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1 hour ago, Some_Maj said:

Eyyy, I'm back.


So, I haven't used RJW in quite a while but I felt like trying it out again now that ideology is out, I felt like making a colony that venerated wolves and such but it seems casual hook-ups with bonded animals no longer work?


A year ago when I last tried this colonists would prefer soliciting bonded animals over masturbating, but apparently the only way to have bestiality happen is with the entirety of the rape conditions enabled, which I kinda don't want. Is this uh... Intentional? If so, is there an option to limit it so bestiality only happens with colony animals?


(Notes, not using prepare carefully, not using hero mode, tried designating pawns as breeders / to be bred)



Try playing around with RJW Sexperience, it has a zoophile precept and some ideology settings related to such. RJW on its own considers bestiality rape since by definition animals can't consent to anything.


Zoophilia Honored/Rape Abhorrent might get what you're looking for.

15 hours ago, mirlo1 said:

Strange for me it works. Any workshop mods?

Perhaps delete all mods from modfolder expect rjw. For me it works fine.

Seconding this. Bad mods/load order probably. 189 mods and no issue with this here.

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For anyone getting the ERR faction name errors, i had that before and turns out it's not from a specific mod at all. Check your game file integrity through steam, it's usually some broken files (happened after a hard crash once). It will detect how many files got corrupted/broken and redownload them all.

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21 hours ago, mirlo1 said:

Strange for me it works. Any workshop mods?

Perhaps delete all mods from modfolder expect rjw. For me it works fine.

Validated some of my files after unsub'ing from everything and found quite a few broken files, might have been from some left over mods of mine. Thank you for the suggestion!

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On 7/23/2021 at 3:55 AM, catlord9001 said:

Prepare Carefully is not compatible with RJW.
Prepare Carefully has not been compatible with RJW since B19.

That's crazy cos i have a savefile and screenshots of royalty with both prepare carefully and RJW and i don't recall getting incompatibility notices back then...

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Hey guys, how did you set up your game to use the Children School Learning's pregnancy with RJW sex? Faster Aging doesn't work 100% on 1.3, so Age Matters don't update their heddifs when I'm using RJW's pregnancy system. My plan now is to just make children be born at 10 using CSL preg system and get the 5 years of aging I had planned for my Moyo run, but I'm too dumb to make it work for the love of Cthulhu

Edited by void_master_11
grammer bad
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Is there a way to see if the pregnancy part of the mod is working?  I have three mods that manage pregnancy, RJW, RJW Menstruation and Children, school and learning.  


I turned off children school and learns and menstruations options in controlling pregnancy and RJW on.  I haven't seen anything regarding pregnancies happen after a few new games.  Is there a way to test to make sure the system is working?  Should I be using one of the other mods systems instead?


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2 hours ago, thebluepharaoh@gmail.com said:

Is there a way to see if the pregnancy part of the mod is working?  I have three mods that manage pregnancy, RJW, RJW Menstruation and Children, school and learning.  


I turned off children school and learns and menstruations options in controlling pregnancy and RJW on.  I haven't seen anything regarding pregnancies happen after a few new games.  Is there a way to test to make sure the system is working?  Should I be using one of the other mods systems instead?


You can use the devmode  /debug action menue / add hediff  /  search fertil  and add arch fertility enhancer to the 2 people you want to test it on  have sex a few times ( direct control option )   now get a few steps back and  choose remove hediff  on the woman and you can see if she is pregnant or not.  Thats how you can test it ingame.

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I'm using the newest update, but I'm no longer able to designate comfort pawns.  They have the masochist trait, but the RJW button only shows the "mark for animal breeding" option.  No other options.  The brothel tab allows me to set prostitutes and shows who is a slave, but nothing else.  Am I missing something?

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Hi, I love your mod Btw. I was wondering if someone could answer a couple quick questions for me. Firstly, is the pregnancy system standalone or does it still require RJW menstruation or Children and learning, etc in order for kids to be born and grow up and become "useful" colonists?


Also, has anybody used Dubs Bad Hygiene with this mod? What was your experience? Load Order? etc..


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1 hour ago, spammertonsmith said:

Hi, I love your mod Btw. I was wondering if someone could answer a couple quick questions for me. Firstly, is the pregnancy system standalone or does it still require RJW menstruation or Children and learning, etc in order for kids to be born and grow up and become "useful" colonists?


Also, has anybody used Dubs Bad Hygiene with this mod? What was your experience? Load Order? etc..


I have used Dubs Bad Hygiene with this mod for a while now, work perfectly fine as far as I can tell. Load order, just make sure RJW is after DBH. personally I have DBH fairly early on in my load order. As for your other question, I am not sure as I have not used any of those mods in the current version of Rimworld.

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2 hours ago, Gogmaster said:

Seriously, can someone tell me why option for woman and male swap? Why the hell I can only finger female while I can fuck the male "vagina"


Sounds like a personal problem! No really, it's some weird mod interaction, probably EDB Prepare Carefully because for some reason we are 298 pages into this mod thread and people are still insisting on trying to use EDB Prepare  carefully over character editor, then crying when it breaks things in weird ways 

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i have a bug

for some reason every single animal with udders (boomalopes, muffallos, etc) gets its udder hediff assigned to the whole body instead of just the chest
i tested it with no other mod besides rjw and its requirements turned on and it still happend so its most likely not a mod conflict
also i get this outputted into the console whenever i load a save with the bugged animals


[RJW]  dromedary default bodypart not found: Torso -skip.
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
Verse.Log:Message (string)
rjw.ModLog:Message (string)
rjw.CompHediffBodyPart:updatepartposition ()
rjw.SaveStorage:FixRjwHediffsOnlLoad ()
rjw.SaveStorage:WorldLoaded ()
HugsLib.HugsLibController:OnPlayingStateEntered ()
HugsLib.Patches.Game_FinalizeInit_Patch:WorldLoadedHook ()
(wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Game:Verse.Game.FinalizeInit_Patch1 (Verse.Game)
Verse.Game:LoadGame ()
(wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.SavedGameLoaderNow:Verse.SavedGameLoaderNow.LoadGameFromSaveFileNow_Patch1 (string)
Verse.Root_Play/<>c:<Start>b__1_1 ()
Verse.LongEventHandler:RunEventFromAnotherThread (System.Action)
Verse.LongEventHandler/<>c:<UpdateCurrentAsynchronousEvent>b__27_0 ()
System.Threading.ThreadHelper:ThreadStart_Context (object)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext,System.Threading.ContextCallback,object,bool)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext,System.Threading.ContextCallback,object,bool)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext,System.Threading.ContextCallback,object)
System.Threading.ThreadHelper:ThreadStart ()

its outputted this multiple times for each individual animal

not that big of a deal for me but it is a bug still so
plz fix, thanks
i hope i used the spoiler thing correctly and it wont spam the topic

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