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Chapter Four Act Seven: Truth (Part 1 of 2)



Hey guys! Welcome to Act Seven Part 1!


I don't really have anything to say here. So let's begin.


Previously on: The Frost of Ages:


(From: Chapter Four Act Six: A Mortal's Touch)


Erinye: There’s a soul in Null that has quite the influence on the Dragonborn. Castalia set everything up for us already.


Erinye: According to her, he’ll be moving in the north, through Dawnstar then Windhelm. Castalia said Windhelm will be his biggest obstacle, he’ll be slow; distracted. I don’t know why or how, but that’s not important.


Erinye: We distract him with the soul, then I use Malefic to destroy that draconic soul in him. Simple.


(From: Chapter Four Act Six: A Mortal's Touch)


Isran: Talen!

Talen: Uh… Sorry. What’s the question?


Celann: We think we know your answer, but still. Do you think Taeyva can be trusted?


Talen: No.


(From: Chapter Four Act Six: A Mortal's Touch)


Davey: See, you’re not just a Prophet of Hircine. You’re not some Daedra worshipper.


Davey: You’re Taeyva. You’re you. And that’s the person this elk is letting pet it.


Taeyva: Thank you.


(From: Chapter Four Act Four: Untold Truths)


Gerruck: No. We are not. And you will never take me. Never.

Alduin: Oh, but I will. It is only a matter of time.


Alduin: You grow weaker by the day. You know this.


Gerruck: No. No no no!


(From: Chapter Four Act Four: Untold Truths)


Elyvaea: Where am I?


Elyvaea: Seems I’m not through yet after all.


(From: Chapter Four Act Five: The Spiderling)


Castalia: It's over, Erinye! Stop!


Erinye: I don’t take orders from you. You’ve done your part already. Null is created and almost full. You’re worthless now.


Castalia: Then let’s end thi-


Castalia: Guuh…


Erinye: Yes. Let’s end this.




The roar of fire could not preclude the sound of the screams. From the hill overlooking Dawnstar’s destruction, Olivia tried to watch. But as soon as the first flame showed, she turned away before it even reached the ground. She dropped to her knees and squeezed her eyes closed tighter than she’d ever done before. But where her eyes could be shielded, her ears could not. Over the snapping of burning timber and crackling of ravenous fire, the pleas and cries rang out. They pierced into her like a knife, gouging at a wound that hasn’t been given the chance to heal. With hands plastered to the side of her head, she wept. Tears fell for the people of Solitude, for her disciples in the temple, for the man she led to this fate, and now for the innocents burning to death not a hundred feet from her.

And as the destruction concluded, so did the tears. When the echo of flapping wings receded and the roar of fire died to a crackle, Olivia stood up, wiped her eyes, and marched into the city to do the only thing she knew how to.


Olivia: May your soul travel peacefully beyond this realm. May it find a rest in a home where it can discover peace.


Olivia: May it experience this bliss for eternity and never falter or waver, as all past troubles be left in this discarded body.


Olivia: As a priestess of the Nine Divines, I-

Olivia trails off as she considers her closing statement. She’s closed every eulogy the same way for years, but before was when she had faith in them.


She stares into the charred corpse and breaths in sharply. This is not why she became a Priestess, not to stand by the word of Gods who would so willingly call for the death of their own creations. These people shouldn’t be cursed with a parting blessing from the divines. They deserve better.


Olivia: We all do…



Olivia shuts the door to the inn, hoping to finally hide the outside visage from view, as she enters inside. Instead, she finds it no better than what was out there.


She can’t help but stare at the corpse beginning to smolder in the fire pit. The reek of death and burning flesh makes her eyes water.


Steeling herself, she gulped and peered past it, over to the bar, where Gerruck sat hunched over with his back to her. There is no telling how this will go. The last time they spoke he was eerily complacent and his relaxed posture amidst the company of dead hints his emotionless state hasn’t changed. Still, she has to say something.


Olivia: Gerruck… I-I think this was a mistake.


She interrupts her next step as she finishes, unsure of what his reaction will be. To her surprise, he doesn’t budge. Somehow that’s even more off-putting. She lets out a shaky breath and continues.


Olivia: We said we’re doing this because it’s the right thing. That destroying the world for the Divines protects it from evil but look around us.


Olivia: The evil is us. Why are we enforcing the will of the Divines when they care nothing about us? They promised their love yet do nothing to prove it. We don’t owe them this.


Olivia: It’s not too late. We can still stop this. Gerruck?

Throughout her speech, he hadn’t moved or even made a gesture of acknowledgement. His shoulders slowly rise and fall with each breath, but other than that, it’s as if he isn’t even there.


Olivia’s brows furrow as agitation begins to surface. There is no semblance of emotion in him since Solitude. He can’t even suffer a care for those slain around him. Or even for her?


Olivia: Are you even listening to me?


Her fists clench as Gerruck remains motionless. She feels her shoulders tighten as her jaw clenches. Before the rage can fully mount, she snaps.

Olivia: Listen to me!


Olivia: You’re just sitting there not ten feet away from someone you killed less than an hour ago! We’re responsible for killing entire cities and you can’t even bother to care!


Olivia: Look around. Look around! We’re not heroes. We’re not doing justice! We’re enforcing the will of corrupt Gods who can’t even be bothered to be here while it happens! We’re wrong! This is wrong! Yo-


Gerruck suddenly stands up, toppling the stool to the floor and forcing Olivia quiet. She gulps as she instinctively takes a step back.

Gerruck: Wrong?


Olivia isn’t sure what she expected, but it isn’t that. The question comes out placid, emotionless, with a voice that resounds deeper and more rough than it had hours ago.

Gerruck: No. It is you who is wrong, mortal.


Gerruck turns around and Olivia falls speechless. The man she thought she knew stares back at her, his appearance the same, yet now different.

A darkness that she has not yet seen reaches into her as her body becomes rigid.


Olivia: You’re not Gerruck…



Erinye: So, we’re moving forward blind then? Without Castalia we cannot predict what will happen at all. I don’t think you thought this through.


