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Lovers Animations Workshop - old one

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All right, pretend everything is going on normally as me fiddling with fucking idiotic complicated for no reason LPK scripts is in progress. Whether I succeed or not will not change anything right now...


As the brilliant mind behind the most excellently awesome CLS plugin, I am certain if anyone can come up with a solution, it will be you.






......You sounded like you needed a pat on the back.... ;)

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Good news greg. No bugs or CTDs, everything seems to be working fine with the beta anims that you have... except anim 01 the male's penis is bent a little too far upward.


Also for the blowjob (06 i think) would it be possible to bend the cock down her throat so if I move the male forward his penis doen't poke out of the back of her head?


With these new bones you can change the cock's shape at different times during the anim correct?

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Yes, you can change the cock shape and direction during animation and even have it differ between the stages.  It more or less truly becomes a bone®.... :lol:


The animations I am reworking from notes on my testing are as follows:

1. 06 - reworked to get boner to actually go into her mouth and redid the animation so receiver is no longer being skull fucked....

2. 08 - had too much bouncing going on and I am not talking about the boobs.

3. 10 - reworked do boner not clipping, made a few other adjustments.


The above are now complete and I am now working my way quickly through the group 1 and group 3 animations to add the animated penis for it.


I'll look at animation 1 to see what the deal is with it.


Rough estimate on rev96v3 beta will be sometime around the 16th.  I hope to release the very long over due group 1 and group 3 animations at that time as well.


Then I will be forced to take 5 day break as I have an out of town business trip I have to take starting the 17th.

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Can you redo 06 to look something like this?




When he pulls out his cock straightens, but when he shoves it down her throat again it bends like that :P


If someone wanted to take the time to do so, yes you could.  However that is pretty much a complete waste since you would never see the cock bending and going down the throat in game.


After I test the reworked 06 tomorrow morning I'll post it for for others to give it a spin.

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From that picture alone, i say you are talking about organic rigging. In order to get that the entire mesh structure needs needs to be reweighed and even then you need a really advanced rig to even come close to any of that effect. Maybe even need shapekeys around the neck area to accomplish that.


Has anyone even tried that ?? oblivion game is very dated compared to skyrim, maybe this will look much better with a game like skyrim ??

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Guest ThatOne

I don't think I understand your train of thought... Could you please explain how the pose in the picture above differs from a standard LPK animation?

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Check the neck area in picture. you notice the cock is deforming the neck area to take the same shape as the cock. so it looks like the cock is actually fully thrusting down the throat area.


I don't think the current mesh and skeleton is even possible to simulate this type of effect. without making new shape-keys around the neck area to deform it to look like a cock is thrusting down.


With the new animated penis it is possible to make the dick bend but how is this going to show without also having the neck area deformed to resemblance the picture ?? You will only see what we already can and that is dick going in and out nothing else out of the ordinary.

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No no you misunderstand me. All I want is the cock to bend down her "throat" like that so it doesn't pop out of the back of her head If I use an especially long weighted penis.


I don't want to see it go down her "throat", I don't want any x-ray or organic meshes or deformation or anything like that. I simply think its the best way to have the male be able to pull his cock all the way out, and shove it back in again without it looking retarded and like he is putting his cock through her brainpeice.


I fully realize you won't be able to actually see it.

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In that case yes, all greghathit has to do is rotate the cock when inside the head and pull it straight back when out.


That's all I was asking for.


Theoretically it would work with ANY (weighted) penis size, even the ridiculous ones.


How about it greg?

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In that case yes, all greghathit has to do is rotate the cock when inside the head and pull it straight back when out.


That's all I was asking for.


Theoretically it would work with ANY (weighted) penis size, even the ridiculous ones.


How about it greg?



Sorry, I already reworked animation 06 with the new weighted cock (and it no longer pokes out the back of her head). 


I did screw around with it a bit when I first got the weighted cock and while it is possible to bend the dick......it doesn't look very good if it is sharp angles.  The bones and weighting is more geared for up, down, left, right movement than actual sharp angle type bends.  Just fire up blender and play with it and you will see what I am talking about.

