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Fallout IV for Beginners - V3.2.9 (Fusion Girl / Bodytalk)

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@Aylis Machineguns Rebirth is so much fun.. i love the flak cannon for my heavy weapons playthroughs :D

Another thing to check with ECO is that it also modifies legendary item creation (uses a chip system with configurable returns), so you may consider removing Legendary Modification if going with ECO so they don't conflict, and if i recall correctly, it also covers having both a material and paint slot for power armor, which would overlap with Power Armor Materials AND Paints (PAMAP).
I am gonna try to check and confirm that as soon as i can get to my computer.

Edited by kesryth
words are hard...
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5 hours ago, DarthNyriss said:


I tried downloading it and merging, downloading and replacing, and I get the same effect.  It isn't just the one hair mesh, it seems to be ALL of them in the KS mod.  I've even tried disabling every mod below it (and I mean *every* mod) and still no joy.  I suppose I could delete it, defrag the drive to overwrite where KS was, then redownload it and see if that works.  I know I'm missing something, I'm just not sure what.  Ah well.


Oh, by the way - does anyone besides me have to deactivate the ENB to get the character creation screen to show up?  For me it stays white until ctrl-enter, then it starts.  Minor inconvenience, but just curious if it's me or that's just the way it is.




Make sure you have the following in your Fallout4custom.ini file:


I believe it got mentioned in the post section of the KS Hairdo's nexus site for the baldness issue with the hairs.

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4 hours ago, DarthNyriss said:

Edit:  Look At Me Minuteman Edition appears to be a dead link.

WTH? OK, flagged it and hopefully it will return.


4 hours ago, kesryth said:

Another thing to check with ECO is that it also modifies legendary item creation (uses a chip system with configurable returns), so you may consider removing Legendary Modification if going with ECO so they don't conflict, and if i recall correctly, it also covers having both a material and paint slot for power armor, which would overlap with Power Armor Materials AND Paints (PAMAP).

Yep, can confirm that (just finished testing ;)) and added 'Legendary Modification' to be removed. I actually prefer the approach ECO uses.


Havn't gotten to modify PA in my current game, so PAMAP might be removed as well. But i assume you're correct with that mod too.


It is interesting to see how many mods ECO replaces while keeping a lower profile than AWKCR. While working on the icon patches AWKCR always tried to get in and mess things up. The next run to create patches should be easier.



Holy Moly!


Just got an A10 (included in 'SREP REDUX - Service Rifle Expansion Project') from a gunner that died from acute lead poisening. That rifle rocks! Usually i don't like automatic weapons, but this one fires bursts which are actually fun (and quite deadly). 

Edited by Aylis
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1 hour ago, jaeos said:

@Aylis i did a thing.. and now my mods are in alphabetical order.. and no i didn't use loot.. 











i forgot to make a MO2 profile...

That happens if you click on the Mod Name column and it sorts it, been there done that :D , just click on Priority column and that should fix it for you

Edited by kesryth
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Good answer and i had the same thought. ?



Had an attack on my base and the new turrets work perfectly. It is very nice to actually hear which weapon is firing.


I found a nice replacement for the mod 'Extreme Particles Overhaul 3.0'. In combination with the new ENB it can cause a few visual glitches and some say it got an adverse effect on the stability of the game.

'Burst Impact Blast FX' fixes that and makes two patches for EPO and 'Long Range Bullet Holes' redundant. This will make the whole installation a little bit easier and the game (supposedly) more stable.


Updating the post for upcoming changes Done

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7 hours ago, kesryth said:

That happens if you click on the Mod Name column and it sorts it, been there done that :D , just click on Priority column and that should fix it for you

@Aylis Nope.. if you do not create a profile when you first start a new instance (i have another MO2 fallout 4 instance on another drive) if you close MO2 since it has no profile (not even default) it does not save the load order, so when you reopen it, they are all in alphabetical order. 


here's a screenshot (i'm still working through the list to put everything back in order. but this is part of it thats not ordered correctly



note the little arrow at top of priority

Edited by jaeos
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22 hours ago, jaeos said:

oh.. piss on that shit. 

I dunno, i'll take a look at it, it may be better than companion heal thyself 

Edit. Are you sure PACE and Heal thyself are the same? From the description PACE is almost like (or possibly better) than skk. Hmm.. after another 15-20 minutes of trying to find just a simple download button on the pace website, i found out companion heal and pace are integrated into panpc (pace 2.0)

I think I actually am confusing PACE with PANPC.  They're not the same exactly, PANPC, whatever else it does, incorporates Heal Thyself's functionality into it.

