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5 Screenshots

About This File



This 3-axis (2 linear and 1 rotary axis) CNC (Chimpanzee Numerical Control) Dwemer device was used to bake cookies by the Dwemer. Then some bloody dwarves started stealing cookies and they were branded by the same device with the hot iron end. Oh the irony.




to go to branding dungeon type in the console
coc xxbrandingdungeon


to teleport the device to you type
set xxBDODTeleportToPC to 1
You need to be standing on even terrain


If you saved your game with previous version
Disable the .esp
run the game, load your save
Delete old version
check your save with SaveTool for xxbranding.... scripts if they are there, delete them, save
Install new version
Load save


Manual mode for testing and stuff:



V0.20+ - it's in the menu. to see the coordinates type
help onRR





There's a manual mode where you can set coordinates in the console and the device will go almost everywhere, for that type
hepl xxb


xxBrandingIronTranY - how far to go forward (50 is usually enough)
xxBrandingIronTranZ - how far to go up (0 - starting height, 50 - belt area, 100 - face)
xxBrandingStocksRotZ - stocks and slave rotation in degrees
These values will be overwritten when you pick a body part from the menu.





Example of how to use it in a mod: read their code lol http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2338-slaverun-reloaded-10sep-2016/ http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2928-shout-like-a-virgin/
version 0.46: You will have to make your own ways of getting slaves in and out of stocks since moveActorToStocks() and moveActorOut() won't work. All you need is a package of type SitTarget to make the slave get into the stocks and supply it with an ObjectReference... I hate packages

    ; 0 - brandingdungeon & this is the device that teleports    ; 1 - markarth    ; 2 - whiterun    int devnum    devnum=0            ; use this when the actor is outside of stocks    clearactive()             ; slave in testcell    ;Actor youractor = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00001857, "BrandingDeviceOfDoom.esp") As Actor        ;slave in markarth     Actor youractor = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00006F0E, "BrandingDeviceOfDoom.esp") As Actor        ;^^^^^    ;!!!!USE YOUR OWN ACTOR!!!            moveActorToStocks(devnum,youractor)            ;to brand the left breast with "slave"    brandexternal(devnum,youractor, 11)                ;this will brand the crotch with "slave"    brandexternal(devnum,youractor, 2)                ;this will brand the left breast with "tramp" tatoo from slavetats    brandexternalsetname("Tramp (left breast)","General")            brandexternal(devnum,youractor, 11)    ;the iron will brand the left breast    ; these combine several tats in 1 dds,    ; so you can set name to something bogus and move the iron to different places several times or something    brandexternalsetname("Slave Mark: 0_","Slaves of Tamriel")            brandexternal(devnum,youractor, 11)    brandexternalsetname("Slave Mark: _1","Slaves of Tamriel")            brandexternal(devnum,youractor, 11)        brandexternalsetname("Ownership","Slaves of Tamriel")            brandexternal(devnum,youractor, 11)        ; BATCH MODE!!    int ctmp=2    while (ctmp<20)        if(ctmp!=3 && ctmp!=8)            brandexternal(devnum,youractor, ctmp)        endif        ctmp+=1    endwhile        moveActorOut(devnum,youractor)        

