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2024. 5. 11

Updated to versoin 1.4. Please see "What's New" at the end of this page.


2024. 4. 4

Write "Requirements" more clear so that you need both "BeeingFemale SE 2.8.1" AND "BeeingFemale SE V2.8.1 v14d SSE".
Garkin who posted "BeeingFemale SE V2.8.1 v14d SSE" CLEARLY wrote that he uses "BeeingFemale SE 2.8.1", so it is clear that you need both.
Don't bother me about that. Garkin wrote like that, and I just follow what Garkin wrote!
The original BeeingFemale author milzschnitte still didn't reply to my message, and Garkin ALSO DID NOT say that "BeeingFemale SE 2.8.1" is NOT necessary.

Also, as this name suggests, IT ONLY WORKS FOR SE 1.5.97 (Does NOT WORK ON LE AND AE)!


Previous changes on the description in this main page


2024. 5. 6

Updated to versoin 1.3.3. Please see the [Changelog] at the end of this page.


2024. 5. 4

Updated to versoin 1.3.2. Please see the [Changelog] at the end of this page.


2024. 4. 29

Updated to versoin 1.3.1. Please see the [Changelog] at the end of this page.


2024. 4. 27

Updated to version 1.3.0. Please see the [Changelog] at the end of this page.


2024. 4. 21
Updated to version 1.2.0. Please see the [Changelog] at the end of this page.


2024. 4. 11
Updated to version 1.1.0. Please see the [Changelog] at the end of this page.


2024. 4. 3

Added [Known bugs]


2024. 4. 1
Added "Things to be checked before reporting bugs" at the end of this main page.


2024. 3. 29

(New) If you have UI issue after installing my BeeingFemaleSE Opt, start as a "New Game" in the main screen. But if UI issue is still not solved, see below.

I saw a claim that my BeeingFemaleSE Opt is not compatible with some UI modes (he/she did not specify which UI modes he/she is using), so I added the list of UI modes compatible with BeeingFemaleSE Opt.
In principle, if you have UI problems with my BeeingFemaleSE Opt, then you should have the same issue with the BeeingFemaleSE V2.8.1 v14d since I didn't modify any UI related things (I only replaced Game.GetPlayer() and GetCurrentGameTime() functions to the property PlayerRef and GameDaysPassed, so there should be no UI problems which only occurs in my BeeingFemale SE Opt).
But if you encounter any UI problems, please give me the list of EVERY UI modes (not in the "Compatible UI modes" below, excluding translation patches) you use (like I wrote in the "Compatible UI modes") or give me the link to the mode not compatible with my BeeingFemaleSE Opt, else I cannot check which UI mode causes the problem.



Modified and script-optimized version of BeeingFemale SE V2.8.1 14d (please see Garkin's post and the attached file to download BeeingFemale SE V2.8.1 14d).


BeeingFemale Addon Creature Child Actor (BFACCA) is one of the best addon for BeeingFemale (at least in my opinion), but the problem is that it does NOT work in Skyrim SE (you can see my post here about that. Don't believe some fXXXing bXXXXXd who claimed that it works in Skyrim SE but mocked every other users who asked him/her how he/she managed to do that).

It is due to the problem of "GetFormFromString()" function in the FWUtility.cpp (native global function in the BeeingFemale64.dll file) as it does not work properly in Skyrim SE.


Hence, I created "GetFormFromStringSE()" function in the FWUtility.psc (global function) and replaced every "FWUtility.GetFormFromString()" to "FWUtility.GetFormFromStringSE()". And then BFACCA works without any problem under suitable change of the ini file.

Screenshots can be seen in https://imgur.com/a/2CqQQRD.


In addition, I tried to optimize several scripts in the BeeingFemale SE V2.8.1 14d so that it works faster in my laptop. I did beta test in other community, and I think it works as intended.

So I share my work.


Link to the BFACCA SE (BFACCA converted for Skyrim SE 1.5.97) : here.

Link to the BFA SE (BeeingFemale Addon for RSChildren converted for Skyrim SE 1.5.97) : here.


Please click the Like button in BeeingFemale SE page!


