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[Solved] Skyrim Main Menu Won't Appear After Istalling Sexlab Framework

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Hello, I did step by step what I need to do to install sexlab with installation instructions. Using MO2 and Skyrim LE. Wen I ticked the sexlad mod in the left pane (of course did fnis) and trying to open the game a black screen welcomes me and music starts but thats all. And it doesn't matter if I'm uncheck the right pane sexlab.esm checkbox, only matters left pane. When I'm uncheck the left pane mods tciked and tyring to open the game, well its magically opening with no problems. Had 4 GB Vram and sorted by loot. Here's the load order that I took from loot.


  0  0     Skyrim.esm
  1  1     Update.esm
  2  2     Dawnguard.esm
  3  3     HearthFires.esm
  4  4     Dragonborn.esm
  5  5     Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp
  6  6     Skyrim Supplemental Patch.esp
  7  7     Campfire.esm
  8  8     ApachiiHair.esm
  9  9     ApachiiHairFemales.esm
 10  a     ApachiiHairMales.esm
 11  b     daymoyl.esm
 12  c     RSkyrimChildren.esm
 13  d     SexLab.esm
 14  e     Cutting Room Floor.esp
 15  f     Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp
 16 10     Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp
 17 11     SkyUI.esp
 18 12     Modern Brawl Bug Fix.esp
 19 13     FISS.esp
 20 14     SkyTweak.esp
 21 15     UIExtensions.esp
 22 16     Grimy Utilities Interface.esp
 23 17     Dragon Stalking Fix.esp
 24 18     FloraRespawnFix.esp
 25 19     dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - High.esp
 26 1a     dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Medium.esp
 27 1b     dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp
 28 1c     dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Reduced.esp
 29 1d     RaceMenu.esp
 30 1e     RaceMenuPlugin.esp
 31 1f     Atlas Compass Tweaks.esp
 32 20     Weapons & Armor_TrueWeaponsLvlLists.esp
 33 21     KS Hairdo's.esp
 34 22     FNIS.esp
 35 23     DSAMG - Miraak Music Fixes.esp
 36 24     P1FlyingRing.esp
 37 25     No More Glowing Edges.esp
 38 26     AMatterOfTime.esp
 39 27     WM_WidgetMod.esp
 40 28     AHZmoreHUD.esp
 41 29     Bijin Warmaidens.esp
 42 2a     Bijin Wives.esp
 43 2b     Book Covers Skyrim.esp
 44 2c     FTFI Fast Travel From Indoors.esp
 45 2d     Better Vampires.esp
 46 2e     Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp
 47 2f     DVA - Dynamic Vampire Appearance.esp
 48 30     When Vampires Attack.esp
 49 31     Predator Vision.esp
 50 32     Improved Dragon Shouts - Dawnguard.esp
 51 33     Improved Dragon Shouts.esp
 52 34     360WalkandRunPlus-RunBackwardSpeedAdjust.esp
 53 35     AGTweaks - Extra Effects.esp
 54 36     AddItemMenuLE.esp
 55 37     UnreadBooksGlow.esp
 56 38     AMB Glass Variants Lore.esp
 57 39     Differently Ebony.esp
 58 3a     aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp
 59 3b     ArvakUndeadFix.esp
 60 3c     Auto Unequip Ammo.esp
 61 3d     dmBaseStatReset.esp
 62 3e     Beards.esp
 63 3f     Better Nightingale Powers.esp
 64 40     Invisibility Eyes Fix.esp
 65 41     CalienteVanillaArmorTweaks.esp
 66 42     xone Fix Those Wyrms.esp
 67 43     StormWrathLightning.esp
 68 44     Combat Evolved.esp
 69 45     dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
 70 46     dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp
 71 47     dD-Short Script Range.esp
 72 48     BullseyePerkParalyzeBugFix.esp
 73 49     Deathwing Inspired Alduin Reloaded - Odahviing.esp
 74 4a     RichMerchants.esp
 75 4b     LFox No Nightingale Power Cooldown.esp
 76 4c     GDAmulets.esp
 77 4d     Nightingale Sword.esp
 78 4e     Nightingale Dagger.esp
 79 4f     Artifact Disenchanting.esp
 80 50     RealShelter.esp
 81 51     Point The Way.esp
 82 52     BFT Ships and Carriages.esp
 83 53     TheChoiceIsYours.esp
 84 54     SMIM-Merged-All.esp
 85 55     Run For Your Lives.esp
 86 56     Cloaks.esp
 87 57     Dead Body Collision.esp
 88 58     SexLabSkoomaWhore.esp
 89 59     Atlas Legendary.esp
 90 5a     Skyhighrim.esp
 91 5b     Males of Skyrim.esp
 92 5c     Imperious - Races of Skyrim.esp
