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14 minutes ago, emes said:

I'm a bit confused on the Masochism Status. The notes show the range as being 0 to 4, but I was at something like 1.9 and it was marked as "Loves"? (And the remarks my character was making certainly sounded like she was enjoying it.)

That slider is per step. There are 4 steps to full blown masochist - hates - dislikes - likes - loves

0.4 + 0.4 +0.4 +0.4 = the total range if the slider is at 0.4. 

A decent rate for you depends on a lot of things like:

How often you'll get spanked and timescale (pretty important I think)

15 minutes ago, emes said:

a zillion times while using the alchemy table

You can turn that off/down if you don't like it. 

16 minutes ago, emes said:

I'm also curious about the SLSO integration. I love that Ed added the progressive enjoyment voice packs I suggested way, way back, but I never seem to hear them during the "aggressive" animations, even if my character seems to be getting enjoyment. Does STA affect that at all? As the character starts to become more of a masochist, it'd be nice to hear more of the enjoyment sounds rather than the pain/abuse ones

The actual yelps from spanks don't change but the dialogue does. From 'I'll kill you for that' to 'Harder' etc. 

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18 minutes ago, Monoman1 said:

That slider is per step. There are 4 steps to full blown masochist - hates - dislikes - likes - loves

0.4 + 0.4 +0.4 +0.4 = the total range if the slider is at 0.4. 

A decent rate for you depends on a lot of things like:

How often you'll get spanked and timescale (pretty important I think)


Yeah, I think I had Timescale 8 and Time Flies makes things like crafting, buying/selling and reading take time, so I figured it would take some tinkering to find settings that work.


(I'm still trying to figure out the combination of mods that will make things interesting without being too much of a pain in the ass. Turns out Apropos 2's wear and tear mixed with Wounds and Diseased was way too much. Zero stamina regeneration and being spammed with paralysis multiple times a second was just utter frustration, but I digress...)


Anyway, I think I get what you're saying. So I'm going to want to increase that step value quite a bit to make the transition take longer.


18 minutes ago, Monoman1 said:

You can turn that off/down if you don't like it.

I found that option and I appreciate it. :)


Selling potions was about all I could do to keep my Devious Follower at bay and pay guard tolls, but, with my setup, the spanks were happening non-stop during crafting.


18 minutes ago, Monoman1 said:

The actual yelps from spanks don't change but the dialogue does. From 'I'll kill you for that' to 'Harder' etc. 

Sorry, I was talking about the SLSO voice packs.


There's a progressive set of moans when the player character is enjoying herself, but, during non-consensual events, it seems to just play the sounds from the "pain" folder.


I was curious if STA's masochism ever makes that switch over, so that when the character is sufficiently masochistic, they'll get the enjoyment moans rather than the pain ones during those events.





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7 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

That slider is per step. There are 4 steps to full blown masochist - hates - dislikes - likes - loves

0.4 + 0.4 +0.4 +0.4 = the total range if the slider is at 0.4. 

A decent rate for you depends on a lot of things like:

How often you'll get spanked and timescale (pretty important I think)

Why don't you just convert the underlying numbers to a single percentage value that people can understand without any additional explanation?



I still don't have confidence that I can figure what that status is telling me, despite having it explained many times.


I think that the 1, 2, 3, 4 in the tooltip confuses people - just listing the stage names would be clearer - as that 1, 2, 3, 4 (stage ID) is not the number that's shown in the status, which is (instead) the progress within the stage?


But I'm still not sure.



Also, the configuration slider is unintuitive, and the explanation is also confusing. I'm afraid to change it because I'm not sure what the outcome will be.



Personally, I'd like to configure gain speed different to loss speed.



I think the way it works now is something like:


MasochismDelta = Time * (((BumRedness + BoobRedness) * 0.5 * RateOfGain) - RateOfDecay) ??


But RateOfGain and RateOfDecay have a fixed relationship to each other?

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25 minutes ago, Lupine00 said:

I think that the 1, 2, 3, 4 in the tooltip confuses people - just listing the stage names would be clearer - as that 1, 2, 3, 4 (stage ID) is not the number that's shown in the status, which is (instead) the progress within the stage?


