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3 hours ago, Fiona159 said:

If you suddenly decide to re-sound Ivy,it would be great if you added emotions to the voice-only in those dialogues/monologues where Ivy speaks on behalf of the girl(not the robot).After all,she's not a real robot, she's half human.))

Let me clarify. I said I was willing to re-record one story because I misspoke one line. I’m sure Reginald would agree that the amount of emotion I put into her was just right. I’m not sure anyone could have deeper emotion for Ivy than Reginald, but I will say that she is deeply ingrained in me, and that’s something you just can’t fake. Not to mention, I spent over 100 hours recording her audio. That shit ain’t happening again unless Reginald says so. And he won’t. 

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6 hours ago, Reginald_001 said:

Every time I come home the site is down. At work its online but then im stuck on mobile. Likely because my day time is you guys' nighttime. I havent been able to check anything yet for you chic.

It’s okay love, no rush. But it makes me smile to know you’ve got my back ?

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8 hours ago, Chic Geek said:

Let me clarify. I said I was willing to re-record one story because I misspoke one line. I’m sure Reginald would agree that the amount of emotion I put into her was just right. I’m not sure anyone could have deeper emotion for Ivy than Reginald, but I will say that she is deeply ingrained in me, and that’s something you just can’t fake. Not to mention, I spent over 100 hours recording her audio. That shit ain’t happening again unless Reginald says so. And he won’t. 

Haha. definitely! And indeed I would never. The original recordings went above and beyond anything I could have imagined, in terms of quality. It's just so far up to professional par that it's uncanny. It's 'just right' for Ivy.


The site is extremely bad to me these days. It could be that this post won't even come through, so here's hoping.

Update on Ivy: LOTS OF STUFF DEVELOPED. I've been on a wild modding spree these past few weeks. Hold on to your hats!

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14 hours ago, Reginald_001 said:

Every time I come home the site is down. At work its online but then im stuck on mobile. Likely because my day time is you guys' nighttime. I havent been able to check anything yet for you chic.

It's not just you, Reg. I've seen many others comment on the same issue in various threads... when I'm able to get to them, that is :(


Edit: LOL posting the above caused a 505 error (Host Site Down), ironically enough... ?

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Reginald, without dragging up old issues, can you please outlay what the conflict is with Ivy and A.F.T please? If you don't want to tread that path again I understand and will test it out myself as I have Ivy, A.F.T (For Cait), Heather and Darlene as my party and I am not overtly aware of any "damage" done to Ivy.

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4 hours ago, JasonTodd1976 said:

Reginald, without dragging up old issues, can you please outlay what the conflict is with Ivy and A.F.T please? If you don't want to tread that path again I understand and will test it out myself as I have Ivy, A.F.T (For Cait), Heather and Darlene as my party and I am not overtly aware of any "damage" done to Ivy.

Read the FAQ, Second post of this thread.

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On 3/15/2019 at 2:50 AM, Reginald_001 said:

Every time I come home the site is down. At work its online but then im stuck on mobile. Likely because my day time is you guys' nighttime. I havent been able to check anything yet for you chic.

Same here for over a week now.

I'm also a night shift person.

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I've been working on 'Ivy's pornography collection' add-on which hooks into the ESM.


It's an add-on that features 72 unique vintage pornography magazines that players can find inside safes, raider bags, some vendors and inside some random mailboxes and trashcans. 25 Magazines offer entirely new perks to the player. It also features loadscreens with several magazines, with information about the history of pornography. Perhaps I might make this a small quest, for the player to find all 72 (which will be quite some work, I promise. I takes an entire playthrough to find everything).


The vintage porn ranges from erotic to heavy and are real covers from real life vintage magazines. I hope to eventually have Ivy provide a small background note or anecdote on each magazine, with several random sentences for each magazine (as you can find duplicates, Ivy will say something different for the books you find). For now though, I got all the books in game and have just started on integrating Ivy so there's some work to do yet!