 93 5d     IB - All-in-One.esp
 94 5e     Bijin NPCs.esp
 95 5f     Immersive Horses.esp
 96 60     Frostfall.esp
 97 61     Bigger Dragon Bridge.esp
 98 62     daymoyl_DawnguardAddon.esp
 99 63     Artifact Disenchanting - Dawnguard.esp
100 64     vampiric grip no cost.esp
101 65     HoldBorderBanners.esp
102 66     iNeed.esp
103 67     FNISspells.esp
104 68     Artifact Disenchanting - Dragonborn.esp
105 69     FormsEdit.esp
106 6a     Facelight.esp
107 6b     towConversation.esp
108 6c     fFastTravelSpeedMult_4.esp
109 6d     Fast Respawn 72 Hours 1.2.esp
110 6e     GreenWaterFix_v2withDawnguard.esp
111 6f     Headtrack Crosshair.esp
112 70     Headtracking.esp
113 71     Hunters Not Bandits.esp
114 72     Immersive Horses - Hearthfire Patch.esp
115 73     StayInDrugs.esp
116 74     iNeed - Dangerous Diseases.esp
117 75     KJ Tattoos 2K.esp
118 76     RavenWP3.esp
119 77     Realistic AI Detection 2 Lite.esp
120 78     KS Dragonrend Overhaul.esp
121 79     WondersofWeather.esp
122 7a     WetandCold.esp
123 7b     WetandCold - Ashes.esp
124 7c     VioLens.esp
125 7d     Vigor - Combat and Injuries.esp
126 7e     No Magic Ninja Dodge - No DLC.esp
127 7f     Mercy.esp
128 80     moveit.esp
129 81     sandboxcylinderheight.esp
130 82     InigoPerkPointGiver.esp
131 83     Rayg_NoBYOHAttacks.esp
132 84     Realistic_Impacts.esp
133 85     ShowRaceMenuAlternative.esp
134 86     SkyhighrimDBPatch.esp
135 87     Remove Smoke and Dust.esp
136 88     DawnguardDawnbreaker_SunFireEd.esp
137 89     Sneak Tools.esp
138 8a     Sneak Tools Vanilla Masks.esp
139 8b     RSChildren.esp
140 8c     Masters of Death.esp
141 8d     Sneak Tools Vanilla Hoods.esp
142 8e     FixVampireLord - Revert Form.esp
143 8f     Dual Wield Parrying_LeftHand.esp
144 90     LightningStormNoAshPile.esp
145 91     Dual Sheath Redux.esp
146 92     chfshPlayerVoicesets.esp
147 93     12FemaleBrows.esp
148 94     DeadlyDragons.esp
149 95     Violent_Alduin_Normal.esp
150 96     UnenchantedNightingaleSetMod.esp
151 97     ultimateodahviing.esp
152 98     PotemaCrashFix.esp
153 99     Katarina.esp
154 9a     True Thief Armor.esp
155 9b     Duel - Combat Realism.esp
156 9c     CombatFatigue.esp
157 9d     BF.esp
158 9e     BloodthirstVampireFeeding.esp
159 9f     ShoutCD.esp
160 a0     TrueDragonblood-DawnguardV001.esp
161 a1     Random Emotions.esp
162 a2     CriticalDaggers.esp
163 a3     ABT - Increased Progressive Damage (with Nord Hero Arrow) +50%.esp
164 a4     ABT - Recover +50% Arrows and Bolts.esp
165 a5     DSerArcheryGameplayOverhaul.esp
166 a6     Proper Aiming.esp
167 a7     Helmless_Warrior.esp
168 a8     BLEED.esp
169 a9     imperialshield.esp
170 aa     FranklyHDImperialArmorsAndWeapons.esp
171 ab     RSChildren Patch - USLEEP.esp
172 ac     betterwards-nostagger.esp
173 ad     ChasingTheDragon.esp
174 ae     MoreWards.esp
175 af     Vampire_NoSunDamage_Hoods&Helmets.esp
176 b0     hmkLockOn.esp
177 b1     DSerHorsesRevamped.esp
178 b2     SummonVampireCattle.esp
179 b3     SmartCast_1_0.esp
180 b4     dcm.esp
181 b5     LydiaLoopFix.esp
182 b6     FemaleStanceLydia.esp
183 b7     Improved Dragon Shouts - Dragonborn.esp
184 b8     TrueDragonblood-DragonboornV001.esp
185 b9     Animated Dragon Wings.esp
186 ba     Dragon Aspect Redone.esp
187 bb     Dragon Aspect Power.esp
188 bc     Dragon Aspect Shout - Mage and Stealth.esp
189 bd     DragonAspectEnhancement.esp
190 be     Unique Dragon Aspect.esp
191 bf     Non-Power Dragon Aspect.esp
192 c0     AspectOfPower.esp
193 c1     More Draconic Dragon Aspect - Powered Edition.esp
194 c2     More Draconic Dragon Aspect - Wings and Tail.esp
195 c3     UD_Serana.esp
196 c4     More Draconic Dragon Aspect - Flying Mod Addon.esp
197 c5     Skyrim Sizes.esp
198 c6     Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp
199 c7     moredragonloot.esp
200 c8     Skin Universalizer.esp
201 c9     VTF-Dawnguard.esp
202 ca     VLCollisionFix.esp
203 cb     BVFE_Serana.esp
204 cc     BVLT - Human.esp
205 cd     Lanfael.esp
206 ce     SexLabMatchMaker.esp
207 cf     Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp
208 d0     da_alternate_start_extension.esp
209 d1     RSPatch.esp
210 d2     Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp



44 minutes ago, Seijin8 said:

How many animations did you install through FNIS?  This can happen if the FNIS reported total is too high.

Fnis says:


FNIS Behavior V7.4.5 XXL   30.05.2019 15:37:01
Skyrim 32bit: - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\ (Steam)

Skeleton(hkx) female: XPMS (242 bones)   male: XPMS (242 bones)
Patch: "GENDER Specific Animations"
Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix"

Reading SexLabCreature V1.61 ...
Reading SexLab V1.62 ...
Reading P1FlyingRing V?.? ...
Reading FNISSpells V5.0.1  ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 9 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 0 alternate animations) ...
Reading FNISCreatureVersion V6.1 ...
Reading FNISBase V7.4.5 ...
Reading CombatFatigue V?.?  ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 177 alternate animations) ...

All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files...
 20 GENDER modifications for Animations\male
 34 GENDER modifications for Animations\female
Alternate Animation mods: 1 sets: 20 total groups: 20 added file slots: 251 alternate files: 177

Create Creature Behaviors ...
Reading SexLabCreature V1.62 ...

 1513 animations for 7 mods successfully included (character)
 322 animations for 1 mods and 18 creatures successfully included.


I don't know is that so much or not.

25 minutes ago, timurhan said:

Fnis says:

  Hide contents

FNIS Behavior V7.4.5 XXL   30.05.2019 15:37:01
Skyrim 32bit: - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\ (Steam)

Skeleton(hkx) female: XPMS (242 bones)   male: XPMS (242 bones)
Patch: "GENDER Specific Animations"
Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix"

Reading SexLabCreature V1.61 ...
Reading SexLab V1.62 ...
Reading P1FlyingRing V?.? ...
Reading FNISSpells V5.0.1  ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 9 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 0 alternate animations) ...
Reading FNISCreatureVersion V6.1 ...
Reading FNISBase V7.4.5 ...
Reading CombatFatigue V?.?  ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 177 alternate animations) ...

All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files...
 20 GENDER modifications for Animations\male
 34 GENDER modifications for Animations\female
Alternate Animation mods: 1 sets: 20 total groups: 20 added file slots: 251 alternate files: 177

Create Creature Behaviors ...
Reading SexLabCreature V1.62 ...

 1513 animations for 7 mods successfully included (character)
 322 animations for 1 mods and 18 creatures successfully included.


I don't know is that so much or not.

Nah, thats nothing, so that isn't the problem.

1 hour ago, timurhan said:

Hello, I did step by step what

First thing in my mind is either an incomplete or broken download.