copy paste this stuff into your code =================

    ;[0]="SlaveF (Lnip)"    ;[1]="SlaveF (Rnip)"          ;[2]="SlaveF (Crotch)"          ;[3]="SlaveF (Butthole)"    ;[4]="SlaveF (Forehead)"        ;[5]="SlaveF (LAss)"    ;[6]="SlaveF (RAss)"    ;[7]="SlaveF (Belly)"    ;[8]="SlaveF (Cunt)"    ;[9]="SlaveF (LUnderboob)"        ;[10]="SlaveF (RUnderboob)"    ;[11]="SlaveF (LTopboob)"    ;[12]="SlaveF (RTopboob)"    ;[13]="SlaveF (LCheek)"    ;[14]="SlaveF (RCheek)"        ;[15]="SlaveF (TopBack)"    ;[16]="SlaveF (LCalf)"    ;[17]="SlaveF (RCalf)"    ;[18]="SlaveF (LThigh)"    ;[19]="SlaveF (RThigh)"                    ;[30]="SlaveM (Lnip)"    ;[31]="SlaveM (Rnip)"          ;[32]="SlaveM (Balls)"      ; doesn't work with slavetats    ;[33]="SlaveM (Butthole)"        ;[34]="SlaveM (Cock)"        ;; doesn't work with slavetats        ;[35]="SlaveM (Forehead)"    ;[36]="SlaveM (LAss)"    ;[37]="SlaveM (RAss)"    ;[38]="SlaveM (Crotch)"          ;[39]="SlaveM (LCheek)"        ;[40]="SlaveM (RCheek)"    ;[41]="SlaveM (TopBack)" function moveActorToStocks(int DeviceNum, Actor slaveactor)    Spell spellputintostocksSELF               if(DeviceNum==0)        ;test cell        spellputintostocksSELF = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0000641B, "BrandingDeviceOfDoom.esp") As Spell        elseif(DeviceNum==1)        ;markarth        spellputintostocksSELF = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00006EFD, "BrandingDeviceOfDoom.esp") As Spell    elseif(DeviceNum==2)        ;whiterun        spellputintostocksSELF = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00002E3F, "BrandingDeviceOfDoom.esp") As Spell            endif            spellputintostocksSELF.Cast(slaveactor,slaveactor)    ;slaveactor.EvaluatePackage()        waitwhilenotactive()     endfunction function moveActorOut(int DeviceNum, Actor slaveactor)          Spell spellremovefromstocksSELF            if(DeviceNum==0)        ;test cell        spellremovefromstocksSELF = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0000641D, "BrandingDeviceOfDoom.esp") As Spell    elseif(DeviceNum==1)            ;Markarth        spellremovefromstocksSELF = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00006F03, "BrandingDeviceOfDoom.esp") As Spell    elseif(DeviceNum==2)            ;whiterun        spellremovefromstocksSELF = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00002E43, "BrandingDeviceOfDoom.esp") As Spell    endif    spellremovefromstocksSELF.Cast(slaveactor,slaveactor)    ;slaveactor.EvaluatePackage()  endfunction function brandexternal(int DeviceNum, Actor slaveactor, int bodypositionnumber)        ;Markarth    ObjectReference stocks= Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00006EF1, "BrandingDeviceOfDoom.esp") As ObjectReference            Quest questbdod = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00001854, "BrandingDeviceOfDoom.esp") As Quest        ;; alias that is linked to the STOCKS IN THE CELL (alias # in the quest) linked in xxBrandingVStocks script        ;0 -test cell    ;6 - markarth    ;19 -whiterun        ReferenceAlias slavealias    GlobalVariable    gstartdevice    if(Devicenum==0)        slavealias = questbdod.getalias(0) as ReferenceAlias        gstartdevice = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00005EB6, "BrandingDeviceOfDoom.esp") As GlobalVariable        ;Markarth    elseif (Devicenum==1)        slavealias = questbdod.getalias(6) as ReferenceAlias        gstartdevice = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00006EF8, "BrandingDeviceOfDoom.esp") As GlobalVariable    elseif (Devicenum==2)        slavealias = questbdod.getalias(19) as ReferenceAlias        gstartdevice = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x000028D2, "BrandingDeviceOfDoom.esp") As GlobalVariable            endif            ;6EF8 - Markarth    ;5EB6 - testcell            ;        ;; location on on the body, see the list above    GlobalVariable gpositionnumber = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0000594D, "BrandingDeviceOfDoom.esp") As GlobalVariable        gpositionnumber.setvalue(bodypositionnumber)            ;;branding device OnUpdate will pick it up    gstartdevice.setvalue(1)        waitwhilebusy()endfunctionfunction brandexternalsetname(string strname, string strsection)    Game.SetGameSettingString("sDefaultMessage", strname)    Game.SetGameSettingString("sPCControlsTextNone", strsection)    GlobalVariable goverridenames = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0000594E, "BrandingDeviceOfDoom.esp") As GlobalVariable        goverridenames.setvalue(1)        endfunctionfunction clearactive()    GlobalVariable gstocksactivated= Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00007486, "BrandingDeviceOfDoom.esp") As GlobalVariable        gstocksactivated.setvalue(0)endfunctionfunction waitwhilenotactive()    Utility.wait(3)        GlobalVariable gstocksactivated= Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00007486, "BrandingDeviceOfDoom.esp") As GlobalVariable            int stocksact=gstocksactivated.getvalue() as int    while(stocksact==0)        stocksact=gstocksactivated.getvalue() as int        Utility.wait(1.0)    endwhile    gstocksactivated.setvalue(0)endfunctionfunction waitwhilebusy()    Utility.wait(3)        GlobalVariable gbusy= Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00001DC0, "BrandingDeviceOfDoom.esp") As GlobalVariable                int busy=gbusy.getvalue() as int    while(busy==1)        busy=gbusy.getvalue() as int        Utility.wait(1.0)    endwhileendfunction 



