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Lovers Animations Workshop - old one

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Sure, least I can do for you Sir!


I have included two versions, one with the -name Forward -loop -at y note and one with out (they are labeled as such).

The note isn't needed in normal walk animations but may serve some purpose in the way you are handling them.



Holler if something isn't working: Grumpf walks.7z

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The Lovers ini has several (four) categories - none, horizonal, upward, downward. It shouldn't be an issue to add a fifth for the rigged mesh. That way, the old animations won't really need to be re-aligned to use the new ones.


You would need to add it to the scripting and then change the chinopo to that 5th position in each ini that contained positioning. 


I guess the telling factor boils down to whether folks really are interested in using those old animations versus the updated ones.  If there is significant interest in the non touched up animations then it probably is worth spending the time to mess with tweaking the scripts.


Now I am not talking about the renumbering scheme here, as that won't make any difference whether they are using the 11-200 bbb pack numbering or the DS one.  Numbering format won't be relevant.


Bottom line this is a good issue to raise and get some feedback from folks on whether they want to keep old animations or prefer the tweaked ones.

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Guest ThatOne

It seems like the most flexible and compatible way.

To me, it doesn't matter either way; if you decide against correcting one of the animations I personally like, I can do it myself. For others, it might not be that simple.


The choice is yours whether you feel it's worth the time or not.

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I'd take the cautious route of the 5th element too. My experience is that new walk/idle will position the bones for old animations so will new B4P animation VS BBB or B4...


On the other hand I still need to fix some other weird 90° rot crap from walk animation... BRB!

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It seems like the most flexible and compatible way.

To me, it doesn't matter either way; if you decide against correcting one of the animations I personally like, I can do it myself. For others, it might not be that simple.


The choice is yours whether you feel it's worth the time or not.


My goal is to address all animations in groups 0, 1, 2 and 3.  For group 4 I could quickly address those animations that would need positioning as that is a fairly quick and easy adjustment to make. 


I guess I really don't much care.  Probably best to be cautious as Grumpf said. 


First thing is first however and that is me getting this damn patch pack done!!!!  I need to super glue my ass in this chair until the damn thing is finished....... :P

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I think you should release two packs. One for non-tweaked penis anims and one for tweaked penis. The two would be identical save for the animated penis bones.


You won't be able to get away with one pack because it will screw up the anims for people who don't have the new skeletons/meshes and forcing people to upgrade is a no-no IMO. Unfortunately it means more work for you greg, in terms of animating and organization... But that's the way the cookie crumbles :(.


I think our first step is to weightpaint the futa lowerbody set that comes with loversPK. The HGEC one and the DMRA one floating around somewhere. (Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe someone already suggested this?)


I'm working on getting my own custom body weighted... it's different from both DMRA and HGEC so I can't use any of the lowerbody sets that come with standard loversPK. Originally I had just planned to weight my body and do clothes conversions, but with this new system and especially seeing grumpf's idle/walking anims I'm seriously considering putting a penis on it. That way every NPC in my game would be a futa and you'd see the cool stuff that was in grumpf's videos... Still haven't decided yet... Would make clothes conversions a pain because I'd have to work around a "package". Even if I don't do it, I'd still like to see animated penis bones in my loversPK anims... which means I need a penis lowerbody to put in the lovers folder, which is unfortunately beyond my abilities... Would anyone be willing to help me out by using blender/nifskope and attaching a weighted penis to a custom lowerbody?

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There is no need to release two packs.  If someone does not have the 11-200 bbb pack then nothing will happen.  Likewise if they do not use the "animated" mesh (for males or females) then nothing will happen.  This is really no different than how BBB works, you have to have 3 components for it to work.  For those that just want to use standard animations then they can stick with the Lovers Resource pack v2. 


At some point I will think about coding in a 5th penis placement for both sexes into lovers and then it will just involve a simple chinopo edit after that.


There is NO new skeleton.  The only new skeleton is for us animators and it is just a stripped down version of growlf's universal one which is just easier for us to animate with (less clutter).  End users just use growlf's.


TDA already did the HGEC futa lowerbody and I am pretty sure the DMRA one can be made from it.

Grumpf made the Roberts lowerbody.


Earlier I talked about not including this in the lovers resource pack....at least until coding for a 5th penis mesh is made (see more in posts 1050 and 1052).


If your lower body is already weighted and you just need an animated cock added then post the lowerbody.nif and I will take a look at it.

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I understand that if they don't use an animated penis nothing will happen, but if the anim is tweaked so that it requires an animated penis to LOOK positioned correctly wouldn't that 'break' it for anyone who doesn't have the animated penis?


