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@Reginald_001 I love the idea of this .. the voice acting is excellent. I really like and appreciate the video clip you have embedded.  I don't have Fallout 4 installed (modded etc) and usually don't go for companions.. however, if I decided i needed a companion (which on occasion my play though does have one) this is one of those I'd have to try. :D  


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1 hour ago, SpinX said:

We're not customers though. Neither Chick or Reg were paid as far as I know. I even remember back in this topic that Reg refused donations because he didn't like the expectations it comes with.


Yeah, I really want Chick to finish Ivy. But we don't know what's holding her. Life happen, people's priorities change. Maybe a heads up would've been cool, but we really don't know what's going on.

When Reg decided to go no porn he still decided to continue developing Ivy. But if he had chosen not to and just disappeared for the sake of his mental health. It would have been100% his right and we wouldn't be entitled to anything.

Not arguing that, and you are of course correct.  I just used my own situation as example of personal accountability.


I come from a generation where a man's word is his bond (Sorry, I still firmly identify as male, live with it.) and deals are sealed AND HONORED with a hand shake.  This USED to mean something.


I'm not angry or mad.... just disappointed that so many people these days just ghost.  Seems acceptable today and no one really cares. 


In any case, let's not argue over this any longer and derail the thread.  It doesn't change anything and Reginald has enough on his plate as it is.

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16 hours ago, darkhighlander said:

And?  what other option...? delay Ivy indefinitely in the hope that Chic comes back one day?

Best bet: Release with Robot voice as planned and if Chic does come back just do an update with her beautiful voice.

Well... there is something that Reg could use to finish out the spoken lines with Chic's voice...

I'm very conflicted on revealing it though, as the logical and ethical portions of my brain are in a tug of war. But here goes.


From a logical standpoint, Reg has more than enough of sample base from Chic to finish it out with digital vocal cloning software. There are a few out there that make the digitally generated audio almost indistinguishable from live recorded audio.


From an ethical standpoint, it's not something that Reg can do without Chic's permission. As far as I can see it, permission for the audio only extends to what she has recorded, with no hint that it could be used for audio cloning. So as will the recordings already received, Reg would have to wait for contact from Chic concerning the matter. 


So in conclusion, there IS another option, just not one that can be exercised without Chic's consent, and/or used without looking like a right bastard.

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Recently started a new FO4  Of course whet I got down to companion mods Ivy was one of them.  Most recent release.  In-game, Ivy has very brown face.  No conflicts.   Checked CK - Ivy has very brown face.  I don't think that this was intended...

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7 hours ago, Adviser69 said:

Well... there is something that Reg could use to finish out the spoken lines with Chic's voice...

I'm very conflicted on revealing it though, as the logical and ethical portions of my brain are in a tug of war. But here goes.


From a logical standpoint, Reg has more than enough of sample base from Chic to finish it out with digital vocal cloning software. There are a few out there that make the digitally generated audio almost indistinguishable from live recorded audio.


From an ethical standpoint, it's not something that Reg can do without Chic's permission. As far as I can see it, permission for the audio only extends to what she has recorded, with no hint that it could be used for audio cloning. So as will the recordings already received, Reg would have to wait for contact from Chic concerning the matter. 


So in conclusion, there IS another option, just not one that can be exercised without Chic's consent, and/or used without looking like a right bastard.


Glad I'm not the only one who thought of that possibility.

But as you mentioned, there's an ethical issue with that. Maybe if she'd OK'd something like that already, if she disappeared for X duration or more, but without that...

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16 hours ago, Runco990 said:

(Sorry, I still firmly identify as male, live with it.)

I am a man, I'm not sorry & I don't care if they live with it or not. I know that is not what you were saying, I'm just saying it about me. I had someone on Discord, try and correct me because he wants to be identified as "she". I replied that I don't believe in that, and it goes against nature, but I will do my best not to use the word "he" or "him" when referring to you. But, you will never convince me to call you something that you are not. No matter if you get the "change" done, you were born a he, and will remain a he for the rest of your life.