Screenshots, obviously NSWF.





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Maybe I missed it (very likely with the limited access I have to LL because of the various internet connections I have to use -- work and traveling).

Do you have a donate via paypal or whatever option?  Prefer not patreon - had rather a one time gift to express my gratitude for all this effort...and for all of ChicGeek's effort.

Others have mentioned how I feel: sometimes she says stuff that is freakier than I am all that comfortable with, and I'd never play with her without headphones.  At the same time, you get really attached to her and actually miss hearing from her if you have to run with another follower for some reason. Do you have a degree in human behavior or something?  She hits all the right notes that all but force someone to want to have her around ?

(edited to add) - have been looking for vintage 'porn' music for her radio station, but haven't gotten very far.  I will keep looking though!!!

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22 hours ago, graymare said:

Maybe I missed it (very likely with the limited access I have to LL because of the various internet connections I have to use -- work and traveling).

Do you have a donate via paypal or whatever option?  Prefer not patreon - had rather a one time gift to express my gratitude for all this effort...and for all of ChicGeek's effort.

Others have mentioned how I feel: sometimes she says stuff that is freakier than I am all that comfortable with, and I'd never play with her without headphones.  At the same time, you get really attached to her and actually miss hearing from her if you have to run with another follower for some reason. Do you have a degree in human behavior or something?  She hits all the right notes that all but force someone to want to have her around ?

(edited to add) - have been looking for vintage 'porn' music for her radio station, but haven't gotten very far.  I will keep looking though!!!

Thank you for the kind words. I've always been very hesitant with donations (but boy would I like to receive them) because in the end I feel that many people think they buy some kind of ownership. The worst words a modder can hear is, 'Why don't you add that feature I requested? I PAID you!'. So I opted out of that whole deal a long time ago.


I am actually studying clinical psychology so you're not far off on 'degree in human behavior'.


But, and I'm going to be very honest here, I never wrote Ivy for anyone else but me. Only once people asked me to release her did I choose to do so, and then she started becoming her own person, I added, Chic Geek recorded.. and here we are. :)


The main idea that I had when making Ivy? Don't laugh, but it was this:


Often I find myself needing to 'do something', e.g. roll a cigarette (or joint), check something, or often I'd just want to 'sit down' with my companion for a bit and 'just talk'. So I decided to make my own custom companion that did just that: TALK. And talk a LOT. So I gave her the 'your thoughts' one liners (hundreds of them) and I created the Erotic storyteller option (most erotic stories progress randomly) and I created the Service Menu Memory archive, so I could just set her down and have her do her thing.


The ESM will have 30 new songs and trailers added, including news items as the player progresses, weather reports and more!

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https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/images/143841I've not long reinstalled her as my primary hd decided to have a terminal case of the hiccups got it all back in now i love having her in game she makes me laugh so much i will be using her for quite a while now this is a link to a picture on nexus please let me know what you think and you might be able to help be able to help as well ive got the sloot suit by chicgeek installed as well but for some reason every time i fast travel with her she takes it off thatts why in the picture she is dressed like that but i have now got her in full Dicky's pin up outfit now to much my character's ive been trying to get in touch with Chicgeek to see what she thinks of picture and to see  if she could help as well but i cant find her on youtube as i subscribed to her channel.

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7 hours ago, loopyfuknut said:

https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/images/143841I've not long reinstalled her as my primary hd decided to have a terminal case of the hiccups got it all back in now i love having her in game she makes me laugh so much i will be using her for quite a while now this is a link to a picture on nexus please let me know what you think and you might be able to help be able to help as well ive got the sloot suit by chicgeek installed as well but for some reason every time i fast travel with her she takes it off thatts why in the picture she is dressed like that but i have now got her in full Dicky's pin up outfit now to much my character's ive been trying to get in touch with Chicgeek to see what she thinks of picture and to see  if she could help as well but i cant find her on youtube as i subscribed to her channel.

