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Simdulgence - TS4 RealGens Penis - 14 June 2020, Male Speedo

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Hey, I've been trying to get this working for a while now, but I just can't seem to figure out what the problem is.



I've installed your file to make it appear in CAS as default, but it's still showing the standard whickedwhims penis and nothing is showing up in the tattoos aswell. I've checked multiple times that file is registered by the sims and installed correctly and it indeed is. I also realized it's been using the standard whickwhims penis when I had the Noir penis installed aswell, so I'm guessing somethings not right with my files.


When I pick the realgen from the body selector and undress, it's the right model, but most of the textures on it are just black, this is regardless of whether or not I've put the mesh on in skin details.


I've tried removing all my custom content an only having whickedwhims + realgen, installed it as you instructed, but it still was showing the same errors.


If you have any suggestion to what might be causing this, I would really appreciate your help. I've only been modding the sims for a couple of weeks, so maybe I've missed something obvious



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17 hours ago, dalle12 said:

Hey, I've been trying to get this working for a while now, but I just can't seem to figure out what the problem is.



I've installed your file to make it appear in CAS as default, but it's still showing the standard whickedwhims penis and nothing is showing up in the tattoos aswell. I've checked multiple times that file is registered by the sims and installed correctly and it indeed is. I also realized it's been using the standard whickwhims penis when I had the Noir penis installed aswell, so I'm guessing somethings not right with my files.


When I pick the realgen from the body selector and undress, it's the right model, but most of the textures on it are just black, this is regardless of whether or not I've put the mesh on in skin details.


I've tried removing all my custom content an only having whickedwhims + realgen, installed it as you instructed, but it still was showing the same errors.


If you have any suggestion to what might be causing this, I would really appreciate your help. I've only been modding the sims for a couple of weeks, so maybe I've missed something obvious



Hey! Hope I can help you figure this out. Let's take a look at a few things:

1) Where is WickedWhims installed in your /Mods folder? Where is RealGens installed? The RealGens CAS default should override the WW CAS default unless your /Mods folder is set up to read WickedWhims first. This can happen if you place the WW package in a priority folder or if you rename the WW mod or RealGens mod so RealGens comes after WW alphabetically. If you're not sure of the order your game is reading the files, you can upload a screenshot of your /Mods folder and I can see if I can help figure that out.

2) Do you normally use a custom skintone? Or the WW extra skintones? Custom skintones aren't usually set up to be compatible with extra body part mods like penises.

3) You said you removed all content but WW and RealGens and still had these issues. You might still experience them if WW is being read before RealGens (as discussed in point 1 above). Also, after removing other files, did you delete your localthumbcache.package before starting the game? Deleting that file will force the game to refresh and re-load all custom content and may clear out any weird errors with older content. That file exists in the top level Electronic Arts/The Sims 4 folder, before you enter your /Mods folder, and can normally be safely deleted (it will be automatically regenerated by the game on re-load).

I can't guarantee any of these notes will help, but they're worth investigating/trying. If the problems persist, let me know and I'll see if I can help you get it fixed.


16 hours ago, S0urceHunter said:

This mod is great! Though I can't get penises to show up in CAS. Hair and the body selector still work fine, though awkward.


I really look forward to the female body hair update! There are too few mods for that.

Which version of the mod are you using? Each zip file contains two versions, like RealGens_v1.5 and RealGens_v1.5_CAS - you should only have one version of these installed and if you want to see them in CAS it should be the file with CAS in the title.

If you're using the CAS version only, let me know and we can see if there's some other kind of problem I can help fix!

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9 hours ago, simdulgence said:

Hey! Hope I can help you figure this out. Let's take a look at a few things:

1) Where is WickedWhims installed in your /Mods folder? Where is RealGens installed? The RealGens CAS default should override the WW CAS default unless your /Mods folder is set up to read WickedWhims first. This can happen if you place the WW package in a priority folder or if you rename the WW mod or RealGens mod so RealGens comes after WW alphabetically. If you're not sure of the order your game is reading the files, you can upload a screenshot of your /Mods folder and I can see if I can help figure that out.