You took the current version?  Which package did you download exactly?

This is the correct one for LE: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/150-skyrim-sexlab-sex-animation-framework-v162-updated-jun-3rd-2016/





68.4 MB



or you download it from the official mirror




157 B



15 minutes ago, worik said:

First thing in my mind is either an incomplete or broken download. 

You took the current version?  Which package did you download exactly? 

This is the correct one for LE: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/150-skyrim-sexlab-sex-animation-framework-v162-updated-jun-3rd-2016/



or you download it from the official mirror


Yes this is the link I downloaded from. The 68.40 MB file which is named "SexLabFramework_v162_FULL.7z".

I adding the left pane from my MO2, it may help I don't know.


"0235","04 Dual Wield Parrying Left Hand"
"0158","1_Nightingale Sword DSR Patch-87304-V1"
"0111","360 Walk and Run Plus"
"0061","A Matter of Time - A HUD clock widget"
"0070","A Quality World Map and Solstheim Map - With Roads"
"0266","ABT - Arrows and Bolts Tweaks"
"0053","AGO - Belt_Fastened Quivers Support-69033-1-3-1552712636"
"0114","AGTweaks - Extra Effects - 3 Enchantments Allow"
"0034","Alternate Start - Live Another Life"
"0124","aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Armors"
"0125","aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Creatures"
"0127","aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Dragonborn DLC"
"0126","aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Weapons"
"0123","aMidianBorn Caves and Mines"
"0128","aMidianBorn ebonymail silver"
"0132","aMidianborn landscape with terrain parallax 2k"
"0129","aMidianBorn Solstheim Landscape"
"0133","Ancient Nord Pickaxe Replacer - 2K"
"0238","Animated Dragon Wings"
"0095","ApachiiSkyHair v 1 6 Full"
"0052","Archery Gameplay Overhaul"
"0134","Arvak is Undead Fix"
"0199","Aspect of Power Update New Avatar"
"0035","Atlas Map Markers for Skyrim Blackreach Dawnguard and Dragonborn"
"0135","Auto Unequip Ammo"
"0136","Base Stats Reset v1.0"
"0137","Beards - 1K Resolution"
"0023","Better Dialogue Controls"
"0138","Better Fast Travel v3.76 - BSA - Hearthfires"
"0024","Better MessageBox Controls"
"0139","Better Nightingale Powers"
"0140","Better Stealing"
"0102","Better Vampire Lord Transformation"
"0092","Better Vampires 8.2"
"0299","Better Wards - No Stagger No Perk"
"0141","Bigger Dragon Bridge"
"0089","Bijin NPCs v1.2"
"0088","Bijin Warmaidens v3.1.2"
"0090","Bijin Wives"
"0276","BLEED - A Blood Overhaul"
"0109","Blocking Animation Pack"
"0277","Bloody Facials REBLOODED"
"0116","Book Covers Skyrim 3 6 LEGENDARY - Desaturated"
"0152","Bow - Running forward"
"0014","Bug fixes"
"0148","Bullseye Perk Paralyze Bug Fix"
"0087","BVFE - Better Vampire Fangs and Eyes"
"0091","BVFE - Serana CBBE Glow"
"0145","Caliente's Vanilla Outfits for CBBE"
"0039","Calientes Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE-"
"0057","Campfire - Complete Camping System"
"0155","Capeless Nightingale"
"0302","Chasing The Dragon.zip"
"0055","Cloaks of Skyrim"
"0056","Cloaks of Skyrim 1-2 Dawnguard"
"0037","Clothing and Clutter Fixes"
"0256","Combat Evolved"
"0257","Combat Fatigue Animation"
"0265","Critical Daggers"
"0142","Customizable UI Replacer"
"0031","Cutting Room Floor"
"0107","D13 Faster Get up Stand up animation"
"0076","Dark Red Subsurface Maps for male FACE and BODY-26145-1-1"
"0005","Dawnguad Clean"
"0249","dawnguard vampire armors cbbev3 echo 1-0a"
"0233","DCF plugin"
"0025","Dead Body Collision Fix"
"0255","Deadly Dragons"
"0248","Death Alternative - Alternate Start Addon"
"0247","Death Alternative - Captured"
"0246","Death Alternative - Your Money or Your Life"