To teleport BDOD with a script:



Place this in your script and call TPBDOD( reference from a cell in CK linked to your script property, adjust height relative to the floor)

objectReference function TPBDOD(objectReference targetRef, float bdodadjheight)    ObjectReference stocks    Quest xbQ=Game.GetFormFromFile(0x001854, "BrandingDeviceOfDoom.esp") As Quest    objectReference bdodObjRef=(xbQ as xxbQuestScript).BdodInDungeonObjRef    (bdodObjRef as xxBrandingDeviceScript).MoveBDODFromDungeonToObjRef(targetRef, bdodadjheight) ;25.0    stocks=(bdodObjRef as xxBrandingDeviceScript).BDODGetTPStocksRef();    debug.notification("stocks "+stocks)    return stocksendfunction

targetRef is an objectreference that you put in a cell in CK and link to your script, like xmarkerheading, static object, actor, etc
The function returns an objectreference to the newly spawned stocks so you can put a slave into them.



Teleport with a console:
set xxBDODTeleportToPC to 1
Don't move for a few seconds


help xxbdod will list the proper variable names


There's a counter xxbdod... something that counts how many times the bdod was teleported which you can read to detect if any other mod has teleported it and now you have to teleport it back when the player enters your cell LOL



Q: Hey I see that your mod requires Deadly Mutilation, I really don't want Deadly Mutilation...????
A: you don't need to enable deadlymutilation.esp



Zaz Animation Pack 6.04+by Zaz, Xaz and others http://www.loverslab.com/topic/17062-zaz-animation-pack-2015-02-10/
SKSE, http://skse.silverlock.org
Sexlab Framework by Ashal and others http://www.loverslab.com/topic/16623-skyrim-sexlab-sex-animation-framework-v159c-updated-oct-3rd/
Deadly Mutilation by Lamer1000 and others http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34917 <<<< you don't need to enable deadlymutilation.esp, just copy the mod into \data
SlaveTats by murfk http://www.loverslab.com/topic/25398-slavetats/
skyuilib - for old versions only if the menu doesn't show up http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57308/
^^^ aforementioned mods & authors ^^^
some sounds are from Player Slave Encounters by Ichabod (sound resources by Walther) http://www.loverslab.com/topic/15074-player-slave-encounters-v0694-updated-23-aug-14/
Known issues:
2 male branding marks don't show up.
Player character can't get out (stuck in collision with zaz vertical stocks?)

What's New in Version 0.50


  • 0.50
  • + 2 new *HOT* attachments
  • - you have to delete the old version and clean the save file
  • 0.47
  • The College of Winterhold issues a recall notice in regards to teleportation scrolls sold in the last 3 months. There is a serious risk of permanent injury or fatality to the caster resulting from teleportation into walls or to the plane of Oblivion. After a thorough investigation, it was determined that the scribe has had cum in her eye when she was copying the scrolls and some symbols were written incorrectly. She has been severely reprimanded.
  • 0.46
  • + Less chance of getting stuck in the stocks. If PC still gets stuck, aim at the stocks and press "Use"
  • + Branding device is now teleportable
  • - You will have to put NPCs into stocks and get them out yourself with this version or wait forever till I fix it
  • 0.43
  • - added a device to Whiterun near the smelter
  • - my Skyrim got screwed up and the new menu won't show up, so now everyone will suffer with the old menu
  • 0.40
  • - changed clumsy skyrim menus to SkyUIlib menu
  • 0.35
  • - NPCs can be told to go to the branding stocks and get out via dialogue (might need to save and load game)
  • - Additional cell with the branding device can be accessed from Solitude, Whiterun, Windhelm, Riften, Dawnstar, Falkreath, Morthal jails. Look for a door in those jails.
  • - A few more sound effects......
  • 0.31
  • - I screwed up the navmesh in 0.30 in Markarth near the stocks
  • 0.30
  • - added the device near the gallows in Markarth
  • 0.25 - beta
  • - added stuff to use any slavetats tatoo (via script)
  • - you may be able to try to use this device from another mod
  • 0.20 - beta
  • - player can be branded
  • - small menus for low resolution screens
  • - more spots can be branded
  • 0.11
  • - had to unpack SlaveTats related textures from bsa or they wouldn't be loaded
  • 0.1 - beta

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