As for the Audio Cloning. Yes, it could be done, but it won't have the feeling that she puts in it. People with a good ear to sound, could possibly know the difference. I can't claim to be one of those individuals. I'm only good at hearing what guitarist is playing a Gibson and who is playing a Fender. That's the best I can do. I don't want Chic replaced, but I understand practicality. I sure would hate it if she came back today & caught up on all of the posts, (fuck, who's to say that she hasn't been coming here and reading these posts anyway?) to find out that people were talking of replacing you. I'm not saying that were should never replace her. But, again, until we know for sure, we can't keep bringing this subject up.

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10 hours ago, Shor said:

Recently started a new FO4  Of course whet I got down to companion mods Ivy was one of them.  Most recent release.  In-game, Ivy has very brown face.  No conflicts.   Checked CK - Ivy has very brown face.  I don't think that this was intended...

This is unrelated to Ivy as she does not have a custom skin/body. Google the brown-face bug and you'll find a solution for it. It's most likely one of your other mods causing this. There is no conflict with Ivy, because she doesn't use or change skins.


40 minutes ago, DontBlnkBadWolf said:

I am a man, I'm not sorry & I don't care if they live with it or not. I know that is not what you were saying, I'm just saying it about me. I had someone on Discord, try and correct me because he wants to be identified as "she". I replied that I don't believe in that, and it goes against nature, but I will do my best not to use the word "he" or "him" when referring to you. But, you will never convince me to call you something that you are not. No matter if you get the "change" done, you were born a he, and will remain a he for the rest of your life.


As for the Audio Cloning. Yes, it could be done, but it won't have the feeling that she puts in it. People with a good ear to sound, could possibly know the difference. I can't claim to be one of those individuals. I'm only good at hearing what guitarist is playing a Gibson and who is playing a Fender. That's the best I can do. I don't want Chic replaced, but I understand practicality. I sure would hate it if she came back today & caught up on all of the posts, (fuck, who's to say that she hasn't been coming here and reading these posts anyway?) to find out that people were talking of replacing you. I'm not saying that were should never replace her. But, again, until we know for sure, we can't keep bringing this subject up.

Just to make this discussion short: It's not feasible because the software for it is unaffordable and difficult to get your hands on. Speech software needs to be trained, that takes a long time. You train it by uttering a lot of specifically designed sentences, that then get scanned and changed into a sort of virtual instrument. Only deepfake technology can really come close to this, but that's AI (e.g. machine learning) and also takes a lot of time to learn/tweak.


An announcement about ChicGeek (please read)

Though we (humans) love to speculate and guess, let's keep the focus of the thread on Ivy and things that Ivy likes. We simply do not know anything about the circumstances that Chic is currently in. She could be ill, she could be indisposed due to other reasons, she could be taking care of a family member or anything like that. In any case it is not our business and she really does not owe us anything.


In fact we owe her the benefit of waiting for her to give a sign of life and until then it's up to us to simply wait (and be quietly concerned).

Let's keep the discussion about this topic to a minimum, if people have questions I can be reached through PM and will respond when/if I have time.


As for the topic of 'a different voice actress'.

As mod creator, owner and as writer of all of her content, I reserve the right to choose a different actress for voicing Ivy. I think that this would be weird and strange for some, getting used to a different voice, but as I noted earlier: Ivy 5.0 has content that simply deserves to be voiced by a human.

I would not (ever) do so without at least giving Chic a chance to catch up where she left off.


Let's keep that topic at that, until more information becomes known.

For now. Ivy 5.0 is slated to be released with robot voice in 16 days... yup that's only 2 Saturdays away!

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10 hours ago, Shor said:

Recently started a new FO4  Of course whet I got down to companion mods Ivy was one of them.  Most recent release.  In-game, Ivy has very brown face.  No conflicts.   Checked CK - Ivy has very brown face.  I don't think that this was intended...

Brown face is caused when textures from the body are mismatched with face textures.

