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On 1/21/2020 at 2:51 PM, alpax said:

This may be a stupid question, but how do i initate cwss redux or torture devices animations? 

You'll have to build those settlement objects from the workshop, then call them just like how you call the other animations.


Home + Enter, scan the actors, the usual trick

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On 13.01.2020 at 18:06, EgoBallistic said:

Это совсем не так, этот пакет отлично работает с AAF 110. Однако для AAF 110 требуется последнее обновление Fallout 4 и последняя версия F4SE. Вы, вероятно, обновили AAF без других требований.

Согласен все работает супер ! На работу ААФ по моему опыту влияют Вадермания и Фарели ! Удаляйте их нахуй !!!!!!!!!!!!

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On 23.11.2019 at 18:32, Lannister1098 said:

Этот мод больше не работает для меня, со вчерашнего дня. :(


AAF прекрасно работает без него, что странно. 

А в чем странность ? И у меня без него все отлично с ААФ !

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18 hours ago, serhiodrubuzan said:

Согласен все работает супер ! На работу ААФ по моему опыту влияют Вадермания и Фарели ! Удаляйте их нахуй !!!!!!!!!!!!

Vader & Farelle animation packs are causing problems? I wasn't aware of that??



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I just now tried installing SavageCabbages Animation Pack FOMOD V1.1.7Z with MO2. This did not give me an installation UI but instead gave me an error message:



Installation as fomod failed: No conditions were successful in 'OR' clause!

followed by 


Something went wrong while installing this mod.


I have tried searching to see what went wrong, and/or how to fix this, and, so far, I have seen a comment that mo2's internal fomod installer had problems for them, but the external installer worked. And, I see in mo2 that the external fomod installer needs "NCC". However, I have not been able to find out what NCC is.


Is this a problem anyone else has encountered? If so, how did you deal with it?

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On 1/27/2020 at 10:27 PM, sen4mi said:

I just now tried installing SavageCabbages Animation Pack FOMOD V1.1.7Z with MO2. This did not give me an installation UI but instead gave me an error message:


followed by 


I have tried searching to see what went wrong, and/or how to fix this, and, so far, I have seen a comment that mo2's internal fomod installer had problems for them, but the external installer worked. And, I see in mo2 that the external fomod installer needs "NCC". However, I have not been able to find out what NCC is.


Is this a problem anyone else has encountered? If so, how did you deal with it?

Yeah I also had that problem, try installing and enabling AAF (both the .esp and on the left panel) and then install the anim pack, I also had this issue with Leito's Anim pack, something to do with AAF... strange. Saw this suggestion on the nexus forums lol. But I can say it worked instantly for me. Good luck!

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On 1/28/2020 at 6:27 AM, sen4mi said:

I just now tried installing SavageCabbages Animation Pack FOMOD V1.1.7Z with MO2. This did not give me an installation UI but instead gave me an error message:


followed by 


I have tried searching to see what went wrong, and/or how to fix this, and, so far, I have seen a comment that mo2's internal fomod installer had problems for them, but the external installer worked. And, I see in mo2 that the external fomod installer needs "NCC". However, I have not been able to find out what NCC is.


Is this a problem anyone else has encountered? If so, how did you deal with it?

Hey, I'd love to help but I don't use Mod Organiser myself. Try the AAF discord if you're having issues, someone there is always willing to help.


On 1/24/2020 at 11:51 PM, Kelly101 said:

Do you happen to have a preset for your female character? @SavageCabbage :)

Hi, do you mean the body or the face? If it's the body, I don't mind sharing but I'd like to keep the face for myself. I used a few extra mods for extra customisation of the face as well, which could allow you to create your own good face. If you want I'll tell you what they are.


On 1/12/2020 at 1:25 PM, vladislavanjou said:

Maybe a new animation idea?

I'm not sure a person could live through that. Eh, you never know though. I don't have a rig anyway, but keep posting ideas if you get any.