Erinye huffs and glares at her daedric sister. When she brought the news of Castalia’s betrayal, Erinye wasn’t surprised. It was going to happen eventually, but now is much too early. Null, this dark, infinite void, still is not filled with enough souls. Everyday more arrive as mortals die and their souls have nowhere else to go, but it isn’t enough. With Castalia’s help, a final massacre would have been easy. Without her though…

Erinye: Relax, sister.


Erinye: We don’t need her going forward. The dragons will fulfill the slaughter for us, all we have to do is stop the dragonborn afterwards. And Castalia explained how to already.

As her sister finishes, Erinye scoffs. She knows the plan but doesn’t believe in it. By now the dragonborn is too far gone. The world eater has surely overcome him already, there will be no attachment to some mortal elf anymore. But even if that wasn’t the case, finding that elf is another task in itself.


Erinye: Again, it won’t work. Besides the obvious fragility of the plan, the thousands of souls in here are hidden from us. There’s no way we’ll be able to reach them, much less a specific one.

Erinye grinds her teeth as she speaks. She sucks in an agitated breath and hisses out the next sentence.


Erinye: She won’t let us.


Erinye: Five years of this and she hasn’t budged. I have nothing to offer and she has nothing to lose.


Erinye: Torture was pointless, bribery is impossible. She knows there’s nothing I can do to her and vice versa.

Erinye shakes her head sternly, trying to numb the growing contempt. She turns to her sister once more.


Erinye: She was the wrong choice to be the heart of Null. It was supposed to be someone we could manipulate; someone weak.

Erinye spits her words out in accusation.  She isn’t sure who she blames entirely. Castalia for choosing Isabel in the first place or her and her sister for agreeing.

As she is shaking her head, her sister maintains an emotionless stare. Their frustration is clearly not shared as a subtle smile appears on her lips.


Erinye: We still have one piece of leverage.

Erinye’s smile briefly widens before returning to a frown as she suddenly turns away and marches over towards Isabel.


Erinye: I know you’ve been listening, so I won’t bother explaining things to you.

She drops to a knee before her captive, who makes no notion of acknowledgement.


Erinye: Her name is Elyvaea. She’s a high elf soul somewhere in here. We need her in order to stop the dragonborn from destroying Nirn. Could you bring her here?


Isabel narrows her eyes.

Isabel: I won’t help you.

Erinye smirks.


Erinye: Not without incentive. You know Talen is still alive, right?

Erinye ogles her prisoner attentively, expecting her to tense. Instead, she maintains her slouched posture, only barely meeting Erinye’s stare.

Isabel: Killing him only brings him to me, just like the rest of the doomed souls. The world will die eventually. He cannot escape death.


Erinye:Who said anything about killing? Oh no. There’s nothing stopping me from claiming his soul for Bal instead. I could have him tortured for an eternity.


Erinye: Or I could not. The choice is yours, dear.





Elyvaea wanders aimlessly through the black void called Null. It’s been days. No. Weeks? She’s lost count. There’s no indicator of time in here, no sign of life or movement. She doesn’t hunger, she doesn’t grow weary.

It is driving her mad.


Elyvaea: I guess this wasn’t a second chance after all…


Isabel: Excuse me?


Isabel: You are Elyvaea, correct?

Elyvaea comes to a sudden halt and slowly cranes her head around. She can’t remember how long it’s been since she’s heard another voice. When she sees the girl behind her, she doesn’t even notice her nakedness nor the shackles. Her disbelief in seeing another person overcomes her as she sprints over.


Elyvaea: W-what? How? I didn’t think anyone was here! Do you know where this is?

Elyvaea speaks rapidly, oblivious to Isabel’s growing unease.


Elyvaea: I haven’t seen anyone else since arriving here. I thought I was alone. Do you know what’s going on?

Isabel awkwardly rubs her neck and sighs loudly. Elyvaea somehow hears that over her rambling and cuts herself off.


Isabel: I won’t sugarcoat this. You and I? We’re dead.

The words hit Elyvaea hard. It was something she already knew, or rather assumed, but to be told so blatanly…

She clears her throat, despite not needing to anyway, and wraps arm around herself.


Elyvaea: Yeah, I… I figured.


Isabel: I know it’s a lot to take in, but there’s a lot more and I’m afraid I just have to tell you it all now.

Isabel pauses briefly to analyze Elyvaea’s forlorn stare. When it doesn’t change, she continues.


Isabel: My name is Isabel. This realm is called Null, and I am its heart, also known as the first forbidden soul. I need your help, Elyvaea.

At this, Elyvaea perks up.


Elyvaea: My help? What do you mean heart? And forbidden soul?

Isabel sighs and nods.


Isabel: Five years ago, I was turned to a vampire and killed against my will. I died, but Molag Bal rejected my soul. No other afterlife exists for the soul of a new vampire, so one needed to be made. This is the result.

Isabel gestures to the black expanse around them.


Isabel: This realm was created both by me and for me. It is more than a tomb, it is me, my spirit. All of this was planned over five years ago. Which brings me to you.

Elyvaea’s unnerve shifts to bewilderment. She wants to beg for a more detailed description but holds back as Isabel continues.


Isabel: I know you’re aware of what is going on in Nirn. At least, partially. You see, people are dying by the thousands. Each death means another soul comes here. The divines have left the world to die, meaning the afterlives you once knew are gone as well.


Isabel: You can probably imagine how much power there is to be gained from this. Think of Null like a soul gem, but one that can contain infinite souls. Once enough souls are accumulated, literally anything is possible.

Isabel’s brows furrow as her expression morphs from sorrow to resentment.


Isabel: There are many who seek this power. Though I may be the one that holds it, I cannot use it nor truly stop others from doing so. It is one of these “others” that held me captive for five years and needs you to stop Nirn’s destruction.

Elyvaea falters. Who does Isabel think she is? She can’t stop Nirn’s destruction. Especially now that she’s dead.


Elyvaea: I think you have the wrong person, Isabel. I don’t understand how you expect me to do that. Plus, why help these people who are holding you captive?

Isabel nods in solemn understanding as her expression becomes more serious.


Isabel: I’m not helping them. It just so happens out interests align in this instance. They have to believe they are forcing me to do this or “the weave unravels.” That’s what I was told anyway. But that doesn’t matter. What does is that I know I have the right person.


Isabel: It’s the dragons that are destroying Nirn and I think you already know who commands them.