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Another Announcement

The support structure for Ivy will change soon. I find myself missing a place for important announcements, like 'stickies' for Ivy. For instance, sometimes I post a video, then another reply comes on a new page and far less people see that video. For this reason I am going to SPLIT the support structure and set it up as follows:


1) The release/support thread

Ivy 5.0 will get a new download thread and will be posted as new download. Ivy 4.0 will remain available for a short while. Some weeks after 5.0 release it will be closed by a moderator to slowly die in peace. The support/download thread will be solely used to support the 5.0 release. Off topic posts will be removed and posters will be urged to move non-support posts to the Community Forum (See below).


2) The Community Forum / Announcements / Development Blog will get it's own BLOG here on LoversLab.

All development logs, announcements, gameplay videos and other things will move to the BLOG section of the site. I will open an Ivy 5.0. blog (the current video log blog will be renamed). And all development updates will be posted there. This BLOG is also the place to come to discuss Ivy, share your screenshots, etc..etc..


ONE BLOG POST will be made, which will function as thread where people can talk about Ivy or ask for gameplay specific advice, tweaks etc..

Another BLOG POST will be made that features the development update and community forum thread for Ivy.


More information on this will follow during/after Ivy 5.0's release.

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Another Important Announcement: TESTERS ASSEMBLE!

I will aim to have a TESTERS release ready by the 7th of December. If you want to be part of the testing team and get your hands on an early build you can play with, PM me and I will reply within 4 workdays if you are part of the testing team and how the deployment will go. Posters with low post counts here are NOT ELIGIBLE to become a tester. If you think this is the way for you to get your hands on an early build, that's not gonna happen.


Testers will be expected to follow a strict testing regime

There are two TEST GROUPS. A test group called A and a test group called B. Both will follow different parts of the main plot line.

There are currently 11 test documents that must be followed, which will help me to get Ivy game-release-ready by the 11th.

If I can get the test build before the 7th. This will be done. (E.g. it will be released as soon as it's ready).



Welcome, dear tester, to the Companion Ivy mod.
You have been selected to help test this new release and we (ChicGeek and Reginald) thank you very much for the time you will spend on doing this for us. If this was professional software, the test would easily take you months and months but as it stands, that is not what is expected of you. But in order to have useful test results, this document streamlines the procedures you must follow to help us make this the best release of Ivy so far!

Because Ivy is so large and covers many factions, you will be DESIGNATED a specific testing group. Testing all different storylines and playthroughs would be near impossible. And as it's important that certain parts are reached through 'regular' gameplay, please do NOT deviate from the story parameters as given in the TEST scenario group that you have been divided into.

When you play. It's important to PRIME YOURSELF before engaging dialogue. Stuff can go by fast and it's hard to spot things on time. So try to not get deviated from the goal of your playthrough with Ivy. It's to root out any nasty bugs that could potentially be 'game-breaking' or 'Ivy-breaking'. So you'll start up Fallout 4, get 'sharp' and play it with a different mindset than you usually do.


There are FOUR groups:

By the time you are reading this you will already know which group you have been assigned to.
Please do not contact me with the question if you can test in another group.

Most of what you will be doing is test scenario's, as you play a (sort of) regular game with Ivy. So you will first and foremost be expected to basically run the test and answer the questions after running it. Please also report on:


- All specific Testing Questions.
- Grammatical and/or spelling and/or speech-errors for Ivy or in subtitles.
- Bugs where Ivy 'hangs' either in speech, or in location.
- Bugs specifically related to Ivy.
- Dialogue glitches.
- Incompatibilities with VANILLA mods.

- Bugs also in the Vanilla game (e.g. the known 'follower' bugs).




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23 hours ago, Adviser69 said:

Well... there is something that Reg could use to finish out the spoken lines with Chic's voice...

I'm very conflicted on revealing it though, as the logical and ethical portions of my brain are in a tug of war. But here goes.