If I understand you correctly, Ivy dresses up in different clothes? There is no code for Ivy to change her cothes, other than undressing completely in certain scenarios. It's highly likely this is related to another mod you have installed.


36 minutes ago, rasinkane321 said:

is ivy supposed to have male idle animation, when just standing?

Ivy follows Piper's templated behavior for anims and such. If this is not the case, likely some other mod is overriding animation behavior.

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On 3/19/2019 at 9:18 AM, Reginald_001 said:

Often I find myself needing to 'do something', e.g. roll a cigarette (or joint), check something, or often I'd just want to 'sit down' with my companion for a bit and 'just talk'. So I decided to make my own custom companion that did just that: TALK. And talk a LOT. So I gave her the 'your thoughts' one liners (hundreds of them) and I created the Erotic storyteller option (most erotic stories progress randomly) and I created the Service Menu Memory archive, so I could just set her down and have her do her thing.

Well you definitely created something unique; the vanilla companions are as hollow as they come with their 5 or so lines they endless say to you when you get near them (driving you to the edge of madness). Even the likes of the highest rated companion on Nexus, Heather, is also quite shallow in reality with very limited conversation options. Ivy is, as Chic Geek said, the closest thing to real person you can find in the game, and pretty well every game I can think of come to think of it (which is why it amazes me people still want to use AFT with Ivy as she is basically the Lamborghini of companions and they still want the rusty old junk Hyundai companions following along also).


What's sad for you is that we all get the joy of discovery with Ivy, the random things she says every now and then that just surprise us and bring a smile to our faces but for you, nothing she says can say can surprise you. You don't get those "OMG, I can't believe she just said that" moments that we get, and that is a layer of enjoyment that you, and also Chic Geek deserve far more than us but can't get. I can only hope the joy and pride in the creation of Ivy is a compensation for this and the knowledge of how much many of us enjoy your, and Chic Geek's wonderful creation.

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3 hours ago, ShaddowAU said:

Well you definitely created something unique; the vanilla companions are as hollow as they come with their 5 or so lines they endless say to you when you get near them (driving you to the edge of madness). Even the likes of the highest rated companion on Nexus, Heather, is also quite shallow in reality with very limited conversation options. Ivy is, as Chic Geek said, the closest thing to real person you can find in the game, and pretty well every game I can think of come to think of it (which is why it amazes me people still want to use AFT with Ivy as she is basically the Lamborghini of companions and they still want the rusty old junk Hyundai companions following along also).


What's sad for you is that we all get the joy of discovery with Ivy, the random things she says every now and then that just surprise us and bring a smile to our faces but for you, nothing she says can say can surprise you. You don't get those "OMG, I can't believe she just said that" moments that we get, and that is a layer of enjoyment that you, and also Chic Geek deserve far more than us but can't get. I can only hope the joy and pride in the creation of Ivy is a compensation for this and the knowledge of how much many of us enjoy your, and Chic Geek's wonderful creation.

I actually would use AFT with Ivy if it worked.  I don't want to have to leave her behind when the game wants you to use a different follower :-)

I found out a good while ago that AFT is as Reginald_001 said.  It has some serious issues with vanilla (for example:  I never finished Piper's quest on the one game I used it -- she literally would not talk to me other than the standard trade/chat/etc. dialog, even after I uninstalled AFT).


It's funny - in Skyrim and earlier Bethezduh games, I never used a follower - couldn't stand them getting in the way, breaking stealth, etc.  Ivy breaks stealth all the time, we end up fighting some super mutant or whatever, but I don't really mind (not even enough to make her invisible with console).

Sheesh, I'm a fanboy....that's a first.

Anyhow - thanks, Reginald.  Appreciate your willingness to share your personal work !!

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15 hours ago, graymare said:

I actually would use AFT with Ivy if it worked.  I don't want to have to leave her behind when the game wants you to use a different follower ?