Elyvaea gulps as her heart tightens in her chest.


Elyvaea: I-I do… But that isn’t really him. He just feels loss and rage for me, I-

Isabel: It’s actually not him at all.


Isabel: Gerruck is being consumed by the soul of Alduin. Before long there won’t be any Gerruck left.


Isabel: I know it’s hard to trust me, but Gerruck cannot fight Alduin without you. Will you please help?

Elyvaea doesn’t respond as this wave of new information washes over her. She can’t explain how she knows this, but Isabel is telling the truth. Even if she isn’t though, what choice does Elyvaea have? This is the first, and possibly only, chance she will get to make an impact. If she refuses, then she’s just stuck in this realm forever. With nothing to lose, the decision is simple.


Elyvaea: Absolutely.



Taeyva and Davey walk side by side back into Dayspring Canyon. Taeyva hardly notices the chill as warmth continues to fill her. It’s the first smile she hasn’t tried to hide in years.


Davey: They also love jazbay grapes! I can show you next time.


Taeyva: I think I’d like that, actually.

Davey: Really? That’s great!


His exclamation is both joyous and flustered. Taeyva didn’t expect Davey to reach out to her so well, and apparently neither did he. She thinks he may actually be more surprised than she is. The thought of it makes her smile widen slightly more.

As they near a turn in the path though, she wipes it away and stops.


Taeyva: But, uh, listen…

Davey gulps audibly and comes to a stop alongside her. His brows press inwards as he matches her glum expression.


Taeyva: I know you’re… interested... in me. I don’t want to mislead you. I’m not able to like you in the same way.

Taeyva concludes abruptly, feeling incredible unease at the expression of emotion. Davey looks at her for a moment before his eyes fall downcast. He nods, looking back up, surprising Taeyva with a warm smile.


Davey: I appreciate you telling me. And you don’t have to give me details. I’d still like to show you the grapes though, if you’d like?

Taeyva smiles.

Taeyva: Yeah, I would like th-


Torund: Hey! If you are done, we have something more important to deal with.

Taeyva clenches her jaw and whips around to shout back at Torund. Instead though, her eyes go wide with stunned disbelief.


Taeyva: Torund! I- What…


Davey: Do you know them?


Taeyv’a breathing quickens as her eyes begin to twitch.

Taeyva: Oh yes.


Taeyva: Yes, I do.




Dawnguard Soldier 1: What are they all doing here?

Vigilant of Stendarr: I don’t know, but I don’t like it.


Dawnguard Soldier 2: They’re not attacking though, just standing there. They’re protecting her.

Dawnguard Soldier 3: But why from us?

Fort Dawnguard emptied as a small horde of werewolves stormed the canyon. The beasts lined themselves up, side by side, facing the small force of soldiers who initially stood stunned before them. It didn’t take the Vigilant long to try and force themselves by, but the wolves were quick to respond. Some fierce growls were usually enough to dissuade them, but a couple times the wolves were forced to bellow out an intimidating roar instead.

Before this could escalate further, Carcette ordered her troops to relent. The command was met with multiple, unanimous groans and scoffs, but was otherwise accepted. As the soldiers forced themselves back, the leaders grouped at the end of the path where Davey intercepted them.


Davey: She had to speak with them alone. I don’t know who they were, just a couple of dark elves. The girl was not looking too good though, believe me.


Davey: Whatever it is, Taeyva clearly doesn’t like them. I can only assume she is keeping us away for our own safety.

Davey’s brief received different reactions from each leader. Most were silent as they tried to form their own opinions, while others clearly already had.


Carcette: She’s clearly hiding something from us. I wouldn’t be surprised if she is conspiring with them as we speak.


Talen: I don’t know. If she was against us entirely, we’d already be dead. Especially with her werewolves around us right now.


Tullius: I agree. In fact, I’d do the same in her position. If she’s dealing with potential foes, people she already knows, it makes sense to want to deal with them first.


Celann: But why go through all of this to keep us away? It’s as if she’s trying to instigate conflict.


Isran: No, that’s not it. The werewolves only roared and growled, even when provoked. She doesn’t want conflict. She just really wants this to be private for some reason.


Dennis: What if it’s personal?


Dennis: I mean, obviously it is a little. But what if this person really hurt her?


Isran: That makes sense. I imagine she has many enemies, especially as a Prophet.

Carcette: Well I don’t care.


Carcette: We’re allowing her in this alliance, so she should be doing the same for us. I say we-

Carcette cuts off as she catches movement from down the path.


All eyes turn to Taeyva as the werewolves’ step to the side, allowing her to approach. She comes to a halt beside them, obviously aware of the tension as the area goes silent. Even the soldiers quit their murmuring and watch her apprehensively.


Taeyva: I didn’t mean to alarm you all, but this was something I had to deal with myself. Or so I thought.

Taeyva glances at each of them before stopping at Carcette.


Taeyva: Carcette?


The leader of the Vigilant stiffens. Her lips seal shut, and her jaw snaps closed. She glowers at the daedric Prophet, blatantly displaying her contempt in being addressed so directly.


Taeyva: It’s time to remove these chains.




Taeyva: You’re clearly lying.


Taeyva did not waste a second when she saw him. Before Davey could ask a second question, her wolves were sprinting into the canyon and Torund was hauling the two elves down the path. Every word she’d been holding back for him spew out as Malkor was dragged across the ground. He didn’t utter a sound until he was literally thrown to his knees. Instead of groveling or firing some slur back, he told Torund to “be careful with the girl.” Torund shared a look with Taeyva before he carelessly tossed the female elf’s inanimate body against a barrel.


Malkor flinched but didn’t retaliate, instead looking at the dirt beneath him and sighing, “I had no other choice.”


Taeyva: Out of everyone who wants you dead, Torund and I are at the top of the list.


Malkor: Look, I know I-

Taeyva: No!


Taeyva: I don’t want to hear you say another word.


Taeyva: How many times have you tried to kill me? Don’t answer! No fucking words.


Taeyva: Or Torund? You remember his troll?


Taeyva: I know you do!


Malkor makes no response. His tense shoulders slowly rise and fall with each heavy breath.

Taeyva: You’ve done nothing but try to ruin us!

