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Arachnophobia by Miss Leeches (OBSOLETE!)

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Hehe ,  I would Add More Content at a later stage , Lets see what you come up with  :cool:  .

I need to get permision to use the textures froms Webs extended it would be awesome or arrange open source textures would be great 

Good luck on your Mod



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It seems the only way to get the spider to fight off other threats after entangling the player is to use what Ms Leeches used which was the SetRestrained function. Unfortunately, this locks the camera, which I know a lot of people don't like (myself included). I do force it to third person, however, so that should be working at least. I saw there were some updates by the veteran modders that enabled camera control, and I actually was trying to use what they did, but it caused (for me, at least) all enemies to stand around (as Ms Leeches also mentioned way back when). Specifically, the DisablePlayerControls abMovement makes everyone and everything stop. I don't know a way around this, so if someone can point me in the right direction, that would be awesome.


For now, I'm forced to work with the locked camera method as a workaround. I'll go ahead and upload it for others to try out.


What to Expect:

- All spiders have a spit attack that entangle the player only. NPCs are currently immune.

- The victim will be spooled if the spider is close enough, and the victim will struggle if it is not (as far as animations are concerned). There is no spooling animation for the spider because there simply isn't one present... unless I missed it in the ZaZ pack.

- Every few seconds, the victim will be presented with choices to use either magic or strength to break free which factors in skills that correlate to the players choice of escape method, or they can choose to wait to get a bonus to their next escape attempt.

::If the victim succeeds, they'll break free, and will be granted the grace period like before, although with a spider hanging overhead, escape might just instead hasten your death, if it's a big spider, because you first have to get up which leaves you open to attack.

::If the victim fails and the spider is close enough, more web will be applied to the victim and the difficulty to escape increases. The victim can still attempt to escape when the next check rolls around in a few seconds. If the spider is not around or the victim is wrapped up fully, no additional web is applied and the victim can try again on the next escape attempt at no additional penalty.

-Spider poison both  lingers  and     stacks, and it persists for quite some time even after escape. Many an adventurer might've escaped a silky death only to succumb later to deadly poisons!



- ZaZ Animation Pack and its associated requirements (like FNIS)



Let me reiterate that this is my first attempt at a mod and has been a very large learning experience for me. While the features are few, and there will probably be plenty of bugs, this was more to see if I could simply just MAKE a mod (or edit one in this case). I'm pretty sure there are some things I have forgotten.


With that said, use this at your own risk and please be patient with me. I am open to constructive criticism and suggestions on how to do things better (there usually is a better way) and it's actually highly appreciated.



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In real life a spider will inject a venomous poison into a victim to paralyze them and make the cocooning easier (the venom also starts to digest the victim but you don't have to go that far). You could cast a short paralysis spell on the victim while the spider deals with the other combatants giving the spider time to deal with them and also allow the victim a chance to escape if the spider fails to return soon enough.

Gee.. thanks Waxen, I just read this before I was going to bed....




Yah it sounds amazing Kazyn! You don't need to worry about permissions and stuffs, this mod was supposed to be a proof of concept and inspiration for moddders ^^ I haaaaaaaate spiders so I put as little time and staring down ugly mandibles into it as I could! But if it managed to give ideas for something better like what you described it served its purpose! n_n

I hate spiders to.   Lets send WaxenFigure a box of tarantulas.....

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So if i get this right: The two of you, who don't like spiders even remotly, want to fill a box with big and rather dangerous spiders to send them to Waxen?
Would you record the procedure on video, so we can watch 2 people running in circles, screaming and yelling on each other "No, you do it!"? ^^

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So if i get this right: The two of you, who don't like spiders even remotly, want to fill a box with big and rather dangerous spiders to send them to Waxen?

Would you record the procedure on video, so we can watch 2 people running in circles, screaming and yelling on each other "No, you do it!"? ^^


yeah that could be entertaining. BTW though I like spiders and snakes and most crawly things.........especially if they are the monster girl versions (which I wish there was a mod for to add them to skyrim)

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So which did you like (or hate) more? Shelob? Or the spider encounter in the second Hobbit?