2) Do you normally use a custom skintone? Or the WW extra skintones? Custom skintones aren't usually set up to be compatible with extra body part mods like penises.

3) You said you removed all content but WW and RealGens and still had these issues. You might still experience them if WW is being read before RealGens (as discussed in point 1 above). Also, after removing other files, did you delete your localthumbcache.package before starting the game? Deleting that file will force the game to refresh and re-load all custom content and may clear out any weird errors with older content. That file exists in the top level Electronic Arts/The Sims 4 folder, before you enter your /Mods folder, and can normally be safely deleted (it will be automatically regenerated by the game on re-load).

I can't guarantee any of these notes will help, but they're worth investigating/trying. If the problems persist, let me know and I'll see if I can help you get it fixed.

Thanks for your suggestion, I didn't realize that's how the load order worked and I did indeed have RealGens loading after WW. Changing this fixed it and it's now showing up in CAS as default.


As for the black textures, I didn't know that WW added extra skin-tones, I thought they were all EA's, so it turns out I've been using a custom skin-tone on the sim I was testing the RealGens with and changing it got rid of it.


It's all working now and it looks great, I do however have one last question. The files I installed like underlay and color overlay to match better with CC skintones, where do I find theses and apply them in CAS? The only one I can find is in skin details which just makes the penis darker.

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8 hours ago, dalle12 said:

Thanks for your suggestion, I didn't realize that's how the load order worked and I did indeed have RealGens loading after WW. Changing this fixed it and it's now showing up in CAS as default.


As for the black textures, I didn't know that WW added extra skin-tones, I thought they were all EA's, so it turns out I've been using a custom skin-tone on the sim I was testing the RealGens with and changing it got rid of it.


It's all working now and it looks great, I do however have one last question. The files I installed like underlay and color overlay to match better with CC skintones, where do I find theses and apply them in CAS? The only one I can find is in skin details which just makes the penis darker.

Glad you got it to work! Re: the other content, there are a few places you can find things.

The underlay is available in Skin Details (where you find wrinkles, moles, etc) in three different slots: left lip mole, right lip mole, mouth crease. It's also available in Mouth Scars, but I believe you need Get Famous or Vampires to see those scar categories.
The color overlays are available in Skin Details in the left dimple slot. They're also available in Brow Scars, which again require the Get Famous or Vampire pack to see.

So first make sure you have a version you can see (if you don't own the necessary packs, don't use the scar versions). If they aren't showing up, I can only suggest re-downloading them and unzipping them and installing them just in case the downloads were corrupted in any way.

Let me know how it goes!


2 hours ago, erplederp said:

@simdulgence Thank you for sharing all this amazing stuff! ?? It looks great and very MAXIS-matchy!

Thank you! Maxis Match is how I play my game so I try to make my stuff in their style, and I'm really glad you think it looks that way!

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i am having a problem with the penis being stationary and kind of extending from the body  with the mesh extending with it

any animation playing will have the penis on a different position than the sim and even with CAS when the sim moves the penis doesn't move with him

any ideas how to fix this ?

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3 hours ago, zebrazero said:


i am having a problem with the penis being stationary and kind of extending from the body  with the mesh extending with it

any animation playing will have the penis on a different position than the sim and even with CAS when the sim moves the penis doesn't move with him

any ideas how to fix this ?

From the way you're describing it you could have one of three problems:

1) You don't have WickedWhims installed. WW is required because it includes a penis rig that tells the penis how to move.
1) You have another penis rig in your /Mods folder. Try searching for "Denton" in your folder to see if you have a penis rig that you don't need and remove it.

2) You have a mod that animates hair that needs to be removed/updated. I don't know the name of it but a user here on LL began to have problems with penis movement after the most recent patch and they found out it was a hair movement mod that was the problem.

Let me know if none of these fix your issue.

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Anyone know a solution for this issue? Every penis model from this mod, has the missing texture on the balls, for both males and females of all age and skin color. 