Taeyva sharply cuts herself off, biting her lower lip strongly enough  to draw blood. She sucks in a sharp breath and bends over him; her eyes flare with loathing.


Taeyva: Yet you come to us for help? I don’t even know what for, but I do know that nothing will make me believe you.

Malkor keeps his head bowed, remaining silent. Taeyva scoffs.


Taeyva: I really have no idea, Malkor. It’s not just unlike you, it’s pathetic.

With a loud sigh, Malkor lifts his head.


Malkor: I lost. Okay? I lost. Is that what you need to hear?

Malkor’s pleas might as well reach deaf ears as Taeyva simply rolls her eyes and turns away.


Taeyva: So, this is some suicide wish? Please. You’re a liar, Malkor. I don’t need to hear anything from you.

Taeyva begins to gesture a final command to Torund when Malkor suddenly hollers out.


Malkor: Can’t you just believe me this once!?

The shout is finished with a sharp and panicked inhale. As Taeyva whips around, Malkor’s body tenses even further.


Taeyva: Excuse me?

She looms over him, glaring with disgust.


Taeyva: That’s not how things work, Malkor. This is a real fucking pathetic display. But you want me to believe you? Fine.


Taeyva: I shouldn’t have to say this, but Torund is going to kill you. If you want a chance, you’ll have to do something far beneath you. Something that the Malkor I know would never do.


Malkor gulps as Taeyva’s glare intensifies, boring into his own stare with enough intensity that he has to force himself to keep from looking away.

Taeyva: Beg.


Taeyva: Then maybe. Maybe! I’ll believe you “just this once”.

His stare lowers as Taeyva returns to a stand. Not a sound passes his lips.


Another moment later, he bows his head in silence while Taeyva shakes her own.


Taeyva: Wow. I have no words.

She gives a firm nod to Torund, who slings his warhammer into his hands.


Taeyva: Kill him.


Torund gives Malkor one final glare, shaking his head. This is not how he imagined this moment would be. He sighs, tightening his grip on his weapon, and is about to raise it over his head when Malkor feebly croaks out a single sentence.


Malkor: Please just save her.


Torund: W-what?


Taeyva and Torund both freeze in shock. They stare at the man they thought they understood in disbelief.

Taeyva: Are you begging? For her life?


Malkor: Yes! Please just save her! I don't care what happens to me!


Malkor: Please, Taeyva! Please save her…



The canyon was immediately emptied. Taeyva’s werewolves rushed back into the outside forest while the soldiers rushed after the leaders and their new captives. Malkor was immediately bound by rope and escorted by Dennis while Torund hauled Castalia over his shoulder.

Once inside, it became even more chaotic. The leaders sealed themselves into the back room while Tullius and Elisif were tasked with keeping the main rabble out. Rumors of the strange dark elves spread immediately amongst them, riling up both the Dawnguard and Vigilant alike.


Elisif: Please, everyone, settle down! They’ll inform us when it’s solved!

Dawnguard Soldier 4: What’s going on in there?

Vigilant of Stendarr 1: We shouldn’t bring in any more daedra worshippers!


  Vigilant of Stendarr 2: They’ll be the death of us!

Dawnguard Soldier 3: This is too risky!

While the soldiers hollered from the main chamber, Mike joined Davey off to the side.


Mike: Gotta admit, this is a weird first date, Davey.


Davey: Please don’t joke right now. How are you not stressed?

Mike shrugs.

Mike: I think I’m just used to it at this point. But for real…


Mike: What do you think is happening in there?

Inside, Torund carefully lowers Castalia onto the table. It didn’t take him long to recognize her. It’s been a few weeks since he met her, and when he did, she nearly killed him. Yet she clearly spared his life, that much he knows. This might be his chance to discover why.


Taeyva: It’s her souls. Something is destroying them. Some kind of curse? Maybe an enchantment?

Taeyva leans over the body, using what she can of her powers to observe its natural life signs. This elf may not be a wolf or wild animal, but her powers extend to everything in nature, this elf included.


Talen: Did you say souls? Like, plural?

Taeyva nods but doesn’t turn her gaze.

Taeyva: Yup. You all won’t like to hear this, but she’s a Prophet like me. And like me, she has two souls. A mortal one, which is what you interact with, and a daedric one, which contains our powers.


Malkor: It was a third Prophet that did this. Her name is Erinye, she is Molag Bal’s.


Dennis: Hold on. A third Prophet? Are there more than three?

Malkor: Not that I know of.

Torund leans closer to Taeyva and whispers quietly in her ear.


Torund:I’ve met her already. She could’ve killed me but didn’t. Do you think she is worth saving? Is it even possible?

Taeyva analyzes Castalia a moment more before responding, not bothering to whisper when she does.

Taeyva: She’s a Prophet of Mephala. She is absolutely worth saving for the incredible amount of knowledge she has about potentials fates.


Taeyva: Is it possible to save her? Yes. But in my current state I can only prevent the curse from destroying her further.

Taeyva pulls away and turns to the group, facing Malkor first.


Taeyva: I'm not doing this for you. Here’s the situation.


Taeyva: This woman is a Prophet of Mephala. I don’t know the extent of her powers, but I do know she can see something called the “Weave of Fate.” She can see every possible outcome of every possible scenario, but she can’t know which one will actually happen.


Taeyva: Either way, she’d be a strong asset. Unfortunately, I cannot save her with my powers suppressed. All I can do is prevent her from dying, but that will require my full concentration and attention. It’s just not realistic.

Taeyva turns to Carcette.


Taeyva: I need these chains removed, Carcette.  This is it.

Before the Keeper can reply, Taeyva turns to everyone around her.


Taeyva: What’s it going to be, everyone? This is your last chance to release me.

The room suddenly falls silent. Everyone else uncomfortably averts their gaze from Taeyva as they each adopt their own nervous posture.




Torund: Well? Speak up!

Talen gulps and takes a cautious step forward.


Talen: Look… Um, Taeyva… I-



Talen is cut off as a sudden explosion ruptures the air and shakes the entire Fort.


Taeyva: Oh no…




Argus: Fire another.


Argus: Draw their troops out.


Argus: I need the Prophet alone.

To be continued…


























Recommended Comments

> Your girls are very beautiful. When I saw Elyvaea I instantly remembered Crw's Sinetica. :) They look very much alike.