Tough call! I would probably lean towards the Hobbit because


1. There were more of them. Yuck! Yeah!

2. You got to hear them talk. Yuck! Yeah!

3. More webbbssss! :)

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It seems the only way to get the spider to fight off other threats after entangling the player is to use what Ms Leeches used which was the SetRestrained function. Unfortunately, this locks the camera, which I know a lot of people don't like (myself included). I do force it to third person, however, so that should be working at least. I saw there were some updates by the veteran modders that enabled camera control, and I actually was trying to use what they did, but it caused (for me, at least) all enemies to stand around (as Ms Leeches also mentioned way back when). Specifically, the DisablePlayerControls abMovement makes everyone and everything stop. I don't know a way around this, so if someone can point me in the right direction, that would be awesome.


For now, I'm forced to work with the locked camera method as a workaround. I'll go ahead and upload it for others to try out.

Look code in me versions(full code in NoBSA\Scripts\Source)


    If Victim == Game.GetPlayer()

        Game.DisablePlayerControls(abMovement =true, abFighting = true, abCamSwitch = true, abLooking = true, abSneaking = true, abMenu = true, abJournalTabs= true)






    If Victim == Game.GetPlayer()

        Game.EnablePlayerControls(abMovement =false, abFighting = false, abCamSwitch = false, abLooking = true, abSneaking = false, abMenu = false, abJournalTabs= false)



Enable camera -  abLooking = true


This is two variants to stop combat:

1) Game.DisablePlayerControls(abMovement =true...

it is used in worked version


2) if use "Game.DisablePlayerControls(abMovement =false.... " then



It is used in faild versinon(do not released)

I can't stop moving of coconed PC

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I actually did try using those methods, but the problem I was running into is that the spider (and all other enemies targeting the player, if any were around) would end up just standing there looking pretty (or ugly). Anything that was targeting the "inactive" bystanders would attack them, but the bystanders wouldn't retaliate to defend themselves because they were stuck waiting for the victim to escape. If the bystanders were still alive by the time the victim escaped, THEN they would try to defend themselves.... or resume attacking the victim.


To clarify, neither Game.DisablePlayerControls(abmovement = true... or adding the victim the spider faction worked. Yes, the victim could look around, but the enemies would express the behavior mentioned above...


Although......... I haven't tried making it wait for that split second you included up there. I'll give that a go and give you my results.


RESULT: No-go, I'm afraid. They still stand there looking straight ahead like a cow looks at an oncoming train.... until I break free... then they become the train.... also... it seems a strange side effect here has increased the spider population... anyone else come across this? I have no idea what's causing it.... I'm not complaining either. XD

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I actually did try using those methods, but the problem I was running into is that the spider (and all other enemies targeting the player, if any were around) would end up just standing there looking pretty (or ugly). Anything that was targeting the "inactive" bystanders would attack them, but the bystanders wouldn't retaliate to defend themselves because they were stuck waiting for the victim to escape. If the bystanders were still alive by the time the victim escaped, THEN they would try to defend themselves.... or resume attacking the victim.


To clarify, neither Game.DisablePlayerControls(abmovement = true... or adding the victim the spider faction worked. Yes, the victim could look around, but the enemies would express the behavior mentioned above...


Although......... I haven't tried making it wait for that split second you included up there. I'll give that a go and give you my results.


RESULT: No-go, I'm afraid. They still stand there looking straight ahead like a cow looks at an oncoming train.... until I break free... then they become the train.... also... it seems a strange side effect here has increased the spider population... anyone else come across this? I have no idea what's causing it.... I'm not complaining either. XD

btw, did you see my suggestion for what should happen after the spooling is done? it kinda got buried in all the comments since then now, it's a page back from this one

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great!! love where this mod is going now, it works great with the spooling, now all it needs is an event after, if you fail to escape, where you are hung in a web to struggle. thanks for doing this

If this is what you're referring to, I've indirectly answered that in a post I made to ZaZ a little further down.


Making it play the hanging animation is easy. However, if you were, say, caught in a web outdoors, it'd be kinda funny if you were dangling in mid air attached to... nothing. I suppose I could have it check to see if the victim is indoors upon occurrence, but then, what if they're in a big cave?


I want to use the hanging animations, make no mistake. I just don't know how to fit them in yet.


I'd like to have it so that after 'x' failed attempts in the full cocoon stage, then it would fade to black and transport the victim to a spider lair where the struggle can continue and a little escape quest starts to survive exiting the cave. It would probably be a custom-made cave, though, and even if I were to do this, it would probably get a bit repetitive to be constantly taken to the same place over and over.