[Notable changes]

1. BeeingFemale SE now recognizes ESL flagged plugins (.esl, .esp flagged as ESL, or .esm flagged as ESL) thanks to the Grummkol's post.


2. BeeingFemale addons (such as BFACCA) will now work properly as long as you convert their ini files properly.

    Every addon in the default BeeingFemale SE V2.8.1 14d are already converted by me (BasicCME_1.ini, BasicCME_2.ini, etc).


Also, I added "CustomRace AddOn Example.ini" to explain how you can make your own addon. It contains everything you can modify. If you have any question, please write your post in the "Get Support" section.


"Bakafactory GiantOrc AddOn.ini" is my addon to increase the fertility of every male in the BakaGiantOrc race in the BaboDialogue (any woman who is impregnated by the male in BakaGiantOrc will only bear male child in the BakaGiantOrc race, and they will mature 10 times faster than other child in other race, etc).


3. If you installed SexLab Inflation Framework SE v1.2.2 beta or higher, you can use "PregnancyBelly" in the Bodyslide to inflate the belly of the pregnant woman! See the screenshot in https://imgur.com/a/4gEl6Sm.


4. (Only applies when you select the "Spawn type" in the "General pregnancy settings" in the "Pregnancy & Birth section" in the BeeingFemale MCM as "Actor")
Every child will not be able to impregnate woman / get pregnant until he / she is fully grown. You don't have to manually add "SexLab Forbidden" keyword or faction to the child model.

Once the child is fully grown, he / she may impregnate woman / get pregnant.


- Any child in the BeeingFemale child actor addon (e.g., BFACCA) will fully grow after "SizeDuration" in-game day is passed ("SizeDuration" is one of the property in the "FWChildActor" script in that child actor model (NPC)).


- If the race of the child is not supported by the BeeingFemale addon, that child ("Actor") will fully grow after "Mature time" (in the "Pregnancy & Birth section in the BeeingFemale MCM) in-game days is passed.


5. If you select the "Spawn type" (in the "General pregnancy settings" in the "Pregnancy & Birth section" in the BeeingFemale MCM) as "Actor", then the child will either use "father's actorbase" or "mother's actorbase" if you don't install BeeingFemale child actor addon such as BFACCA (No more Nord child!).


This means that, if the creature in the Demonic Creatures impregnates a woman, depending on probabilities in the "Child race determinator" and "Child sex determinator" (in the "Pregnancy & Birth section in the BeeingFemale MCM. See the screenshot in https://imgur.com/a/YwYr5Cc), that woman may bear that creature!

The time it takes for that creature child to fully mature is determined by the "Mature time" (in the "Pregnancy & Birth section in the BeeingFemale MCM).


See screenshots here: https://imgur.com/a/jbvek3w


Any child in the BeeingFemale child actor addon (e.g., BFACCA) will fully grow after "SizeDuration" in-game day is passed ("SizeDuration" is one of the property in the "FWChildActor" script in that child actor model (NPC)).


You can change those "Child race determinator", "Child sex determinator", and "Mature time" for each race in the BeeingFemale Addon! Please refer to "CustomRace AddOn Example.ini".


6. Script optimization by adding several properties (PlayerRef instead of Game.GetPlayer() since PlayerRef is about 1000 times faster, etc) instead of "Game.GetFormFromFile()". I also corrected some typos in the FormIDs in the "Game.GetFormFromFile()" in the BeeingFemale SE V2.8.1 14d


In the "function CheckOtherMods()" in the "FWSystem.psc", there was "ForbiddenFaction = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00009068, "SexLab.esm") as Faction" in BeeingFemale SE V2.8.1 14d.
However, the correct FormID is "0x00049068" (4 was missing in front of 9). I corrected it.

There were several other such typos. I either used "Property" to replace "GetFormFromFile()", or corrected that typo. 

So you must start as a NEW GAME if you installed BeeingFemale!


7. Used "OnHitEx()" in the Papyrus Extender and "OnImpact()" in the PAPER to replace "OnHit()" function for script optimization.



[Requirements] - Follow this order!

1. Skyrim SE version 1.5.97 (Use Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Downgrade Patcher. If it does not work, refer to this post).