> Screen capturing and facial expressions are amazing. Love it. Anyhow, compliments for great story.

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I like your story. Your entries opens much faster now and I'm glad you put them in spoilers. As always, you rock when comes to facial expressions and detailed scenes. Compliments.

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Good entry indeed, with your usual complex posing and shooting quality combined with a writing style more constant in quality.  You are definitely good at setting up things so you can draw out maximum stakes from them, and a good sense of momentum ; both paying off as the readers are continuously hooked up into wanting to know what further happens. Now I found your more balanced faces characters design somewhat less iconic than the previous ones, as their vivid eyes colors do somewhat deter for the more realistic proportions you chose. Malkor's pointy chin and Taevya's big eyes weren't necessarily a flaw in this regard (Elisif's clothes however seem a bit out of character XD). Anyway, the threads of your story are slowly connecting for our greatest pleasure. Well done ! :smiley::thumbsup:


Malicia : « It was a very good story, yes. Once she's healed Castalia will kiss Malkoran on the mouth, and Taevya'll be able to honey-honey with Davey as soon as she gets her chains removed. All that's very nice, yes. :classic_sleepy: »

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:O That ending cliff hanger! Looking forward to your battle scenes and screenshots!

But now it takes another half year... until Taeyva has another chance to put on some decent clothes and gets rid of her chains :'(.


I think I didn't quite get if Malkor is still alive. You don't write or indicate that he's dead, but they wanted to execute him and they didn't because he was worried about Taeyva's life? Wouldn't he just say anything to have a chance of staying alive? Why did that change their mind?


4 hours ago, Tirloque said:

Good entry indeed, with your usual complex posing and shooting quality combined with a writing style more constant in quality.  You are definitely good at setting up things so you can draw out maximum stakes from them, and a good sense of momentum ; both paying off as the readers are continuously hooked up into wanting to know what further happens. Now I found your more balanced faces characters design somewhat less iconic than the previous ones, as their vivid eyes colors do somewhat deter for the more realistic proportions you chose. Malkor's pointy chin and Taevya's big eyes weren't necessarily a flaw in this regard (Elisif's clothes however seem a bit out of character XD). Anyway, the threads of your story are slowly connecting for our greatest pleasure. Well done ! :smiley::thumbsup:

I don't want to critique your critique but I think Collygon's character design (visually and story wise) is one of the biggest strength of his story. Btw. have you considered releasing an Erinye follower mod? I think she's very unique and really stands out from the other characters. 


I think you're a bit overly critical with Elisif, I think she had like one screenshot and probably her modded default outfit ;).

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2 hours ago, Alter Native said:

I don't want to critique your critique but I think Collygon's character design (visually and story wise) is one of the biggest strength of his story.

You're right. His character design is excellent. But I'm not giving my opinion on that, but rather on the face shapes modifications he did since the "Restiched" entry, every last bit of the rest of his character design being left unchanged.


Malicia : « I very agree with you, Mr Native. Tirloque says lots of things, but he's not an expert, no. So, he hasn't any idea of what he says, you see ? Unlike me. :classic_sleepy: »

2 hours ago, Alter Native said:

I think I didn't quite get if Malkor is still alive. You don't write or indicate that he's dead, but they wanted to execute him and they didn't because he was worried about Taeyva's life? Wouldn't he just say anything to have a chance of staying alive? Why did that change their mind?

To my understanding, in normal times Malkor would've never begged an enemy to be spared, nor thought anything but for his own sake. So Taevya and Torundr were taken aback not only to see him beg, but to see him beg for the sake of another ; which is an act of love. That does also hints that a glimpse of the Malkor he was before being prophet (and who cared for Castalia) survived, but only Castalia herself could fully appreciate that.


It is very possible him realizing Castalia sacrificed herself in order to spare him from Erinye shook Malkor off the treacherous image he had of Castalia. :classic_smile:

2 hours ago, Alter Native said:

I think you're a bit overly critical with Elisif, I think she had like one screenshot and probably her modded default outfit ;).

The more the work gets close to perfection, the more I'll dare criticize on smaller details, as the core parts are assumed like being mastered. And so it's probably not on them that the author could improve.


But minor details are minor, I give you that. Plus the faces aspect is merely a matter of tastes and opinions. :classic_tongue:

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26 minutes ago, Tirloque said:

You're right. His character design is excellent. But I'm not giving my opinion on that, but rather on the face shapes modifications he did since the "Restiched" entry, every last bit of the rest of his character design being left unchanged.

I understand, I was also mostly referring to the visual design of the characters.

Tbh. without having a direct character comparison before/after I hardly noticed any difference which is a good thing in my opinion. It's like sound design, you only notice when it's bad, but when the sound is good you don't notice it at all. 

26 minutes ago, Tirloque said:

Malicia : « I very agree with you, Mr Native. Tirloque says lots of things, but he's not an expert, no. So, he hasn't any idea of what he says, you see ? Unlike me. :classic_sleepy: »

Glad at least one of you guys has self awareness ;) 

26 minutes ago, Tirloque said:

To my understanding, in normal times Malkor would've never begged an enemy to be spared, nor thought anything but for his own sake. So Taevya and Torundr were taken aback not only to see him beg, but to see him beg for the sake of another ; which is an act of love. That does also hints that a glimpse of the Malkor he was before being prophet (and who cared for Castalia) survived, but only Castalia herself could fully appreciate that.

Maybe Malicia was right and I spend too much time with evil characters, because they would have killed him for sure...


26 minutes ago, Tirloque said:

The more the work gets close to perfection, the more I'll dare criticize on smaller details, as the core parts are assumed like being mastered. And so it's probably not on them that the author could improve.


But minor details are minor, I give you that. Plus the faces aspect is merely a matter of tastes and opinions. :classic_tongue:

I'd criticize her hair before anything else, it's 2019 there are at least 21 NPC replacers out there that take care of Elisif's look but in the end it's a matter of taste and effort. I'd also prefer to see the males with a different skin texture, probably veteran skin to give them a bit more of a rough look, less like boys. But again, personal taste ;) .