How do you not need a new skeleton to get these affects? Are the "bones" for this already in growlf's universal skeleton? (The three things you need for BBB are: skeleton, weighted mesh, animation.kf)


Ahhh I understand now... coding in a 5th futa "position" in the .ini files is actually a pretty ingenious way to include new anims with the old ones. Wouldn't this require altering the coding in the loversPK esm (or esp?).


And how exactly do you plan on incorporating this new system into your 11-200 BBB pack?


Sorry for the noob questions, I just want to understand what is going on here.


I'm still working on getting my body weighted correctly. I'll post it in this thread when I'm satisfied with it... Might be awhile :/ because I won't be able to work on it this weekend.

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Guest ThatOne



Altering the Lovers base plugins is no big deal, as the only change that will be made is adding the fifth lowerbody category. The new version could either become the standard (as it's more flexible than the old), or be uploaded as a part of the pack (as nothing else currently requires it).

It'll remain compatible with everything that's already here, as none of the current meshes or settings will be changed.


Alternate ini files that use the closest aligned none-rigged mesh could be provided if desired... However, this seems redundant as there are no negative side-effects to the above solution (which has maximum possible compatibility with the current system).


As for the skeleton, Growlf's skeleton does contain the required bones (unless some were added since I last checked).

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Would anyone be willing to help me out by using blender/nifskope and attaching a weighted penis to a custom lowerbody?


It's very easy, I just copy paste the weight of my meshes to the other one like that then remove useless bones. The real original painter was Gerra. Legit, post your nifs here and I'll transfer Gerra's weighting to them.



t some point I will think about coding in a 5th penis placement for both sexes into lovers and then it will just involve a simple chinopo edit after that.


There is NO new skeleton.  The only new skeleton is for us animators and it is just a stripped down version of growlf's universal one which is just easier for us to animate with (less clutter).  End users just use growlf's.


I think 5th slot is the best option. If we can get around my problem with idles bending the bones in a way that it is reflected in the animation no matter what, the 5th slot will not be necessary but will certainly do no harm so let's take the cautious road...


Skeletons with B4P bones are there:



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Thanks for the responses guys it really cleared a lot of thing up for me.


I still have two unanswered questions however. The first is for anyone. Does growlf's universal skeleton already have penis bones that have yet been unused? Greg said that the B4P animations will be compatible with growlf's but he didn't really explain why.


Next question is for greg specifically. How exactly do you plan on altering the old anims to take advantage of this new system?


Again, sorry for the noob questions. You guys are talking about stuff way above my head and I'm trying to figure out what's what.

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Yes, growlf's universal skeleton has all the bones needed for bouncing butts and animated cocks.  As I said before the only "new" skeleton is one that has only a bare minimum of bones and that is only for animators to create or modify animations.


Edit:  Well, time to eat crow.  I hope it tastes like chicken.......


The animated penis will require using the Lovers Animations Workshop Skeleton Mark II.  Unfortunately Growlf's Universal Skeleton does not have penis bones so using it is no longer an option.  Sorry.


Now the reworked animations will still work fine if you choose to stick with the Universal Skeleton and the v3/v4 or v5 penis settings.  Also coming is a edit to futa cocks that will allow a switching between the animated penis and the one currently in the game.



As to animations, I am simply going to make sure the cock is in the correct position for the 11-200 animations.  I am not planning on doing anything too wacky at least for group 1 or 3 other than that.  Group 0 has some positions that really need the animated cock as the lovers positions don't quite work.  Depending on time and interest I may redo the male masturbation and facials when I get to group 2. 


First thing that I need to do is quit letting myself get distracted and get pack 1 finished....then we shall see.

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Cool greg. Thanks for the patience in answering my questions.


As always I'm ready to playtest when you make your beta 2 release. I'll be working on trying to weight my body using gerra's auto weightpainter tool... I had started experimenting about a month ago but had to put it down because of school, now that I've picked it up again I have forgotten most of what I was doing lol.  Crash course here I come.

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Ok, I am still working my way through finishing up animations for group 1 and 3.  With the new animated penis for male & female I am having to revisit many of the "formerly" completed animations.  This will take probably a week or so depending on how much I get done this weekend.


Good news is inspiration struck and I discovered that I won't need to rewrite any code as it is already there in the game.  Under the lovers settings you can choose several penis options and if I replace v1.2 with the animated penis then you will be set.  I need to verify this with a bit more testing but if that works then it is an easy (and quick) fix that will allow folks to use the old system or new at will with no problems.  ;)


Assuming that this works as intended it will not require editing the ini files for chinupo position which again makes it a very compatible to switch back and forth for the end user (if they are so inclined that is).