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No problem greg.


We won't really be seeing the penis while it is inside the female mesh so it doesn't really matter how it looks unless it clips or something.


At least keep this technique in mind for future blowjob anims.


As always, ready to test whatever you put out.

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I'll be releasing group 1 for testing in batches of 10-20 animations.  Hopefully I'll have the first batch ready sometime Friday.  The testing is mainly for the animated penis\futa as I "should" have already fixed the other issues.  If one or two slipped by me just note them.

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Looks good but is it the preview or is the animation stuttering?


Na, the stuttering comes from when you move the window around to a different angle in blender.  It gets all pissy with you for rotating or moving.


Fortunately Oblivion doesn't react that way!!!!!

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As I am going through and setting the penis bones for the upcoming animated dick update, I have been saving a number of blender files.  Does anyone have any interest in them?  If you are looking at getting into animating a great way to do so is to start by manipulating existing animations.  The blender files are a final product just prior to exporting and have male & female complete meshes along with of course the skeleton and animation ready to go.  I am saving them simply because it saves time if I have to ever tweak anything to already have the animation cued up, but I thought I would share them if others had interest.


If you want them just holler and I'll add them as I create them to the 3rd post in this thread.  Right now I have 54 thru 70 done (bbb animations pack numbers).  Eventually I'll have most all of them.  Each blender file (1 per stage) is around 5 to 8 megs but all four archive down to about 1.5 megs with 7zip.





Edit: 5-15-13

Not dead yet.  :P


1st round testing done on animations 1-10 and 54 through 72 with the animated penis.  I found several issues and have corrected most of them.  2nd round of testing will begin later today.  Based on what I find, a release could be as soon as today or as late as tomorrow.


I will be traveling Friday through Tuesday so I won't be getting anything else done until I resume working on Wednesday of next week. 




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As I am going through and setting the penis bones for the upcoming animated dick update, I have been saving a number of blender files.  Does anyone have any interest in them?  If you are looking at getting into animating a great way to do so is to start by manipulating existing animations.  The blender files are a final product just prior to exporting and have male & female complete meshes along with of course the skeleton and animation ready to go.  I am saving them simply because it saves time if I have to ever tweak anything to already have the animation cued up, but I thought I would share them if others had interest.


If you want them just holler and I'll add them as I create them to the 3rd post in this thread.  Right now I have 54 thru 70 done (bbb animations pack numbers).  Eventually I'll have most all of them.  Each blender file (1 per stage) is around 5 to 8 megs but all four archive down to about 1.5 megs with 7zip.





Edit: 5-15-13

Not dead yet.  :P


1st round testing done on animations 1-10 and 54 through 72 with the animated penis.  I found several issues and have corrected most of them.  2nd round of testing will begin later today.  Based on what I find, a release could be as soon as today or as late as tomorrow.


I will be traveling Friday through Tuesday so I won't be getting anything else done until I resume working on Wednesday of next week. 





I'd suggest adding them to a new library under Modders Resources, but in this thread is also a good idea.


Not making much progress with my Blender learning. I find the UI much too frustrating. Something, well maybe not so simple like UV editing in other programs I've used was IMO so much easier. Not even any where near ready to go any where near animations yet...


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Rev96v3a1 (alpha 1) along with animations 1-10, skeleton, meshes and textures have been uploaded to post 4 of this thread.  Please feel free to give it a spin.  This update should NOT break any other animations.  You will need to have installed the LPK resource pack (v2 or v3) prior to installing this.  Say yes to all overwrites.  To stop using the animated penis all you have to do is change the ini file setting back to the original options (0, 1, 2).


I hope to release animations 11, 54-72 later today (as soon as I clean up the ini files).  I am shooting to release about 10 animations at a time.  Next release (76-86) is scheduled for the 25th.  I will be traveling tomorrow through mid-week so I won't be getting any more done this weekend.




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