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4 hours ago, Alter Native said:

Glad at least one of you guys has self awareness ;)

Malicia : :classic_cool:


4 hours ago, Alter Native said:

Tbh. without having a direct character comparison before/after I hardly noticed any difference which is a good thing in my opinion. It's like sound design, you only notice when it's bad, but when the sound is good you don't notice it at all.

Which is why I mentioned it. It strikes me from time to time depending on the angle of view on Taevya, and this time on Elyvaea : the eyes and mouth seem smaller, and the pronounced faces features of some characters do seem.. well, less pronounced. And nearly all of them had similar redesign, even those who hadn't eyes as big as the original Taevya ; so there's a small loss of personality IMO. Take the example below, which one would seem like having more personality ?




But anyway, artistic choices, personal preferences. Smiley_jap_HFR.gif

4 hours ago, Alter Native said:

Maybe Malicia was right and I spend too much time with evil characters, because they would have killed him for sure...

Which is why, when someone is a good roleplayer, it's interesting to have a wide range of characters : more points of view. I do realize I might be biased on the reverse than you though, but those of my characters that would share the "slay the threat" point of view will only take their place later. Interestingly enough, one of them is a vampire, so I do think that sharing a condition implying to remain hidden/unknown might affect heavily that kind of decisions.

Anyway, I think I have talked enough on Collygon's blog for the moment ; I'll try to do a bit of silence before the author share his own views on all of this. :classic_smile:


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7 hours ago, Tirloque said:

Which is why I mentioned it. It strikes me from time to time depending on the angle of view on Taevya, and this time on Elyvaea : the eyes and mouth seem smaller, and the pronounced faces features of some characters do seem.. well, less pronounced. And nearly all of them had similar redesign, even those who hadn't eyes as big as the original Taevya ; so there's a small loss of personality IMO. Take the example below, which one would seem like having more personality ?



I agree with the right one, but this is mostly due to lightning. Null is made pitch black with the Ambient lightning at full white. This is very unnatural lightning and gives an artificial look with everything lit equally without shadows. This is of course intended here, but the comparision is not fair in the first place. To me there's barely a difference besides the face paint.


7 hours ago, Tirloque said:

Interestingly enough, one of them is a vampire, so I do think that sharing a condition implying to remain hidden/unknown might affect heavily that kind of decisions.

Serana? Or is there another vampire in the works? :O

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3 hours ago, Alter Native said:

I agree with the right one, but this is mostly due to lightning. Null is made pitch black with the Ambient lightning at full white. This is very unnatural lightning and gives an artificial look with everything lit equally without shadows. This is of course intended here, but the comparision is not fair in the first place. To me there's barely a difference besides the face paint.

I must agree on the lighting part.

3 hours ago, Alter Native said:

Serana? Or is there another vampire in the works? :O

A handful of characters leaning more towards a grey ideological area than the Marsoric or their foes. Can't say more atm. :classic_biggrin:


Anyway, I am infringing my wish to let the author express himself ; let's make place to Collygon's comments now ! :classic_tongue:



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On 8/1/2019 at 8:34 PM, EvalovesEP said:

> Your girls are very beautiful. When I saw Elyvaea I instantly remembered Crw's Sinetica. :) They look very much alike.

> Screen capturing and facial expressions are amazing. Love it. Anyhow, compliments for great story.

Thank you so much, Eva! :D

On 8/2/2019 at 1:52 AM, SpyVsPie said:

Absolutely gorgeous as always. THose crowd shots must have taken forever to stage ?

Thank you! Haha, yeah, the one outside with the wolves took ~2 hours. Fortunately I just used the crowd for background instead of focus, so I didn't have to pose everyone.

On 8/2/2019 at 2:39 AM, Elf Prince said:

I like your story. Your entries opens much faster now and I'm glad you put them in spoilers. As always, you rock when comes to facial expressions and detailed scenes. Compliments.

Thanks, Prince! That means a lot ❤️

On 8/2/2019 at 5:52 AM, Tirloque said:

Good entry indeed, with your usual complex posing and shooting quality combined with a writing style more constant in quality.  You are definitely good at setting up things so you can draw out maximum stakes from them, and a good sense of momentum ; both paying off as the readers are continuously hooked up into wanting to know what further happens. Now I found your more balanced faces characters design somewhat less iconic than the previous ones, as their vivid eyes colors do somewhat deter for the more realistic proportions you chose. Malkor's pointy chin and Taevya's big eyes weren't necessarily a flaw in this regard (Elisif's clothes however seem a bit out of character XD). Anyway, the threads of your story are slowly connecting for our greatest pleasure. Well done ! :smiley::thumbsup:


Malicia : « It was a very good story, yes. Once she's healed Castalia will kiss Malkoran on the mouth, and Taevya'll be able to honey-honey with Davey as soon as she gets her chains removed. All that's very nice, yes. :classic_sleepy: »

Thanks, Tirloque! I've been told a few times that pacing is one of my strengths, but it's funny, I've always seen it as something I need to improve on. 


Yes, Elisif's outside is ridiculous and her vanilla appearance is horrendous. Blech! I just don't like making big adjustments "mid-chapter". I've already got the replacement ready for Chapter 5, but Elisif really plays very minor rolls anyway.


I'm curious whose eyes you are talking about? Because I didn't adjust their eye color, only the shape and size. The only color that changed was Malkor's and that is because he got a race change.

23 hours ago, Alter Native said:

:O That ending cliff hanger! Looking forward to your battle scenes and screenshots!

But now it takes another half year... until Taeyva has another chance to put on some decent clothes and gets rid of her chains :'(.


I think I didn't quite get if Malkor is still alive. You don't write or indicate that he's dead, but they wanted to execute him and they didn't because he was worried about Taeyva's life? Wouldn't he just say anything to have a chance of staying alive? Why did that change their mind?


I don't want to critique your critique but I think Collygon's character design (visually and story wise) is one of the biggest strength of his story. Btw. have you considered releasing an Erinye follower mod? I think she's very unique and really stands out from the other characters. 


I think you're a bit overly critical with Elisif, I think she had like one screenshot and probably her modded default outfit ;).

I'm glad you're looking forward to the battle scenes, because I'm dreading the 10 hour session that will be required to take them xD Haha, but seriously though, thank you!