From a logical standpoint, Reg has more than enough of sample base from Chic to finish it out with digital vocal cloning software. There are a few out there that make the digitally generated audio almost indistinguishable from live recorded audio.


From an ethical standpoint, it's not something that Reg can do without Chic's permission. As far as I can see it, permission for the audio only extends to what she has recorded, with no hint that it could be used for audio cloning. So as will the recordings already received, Reg would have to wait for contact from Chic concerning the matter. 


So in conclusion, there IS another option, just not one that can be exercised without Chic's consent, and/or used without looking like a right bastard.

This is the reason to make sure permissions are full and complete for possible needs.  I would suggest that if she comes back that @Reginald_001 request that he be able to use the robotic voice if she becomes momentarily indisposed so that he can continue with the needed work or any patches or other work he may need. Of course to be used as absolutely necessary.


Also @Reginald_001 your process looks great :D  Love how the task are assigned and organized :)

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13 hours ago, Reginald_001 said:



An announcement about ChicGeek (please read)

Though we (humans) love to speculate and guess, let's keep the focus of the thread on Ivy and things that Ivy likes. We simply do not know anything about the circumstances that Chic is currently in. She could be ill, she could be indisposed due to other reasons, she could be taking care of a family member or anything like that. In any case it is not our business and she really does not owe us anything.


In fact we owe her the benefit of waiting for her to give a sign of life and until then it's up to us to simply wait (and be quietly concerned).

Let's keep the discussion about this topic to a minimum, if people have questions I can be reached through PM and will respond when/if I have time.


As for the topic of 'a different voice actress'.

As mod creator, owner and as writer of all of her content, I reserve the right to choose a different actress for voicing Ivy. I think that this would be weird and strange for some, getting used to a different voice, but as I noted earlier: Ivy 5.0 has content that simply deserves to be voiced by a human.

I would not (ever) do so without at least giving Chic a chance to catch up where she left off.


Let's keep that topic at that, until more information becomes known.

For now. Ivy 5.0 is slated to be released with robot voice in 16 days... yup that's only 2 Saturdays away!

I apologize. It seems I opened a can of worms with my earlier comment concerning ChicGeek. That wasn't my intention. I was simply asking whether her work could be released as a quest rather than an update, nothing more. Two people schooled me on the huge amount of work it would take to do that. That's all I was looking for, and I think them for that. I did not mean for anyone to think I was implying ChicGeek be replaced nor was I asking about her life and whereabouts. As it's been pointed out, it's none of my  business. Again, my apologies. I didn't mean to derail the thread and will stay in my lane.

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3 hours ago, Rampdog said:

I apologize. It seems I opened a can of worms with my earlier comment concerning ChicGeek. That wasn't my intention. I was simply asking whether her work could be released as a quest rather than an update, nothing more. Two people schooled me on the huge amount of work it would take to do that. That's all I was looking for, and I think them for that. I did not mean for anyone to think I was implying ChicGeek be replaced nor was I asking about her life and whereabouts. As it's been pointed out, it's none of my  business. Again, my apologies. I didn't mean to derail the thread and will stay in my lane.

No worries. Its all good. :)

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17 hours ago, Reginald_001 said:

I think that this would be weird and strange for some, getting used to a different voice

This takes me back to when Ivy only had a 'robotic' voice. I really enjoyed Words and Phrases not normally heard from a computer.


When a live voice was in the works, I was skeptical about my experience becoming mainstream and just 'less'.


Gladly this wasn't the case as I was easily able to 'roleplay' Ivy becoming more through these mysterious 'hack' jobs being done to her. Both ChicGeek's skill and Reg's script kept Ivy as lovable as ever.


With this in mind I have no doubts I'll enjoy whatever is presented.

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@Reginald_001 I'm thankful for ya, Reg, you've grown on me. You seem like a really good dude; the kind of person I could knock a few pints back with. Not to mention this really cool personality that is Ivy, who has taken my game to 11 and beyond. If you know you'll ever be in the Dallas area, hit me with a PM; the pints are on me!