I found out a good while ago that AFT is as Reginald_001 said.  It has some serious issues with vanilla (for example:  I never finished Piper's quest on the one game I used it -- she literally would not talk to me other than the standard trade/chat/etc. dialog, even after I uninstalled AFT).


It's funny - in Skyrim and earlier Bethezduh games, I never used a follower - couldn't stand them getting in the way, breaking stealth, etc.  Ivy breaks stealth all the time, we end up fighting some super mutant or whatever, but I don't really mind (not even enough to make her invisible with console).

Sheesh, I'm a fanboy....that's a first.

Anyhow - thanks, Reginald.  Appreciate your willingness to share your personal work !!

I have been looking into removing Ivy from the regular follower scripts and giving her her own scripts, not just for the purpose of AFT but for other purposes as well. Unfortunately I'm pretty good at content, but not that good at the deep scripting stuff. Any try I made just broke her to a point where I couldn't get her to work at all as a follower. The thing is that I don't get the underlying packages any package adjustments I make don't really seem to apply to her in game.


Thank you for your kind words!


19 hours ago, ShaddowAU said:

Well you definitely created something unique; the vanilla companions are as hollow as they come with their 5 or so lines they endless say to you when you get near them (driving you to the edge of madness). Even the likes of the highest rated companion on Nexus, Heather, is also quite shallow in reality with very limited conversation options. Ivy is, as Chic Geek said, the closest thing to real person you can find in the game, and pretty well every game I can think of come to think of it (which is why it amazes me people still want to use AFT with Ivy as she is basically the Lamborghini of companions and they still want the rusty old junk Hyundai companions following along also).


What's sad for you is that we all get the joy of discovery with Ivy, the random things she says every now and then that just surprise us and bring a smile to our faces but for you, nothing she says can say can surprise you. You don't get those "OMG, I can't believe she just said that" moments that we get, and that is a layer of enjoyment that you, and also Chic Geek deserve far more than us but can't get. I can only hope the joy and pride in the creation of Ivy is a compensation for this and the knowledge of how much many of us enjoy your, and Chic Geek's wonderful creation.

Thanks! What you don't realize is that it's already been a year for me and most of her creation was done in a haze of creativity. I'm also quite forgetful, so I'm often surprised by what she says. Some of her conversations are also randomly generated (e.g. all questions she asks you). So often she'll make some off-hand remark that's just totally appropriate to the situation and I think I'm sometimes as surprised as you guys are by her. :) 


All of her erotic stories, except those in the service menu, are also generated at random. So each time you 'flirt' with her and she tells you a story (I am going to move the erotic stories to a separate dialogue tree so flirting will always have short answers, and 'tell me something sexy' (or somesuch) will result in an erotic story.

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26 minutes ago, Reginald_001 said:

I have been looking into removing Ivy from the regular follower scripts and giving her her own scripts, not just for the purpose of AFT but for other purposes as well. Unfortunately I'm pretty good at content, but not that good at the deep scripting stuff. Any try I made just broke her to a point where I couldn't get her to work at all as a follower. The thing is that I don't get the underlying packages any package adjustments I make don't really seem to apply to her in game.

Youre right. It isnt easy. But its not undoable either. Easiest way to do it is to remove all instances of Ivy from the Followers Quest, be it script properties on the FollowersScript and if you added anything to the hacking and lockpicking dialogue. More or less wipe her from the quest, which also removes her from even occupying the Companion alias slot. But therein lies the problem, especially if you've interjected Ivy directly into quest dialogue because if she's not in the companion slot, her interjections wouldnt play anymore. On top of that, none of her affinity or CAT_Events would fire either. And that means making a custom CompanionActorScript, just like Llama did for Heather. Which then also implies you need to create your own follower package, vertibird package, sleep package, etc.


Like I said, its not undoable and takes a load of work. The most challenging of which is making a functional CompanionActorScript. But if this is something you are looking to do, Heather has all source code provided and you can surely use that as a template to see what needs to be done. Llama's customized CompanionActorScript is called llama_HeatherActorScript, if you are interested in looking at it.