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10 hours ago, jaeos said:

@Aylis Nope.. if you do not create a profile when you first start a new instance (i have another MO2 fallout 4 instance on another drive) if you close MO2 since it has no profile (not even default) it does not save the load order, so when you reopen it, they are all in alphabetical order. 


here's a screenshot (i'm still working through the list to put everything back in order. but this is part of it thats not ordered correctly

  Reveal hidden contents


note the little arrow at top of priority

Did not know it was possible to not have a profile in MO2, thought it always had a default one that you could not delete unless another profile existed. Weird.

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16 minutes ago, kesryth said:

Did not know it was possible to not have a profile in MO2, thought it always had a default one that you could not delete unless another profile existed. Weird.

Yeah.. i agree, this would be the first time it didn't create a default profile, so i don't know how it happened. 

@Aylis solution is simple, same thing you would tell someone who used loot. Disable all and read the guide, moving each mod to the bottom. added 3-4 hours to the process. now i don't have body morphs and a blackface i'm trying to get rid of. /shrug.. i'll get it fixed eventually.

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I need a little assistance if possile.  Without going into a long story about too little sleep, too much stress and not enough attention, I was wondering if Aylis or someone else following this list might post their modorder.txt that NMM generates.  If I could restore using some's backup list (which I know I should have done but didn't) it's save me a lot of time and frustration.


Thank you all,


feeling like an idiot

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7 hours ago, cloudmc said:

@jaeos  Do you know anywhere the Femme Fatale - Courser mod is located since it was removed from Nexus?  It seems like an interesting mod based on my searches

All it did was change the 50/50 chance of a female courser to 100%. You also needed the camera eyes and the CROSS courser outfit. They are an absolute bitch "pardon the pun" to kill even if you had a fully kitted out laser gatling at close range. 

HERE is the eyes

HERE is the outfit (it's already on the list)

And no promises that it works but this is the last iteration i know of and i 7zipped it from my other fallout game


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50 minutes ago, DarthNyriss said:

I need a little assistance if possile.  Without going into a long story about too little sleep, too much stress and not enough attention, I was wondering if Aylis or someone else following this list might post their modorder.txt that NMM generates.  If I could restore using some's backup list (which I know I should have done but didn't) it's save me a lot of time and frustration.


Thank you all,


feeling like an idiot

Re-ordered your mods did you? Honestly a modorder.txt is going to cause you more pain than it's worth. If i don't have a mod you do, it will put that mod at the bottom. So now you get to find those mods and then figure out where they go. Yeah i'll admit it will probably cut 2 hours off a 4 hour process. But, eh. 

here ya go


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I actually did mean modlist.txt not modorder.  All right, this is fast becoming a case of 'put it down on the ground and back away slowly, and no one will get hurt.'  So I'm going to get some badly needed sleep, and survey the damage from there.  Who knows, maybe it isn't as bad as I think.


Yes it is.



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46 minutes ago, DarthNyriss said:

I actually did mean modlist.txt not modorder.  All right, this is fast becoming a case of 'put it down on the ground and back away slowly, and no one will get hurt.'  So I'm going to get some badly needed sleep, and survey the damage from there.  Who knows, maybe it isn't as bad as I think.


Yes it is.



just remember.. It's ok..

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It is getting better... First day that my head doesn't feel like it is in a vice. Still weak but i can now start to work on the things i didn't do in the last few weeks.



Updated the link for 'U.S. Covert Operations Manual Redux - Magazine Retexture'. Thanks @Dasanko


The 'SMU Starlight' is nearing completion for the basic version. I'll be fixing some minor stuff and then it is time for the upload. It is getting harder and harder not to use parts of the CC (which means i'm almost done).


Not pretty - but very effective.



Relaxing in the evening.



Always prepared.



Personal bathroom.



PA garage.



The red queen.



No grenades through my windows.



Small room for settlers.