I'm also pretty new to modding. I've got a good grasp of the Creation Kit (I started using it like... less than a week ago, but am learning quickly) but again there's a lot of things I wouldn't have any idea on how to do yet. I have to figure out how Ms Leeches did Devious Captures or how Death Alternative did its teleporting of the player to various locations.


I console spawned a frostbite and got a swarm (around 6 I think).  Only 1 at the spawn site, the others came running up from somewhere about 2 minutes later.

Maybe it's just when console spawning a spider. That's what I did too, and then about a half-dozen little guys come running from around somewhere.

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oh ok, sorry I must've missed that then. I love the idea of having the PC transported to a custom lair though! (should be covered in webbing and other spidery things, like eggs, other webbed things, if possible), and a continued struggle there would add a new dimension to it, as well as a "price of failure" kind of thing, repetitive or not. I know I would enjoy it a lot. I hope you do implement that, and no worries if you can't figure it out yet, I'll eagerly await it, though patiently.


what do you mean you don't know how to fit it in yet though?

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Fit them in, as in, I'm not sure where in the mod I could put the hanging animation. The following sentences after that comment are where I throw some ideas as to how I could implement the hanging animation (transported to spider lair etc).


I can make the spider cave, no problem; fill it with clutter and other environmental things that make it look like a brood of spiders live there. Fading to black? Also easy. One line of code takes care of that. In fact, I've got it so that if you don't escape after a certain amount of times while fully wrapped (and spider's nearby), the screen fades out slowly with a short message of how the spider prepares to feed and then the game kills the victim (with the voice pack for female PCs I'm using, she makes one last cry of pain). Oh and this isn't in the upload I posted, yet.


I'm pretty sure I could figure out how to have it transport the victim instead of killing it when the failure threshold is reached, however, and this is the big one - escaping from the cave the first few times might be fun. Eventually, though, you'd get tired of just going through the routine of escaping from the same cave, with the same - slightly varied for each escape - spiders and encounters. The only real purpose the extra cave would have would be to simply have an excuse to implement the hanging animation (lol). I know you said YOU'D enjoy it regardless of how repetitive it got, and that's fine, but I don't think it'd be for everyone. I guess maybe that's where optional settings would start to trickle into the mod (which I still have yet to learn how to do). Although... being defeated in battle and not dying should come with some sort of penalty or setback for players.


All things considered, it seems silly to do that just so I could use an animation, although I'd do it anyway simply for the challenge to see if I could do it. We'll see.


I still need to figure a way to unlock the camera too without the enemy AI going full retard. Need to make sure the mod is actually doing what it was originally intended to do before I think about adding on additional content. I also wish spiders had a spooling-their-prey animation, otherwise getting webbed will always look awkward - I'm terrible at animation.

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ah ok, I get what you mean now, maybe I'll go look for that post and see what ideas you already put up. 


oh, so that's what you've already modded in for a conclusion? rather than being taken to a custom spider lair? that sounds fitting too, so you could easily go with that, but it'll be obviously shorter than if you were carted off to the lair and hung for the spider to return to you later (allowing for more escape chances) if I'm understanding what you're doing is the fade to black + sound is the already existing conclusion of this so far. 


true more variety would make that better, though in all honesty you could say some people could also get bored of getting spooled all the time by the spiders in the first place just as easily as the lair part over time lol, so maybe there's room for expansion on even that bit of it? (It's great IMO, I'm just bringing up a probable fact there) well the hanging animation and lair scene would add a bit more to the mod in general, a new little area obviously, maybe the new area could be expanded on somewhere? I'm not sure how in depth you want to go with it, but maybe it could lead into a quest or something, maybe and artifact, etc. just throwing ideas out here. yeah, maybe have them poisoned and groggy/drugged if they aren't dead yet, making everything harder, vision blurry a bit maybe, etc.


I do hope you do it :P good luck.


yeah, free cam would be good, but the AI getting wonky sounds bad. yep, the "wrapping their prey" animation is something very rarely seen in any games or other media sadly, for some reason, but I've been dealing without it this long, so it's fine to me. though it would be awesome if it were somehow implemented. great work on this so far tho, btw

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Just a thought on the spider lair thing...to add variety to the idea, maybe you could have a different lair for each hold, and the victim gets transported to whichever one corresponds to their location.  It would add variation to the escapes (assuming the player wasn't captured multiple times in the same place) if nothing else, and should existing caves be used and modified, effort to make them could be fairly minimized.