2. SKSE 2.0.20 (for Skyrim SE version 1.5.97)


3. Every requirements in the BeeingFemale SE 2.8.1


4. BeeingFemale SE 2.8.1


5. Beeing Female V2.8.1 v14d SSE.7z (it seems that this v14d SSE.7z already includes enormousdick's patched DLLpatch V14d for LE, improved script for belly when I compared every file in there).
Note that BeeingFemale V2.8.1 v14d SSE SHOULD OVERWRITE BeeingFemale SE 2.8.1 (Why would I wrote BeeingFemale V2.8.1 v14d SSE below?)


6. Re-run FNIS / Nemesis if you install BeeingFemale for the first time (I don't know about animations, so animations are NOT modified in my version).
If Nemesis does not work, use Pandora Behaviour Engine v1.2.2 alpha or higher. Personally, I think Nemesis is highly unstable (sometimes it gives "bad allocation error" in one day, and no error in other day...).


7. Papyrus Extender and its requirements


8. PAPER and its requirements


9. Fill Her Up Baka Edition v1.96 or higher (and its requirements). Without it, semen information will not properly transferred to the BeeingFemale SE!


10. Install "BeeingFemaleSE_Opt.7z" from this page (click "Download this mod")


11. After installing "BeeingFemaleSE_Opt", start a NEW GAME in the main menu if your save is created BEFORE installing my BeeingFemaleSE_Opt.


12. (Recommended) SexLab Inflation Framework SE v1.2.2 beta or higher so that you can use "PregnancyBelly" in the Bodyslide to inflate the belly of the pregnant woman!


13. (Recommended) Spell Perk Item Distributor (SPID) so that you don't have to turn on the script-heavy "NPCs are having relevant items" option in the BeeingFemale MCM. Install "BeeingFemaleSE-Opt-SPID.7z" in the "Download this file" and activate it to distribute BeeingFemale relevant items (contraception, tampon, etc) via more performance-friendly way.


14. (Recommended) FormList Manipulator - FLM so that you can exclude any NPC from BeeingFemale system (not getting pregnant by BeeingFemale system, etc) without modifying plugins. Please refer to the "ExcludeExamples_FLM.ini" in the main file ("BeeingFemaleSE_Opt.7z").


15. (Recommended) Backported Extended ESL Support so that you can use the Bethesda's fix for ESL records. This bug has been known at least 2 years before Bethesda finally fixed in Skyrim AE 1.6.1130.



[Recommended BeeingFemale MCM Settings]

- DO NOT turn on the settings in the "Impregnation" section (By default, they are turned off).

That is ONLY for those who want to see the woman getting pregnant WITHOUT SexLab scene, and since it applies to EVERY woman in Skyrim, it is very script-heavy.

Especially, if you are playing as a female character, DO NOT turn "During the sleep" on. Use SexLab Dangerous Nights 2 SE instead if you want your female character to get pregnant while she is in sleep.


- DO NOT change the "Difficulty" setting in the "General settings" section (By default, it is "Painless").

Else your female character may die (or script-confliction with Defeat mod may occur) during labor scene.


- It is recommended NOT TO turn "NPCs feel pain" on in the "General settings" section (By default, it is turned off).

Else every female NPCs who are in labor scene may die (or script-confliction with Defeat mod may occur).



[Compatible UI Modes] - UI Modes I'm using in my settings by ordering UI Category in my Mod Organizer 2


- Settings Loader patches and MCM patches made by MaskedRPGFan

- Custom Skills Menu - A Custom Skills Framework Unified Menu (including Basic Icon Pack and Dear Diary Dark Mode Patch in there)

- SkyUI - Ghost Item Bug Fix

- SkyUI 5.2 SE Plugin with Master Added (including ESPFE version in there)