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On 1/28/2020 at 1:27 AM, sen4mi said:

I just now tried installing SavageCabbages Animation Pack FOMOD V1.1.7Z with MO2. This did not give me an installation UI but instead gave me an error message:


followed by 


I have tried searching to see what went wrong, and/or how to fix this, and, so far, I have seen a comment that mo2's internal fomod installer had problems for them, but the external installer worked. And, I see in mo2 that the external fomod installer needs "NCC". However, I have not been able to find out what NCC is.


Is this a problem anyone else has encountered? If so, how did you deal with it?

The installer isn't detecting any of the required mods. In order for a FOMOD installer to detect a mod it has to be enabled in the left panel so make sure you've enabled AAF at least, and any furniture packs before trying to install this pack.

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On 2/6/2020 at 2:40 AM, SilentAegis said:

Is this mod dead? I know it's only been a few months, but man, I really miss this animator.

I'm still here, still updating my animations to work with the extended skeleton but also doing fresh animations here and there. So far I've just got some super mutant stuff left to do, which also got an extended skeleton so that's a bit extra work. After that it's the group animations which will probably take longer than normal.


It's actually harder to update existing animations than it is to make fresh ones, in my opinion, but I didn't want to change too much either. I also have some extra commitments lately that I won't go in to but I probably have a bit less time to animate than when I started, but yeah, still going.

On 2/1/2020 at 2:07 PM, tk2k said:

I can't access the AAF Wizard where I can select place and actors for animation, It won't open and I don't know what causes this issue.

You can see the log for where your AAF went wrong when loading if you turn debug mode on in the settings, that'll help you figure out what's wrong.

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18 hours ago, SavageCabbage said:

I'm still here, still updating my animations to work with the extended skeleton but also doing fresh animations here and there. So far I've just got some super mutant stuff left to do, which also got an extended skeleton so that's a bit extra work. After that it's the group animations which will probably take longer than normal.


It's actually harder to update existing animations than it is to make fresh ones, in my opinion, but I didn't want to change too much either. I also have some extra commitments lately that I won't go in to but I probably have a bit less time to animate than when I started, but yeah, still going.

You can see the log for where your AAF went wrong when loading if you turn debug mode on in the settings, that'll help you figure out what's wrong.

:D Glad you're still around. Hope your extra commitments go well. 

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On 1/31/2020 at 4:16 PM, pearson said:

The installer isn't detecting any of the required mods. In order for a FOMOD installer to detect a mod it has to be enabled in the left panel so make sure you've enabled AAF at least, and any furniture packs before trying to install this pack.

This turned out to be the issue.


There were even messages in the log which I was overlooking. And... now I know.


However... mostly for anyone else who might get caught in this situation: it was not enabling the mod in the left panel which was the issue -- AAF was enabled there. It was enabling the mod in the right panel which was the issue. (I had to enable the AAF esm and esp before this mod would install.)


(And, I am  now wishing for a feature with MO2's FOMOD support where if a mod has a conditional dependency on some other mod, and gets installed, and then, later, the other mod gets installed, that the first mod would be flagged "needs attention", so that it could be re-installed. And... ok.. maybe that is already implemented and I just have not noticed yet???)

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On 2/8/2020 at 5:50 AM, SavageCabbage said:

I'm still here, still updating my animations to work with the extended skeleton but also doing fresh animations here and there. So far I've just got some super mutant stuff left to do, which also got an extended skeleton so that's a bit extra work. After that it's the group animations which will probably take longer than normal.


It's actually harder to update existing animations than it is to make fresh ones, in my opinion, but I didn't want to change too much either. I also have some extra commitments lately that I won't go in to but I probably have a bit less time to animate than when I started, but yeah, still going.

You can see the log for where your AAF went wrong when loading if you turn debug mode on in the settings, that'll help you figure out what's wrong.

Multiple dogs (say 5 or 6) ravaging a female PC or NPC, perhaps? I need it for a dog mod I'm working on.......





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Is there any way to create and move the needed furnitures for animations with console commands?
I tried the move to command using the id's i found in the xml files, the furniture was moved to me, but i think it was not recognized when i was trying to manually start an animation with AAF.

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