"0149","Deathwing - Odahviing Replacer"
"0062","DisplayEnemyLevel 1.2.1"
"0000","DLC: Dawnguard"
"0002","DLC: Dragonborn"
"0001","DLC: HearthFires"
"0296","Dovahkinder Complete Mod"
"0201","Dragon Aspect Enhancement"
"0202","Dragon Aspect Enhancement V1 0 NoTail"
"0198","Dragon Aspect Power"
"0197","Dragon Aspect Redone"
"0200","Dragon Aspect Shout - Mage and Stealth"
"0026","Dragon Stalking Fix"
"0009","Dragonborn Clean"
"0237","Dual Sheath Redux"
"0254","Duel - Combat Realism"
"0094","DVA Dynamic Vampire Appearance"
"0239","ElSopa - Campfire HD"
"0027","Enchantment Reload Fix"
"0048","Enhanced Blood Textures"
"0240","Esbern voice fix by Firestar 0507"
"0144","Eyes Glitch Fix"
"0161","EzE's Artifact Disenchanting"
"0071","EzEs -Colored Map Markers- Atlas Map Markers - Compass Patches"
"0163","Face Light"
"0164","Face to face conversation"
"0077","Fair Skin Complexion"
"0080","Fair Skin Complexion - Skin Universalizer"
"0078","Fair Skin Complexion BlankDetailMap.dds Fix v1.0"
"0079","Fair Skin Complexion Makeup Overhaul"
"0167","Fast Respawn 72 Hours"
"0165","Fast travel fimescale fix"
"0166","Faster Mining"
"0267","Faster Sleep Wait (SKSE)"
"0151","Faster Transform"
"0101","Female Facial Animation"
"0017","FileAccess Interface for Skyrim Script - FISS"
"0074","Fine Face Textures for Men"
"0075","Fine Face Textures for Men - Black Subsurface Maps for Male Face and Body"
"0244","Fine Face Textures for Men by Urshi - 2 0A Vampire Patch"
"0168","Firewood natural texture new meshes"
"0059","Floating Damage ver 1.5.1"
"0060","Floating Healthbars v1.2.0"
"0028","Flora Respawn Fix"
"0204","Flying Mod Beta"
"0304","Flying Mod Overhauled Main File"
"0044","FNIS Behavior 7.4.5 add-on 2 (AGO)"
"0041","FNIS Behavior 7_4_5 XXL"
"0162","Follower Trap Safety"
"0042","Fores New Idles in Skyrim - Creature Pack"
"0040","Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS"
"0043","Fores New Idles in Skyrim - Spells"
"0236","Frankly HD Imperial Armor and Weapons"
"0058","Frostfall 3.4 Release"
"0170","FTFI Fast Travel From Indoors"
"0030","Fuz Ro D-oh - Silent Voice"
"0130","Gecko's Dwarven Ruins Textures"
"0171","GreenWaterFix v2withDawnguard"
"0018","Grimy Plugin"
"0022","Grimy Utilities"
"0172","HDT Physics Extensions"
"0007","Hearthfire Clean"
"0177","Helmless Warrior"
"0178","Higher Heels"
"0179","Hold Border Banners"
"0264","Horses Revamped"
"0180","Hunters Not Bandits"
"0106","Immersive Animations"
"0282","Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul"
"0181","Immersive Horses"
"0082","Improved Bards - All-in-One"
"0104","Improved Dragon Shouts"
"0183","iNeed - Food, Water and Sleep"
"0175","Infinite Weapon Charges 1.0"
"0176","Infinite Weapon Poison 1.0"
"0143","Invisibility Glitch - Eyes Fix"
"0250","Katarina Armor"
"0184","KJ Tattoos 2K"
"0188","KS Dragonrend Overhaul"
"0047","KS Hairdos Renewal - Female only"
"0232","Lanfael by Vincent Dolan and Standalone09"
"0154","LFox No Nightingale Power Cooldown"
"0294","Lock-On - adds a lock-on system"
"0298","Lydia - female stance"
"0297","Lydia Loop Fix 1_1"
"0081","Males of Skyrim v1.3 - Loose Ver"
"0231","Masters of Death - Rise of the Brotherhood"
"0015","Mfg Console"
"0016","Modern Brawl Bug Fix"
"0205","More Draconic Dragon Aspect"
"0305","More Draconic Dragon Aspect Addon for overhauled fly"
"0209","More Dragon Loot"
"0208","More Firewood per Chop"
"0300","More Wards"
"0067","moreHUD Inventory Edition"
"0210","Move it"
"0211","Multiple Floors Sandboxing"
"0275","Name Those Ash Piles"
"0049","NetImmerse Override"
"0160","Nightingale Dagger DSR Patch-87261-3-0"
"0153","Nightingale HD"
"0258","Nightingale Pride - Bow and Blade Reincarnation"
"0274","No Ash Pile Lightning Storm and Raised Bodies"
"0038","No bethesda Intro"
"0268","No Boring Sleep-Wait Menu"