Darn. Should've written that Malkor scene better. He wasn't worried about Taeyva, he was worried about Castalia. Taeyva and Torund would have killed him then even if he begged for his own life. They don't trust Malkor and seeing him beg that way would be treated as a manipulation. What changed their mind was the sudden change of character by him when he begged for Castalia's life. Begging itself is unbecoming of him, but begging for the life of another is completely uncharacteristic. To Taeyva and Torund, this is proof to them he really is telling the truth about this being his only option. In part 2 there will be more on this in a scene between Torund and Malkor which will hopefully shed more light on the situation and Torund's opinion on the outcome.

22 hours ago, Tirloque said:

To my understanding, in normal times Malkor would've never begged an enemy to be spared, nor thought anything but for his own sake. So Taevya and Torundr were taken aback not only to see him beg, but to see him beg for the sake of another ; which is an act of love. That does also hints that a glimpse of the Malkor he was before being prophet (and who cared for Castalia) survived, but only Castalia herself could fully appreciate that.


It is very possible him realizing Castalia sacrificed herself in order to spare him from Erinye shook Malkor off the treacherous image he had of Castalia. :classic_smile:

The more the work gets close to perfection, the more I'll dare criticize on smaller details, as the core parts are assumed like being mastered. And so it's probably not on them that the author could improve.

^ This is a very keen analysis and is very close to the truth. 


I'm not particularly fond of the idea of releasing a follower mod. I've gotten a lot of requests and I just don't like seeing my characters being used in ways that don't fit them. If I do release some of them as followers, it will be after TFOA concludes, and it will never be Taeyva. Erinye though, maybe. However I might release her horns in a mod idea I have of all the headgear I've made. We'll see.


17 hours ago, Tirloque said:


Which is why I mentioned it. It strikes me from time to time depending on the angle of view on Taevya, and this time on Elyvaea : the eyes and mouth seem smaller, and the pronounced faces features of some characters do seem.. well, less pronounced. And nearly all of them had similar redesign, even those who hadn't eyes as big as the original Taevya ; so there's a small loss of personality IMO. Take the example below, which one would seem like having more personality ?




But anyway, artistic choices, personal preferences. Smiley_jap_HFR.gif



Not to be abrasive, but you couldn't have picked a worse comparison xD The second (older) image, in my opinion, is the most powerful image I have of Elyvaea. I LOVE this shot. It hinted at her intentions without requiring much text or speech. The lighting is perfect and the angle amplifies the anger and suspicion she is feeling at the time. With the focus purely on her, it shows that she is alone in the task. Gerruck was removed from the shot entirely despite being only ~5 feet away.


The first (newer) image is, well, bland. Null has horrendous lighting. And with my updated ENB, the old filter I used to use makes it even worse. But I have to work with what I have. 


What you don't see is the behind the scenes. Elyvaea actually updated with every chapter. In chapter one she had a very round face. If not for the yellow skin and ears that rarely showed, she would not have been recognizable as a high elf. 




In chapter two I did minor changes, just to the head to make it more elongated.




But as you can see, here eyes are just way to anime. They're HUGE! Furthermore, her war paint doesn't represent who she is. She is a ranger who purposefully does not conform to traditional high elf culture. The regal style warpaint she used to have made no sense with that.


Personally, I am very happy with the Restitched changes, for the most part. Sometimes I miss Malkor's extremely angry resting expression, but that was a bane. Particularly with Malkor, his previous face was so angry looking, it was pretty much impossible to get him to convey any other emotion. His new face allows me to customize it much more with the console than I could before. 


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2 hours ago, ther1pper said:

Oh shit, now its getting real crazy, hyped for the next chapter.

Thanks, r1p! :D 

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33 minutes ago, Collygon said:

I'm curious whose eyes you are talking about? Because I didn't adjust their eye color, only the shape and size. The only color that changed was Malkor's and that is because he got a race change.

Well that's precisely to the shape and size that I'm referring to. It's like if they almost all shrunk on main characters (Taevya, Talen, Elyvaea are the ones where I do notice it the most). Taevya had big eyes, but at the same time she was supposed to be a prophet, which justified it partly. I wonder if the correction applied on her isn't too strong, and if it really had to be applied to characters that had smaller eyes. But hey, those are aesthetics and tastes related. So that's minor.

33 minutes ago, Collygon said:

Not to be abrasive, but you couldn't have picked a worse comparison xD The second (older) image, in my opinion, is the most powerful image I have of Elyvaea. I LOVE this shot. It hinted at her intentions without requiring much text or speech. The lighting is perfect and the angle amplifies the anger and suspicion she is feeling at the time. With the focus purely on her, it shows that she is alone in the task. Gerruck was removed from the shot entirely despite being only ~5 feet away.


The first (newer) image is, well, bland. Null has horrendous lighting. And with my updated ENB, the old filter I used to use makes it even worse. But I have to work with what I have. 


What you don't see is the behind the scenes. Elyvaea actually updated with every chapter. In chapter one she had a very round face. If not for the yellow skin and ears that rarely showed, she would not have been recognizable as a high elf. 




In chapter two I did minor changes, just to the head to make it more elongated.




But as you can see, here eyes are just way to anime. They're HUGE! Furthermore, her war paint doesn't represent who she is. She is a ranger who purposefully does not conform to traditional high elf culture. The regal style warpaint she used to have made no sense with that.

Well, when you choose images to fuel a point of view, you try to get those that look better on your side. XD


Regardless, I didn't notice Elyvaea's first set of changes indeed. But I didn't feel like her eyes were anime like, some people do have eyes of that size. The only ones that felt real large where Taevya's, just like Elijah Wood's for example. But even those aren't anime like, which can be unnaturally huge. Just a reminder below of what's japanese anime eyes (nearly 25-30% of the face here). And I've seen bigger. ^^






About Malkor, he just looks different. Not worse (aside of the posterized warpaint maybe). But if that allows you better expressions, that's for the best.



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The eyes definitely never seemed anime like to me either. 


I suppose if everyone is being picky my only question would be why the vanilla hair on so many characters? It really stands out compared to everything else which is so perfect. 

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4 hours ago, Collygon said:

I'm glad you're looking forward to the battle scenes, because I'm dreading the 10 hour session that will be required to take them xD Haha, but seriously though, thank you!