But I'm still not sure.

I am fairly sure that the number in the status is the current total masochism gain, when that number passes the step size you go from hates to dislikes, passes 2x step size from dislikes to likes, and 3x step size from likes to loves.


So if step size is 0.4 (the default?)

  • when the displayed value is below 0.4 you hate pain
  • between 0.4 and 0.8 you dislike pain
  • 0.8 and 1.2 you like pain
  • over 1.2 you love pain
25 minutes ago, Lupine00 said:

Also, the configuration slider is unintuitive, and the explanation is also confusing. I'm afraid to change it because I'm not sure what the outcome will be.



Personally, I'd like to configure gain speed different to loss speed.



I think the way it works now is something like:


MasochismDelta = Time * (((BumRedness + BoobRedness) * 0.5 * RateOfGain) - RateOfDecay) ??


But RateOfGain and RateOfDecay have a fixed relationship to each other?

Higher step size takes longer to hit each threshold, an probably longer to reduce below each threshold as well, I would like separate sliders for increase and decrease as well.

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45 minutes ago, Tenri said:

So if step size is 0.4 (the default?)

  • when the displayed value is below 0.4 you hate pain
  • between 0.4 and 0.8 you dislike pain
  • 0.8 and 1.2 you like pain
  • over 1.2 you love pain

A "buffer" area beyond loves or hates would make sense too, they might still function the same as loves or hates, but allow you to develop more commitment to that situation.


So if 1.6 is the current 'top end' of loves, I think there must already be a one step buffer, because my character has loves 2.0, but it doesn't go above 2.0


If the number of 'buffer steps' could be set by the player, I could set a limit of say ... 3.2 ... so a char that gets masochism up there would takes a long time without pain to drop back down below 1.2 and stop loving it.


But it's still a confusing way to represent it. This is the first time I've actually understood it, assuming that Tenri is correct in how it works.

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8 minutes ago, Lupine00 said:

But it's still a confusing way to represent it. This is the first time I've actually understood it, assuming that Tenri is correct in how it works.

Yes he's right as far as I remember.


Can't really change the number of steps as it's tied to things like the pain buff/debuff and how much enjoyment or unenjoyment (?) you get from being spanked during sex. 


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1 hour ago, Lupine00 said:

A "buffer" area beyond loves or hates would make sense too, they might still function the same as loves or hates, but allow you to develop more commitment to that situation.


So if 1.6 is the current 'top end' of loves, I think there must already be a one step buffer, because my character has loves 2.0, but it doesn't go above 2.0


If the number of 'buffer steps' could be set by the player, I could set a limit of say ... 3.2 ... so a char that gets masochism up there would takes a long time without pain to drop back down below 1.2 and stop loving it.


But it's still a confusing way to represent it. This is the first time I've actually understood it, assuming that Tenri is correct in how it works.

the reason the stat caps at 2.0 with 0.4 means that hates might be anything below 2x (the idea being 1x to 2x but we start at 0x), then dislike 2x to 3x, like 3x to 4x, and finally loves from 4x to 5x.

Regardless of if the extra multiple is on the hates or loves side is probably just an off by one error, or could be intentional to make that side take longer to go from full to the next/previous stage.

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5 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

Can't really change the number of steps as it's tied to things like the pain buff/debuff and how much enjoyment or unenjoyment (?) you get from being spanked during sex. 

Wouldn't you simply track the "raw" value in a new variable, then put the capped data into the existing one?


I'm seeing loves - 2.0 and it seems not to go higher.

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3 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

Wouldn't you simply track the "raw" value in a new variable, then put the capped data into the existing one?

Not sure I follow. 

Do you mean take the slider value (0.4) multiply it by 4 steps. And then this is 100% ?

3 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

I'm seeing loves - 2.0 and it seems not to go higher.

Your slider is at 0.4?

Tenris right I might have added more to slow down 'unbecoming' a masochist. But I can't remember off hand. 

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15 minutes ago, Monoman1 said:

Not sure I follow. 

