrim errors are like landmines, you can go for hours doing the same thing without any issues but then suddenly your savegame implodes and your spleen has been blasted 80 feet away from you. Well, maybe not that last bit.

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I'm not sure what the source may be but there's something you have that must be causing it. With all those mods it's anyone's guess as to which mod it might be. All my animations show the actors either on the ground or even very slightly into the ground.


Anyone else seeing this who can find some common points?


I finally managed to solve the problem. After some digging around I found a skeleton in a female assets folder(probably a rest from an old mod) and when I deleted that folder the positions were correct for the most part, unless the npc is shorter or the ground is uneven.


There is another thing I wonder about. I play a female and If I initiate sex through dialogue I always get the lead position and it says my character starts to rape the npc. Is it supposed to be like that? I know I can use the G key to reverse it but I shouldn't have to since "1.0 Reverted to males taking the lead position whenever M/F sex is occuring".


It says we need SKSE v1.65 for this mod but the latest version on the download page is 1.6.1. Where do you get 1.65 from?

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It says we need SKSE v1.65 for this mod but the latest version on the download page is 1.6.1. Where do you get 1.65 from?



Actually the current version of SKSE is 1.6.13 (compatible with Skyrim* - skse.silverlock.org).  You may need to refresh your browser cache to see the correct link.

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It says we need SKSE v1.65 for this mod but the latest version on the download page is 1.6.1. Where do you get 1.65 from?



Actually the current version of SKSE is 1.6.13 (compatible with Skyrim* - skse.silverlock.org).  You may need to refresh your browser cache to see the correct link.



I cleared all my browser cache but I still don't see the link. That's poor coding.

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I'm not sure what the source may be but there's something you have that must be causing it. With all those mods it's anyone's guess as to which mod it might be. All my animations show the actors either on the ground or even very slightly into the ground.


Anyone else seeing this who can find some common points?


I finally managed to solve the problem. After some digging around I found a skeleton in a female assets folder(probably a rest from an old mod) and when I deleted that folder the positions were correct for the most part, unless the npc is shorter or the ground is uneven.


There is another thing I wonder about. I play a female and If I initiate sex through dialogue I always get the lead position and it says my character starts to rape the npc. Is it supposed to be like that? I know I can use the G key to reverse it but I shouldn't have to since "1.0 Reverted to males taking the lead position whenever M/F sex is occuring".


It says we need SKSE v1.65 for this mod but the latest version on the download page is 1.6.1. Where do you get 1.65 from?



Glad you found the extra skeleton lying around.


When you initiate sex as the player you are supposed to start in the same sex act and position the previous act ended in. If you ended the last act in the passive position then the next time you should start there. On a fresh load of the MOD the player is always in the dominant position. It works that way for me all the time, is that not what you are seeing? The note for 1.0 is really about NPC on NPC sex, the initial release with strapon/futa assumed that since they initiated the rape they would use the strapon or futa but that turned out be be very unpopular so I reverted to only using it for Female NPC on Female NPC sex.


I think SKSE changed their version numbering slightly since that was first written or it could be a typo. The 1.6.1 version on their site is the latest version and is therefore the best one to have. Thanks for pointing it out, I will get it fixed.

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I've run into a couple of issues with Sex Addict and I'm wondering if anyone else has seen this or has any idea what I may have screwed up :P


First, even with _sa_RQPercentage set to 1 I can't go literally 2 real time minutes without getting raped while in a city.  And not uncommon is rapist #2 starting up before rapist #1 has finished.  Should it be that common?  I figured with it set really low it might happen a couple of times an hour, but that may very well be own preconceptions.  If thats as seldom as it goes, is there a setting (I might have missed it) to leave the player out of the random rapes?


The bigger thing is that when being raped, I randomly incur a 40g bounty.  Happens 2 out of 3 times, and I'm not seeing random bounties occur while sex is not happening.


Any help is appreciated.  Other than those two things everything seems to work as advertised.

Some machines give much more active random rape than others. If 1 is too high set it to 0.5 (fractions are acceptable).



I think something added by the Dragonborn DLC is causing the bounties problem. I don't have that DLC yet and I've never seen that particular problem myself but it does appear to be caused by that DLC as far as I have been able to determine. When exactly does the bounty added message appear in relation to what's going on in the sex act? Is it appearing at the very beginning or the very end?

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is this mod working with the german version of skyrim or is there a translation?

There is no translation but I don't know of any reason it wouldn't work with the German version except it's failure to use the German language. I have a couple Japanese mods installed in my English version and other than the Japanese text they work perfectly.


I was looking at the options for adding translations though so your question is an answer to my unvoiced question which was "Is there any need for translated versions?".

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