- SkyHUD

- moreHUD Inventory Edition

- Better Floating Damage preset

- TrueHUD - HUD Additions

- RaceMenu Special Edition

- Casting Bar

- ConsolePlusPlus

- Detection Meter

- Scaleform Translation Plus Plus and its NG version

- Skyrim Character Sheet

- Whose Quest Is It Anyway and its NG version

- More Informative Console

- No Lock Picking

- Oxygen Meter 2

- Use Or Take SKSE

- Which Key NG

- Loading Screen Smoke Removed for ENB

- FullScreen Book and Item Zoom ESL

- Dynamic Activation Key

- STB_ResistsWidget

- Unique Region Names SE

- Skyrim SafeSave System Overhaul 2

- QuickLoot EE

- Whose Lock Is It Anyway

- dMenu

- Wheeler - Quick Action Wheel Of Skyrim

- Show Follower Carry Weight

- Description Framework

- Description Framework related modes such as Vanilla Item Descriptions

- Fishing Preview

- SkyUI Weapons Pack SE

- SkyUI Weapon Icon Patches (including Royal Armory patch in there)

- Legacy of The Dragonborn Perk Menus

- Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE - The Curator's Companion

- Beyond Skyrim Map Markers - Sky Haven Temple

- Subtitles

- Lockpick Shiv Replacer (including JS Unique Daggers - SOS patch and Some More Locks patch in there)

- CoMAP - Common Marker Addon Project

- Unique Map Weather

- A Clear Map of Skyrim and Other Worlds

- Wyrmstooth World Map Unique Weather

- Wyrmstooth World Map Edge Fix

- Configurable Notification Messages

- Dear Diary Dark Mode - SkyUI Menus Replacer SE (texts - warm color)

- Dear diary dark mode - Sorting books by read and unread

- Fancy Fishing Diary

- Factions UI - Dear Diary Skins (somehow the link is dead...)

- Factions UI - Custom Skill Menu Patches

- Completionist Creation Club and Unofficial Patches

- Menu Maid 2 - MCM manager

- Inventory Interface Information Injector (including Dear Diary Dark Mode patch in there)

- Inventory Interface Information Injector for Skyrim 1.5

Compass Navigation Overhaul


[Known bugs]

- (Added in April 3, 2024) If either of the parent is from custom race or you did not install BFACCA SE and BFA SE, then the child will not be shown in the BeeingFemale MCM. => Fixed in version 1.1.0.


- (Added in March 29, 2024) Sometimes the hotkey to show stats (default: * key with the number 8 ) does not work. This problem also existed in the BeeingFemale SE V2.8.1 v14d (at least for me), and I don't know how to fix it yet. Pressing that hotkey several times (2~3 times) worked for me.


- You may not use the previous profile, as I added several additional options. Change the default setting as you like, and save your profile in the "System" section in the BeeingFemale MCM. 

In the next time you start as a new game, you can load that profile. It will load every option properly, unlike the previous BeeingFemale SE V2.8.1 v14d (Some options like "Lore friendly" were not saved in the profile. This bug is fixed in my BeeingFemaleSE_Opt).


- If your female follower gets pregnant and you fast-move to other location via map, then the female follower's pregnancy state may temporarily disappear (no inflated belly).

Wait for 5 minutes or so, and she will regain her pregnancy state (pregnancy state before fast-moving).

If you use desktop or better computer than my laptop, it may take much less.


- (Added in March 29, 2024) I haven't experienced any UI related bugs due to this BeeingFemaleSE Opt, but I heard that someone claims that it broke his/her UI.
If you have the same issue, first try as a "New Game" in the main screen
But if the problem is not solved, please check the "Compatible UI modes" above and give me the FULL list of UI modes (not in "Compatible UI modes") or the list of modes you suspect that cause UI issue.



[Things to be checked before reporting bugs]

- The belly of the pregnant woman looks weird!
By default, the "Visual scaling type" in the "Pregnancy & Birth" section in the BeeingFemale MCM is "Skeleton". So if "Belly max. scale" is too big or too small, it may look weird.
I recommend you to install SexLab Inflation Framework SE v1.2.2 beta or higher so that you can set "Visual scaling type" as "PregnancyBelly" (see the 4th screenshot in the main page, or https://imgur.com/a/4gEl6Sm).
For "PregnancyBelly", I recommend you to set "Belly max. scale" as 7.5, else the belly of the pregnant woman might look weird.
Or you may try to find "optimal" value of the "Belly max. scale" for you if you don't want to install SexLab Inflation Framework SE v1.2.2 beta or don't want to use "PregnancyBelly".