"0206","No magic ninja dodge - No DLC"
"0212","No More Glowing Edges"
"0196","Non-Power Dragon Aspect"
"0006","Optimized Dawnguard Textures - SD"
"0010","Optimized Dragonborn Textures - SD"
"0008","Optimized HearthFires Textures - SD"
"0004","Optimized Vanilla Textures - SD"
"0213","Perk Point Book"
"0174","Player Headtracking"
"0214","Point The Way"
"0083","Porcelain Skin CBBE Basic -Also use for CHSBHC- Also includes Porcelain Males VTF"
"0084","Porcelain Skin CBBE Optional -Bitten VTF"
"0085","Porcelain Skin CBBE Optional -Muscle Tone VTF"
"0086","Porcelain Skin CBBE Optional -Sweat VTF"
"0245","Potema CTD Fix"
"0103","Predator Vision - Vampire Werewolf and Khajiit"
"0110","Pretty Combat Animations"
"0108","Pretty Jump Animations"
"0215","Pretty Sit Idle v1.41d"
"0216","Proper Aiming"
"0217","Queen of the Damned"
"0069","Quick Loot"
"0218","Quinn of damned Patch for BVFE Serana CBBE"
"0263","Random Emotions"
"0185","Raven Warpaints Standalone Packs"
"0219","Rayg NoBYOHAttacks"
"0220","Real Shelter"
"0186","Realistic AI Detection 2 - Lite"
"0221","Realistic Impacts (1.11)"
"0029","Realistic Ragdolls and Force"
"0159","Retexture for Nightingale Dagger and Fix Item name"
"0157","Retexture for Nightingale Sword and Fix Item name"
"0150","Rich Merchants"
"0286","RS Children Overhaul"
"0287","RSChildren Update - 170623"
"0288","RSChildren USLEEP Patch - 170618 Fixed"
"0120","Ruins Clutter Improved"
"0121","Ruins Clutter Improved - Falmer Temple Candelier"
"0122","Ruins Clutter Improved - Ruins Linen Normal Map Fix"
"0099","Run For Your Lives"
"0289","SexLabFramework v162 FULL"
"0222","ShowRaceMenu Alternative - Latest Version"
"0054","ShowRaceMenu Precache Killer"
"0012","SKSE ini pre-download for lazy users"
"0225","Skyhighrim Dragonborn Patch"
"0050","Skyrim -Community- Uncapper"
"0119","Skyrim HD - 2K Textures (1k version)"
"0194","Skyrim sizes Version 2"
"0118","Skyrim Supplemental Patch"
"0292","Smart Cast"
"0100","Smile in HD Teeth Vampire"
"0226","Smoke and Dust Remover"
"0073","Smooth body textures for Better Males and SOS"
"0230","Sneak Tools"
"0227","Staff of Magnus Hotfix"
"0156","Standalone - Grace Darklings Nightingale Amulet"
"0045","Static Mesh Improvement Mod"
"0270","Stay In Drugs"
"0234","Stop Vampire Lord Revert Form From Turning You Human"
"0147","Storm Wrath Lightning"
"0291","Summon Vampire Cattle - A Vampire Feeding Mod"
"0228","SunFire Edition"
"0032","The Choice is Yours - Fewer Forced Quests - Improved Dialogue Options"
"0279","The Imperial Legion"
"0283","To Your Face - Sensible NPC commenting (SKSE)"
"0262","True Dragonblood - Combo Pakage"
"0251","True Thief Armor"
"0252","Truly Abosorb Dragon Souls"
"0253","TrulyAbsorbDragonSouls DSAMG compatibility patch"
"0229","Ultimate Odahviing"
"0105","Unarmed Warfare - New Animations For Hand To Hand Combat"
"0259","Unenchanted Nightingale Set Mod"
"0203","Unique Dragon Aspect"
"0243","Unique Dragon Priest Masks"
"0011","Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch"
"0117","Unread Books Glow"
"0003","Update Clean"
"0093","Vampire Lord Collision Fix"
"0301","Vampire No Sun Damage"
"0293","Vampiric Grip out of Vampire Lord form"
"0193","Vigor - Combat and Injuries"
"0192","VioLens - A Killmove Mod"
"0191","Violent Alduin v1 0 -Normal-"
"0281","Virtus Imperii - Imperial Gear Re-mastered"
"0036","Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade"
"0190","Wet and Cold"
"0098","When Vampires Attack"
"0063","Widget Mod"
"0064","Widget Mod Fix"
"0189","Wonders of Weather"
"0146","xone Fix Those Wyrms"
"0051","XP32 Maximum Skeleton"
"0269","You can sleep - SKSE"
"0112","YY Anim Replacer - Lovely Shout"
"0113","YY Anim Replacer - Mystic Knight"
"0131","【DSAMG】Dragon Soul Absorb More Glorious"