Do you mean take the slider value (0.4) multiply it by 4 steps. And then this is 100% ?

Not really.


For display, take whatever is the limit, let's say it's 2.0 (I suspect it is, if your slider is 0.4)

multiply by 100, divide by the max.


Float displayValue = (value * 100.0) / maxValue



For the actual value, to allow it to have more range... 

Invent a Float 'rawValue'


When updating (only), update and persist THAT.


Then clamp it to the expected bounds.

But clamp the rawValue according to a wider spread...



Float totalRedness = boobRedness * boobWeight + bumRedness * bumWeight   ; where boobWeight + bumWeight == 1.0

Float masochismDelta = (totalRedness - rednessBaseline) * timeDelta      ; where rednessBaseline determines the rate of decay

rawValue += masochismDelta

rawValue = Min(Max(-stepSize * 2.0, rawValue), maxValue + stepSize * 3.0)

masochismValue = Min(Max(0.0, rawValue), maxValue)                       ; where maxValue is the one mentioned above in the MCM.


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11 minutes ago, nakafalan said:



I have a problem with texture. When they spank my characters ass, her body texture starting to gliching with green pixels. I did increase body overlay but it still happening. Can you help me? I really like your mod but i cant enjoy it because of this texture thing. Im using CBBE body. What should i do? What i am doing wrong?

Someone had this problem before. Try this file: https://www.loverslab.com/topic/118840-spank-that-ass/?do=findComment&comment=2756408

Must repack the mod with that file.

2 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

Not really.

I'm going to have to read this a few times ;)

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Hurrah for the new version, thanks Monoman1.  This is a wonderfully solid mod.


One request for a future version, perhaps: could "talking" to avoid spanks (middle-mouse button to denigrate ones' self) cause a small reduction in DF resistance?  One point perhaps?  Then there's a need to try balancing the two effects - and of course saying such things under duress should reduce resistance.

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1 hour ago, legraf said:

Hurrah for the new version, thanks Monoman1.  This is a wonderfully solid mod.


One request for a future version, perhaps: could "talking" to avoid spanks (middle-mouse button to denigrate ones' self) cause a small reduction in DF resistance?  One point perhaps?  Then there's a need to try balancing the two effects - and of course saying such things under duress should reduce resistance.

Hmm. I'll wait and see what comes of the discussion over on SLS before deciding anything. 

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My wish list:


1) beg NPCs for spanks via dialogue - if masochism high enough, and debuff high enough.

    - PC must choose to do this on purpose, a dialog option, not forced!

    - causes a 'proximity' spank


2) can use speak button on any sex scene

    - if you use it with a non-spanker, it may start them spanking (chance per time you speak, until they trigger)

    - once they start spanking, they are treated as a normal spanker


3) beg NPCs for spanky sex - like (2) but if masochism high enough, and debuff high enough, you are allowed to do to ask.

    - PC must choose to do this on purpose, a dialog option, not forced!

    - Starts a sex scene (ideally with spanking animation, if you have one).

    - NPC will be very spanky.

    - Maybe some NPCs react badly to this request? But in a predictable way, not just random.

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42 minutes ago, aspirine2 said:

why is spank bumps not running while pc wearing armor the same as pc is naked ??is that an option you added or i got my SLA outdated 

If your butt is armored you can't be spanked. This is a deliberate part of the mod.


There are keywords you can add that indicate armor is spank-able. 

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5 hours ago, Corsayr said:

If your butt is armored you can't be spanked. This is a deliberate part of the mod.


There are keywords you can add that indicate armor is spank-able. 

and so wearing clothes is more effective than wearing an armor ...lol...so what if i said my pc is wearing a bikini ..??..i 'm not using Baka version ..!

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4 hours ago, aspirine2 said:

and so wearing clothes is more effective than wearing an armor ...lol...so what if i said my pc is wearing a bikini ..??

Then the bikini needs one of the keywords recognized by StA as spankable (you can modify in StA's MCM which keyword is "bare enough" to permit spanking.


Until that happy day when everyone switches to using keywords that show when something is blocked, instead of keywords to show something is available.  :P

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