- Child is human even if his/her father is creature!
By default, "Child race determinator" in the "Pregnancy & Birth" section in the BeeingFemale MCM is 50% (click the "Reveal hidden contents" below section 5 in the [Notable Changes] above).

Therefore, even if the father is creature, child may be human with 50% of probability. If you don't like it, change "Child race determinator" to 100% BEFORE having relationship with the creature. Once the woman gets pregnant, the child race cannot be changed of course.

- Child is bald!
If the father is creature, then it may happen if the mother is from custom follower mod or custom race mod whose actorbase is bald.

If both of the parent is humanoid race, it may happen if either of the parent is from custom follower mod or custom race mod whose actorbase is bald.
Some custom follower mod "deliberately" make the actorbase as bald in order to put SMP wig (or any kind of wig).
Therefore, if one of the parent is from the mod whose actorbase is bald, the child may also be bald.
If you are 100% sure that both parent is Skyrim vanilla race but the child is bald, please report me with parent's race (e.g., father is Nord race and mother is Imperial race).





- Bethesda for Skyrim Special Edition (I wish they had separated AE from SE 1.5.97, like they did in LE and SE).

- SKSE team for SKSE

- milzschnitte for BeeingFemale SE 2.8.1


- LoversLab community for BeeingFemale SE V2.8.1 v14d (enormousdickBane MasterUncle64AsertypTkcPatch manGarkin, and others)


Grummkol for the information on "Game.IsPluginInstalled()"


- Creation Kit Wiki community and USEP.net for the Creaiton Kit Wiki


powerofthree for the Papyrus Extender


Borgut1337 for the PAPER


- factoryclose for Fill Her Up Baka Edition and correcting my misunderstanding on how to use "OnHitEx()" in the Papyrus Extender


qotsafanSassaAria, and SexLab Inflation Framework SE team for SexLab Inflation Framework SE


gullu for the BFACCA and BFA. Without those addons, I would have not started my work.


- "아쯔이" for the information on how to make TeraElinRemastered race compatible with BeeingFemale


- "10강성공" for suggesting me to make BeeingFemale use "PregnancyBelly" in the bodyslide when I published my beta test version in the community I joined (Beta test of my work started on December 22, 2023).


- Member (who requested not to mention his/her username) in the community I joined for pointing me the link to "아쯔이's information" and giving me valuable feedback on TeraElinRemastered race in my beta version


- Member (who requested not to mention his/her username) in the community I joined for reporting the bug that the pregnant female follower loses her pregnancy state in the fast-move on the map.


- ㅇㅇ for reporting bugs that "Size_Belly_Max" in the AddOn did not work.


- 퍼렁별 for reporting the screen freeze bug that happens when you click the female dead actor (that had relationship with your male player character) in the "Information" section in the BeeingFemale MCM.


- Other members in the community I joined for participating my beta version.




Version 1.4


1. Fixed the BeeingFemale SE V2.8.1 v14d bug that the Day of birth and Age in the Informations tab when you talk to the BeeingFemale supported child actor model (e.g., BFACCA SE or BFA SE) are not shown (refer to the screenshot in https://imgur.com/a/dO4TzJE ).


2. Added an explanation on the "type=race" addons in the "Add-ons" tab in the BeeingFemale MCM (refer to the screenshot in https://imgur.com/a/dRtPwku ).


3. Fixed the bug in the previous BeeingFemaleSE Opt (version prior to 1.4) that some addon options are not applied to the BeeingFemale supported child actor models.


4. Added a new example addon ("ChildActor AddOn Example.ini") to show how you can designate new child actor models to the specific races.


5. Added a new addon option to make the child born from the BeeingFemale system "protected" (only player character can kill them).
Refer to the "ProtectedChildActor" in the "CustomRace AddOn Example.ini" (or "ChildActor AddOn Example.ini") and "Global_ProtectedChildActor" in the "Global Settings.ini" in the "BeeingFemale/AddOn" folder.


6. To prevent conflict with other addons, "RaceSpecific Values.ini", "Vampire.ini", "CustomRace AddOn Example.ini", and "ChildActor AddOn Example.ini" will be deactivated by default.
You can enable them in the "Add-ons" tab in the BeeingFemale MCM, but make sure you read the newly added "Read Me!" in the "Races" subtab in the "Add-ons" tab in the BeeingFemale MCM before you activate them (refer to https://imgur.com/a/dRtPwku above)!