8 minutes ago, timurhan said:

I adding the left pane from my MO2, it may help I don't know.

Is any mod overwriting stuff from the Framework?

If yes, which one?

11 minutes ago, worik said:

Is any mod overwriting stuff from the Framework? 

If yes, which one? 

When I go to the properties of sexlab framwork mod in MO2, at the conflitcs section there are only 7 thing in the "The following conflicted files are proveided by this mod" but the bottom section "provided by other mods" is empty.

That 7 thing is: 1 From Campfire mod /SKSE/Plugins/StorageUtil.dll and the other 6 thins is blongs Mfg Console mod. And they are: /SKSE/Plugins/MfgConsole.ini - /SKSE/Plugins/MfgConsole.dll - /Scripts/Source/MfgConsoleFunc.psc - /Scripts/MfgConsoleFunc.psc - /Interface/console_alias.ini - /Interface/console.swf.


mfg console would be fine to overwrite SL ? and as far as I know it would be a good thing to switch the priority order accordingly.


But that can't be the issue of your unresponsive main screen. Checking again that your original download was complete would be the next thing on my list.




Check your right pane for any exclamation marks. The whole list.  At least in MO1 they signal to you that another master file is missing and I expect that MO2 does the same.

5 minutes ago, worik said:

mfg console would be fine to overwrite SL ? and as far as I know it would be a good thing to switch the priority order accordingly. 


But that can't be the issue of your unresponsive main screen. Checking again that your original download was complete would be the next thing on my list. 




Check your right pane for any exclamation marks. The whole list.  At least in MO1 they signal to you that another master file is missing and I expect that MO2 does the same. 

So I download the file again and installed again for the broke problems. 70.043 KB excatly. But problem still here. I also checked the right pane for your advice but its ok.

1 hour ago, timurhan said:

Skeleton(hkx) female: XPMS (242 bones)   male: XPMS (242 bones)

maybe the right skeleton would help:




you should use only one of those:

25 19     dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - High.esp
 26 1a     dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Medium.esp
 27 1b     dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp
 28 1c     dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Reduced.esp

but realistic ragdoll is also included already in the posted XPMSE

29 minutes ago, donttouchmethere said:

maybe the right skeleton would help:




you should use only one of those:

25 19     dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - High.esp
 26 1a     dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Medium.esp
 27 1b     dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp
 28 1c     dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Reduced.esp

but realistic ragdoll is also included already in the posted XPMSE 

Deactivaded from left pane the Realistic Ragdoll Force mod and xp32Maximum skleton. Then installed XPMSE (did fnis of course) but still same. Music comes but black sreen.

7 minutes ago, timurhan said:

Deactivaded from left pane the Realistic Ragdoll Force mod and xp32Maximum skleton. Then installed XPMSE (did fnis of course) but still same. Music comes but black sreen.

well, at least you have the right skeleton now =D

that means no topic about T-pose next :D


okey would have been odd if that was the issue for the black screen but music thingy


not sure if I get it right: you get the loading issue already on the skyrim main menu or while loading a save?


also: what else did you change/add to your load order while adding sexlab to your game?

you have a lot of mods I don't know, you sure they all work ingame?