I'll update on my progress this evening.



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Needless to say.......I touched it.  I am now trying to pick up the pieces and get things back in order.  I "hope" to accomplish this yet today but it may end up being very late this evening before I finish.  I really hate learning to animate the hard way......by screwing things up!  :angry:

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NOTE:  The FUTA cocks don't appear to be working correctly (or at least it doesn't seem that way to me).  To get the futa cocks to work under the 1.2 settings I need some scripting help!!  For whatever reason changing the penis setting to 1.2 doesn't seem to do anything to the chicks, who are still operating under the normal futa meshes and and lovers is ignoring the hutanari.nif.....why I don't know.  If anyone can take a peek at this in the Lovers with PK.esp and figure it out that would be great.  Worst case I guess we may end up needing some scripting to get us over the hump here.


There is a manual work around but it destroys the compatibility that currently exists right now so I don't want to go there.


NOTICE:  DON'T attempt to play as a female using these animations as you will probably get a CTD.




So far I just have animations 1-10 done.  I need a few folks to test using a male PC.  Have sex with either other males or females and let me know what you think.


PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, this is ONLY for those folks who are comfortable switching in animations and REMEMBER these are BETA's and will more than likely be revised at least once.  That means you need to make a backup prior to overwriting any files! 


PLEASE read the Readme.txt on how to install and how to enable the animated cocks in game (NO, they won't work until you toggle on the correct setting).


Animated Cocks Beta v1:  Animated Penis - Beta v1.7z


NOTE:  For all you animators out there, just grab the above file and Gerra6's animating skeleton in the modders resources section and you'll be off an running.  You can quickly adapt your own animations to this or even make your own brand new ones.





EDIT:  Well, I had an attack of stupid and forgot to mention that you MUST replace your skeleton.nif found in Oblivion\Data\meshes\characters\_male\  with the one from this thread: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/13516-lovers-animation-workshop-skeleton-mark-ii/ 

What I did not realize is that growlf's universal skeleton lacks......you guessed it....penis bones.

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1 All right... Let me try quickly. ->done


Edit1 :Ok so in my config, the LPK package was already using V1.2. Got CTD on some poses, even with a male... Now let me check the nif..


Edit2 : Using a male, using the option take it on the floor or something like that -> immediate CTD. I removed the meshes, doesn't change anything, I then removed the animations -> LPK complains but no CTD. For a brief moment, male is equipped with the weigthed P and the position is ok according the my idle for it...


So basically there's something wrong with the animation. If you can point out to me which one correspond to the option I chose I can have a look.


EDIT3: Using Slof boners V5 still allow the CTD...

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Hey there, I installed the beta to give it a little test. Encountered some problems too.


The animations didn't give me any CTDs like they did for Grumpf, was using a male dunmer char, tested on both M/F and M/M.


The problem for me was the "infinity stretch" error on the penis, basically it was the same lasered problem that alot of people encounter when they don't install BBB properly.


I do have my BBB up perfectly fine with the universal skel and etc, so I was wondering if there's a seperate lowerbody mesh for the animated penis that I'm missing?


Or is the "Penis.nif" file that comes with it sufficient?

Thanks for all the great work so far anyway Gregathit, much appreciated by a lurker.

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Penis displays correctly, but I get crashes like Grumpf. DID some testing with the normal penis and the modified animations still cause CTD without the new penis itself active.

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Ok, first off the required skeleton is Growlf's universal one  Lovers Animations Workshop Skeleton Mark 2, that will fix the "to infinity and beyond" stuff.  Use the skeleton.nif file in it.  My bad on pointing to the growlf skelly, I forgot it didn't have the penis bones.


Next, I need to know "which" animations are giving you guys CTD's.  Let me know this if you can.  Grumpf called out the lie down and take it animations so that flags animations 3 and 5 so I will look at them.


If there are any other animations or failing that let me know what mod you are using and what option you selected - using Adult Play Plus is a good way to test as it has a number of options to positions.  If you tell me what option you picked I can figure out the number of the animation being used. 


Grumpf, the animation select by lie down and take it is animation 3, on the floor like a slut should be animation 5.  I included both animations in the archive below.  Try replacing them and see what happens.  I don't get any crashing on my end.  I use growlf's universal skeleton - the controllable version.
quick patch attempt for grumpf CTD.7z

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