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AAF Family Planning Enhanced for CBBE, Fusion Girl, and Jane Bod

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Posted (edited)

How can I edit the mod so that I can remove the breast morphs from the pregnancy or manually change what morphs I want? I saw that the dev said that they were making a "custom" setting for that but it never got added. I tried in xEdit but couldn't find any entries with "morph" or any morph names in them. I suspect I have to edit one of the .pex files but I barely know how to read ESPs. Help a brother out please!


Edit: I managed to decompile the FPFP_BasePregData pex file and found morphs in it, I deleted the lines but now I can no longer compile the psc into a pex in Creation Kit.

Edited by Sans_1550
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How do you know if you are fertile or not? I ticked the option in MCM to notify me when my character is woken up fertile. But I haven't received the notification after several sleeps. Is being fertile given in the perks?

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On 5/11/2024 at 11:37 PM, sexxy117 said:

So is AAF FPE Redux needed with this or are they interchangeable? Just curious which one I should be downloading, if anyone has an opinion on it :)


They're two alternative implementations. Use one or the other. Don't install both together.


FPER is a fork of this, and keeps much of the same API, so most mods designed to work with this will work with both. If a mod says it requires FPER specifically, then that usually implies that it's relying on some additional features specific to that fork and won't work with this version.

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On 5/15/2024 at 3:51 PM, Sans_1550 said:

How can I edit the mod so that I can remove the breast morphs from the pregnancy or manually change what morphs I want? I saw that the dev said that they were making a "custom" setting for that but it never got added. I tried in xEdit but couldn't find any entries with "morph" or any morph names in them. I suspect I have to edit one of the .pex files but I barely know how to read ESPs. Help a brother out please!


Edit: I managed to decompile the FPFP_BasePregData pex file and found morphs in it, I deleted the lines but now I can no longer compile the psc into a pex in Creation Kit.


You're probably missing script sources for one or more of its dependencies (F4SE, AAF...).

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On 5/15/2024 at 3:58 PM, kassandra12 said:

How do you know if you are fertile or not? I ticked the option in MCM to notify me when my character is woken up fertile. But I haven't received the notification after several sleeps. Is being fertile given in the perks?


Fertility is implemented as a magic effect applied with a potion the script equips on you periodically. The notifications in the top left of the screen scroll by fairly quickly, and may be easy to overlook. If you use a mod like Active Effects on HUD you can see when it's applied and how much time is left before it wears off.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is it safe to tweak the morph power setting in the MCM mid-pregnancy? My character's belly doesn't seem to enlarge that much even during the second and third trimester. I'm thinking of increasing the morph power during the pregnancy.

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6 hours ago, kassandra12 said:

Is it safe to tweak the morph power setting in the MCM mid-pregnancy? My character's belly doesn't seem to enlarge that much even during the second and third trimester. I'm thinking of increasing the morph power during the pregnancy.

Yes it is safe to do that.  It will take effect the following “month”.

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38 minutes ago, lightguidste said:

any one know how to prevent multiple births i turned multiple conceptions to 0 and max birth to 1 but still getting multi pregnancys!


This version of FPE doesn't have "multiple conceptions".  I suspect you are using the Redux version of the mod.



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This is my first time posting on this website so apologies if I'm going about it wrong. Is the baby bump morph supposed to apply during sex animations as well? As of right now the morphs all seem to be working properly, except during animations my character goes back to normal body.

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On 6/4/2024 at 10:22 PM, Mortuux said:

This is my first time posting on this website so apologies if I'm going about it wrong. Is the baby bump morph supposed to apply during sex animations as well? As of right now the morphs all seem to be working properly, except during animations my character goes back to normal body.


What version of AAF are you using? Have you altered anything "morph" related in AAF_settings.ini? What body replacer are you using? Do you have LooksMenu's BodyGen feature configured and if so it it set to ignore the form ID AAF's player doppelganger actor?

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