This thread has proven to be a pretty cool little section of the interwebs, and LL as well, filled with great people. I'm glad to have "virtually" met you guys, and have Ivy to thank for it all. So, for those of you who celebrate, may your turkeys be golden and juicy!!! And for those who don't, may you have an awesome day too!





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18 minutes ago, Sevatt said:



@Reginald_001 I'm thankful for ya, Reg, you've grown on me. You seem like a really good dude; the kind of person I could knock a few pints back with. Not to mention this really cool personality that is Ivy, who has taken my game to 11 and beyond. If you know you'll ever be in the Dallas area, hit me with a PM; the pints are on me!


This thread has proven to be a pretty cool little section of the interwebs, and LL as well, filled with great people. I'm glad to have "virtually" met you guys, and have Ivy to thank for it all. So, for those of you who celebrate, may your turkeys be golden and juicy!!! And for those who don't, may you have an awesome day too!





Awesome post I'll keep it in mind, thanks! Have a great thanksgiving! :)

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For clarity and to let everyone know, since I know it is on everyone's mind, I have tried one last time to reach Chic today, expressing as best I could, the importance of having some news from her as to her state of being and to request she contact Reg about Ivy 5.0. I can do no more than this. I mean, I'm not at all certain there will be any response at all, as she has gone completely dark, off the grid in every way. I can hope for a sign of life, but... Occam's Razor tells me that all things being equal, the simplest answer is typically the right one, when lacking opposing arguments or data. Blind faith and belief can only carry one so far, for so long, in the face of such impossible absence and silence. But then, I was never good at listening to the Razor and I'm not quite ready to throw in the towel on my faith in Chic quite yet.


So. we shall see, what we shall see... and until then, you all have Ivy 5.0 to look forward to, in two Saturday's time. :)

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I'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop. When people tell me to stop being so negative, my response is always "okay, I'm positive something bad is going to happen". But when it comes to Chic, no, she just wants to be away from everything. She's probably met someone who has swept her off her feet, and all of her time is devoted to that person. Try as she might in wanting to stay in contact, she thinks it's best to live for the moment with that someone before making contact.

That is the very last comment I will make on this subject, nothing more needs to be said when it comes to blind speculation. All should just make a comment on well wishes and hopes to hear her voice continue as Ivy, and then leave it at that.

But, that is just my opinion.

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2 hours ago, DontBlnkBadWolf said:

I'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop. When people tell me to stop being so negative, my response is always "okay, I'm positive something bad is going to happen". But when it comes to Chic, no, she just wants to be away from everything. She's probably met someone who has swept her off her feet, and all of her time is devoted to that person. Try as she might in wanting to stay in contact, she thinks it's best to live for the moment with that someone before making contact.

That is the very last comment I will make on this subject, nothing more needs to be said when it comes to blind speculation. All should just make a comment on well wishes and hopes to hear her voice continue as Ivy, and then leave it at that.

But, that is just my opinion.

I truly wish that she has found someone and is devoted to him/her and has no more time for this... If this was the case. then I would be truly happy ..  


You are correct on the well wishing. Regardless of the reasons for her lack of contact, she deserves respect and well wishes. She is a special person willing to lend her voice to mods much less an adult mod is something most females aren't fully comfortable. Likely she did so in my opinion due to her trust in  @Reginald_001  and that he would only do things that was according to her wishes.


While on the subject, we should also thank @Reginald_001 for being honourable and respecting her wishes, and offering our best wishes that he is able to resolve this situation in a manner that all can respect and appreciate. This is truly a hard place for an author to be in. He deserves our well wishes as well.

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6 hours ago, RitualClarity said:

I truly wish that she has found someone and is devoted to him/her and has no more time for this... If this was the case. then I would be truly happy ..  


You are correct on the well wishing. Regardless of the reasons for her lack of contact, she deserves respect and well wishes. She is a special person willing to lend her voice to mods much less an adult mod is something most females aren't fully comfortable. Likely she did so in my opinion due to her trust in  @Reginald_001  and that he would only do things that was according to her wishes.