I have all files (from the download pages) in my mods folder and this issue is persistent, no matter what I try :/. Anyone know what might cause it (or know a solution for it)?

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19 hours ago, davtov3 said:
  Reveal hidden contents


Anyone know a solution for this issue? Every penis model from this mod, has the missing texture on the balls, for both males and females of all age and skin color. 

I have all files (from the download pages) in my mods folder and this issue is persistent, no matter what I try :/. Anyone know what might cause it (or know a solution for it)?

dude are you using any skintone overrides or any extra skin tones? if so that's causing a problem his penis are only compatible with base game or the skins comes with pack. If u have BB(better body) content keep the penis files and tattoo and delete all of his skin overrides and defaults then you are good to go.

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3 hours ago, Holly Vinedal said:

dude are you using any skintone overrides or any extra skin tones? if so that's causing a problem his penis are only compatible with base game or the skins comes with pack. If u have BB(better body) content keep the penis files and tattoo and delete all of his skin overrides and defaults then you are good to go.

I didn't have male Better body mods, but I did have a LunarEclipse skin override, and after deleting that, it worked completely fine, thank you! ?

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On 11/27/2019 at 6:33 PM, Esdrasyuri said:

Can anyone help me with this?


After I updated the ww he is no longer showing penis in the body selector, only the default and maxis appears


Sorry for the bad english

My first bit of advice is to re-install WW, or RealGens, or both. And try deleting your localthumbcache .package from your main Sims 4 folder. If you've done that and the body parts still aren't showing up, let me know.


On 11/27/2019 at 7:43 PM, Berpel said:

@simdulgence Where dem Chastity cages at? ;)


8 hours ago, hasafa25 said:

@simdulgence Chastity cages would be nice!

The only place they exist at the moment is in my head! Seriously, though, I'm still intending to make them, I just have a lot of requests for stuff and lots on my to-do list still. They're not a simple project because of the RealGens variety. If there was only one size of penis I could possibly just make an accessory, but it needs to work with every size...


On 11/28/2019 at 3:55 AM, Holly Vinedal said:

@simdulgence are you planning to post exclusive penis designs in future? or are they just for patrons only and also the new design tom how it looks like?

No, they are for patrons only. The new design is under the spoiler cut:




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Just added:

- Sexy Mesh Briefs with a see-through fishnet back. Available for male sims in 15 swatches. Best used with the RealGens underlay (or any other custom skin with butt details) since you'll see the sim's butt through the underwear, and the default butt is... ugly.
- Party Horn Headband available for male sims in two versions, Plain and Fancy (10 swatches each).

My list of downloads (and the way they're described/organized on the file info sheet) is getting a bit out of control, so I'll try and clean that up soon. If you come back and see the page looks massively different at some point, that's why.

Coming soon:

- Bottomless condom bowl
- Jockstrap
- Updated RealGens (texture issue)
- Basic briefs

- RealGens Plus: yes, I finally made larger penises. They will be available here on LL in a future update, or you can find them on my Patreon now.


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11 hours ago, AndImBlackYall said:

Is this new penis design available to females?


Not yet, but I will be making it available to them.

7 hours ago, procian said:

Would be good if you did some female pubes....something like these would be nice :)



So many options! I think whoever came up with "Dark Forest" has a different definition of forest to me, though. Some interesting ideas in there for sure, though ?

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This mod collection is amazing.  Love the different penis and ball shapes.  I know that you said you didn't want to do testicle C with the XS penis, but could you reconsider so that it would be a smoother transition from soft to erect if you want an erect S penis with C testicles?


Keep up the awesome work!!!

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1 hour ago, Twilyt said:

This mod collection is amazing.  Love the different penis and ball shapes.  I know that you said you didn't want to do testicle C with the XS penis, but could you reconsider so that it would be a smoother transition from soft to erect if you want an erect S penis with C testicles?


Keep up the awesome work!!!


Yeah, sure. I can see people like variety and I really should have made XS with the C testicles available from the beginning. I'll put it on my to-do list.

And thank you so much! I'm glad you like the different styles and options! ?

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