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good idea there Urban, would make sense too. also I'm wondering (for when they are implemented in with this mod) if your companions who also got caught would be stored in the lair along side you. if so, that could open up some options for escape, IE: options to co-operate with them somehow if they're there, to try and get loose

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oh, so that's what you've already modded in for a conclusion? rather than being taken to a custom spider lair? that sounds fitting too, so you could easily go with that, but it'll be obviously shorter than if you were carted off to the lair and hung for the spider to return to you later (allowing for more escape chances) if I'm understanding what you're doing is the fade to black + sound is the already existing conclusion of this so far. 

The fade to black followed by death is what I've implemented temporarily. It's not final. Until I decide how I'm going to go about the cave system, that's just what I'm doing right now. It was pretty much to see how it works and deliver a death event. I'm going back and forth between mods that don't actually kill the player when their HP reaches 0 (like Death Alternative or SD) so this was a good exercise to get this to work with those mods.


As for followers and NPCs, I think I'm going to reuse the old system that just follows the old rules for breaking out. That presents another challenge, though. I don't know how I would go about handling followers if this sort of thing were to be implemented. It's simply beyond my level of skill at this time. I'd need to do some more research on how to do that, and subsequently web them up and place them with the player.


Here's what I would like to have happen if (very big "if") I can figure it out: I would make it so that must be activated by the player to escape, but I also need to figure out how to make them activate-able like that in the first place.


Just a thought on the spider lair thing...to add variety to the idea, maybe you could have a different lair for each hold, and the victim gets transported to whichever one corresponds to their location.  It would add variation to the escapes (assuming the player wasn't captured multiple times in the same place) if nothing else, and should existing caves be used and modified, effort to make them could be fairly minimized.

I'm actually leaning more toward this. What I would have to do for that is find an appropriate cave for each hold, which shouldn't be too hard, or just use a cave that looks like creepy-crawlies could live inside.


So! Here's what's on my list:

- Unfix the gorram camera! (Starting to drop down on my priorities though, because I feel like I'm smashing my face repeatedly into a wall, now.)

- Implement web functionality back onto NPCs.

- Find locations to send player when fully captured (might start with just one until I get the whole thing working).

- Write code for transporting player to cave when fully captured and write code for escape sequence from cocoon in cave.

- Write code for implementing follower captures into the cave as well (lowest priority).

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Aha, you've made it all pretty clear now. so you're going to release the one with the death ending soon? before you work more on it and try to implement followers and the extended capture endings where you're taken to the lairs? also, if you can figure what out? the follower part you mean?


I know of several caves you could probably use for that, would you like me to post wiki links to them here? or would you rather find them out on your own? sounds like a good list to me, I like every bit of it a lot, and I do hope you manage to work in follower captures too, but if it gets to be too much, then no worries. also hmm.. that camera does seem like a hassle. it's no big deal if your camera angle is in the right spot when you get caught though

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Haven't released the one with the death ending, yet, as I'm working on the NPC effects now. Seems pretty straightforward and when that's done I guess I can upload what I have.


Don't worry about linking caves and such for me. As much as I appreciate the offer, I need to work with just one cave for now which is going to be Crovangr Broodlair. It's the most recent one I've visited in my last legitimate playthrough that's full of the crawlies. I've actually been looking at Ms Leeches Devious Captures scripts to see how they did the blackout and transport thing. I got the blackout to work for the death portion, and that can easily be ported over to the capture component.


I also saw how to summon the followers, so that'll be put in the back of my mind until I get the player moving.

The process I'm going to follow for the caves is as follows:

1. Implement fadeout/in and transport to the cave.

2. Implement some sort of escape challenge.

3. THEN I'll look into implementing followers being captured alongside the player. Shouldn't be TERRIBLY difficult but we'll see.


I can't make any promises about the co-op escape because, well... neither of them can move, and neither of them can really talk or see outside of the cocoon. Hell the player shouldn't even really be able to escape but then that just wouldn't be any fun now would it? I dunno, that's much further down the line.


Man I wish I had a tutor for this.

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