Version 1.3.3


1. Fixed the screen freeze bug that happens when you click the female dead actor (that had relationship with your male player character) in the "Information" section in the BeeingFemale MCM.


Version 1.3.2


1. Fixed the bug in BeeingFemale V2.8.1 v14d that female NPCs get 6 tampons whenever she is in luteal phase ~ menstruation phase even if you uncheck "NPCs are having relevant items" in the BeeingFemale MCM.


Version 1.3.1


1. Now you can see the "type=global" AddOns in the "Add-ons" section in the BeeingFemale MCM. You can also disable AddOns with "type=global" in there.
Refer to 3 screenshots in https://imgur.com/a/6caLAgX .


Version 1.3.0


1. Fixed the error in BeeingFemaleSE V2.8.1 v14d SSE that the probability was not accurately applied.


The code like

If(PregChance > Utility.RandomInt(0,100))
   Code A

   Code B


was used in several scripts in the BeeingFemaleSE V2.8.1 v14d SSE, but it is wrong since "PregChance = 100" doesn't always give CodeA (RandomInt and RandomFloat are INCLUSIVE, see https://ck.uesp.net/wiki/RandomInt_-_Utility and https://ck.uesp.net/wiki/RandomFloat_-_Utility ).

I corrected those codes to "If(PregChance > Utility.RandomInt(0,99))" so that "PregChance = 100" ALWAYS gives CodeA.

2. Fixed the error in the BeeingFemaleSE V2.8.1 v14d SSE that EVERY NPC females after labor receives contraceptions EVEN IF you unchecked "NPCs are having relevant items" in the BeeingFemale MCM.

3. You can increase the "Chance for Multiple Babies" depending on the amount of the creampied semen. Refer to "CustomRace AddOn Example.ini" and "Global Settings.ini" in the "BeeingFemale/AddOn" folder (look for "MultipleBabySperm" and "MultipleBabyChancePerSperm").


4. Added a new AddOn ini type, "type=global", so that you can change some BeeingFemale features for EVERY race (including EVERY custom races in your mod organizer 2) with the same settings. No need to add custom races individually to the AddOn ini :)
Refer to the "Global Settings.ini" in the "BeeingFemale/AddOn" folder.


5. Fixed my mistake that "NPCs are having relevant items" (in the BeeingFemale MCM) does not work even if you check it.
But I don't recommend turning it on as it is script-heavy (See the section 13 in the [Requirements] - Follow this order!).
Install SPID and use "BeeingFemaleSE-Opt-SPID.7z" instead if you really want to distribute BeeingFemale related items to NPCs (contraceptions, tampons, etc).


6. Added a workaround for removing BeeingFemale related items (contraceptions, tampons, etc) from NPCs, for those who activated "BeeingFemaleSE-Opt-SPID.7z" by mistakes.
Remove the "BeeingFemaleSE-Opt-SPID.7z" FIRST, and then change the "Global_RemoveSPIDitems=false" in the "Global Settings.ini" in the "BeeingFemale/AddOn" folder to "Global_RemoveSPIDitems=true", and click "Refresh AddOn list" in the "System" section in the BeeingFemale MCM and wait until "PLEASE WAIT" message disappears, then exit the MCM, wait for 10 secs, and open the BeeingFemale MCM (if it does not appear, close MCM and wait 10 secs more and try again) ONLY IF you REALLY want to remove BeeingFemale related items from NPCs, as it could be script-heavy.


Version 1.2.0


1. You can change how much the belly (or breasts) inflate for each pregnancy cycles via AddOn ini (Refer to "CustomRace AddOn Example.ini" in the "BeeingFemale/AddOn" folder, especially for variables "Preg1stBellyScale, Preg1stBreastsScale", etc at the end of [1. Female related section]).


2. If you return to the pregnant NPC after her pregnancy cycle is over, you will be able to see her children within 10 seconds (Someone reported that one should wait about 5 in-game hours in the previous versions, so I optimized the way "InstantBornChilds" works).