It's kind of terrible I know... It's cool when it's done, but the problem is that it just takes an hour or so to even set everything up and when you close the game you need another 30 minutes to get everything look good again. So you better be very motivated on a Sunday... 


4 hours ago, Collygon said:

Darn. Should've written that Malkor scene better. He wasn't worried about Taeyva, he was worried about Castalia. Taeyva and Torund would have killed him then even if he begged for his own life. They don't trust Malkor and seeing him beg that way would be treated as a manipulation. What changed their mind was the sudden change of character by him when he begged for Castalia's life. Begging itself is unbecoming of him, but begging for the life of another is completely uncharacteristic. To Taeyva and Torund, this is proof to them he really is telling the truth about this being his only option. In part 2 there will be more on this in a scene between Torund and Malkor which will hopefully shed more light on the situation and Torund's opinion on the outcome.

Thanks for clearing that up, I must have misread at some point.


Btw. I think changing character models are just a normal part of working on a story like this over years. You get better and notice things that need to get fixed. I changed Nora and even other characters multiple times for the better without people noticing. 

She used to have the belly and pelvis tattoos that suddenly disappeared towards the end of chapter 6 when I realized how much I like her looks more in the flashback scene without the tattoos. 





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6 hours ago, Tirloque said:

Well that's precisely to the shape and size that I'm referring to. It's like if they almost all shrunk on main characters (Taevya, Talen, Elyvaea are the ones where I do notice it the most). Taevya had big eyes, but at the same time she was supposed to be a prophet, which justified it partly. I wonder if the correction applied on her isn't too strong, and if it really had to be applied to characters that had smaller eyes. But hey, those are aesthetics and tastes related. So that's minor.

Well, when you choose images to fuel a point of view, you try to get those that look better on your side. XD


Regardless, I didn't notice Elyvaea's first set of changes indeed. But I didn't feel like her eyes were anime like, some people do have eyes of that size. The only ones that felt real large where Taevya's, just like Elijah Wood's for example. But even those aren't anime like, which can be unnaturally huge. Just a reminder below of what's japanese anime eyes (nearly 25-30% of the face here). And I've seen bigger. ^^


About Malkor, he just looks different. Not worse (aside of the posterized warpaint maybe). But if that allows you better expressions, that's for the best.



Haha, fair enough. They're for sure not "anime" eyes. To me they just felt too big. You are correct though, almost every character who went through the Restitched had their eyes significantly shrunk. I remember that being one of my main goals at the time. Restitched was designed to make the characters look more like real life humans while also allowing for smoother mfg console expressions.


5 hours ago, SpyVsPie said:

I suppose if everyone is being picky my only question would be why the vanilla hair on so many characters? It really stands out compared to everything else which is so perfect. 

Believe it or not, I actually like a lot of the vanilla hair. Especially for males. Furthermore, most of the male hair packs that exist are pretty bad for a fantasy setting. Hair gel doesn't exist in Skyrim. I try to make each hairstyle my characters have be somewhat simple and realistic to the world. Obviously it can't be perfect (such as Elyvaea's hair), but I want it to make sense.


2 hours ago, Alter Native said:

Thanks for clearing that up, I must have misread at some point.


Btw. I think changing character models are just a normal part of working on a story like this over years. You get better and notice things that need to get fixed. I changed Nora and even other characters multiple times for the better without people noticing. 

She used to have the belly and pelvis tattoos that suddenly disappeared towards the end of chapter 6 when I realized how much I like her looks more in the flashback scene without the tattoos. 


Glad it makes sense! And yeah, most stories have the characters change as it goes on. It really does go exactly as you say. We notice places for improvements and act on them.

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Have you ever read such a captivating, engrossing story that when you try to describe it to anyone you realize that the words simply fail to give it justice? So instead of giving a thoughtful, detailed critique and praise you end up telling people "I liked it...no no, you don't understand - I really really really liked that book! It's so good!"


This is how I always feel about your works. I honestly want to write something helpful, or analytical or at least intelligent but all I end up with is: I really really liked it. Can we have some more of the tale, please? ?







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17 hours ago, Collygon said:


Believe it or not, I actually like a lot of the vanilla hair. Especially for males. Furthermore, most of the male hair packs that exist are pretty bad for a fantasy setting. Hair gel doesn't exist in Skyrim. I try to make each hairstyle my characters have be somewhat simple and realistic to the world. Obviously it can't be perfect (such as Elyvaea's hair), but I want it to make sense.



Well fair enough. There are some newer mods that try to keep the male hairstyles more lore friendly while still improving them iirc. I personally like the more modern hair but of course everyone's take on SKyrim is different. 

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16 hours ago, Devianna said:

Have you ever read such a captivating, engrossing story that when you try to describe it to anyone you realize that the words simply fail to give it justice? So instead of giving a thoughtful, detailed critique and praise you end up telling people "I liked it...no no, you don't understand - I really really really liked that book! It's so good!"


This is how I always feel about your works. I honestly want to write something helpful, or analytical or at least intelligent but all I end up with is: I really really liked it. Can we have some more of the tale, please? ?


  Reveal hidden contents




?Making me blush! That's such incredible praise, thank you! I feel the same way now, haha. I have no idea how to say how much much your words mean to me in response, so I'll just say: Yes, there will be more! :D 


3 hours ago, SpyVsPie said:


Well fair enough. There are some newer mods that try to keep the male hairstyles more lore friendly while still improving them iirc. I personally like the more modern hair but of course everyone's take on SKyrim is different. 

Maybe I'll give the hair mods another look for future characters in other stories. But that is just my personal taste. You know much I love your characters looks, so while I may do it this way for my stories, I appreciate and love authors who do it their ways as well!

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On 8/4/2019 at 12:04 PM, Collygon said:

?Making me blush! That's such incredible praise, thank you! I feel the same way now, haha. I have no idea how to say how much much your words mean to me in response, so I'll just say: Yes, there will be more! :D 


Maybe I'll give the hair mods another look for future characters in other stories. But that is just my personal taste. You know much I love your characters looks, so while I may do it this way for my stories, I appreciate and love authors who do it their ways as well!


Don't worry, I wasn't taking it personally ?

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16 hours ago, KillinCuzICan said:

Sick! This story is one that I will always come back to!

:D Always awesome to hear! Thank you!

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