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27 minutes ago, Flashy (JoeR) said:

Youre right. It isnt easy. But its not undoable either. Easiest way to do it is to remove all instances of Ivy from the Followers Quest, be it script properties on the FollowersScript and if you added anything to the hacking and lockpicking dialogue. More or less wipe her from the quest, which also removes her from even occupying the Companion alias slot. But therein lies the problem, especially if you've interjected Ivy directly into quest dialogue because if she's not in the companion slot, her interjections wouldnt play anymore. On top of that, none of her affinity or CAT_Events would fire either. And that means making a custom CompanionActorScript, just like Llama did for Heather. Which then also implies you need to create your own follower package, vertibird package, sleep package, etc.


Like I said, its not undoable and takes a load of work. The most challenging of which is making a functional CompanionActorScript. But if this is something you are looking to do, Heather has all source code provided and you can surely use that as a template to see what needs to be done. Llama's customized CompanionActorScript is called llama_HeatherActorScript, if you are interested in looking at it.

Yeah I remember going that route. You're mentioning lots of things I didn't even know. The main thing is all the dialogue, to retroactively go over 4K+ of dialogue lines to change the conditions etc.. is mindboggling. It would also imply I'd have to change the setup I made for the Nuka- and other DLC's. I was hoping more of making a sort of script hack that will allow Ivy to stay with you at the times you are (sort of) forced to take another companion, like in the Robot DLC.


I've since decided to at least try to give Ivy the option for players to install the M-Sat upgrade into her, so she can scan open the doors instead of Ada. If I can find a way to properly hack some kind of multi companion into Ivy herself for those moments it would add something as well. So I'm also just going to dig into one or two of those multi companion mods to see what they are hacking into, what they are breaking, and if there isn't perhaps a cleaner and safer approach.


In any case, if you have one of those mods installed, Ivy now gives you a kiss and leaves you, invalidating your voucher.

She will grant you 1 load/play with a multi follower mod (so that she can warn you that she is about to leave you if you don't uninstall AFM/AFT etc..) and upon the next load, the global counter will increase to the point where her exit dialog will trigger. Loading without those mods installed sets the global to 0.


Players could make a small patch for that (easy to bypass in fo4edit), but at that point they've broken the warrantee seal in any case. :)


ps: If you throw some of your follower dialog at me, I can give Ivy specific responses if you want.

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On 3/14/2019 at 8:17 AM, Chic Geek said:

@Reginald_001 I’m more than happy to re-record the entire story. 4500 lines of dialogue, shit, making a mistake was inevitable. ? but I’m woman enough to make it right?

I’ve been away for a while and this is kinda late in saying, but I just wanted to clarify that in no way was I trying to be negative against the absolutely fantastic job you did recording Ivy’s lines. Her lines are delivered completely realistic and you can’t even tell you were reading them from a script.  If you are not doing voice acting for a living, you really should be. 


That error is only noticeable by old gun nuts like myself anyway.  The average person probably doesn’t know what the imperial and metric caliber differences are.  Pay no attention to my ramblings. ?


(btw, I assumed that Reginald wrote the line that way by mistake, so we can just blame him) ?

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16 hours ago, RGardin said:

I’ve been away for a while and this is kinda late in saying, but I just wanted to clarify that in no way was I trying to be negative against the absolutely fantastic job you did recording Ivy’s lines. Her lines are delivered completely realistic and you can’t even tell you were reading them from a script.  If you are not doing voice acting for a living, you really should be. 


That error is only noticeable by old gun nuts like myself anyway.  The average person probably doesn’t know what the imperial and metric caliber differences are.  Pay no attention to my ramblings. ?


(btw, I assumed that Reginald wrote the line that way by mistake, so we can just blame him) ?

Here's a nice save: Any mistake Ivy makes in language is intentional, to indicate the discordance between her human brain and her AI.

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