Testing atm


M60 Light Machinegun                                                        A step down from the heavier weapons

Power SREP (Nadie)                                                              No noticable difference

Classic Brahmin Replacer                                                     ?Optional replacer

Welcome to Fallon's - Revisited                                           ?Nice optional improvement

Synthetic Variations                                                              The missing link of the synths from Gen 2 to Gen 3

Eli's Armour Compendium - Fusion Girl 1.80 Conversion    ?Update is looking good

Lordescobar's Moddable Piercings Fusion Girl                    ?Chain is glued to an invisible top and conflicts with the other piercing mod


Just as expected 'Power Armor Materials AND Paints (PAMAP)' is overlapping with ECO, but it works fine so we can keep the combination.

Edited by Aylis
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On 2/3/2022 at 5:38 AM, jaeos said:

All it did was change the 50/50 chance of a female courser to 100%. You also needed the camera eyes and the CROSS courser outfit. They are an absolute bitch "pardon the pun" to kill even if you had a fully kitted out laser gatling at close range. 

HERE is the eyes

HERE is the outfit (it's already on the list)

And no promises that it works but this is the last iteration i know of and i 7zipped it from my other fallout game


Thanks, it also ends KSHairdos.esp, so not sure it's a good idea to mix that one and the one in the list :(


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Found some interesting mods..,

Immersive Animation Framework - adds some nice first person animations for ingestibles.. there are some 3rd person ones as well, but not as detailed.

D98R Tac Light - Nice alternative to the Pip Boy light.. not sure if it works with PipPad, but testing now. Like the designs and the lights is pretty decent.
   --- Does appear to take place of the glasses/eyewear slot. There is a replacer, but it moves it to the ring slot, which pip-pad appears to be using in my game, so if you don't mind no glasses/eyewear it seems pretty good light option.

Requires AWKCR.. didnt realize i still had that installed in my testing profile... nvm


LString Fallout Bow - Looks to be a decent and interesting ranged weapon for a very stealthy (or not.. looking at the nuclear arrows) playthrough esp with a melee build like i am using now. This gives a non-gun ranged choice.

  ** Update ** Well.. if you don't use vats the bows are really nice.. with vats.. no matter the distance I was getting like 95% hit rate on anything but head shots.. those were like 65%, so not realistic. Not sure why but kinda broken in vats...



Has anyone tried out Backpacks of the Commonwealth? Opinions if so? I like the designs more than the CC backpacks (which i don't own) and am looking for something for adding additional carry weight.

Edited by kesryth
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22 hours ago, DarthNyriss said:

Found a new 'must have' I would consider.  'Lasers have no recoil'.  It always bothered me why a beam weapon has a recoil.  This just takes that kick away.






Technically lasers do have recoil, but in practical terms they don't for most purposes as its just too little to even feel unless maybe you had a hand held laser powerful enough to vaporize a battleship or something like that.   Lasers can transfer a lot of energy while transferring very little momentum.  I've seen somewhere that its 300MW per newton.  So unless your firing some ravenous beam of death from a pistol or something like that you probably won't even feel it.  So that does sound like a good idea for a mod.

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I'll take a look at it.



I'll take a look at 'IAF'. The problems with the other ones you have already discovered. :)


Try to use 'Wasteland Tactical - Visible Weapons on Packs'. Havn't gotten to take a closer look as i'm still a bit besides myself.



Sadly we don't have all required patches for 'Fallout 4 AI Overhaul'. That one sounds very interesting. 


The mods 'K-9 Harness -- Tactical Body Armor and Backpack for Dogmeat' and 'K9 Harness Bandana Fix' will be added. Travelling with Rex made me aware that he needs armor too (nope, no cybernetics for our furry friend).


I might take a look at 'Femshepping's Diamond City Edit'. Thats an awful lot of trees...


I also might replace 'Tactical Fast Helmet' with 'Ops-Core FAST Helmet - Tactical Headgear Set'. A lot of hairstyles clip with TFH and the new helmet solves that problem. But, thats what i'm trying to fix, it got no flashlight. Got to see if 'West Tek Tactical Optics' and 'WestTek Tactical Optics - Toggle HotKeys' plus 'Advanced Combat Helmet (ACH) Expansion' helps with that. That part is tricky as we also got 'West-Tek Tactical Optics NVG Functionality Patch v1.1' and i have to find the right way to set it up. Hopefully i'm just overthinking everything and it ends up being easy...


Meet Aylis 'sister' Claudia.


Synth is currently on a covert assignment in [REDACTED]



Coursers are like dropping a mininuke on even a bloatfly. The new infiltration units are more intelligent and accomplish the task with a single precise strike. - 'Father'


Edited by Aylis
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