2 minutes ago, donttouchmethere said:

well, at least you have the right skeleton now =D

that means no topic about T-pose next :D


okey would have been odd if that was the issue for the black screen but music thingy


not sure if I get it right: you get the loading issue already on the skyrim main menu or while loading a save? 

Thanks for the skeleton info, I'm not an expert for these things. The problem is, I can not reach the main menu which is New Load Continue buttons in there.

18 minutes ago, timurhan said:

I can not reach the main menu

I know that feeling, but I had that only in rare cases.

If you add Sexlab & friends to your LO it will change the position of mods in your LO

do you need to rebuild functions/patches from those mods than?:

80 50     RealShelter.esp

209 d1     RSPatch.esp
210 d2     Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp


also I had that issue with wrong/missing patches or hidden missing masters

do you use any stability modifications like lazy SKSE? (I don't think that will help with the issue at hand but helps with memory issues)


a bad mod can cause that too, If that bad mod is sexlab in your case (if the load order ever was tested in game) then something is missing still for SL

18 minutes ago, donttouchmethere said:

also: what else did you change/add to your load order while adding sexlab to your game?

you have a lot of mods I don't know, you sure they all work ingame? 

I'm playing a save for a long time with these mods (except sexlab). There was no issue. When I install the sexlab framework I can not reach the main menu. And when I uninstall it I easily reach the main menu.

10 minutes ago, donttouchmethere said:

If you add Sexlab & friends to your LO it will change the position of mods in your LO

I can lock the plugins (thanks to the mod organizer) so when I installed new mods or sorted with loot, I can stay in same order some specific pluings with ease (patches, retextures etc.).

11 minutes ago, donttouchmethere said:

also I had that issue with wrong/missing patches or hidden missing masters 

I think if there any missing masters MO2 and Loot shows me. Just like I said, I'm not an expert for these issues. So there can be something I'm missing.

13 minutes ago, donttouchmethere said:

do you use any stability modifications like lazy SKSE?

I'm using bethini

1 hour ago, timurhan said:


You are using Skyrim Legendary Edition. Are you definitely using the Sexlab version for LE and not the SE version?

2 hours ago, timurhan said:

So I download the file again and installed again for the broke problems. 70.043 KB excatly.

What is 70.043 KB?



34 minutes ago, Grey Cloud said:

You are using Skyrim Legendary Edition. Are you definitely using the Sexlab version for LE and not the SE version? 

Yes sir! worik nicked member confrimed.


27 minutes ago, Grey Cloud said:

What is 70.043 KB?



The file's which is named "SexLabFramework_v162_FULL.7z" size. I pointed out to avoid misunderstanding.

2 hours ago, timurhan said:

I can lock the plugins (thanks to the mod organizer) so when I installed new mods or sorted with loot, I can stay in same order some specific pluings with ease (patches, retextures etc.). 

Lets say sexlab is installed right

Sexlab has all requirements too


that still means you have more mods in your load order esm & esp

means if all your mods are locked the new mods could only be added at the end of your load order

because you load order expanded the last mods (patches) would have a new position


was just thinking,

that would mean if you add XPMSE and Sexlab and matchmaker to your load order you still might need to rebuild your patches, because that would be the only thing that changed and could have an effect on starting skyrim


you could also remove matchmaker for now, Sexlab comes with build in spells to test if animations can be triggered

and you could try:

what happens if you deactivate the patches

what happens if you rebuild them


what else you could check:

- are all sexlab files in the right folders compared to the original zip file


I'm no specialist with MO/MO2 but it seems it does some odd things sometimes from what I see in the tech support


also you could try installing papyrusutil 3.3 and let it overwrite everything else

12 minutes ago, donttouchmethere said:

and you could try:

what happens if you deactivate the patches

what happens if you rebuild them

What do you mean with pacthes and rebuilding? DSR patch tool and Fnis? Or you mean like USLEP or compability mods? If you mean DSR and Fnis I'm regularly running em.


17 minutes ago, donttouchmethere said:

- are all sexlab files in the right folders compared to the original zip file 

Yes they are.

19 minutes ago, donttouchmethere said:

also you could try installing papyrusutil 3.3 and let it overwrite everything else

Now, im tryin it seems overwrites only campfire and sexlab mods. But problem is still standing.


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