3. Fixed the error in the "FWCloacking.psc" (error in the BeeingFemale V2.8.1 v14d SSE) that the BeeingFemale system may not work for the newly created male and female NPCs (NPCs whose Ref ID begins with FF).
If the female bandit did not get pregnant, it was due to that error.


4. Optimized the scripts related to the babies based on parents' actorbase (mainly for custom races) when you set "Spawn type" in the BeeingFemale MCM as "Actor".


Version 1.1.0


1. (Only applies when you set "Spawn type" in the BeeingFemale MCM to be "Actor")
Now the babies based on parent's actorbase (mainly for custom races) will be listed in the "Children" section in the BeeingFemale MCM. Refer to https://imgur.com/a/2WFzv8S .


2. Removed the upper bound for each options in the AddOn (Now you can assign values equal to or bigger than 10).


3. Fixed the error related to AddOns in the BeeingFemale V2.8.1 v14d SSE (Variables with "Size_Belly" and "Sizes_Belly" are mixed, and "Size_Breasts" and "Sizes_Breasts" are mixed in several scripts).
Every options with "Size_Belly" should be renamed as "Sizes_Belly", and every options with "Size_Breasts" should be renamed as "Sizes_Breasts".
Refer to the "CustomRace AddOn Example.ini" for more information.


4. (Only applies when you set "Spawn type" in the BeeingFemale MCM to be "Actor")

Changes the way that "MatureTimeScale" works in the AddOn.
If you want the child to be fully grown as soon as he/she is born, you should set "DisableMatureTime=true" instead of "MatureTimeScale=0".
Now, "MatureTimeScale" should be bigger than 0 in the AddOn ini.

Version 1.0.0 - Initial version

Edited by aliceqwer3141
Version update

What's New in Version 1.4


New game is NOT required if you upgrade from BeeingFemaleSE Opt 1.0.0 (or any version before 1.4) to 1.4 (you must "replace" when installing BeeingFemaleSE Opt 1.4 in the Mod Organizer 2).

But you MUST click "Reset" button in the "System" section in the BeeingFemale MCM after upgrading BeeingFemaleSE Opt from 1.0.0 (or any version before 1.4) to 1.4.
Wait until "PLEASE WAIT" disappears (see this screenshot. It took about 20 seconds in my laptop), then exit MCM menu, wait for about 10 seconds until you see the flashing icon in the lower left screen. Open BeeingFemale MCM again, and if BeeingFemale MCM appears, it is done (if says it is loading, please close MCM menu and wait more time).
If you have not installed BeeingFemaleSE Opt and only installed BeeingFemale, you must start a new game in the main screen.



1. Fixed the BeeingFemale SE V2.8.1 v14d bug that the Day of birth and Age in the Informations tab when you talk to the BeeingFemale supported child actor model (e.g., BFACCA SE or BFA SE) are not shown (refer to the screenshot in https://imgur.com/a/dO4TzJE ).


2. Added an explanation on the "type=race" addons in the "Add-ons" tab in the BeeingFemale MCM (refer to the screenshot in https://imgur.com/a/dRtPwku ).

3. Fixed the bug in the previous BeeingFemaleSE Opt (version prior to 1.4) that some addon options are not applied to the BeeingFemale supported child actor models.


4. Added a new example addon ("ChildActor AddOn Example.ini") to show how you can designate new child actor models to the specific races.

5. Added a new addon option to make the child born from the BeeingFemale system "protected" (only player character can kill them).

Refer to the "ProtectedChildActor" in the "CustomRace AddOn Example.ini" (or "ChildActor AddOn Example.ini") and "Global_ProtectedChildActor" in the "Global Settings.ini" in the "BeeingFemale/AddOn" folder.

6. To prevent conflict with other addons, "RaceSpecific Values.ini", "Vampire.ini", "CustomRace AddOn Example.ini", and "ChildActor AddOn Example.ini" will be deactivated by default.

You can enable them in the "Add-ons" tab in the BeeingFemale MCM, but make sure you read the newly added "Read Me!" in the "Races" subtab in the "Add-ons" tab in the BeeingFemale MCM before you activate them (refer to https://imgur.com/a/dRtPwku above)!

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