While on the subject, we should also thank @Reginald_001 for being honorable and respecting her wishes, and offering our best wishes that he is able to resolve this situation in a manner that all can respect and appreciate. This is truly a hard place for an author to be in. He deserves our well wishes as well.

You are absolutely right when it comes to @Reginald_001. He has perceived, on this thread, the utmost civility and calmness when it comes to Chic. All the while others speculate or run around like a chicken with it's head cut off. Has he voiced concern? Sure, but not to the point of causing panic. To do this on here while, dealing with issues with Ivy, answering the same questions over and over again (this means the people that keep wanting to talk about using follower mods with Ivy), going to work in real life (let us not forget the worrying/wondering about getting a new job after losing the one he's had for a time), home life happiness, and wondering about Chic without causing a panic here. THAT is his full time job. Never once a complaint, publicly, unless it's about follower mods and the billionth time of answering the same way.

If I could afford a plane ticket, just to hang out at a bar with him for one night, buying him rounds, I would do it.


I also want to thank @Flashy (JoeR)for coming in here and trying to quell any and all speculation about Chic. I know it has to be hard on him, with what he has on his own plate in front of him. He also had to step away for a period of time, leaving almost the same type of crowd to speculate about him, only to come back and having to (only because he is a thoughtful person & not because he has to) give us his thoughts and reports on his contacts with Chic. Instead of making comments as a fan of the mod here on this thread, or making comments about his own mod AFF. Another one that should be hanging at a bar, having rounds bought for him.


P.S. Have you ever, when quoting a post from another, seen misspelled words pointed out to you by Spell Checker and you change them before you post, because they are either spelled wrong, or an extra letter was added or missing because of the different ways of spelling? If you say that you don't, then you are strange!

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1 hour ago, DontBlnkBadWolf said:

You are absolutely right when it comes to @Reginald_001. He has perceived, on this thread, the utmost civility and calmness when it comes to Chic. All the while others speculate or run around like a chicken with it's head cut off. Has he voiced concern? Sure, but not to the point of causing panic. To do this on here while, dealing with issues with Ivy, answering the same questions over and over again (this means the people that keep wanting to talk about using follower mods with Ivy), going to work in real life (let us not forget the worrying/wondering about getting a new job after losing the one he's had for a time), home life happiness, and wondering about Chic without causing a panic here. THAT is his full time job. Never once a complaint, publicly, unless it's about follower mods and the billionth time of answering the same way.

If I could afford a plane ticket, just to hang out at a bar with him for one night, buying him rounds, I would do it.


I also want to thank @Flashy (JoeR)for coming in here and trying to quell any and all speculation about Chic. I know it has to be hard on him, with what he has on his own plate in front of him. He also had to step away for a period of time, leaving almost the same type of crowd to speculate about him, only to come back and having to (only because he is a thoughtful person & not because he has to) give us his thoughts and reports on his contacts with Chic. Instead of making comments as a fan of the mod here on this thread, or making comments about his own mod AFF. Another one that should be hanging at a bar, having rounds bought for him.


P.S. Have you ever, when quoting a post from another, seen misspelled words pointed out to you by Spell Checker and you change them before you post, because they are either spelled wrong, or an extra letter was added or missing because of the different ways of spelling? If you say that you don't, then you are strange!

I actively edit quotes when they have typos or grammar errors.

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Development Update

My holiday has started. First a few days of relaxation, then final development on Ivy will start early Monday morning. I will not be updating my Fallout 4 to the latest version, so I can't say much about version compatibility yet. We'll see how that goes. In the worst case, a separate version will have to be released, compatible with the newer version of Fallout 4.

I can be found on Discord under the same username as here, but I'll likely not be very active.


If you have chatted there ever with anyone saying they are me, they weren't me as I was never active there before, not anywhere else.

So now.. time for some R&R!


And thanks all for the kind words. You are what makes Ivy great!


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