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About Bazinga

  • Birthday 04/01/1980

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  • dismembered
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  • Location
    in the thick of it
  • Interests
    sleeping all night and working all day, pressing flowers, hanging around in bars, you know the rest :P
    Modding and playing Skyrim
    hiking (no joke), sports, movies, music
    and a lot of other stuff
  • Bio
    I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay.

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  1. Ich hab dem nichts hinzuzufügen und wollte eigentlich nur anmerken, dass ich von der automatischen Übersetzung beeindruckt bin. Bei mir ists Chrome; das scheint aber dasselbe Tool zu nutzen wie Firefox, denn die Übersetzung ist identisch. Und die ist echt gut! Ich sehe insofern zumindest für deutschsprachige Nutzer kein Problem und wenig Gefahr von Missverständnissen. Ansonsten ... what CPU said.
  2. “What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.” Trump “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” George Orwell, 1984
  3. On my mind? Right at this moment? This: Intro from an actual kids TV show from Denmark. Wft lol ?
  4. I had a similar experience at a friend's place. His youngster was watching Deadpool. The little guy did know the Amazon Prime code for mature content (I think it was on Amazon Prime) for some reason and bragged about it to me. Now I didn't say anything and just watched the movie with him for a little while. He was joyfully watching the shishkabob scene with Deadpool jumping from the bridge inside the car with the baddies and then slaughtering them. And tbh I don't think anything bad will come of that, the movie is so over the top and comic book like in its depiction of violence that this is probably not traumatising or in any way formative for him. But then the sex scene started, you know, the one with the beautiful Morena Baccarin. ? Boy did he get grossed out and switch off the movie quickly.? That shit was hilarious. Also had to tell his dad to better not to let him play GTAV unsupervised because there are strip clubs, killing spree rewards and stuff like that. So yeah, some parents are sloths. ^^ The little guy was 9 btw.
  5. That's not how it worked when I was a kid and it certainly is not in the age of 2 income households. Parents pay attention, it's just that their kids have more free time than them. So what are they supposed to do? Lock them out of the internet while they aren't there to supervise and not buy them gaming PCs til they are ... I dunno ... 16? That supervision might be more damaging to the kid than the sickest porn they can find online. And why 16 you ask? I think waiting til 18 is a little ridiculous when it comes to exposure to fringe porn. That's something that I would say is negotiable. Steam has child safety measures in place in its client though, completely forgot about that. I guess parents could already make it somewhat safe as it is. So it seems to be more of a problem with strict German laws for purchasing stuff, less with the features that Steam offers. ... Otoh I was pretty crafty as a kid when trying to circumvent the boundaries my parents set up. I imagine kids today are as well. Like why not just log out and create a new Steam account, then buy porn games and other R18 stuff? And if that's impossible with the family safety measures then try deleting the whole thing and maybe some folder(s) under Appdata and then reinstall? Can't do that if you don't have admin rights though. But seriously, do we really expect a lot of parents to be educated enough about computers to know how to make this shit safe for their children? edit: But setting up a new Steam account wouldn't give them access to the games without a credit card. And I wouldn't give a kid a credit card, at least not in the age range where I would try to keep the content in question away from them. So I guess it's really more a problem with German laws. As usual ^^ I'm still pissed at Steam for choosing to do this the easy way. Either they come around or they will lose me as a customer. Can't change conservative politicians and laws over night, but Steam could easily add age verification for certain games instead of just removing them from the store.
  6. In the same vein: Games that are marked as sexual content are blocked for Germans since December. Because some government agency from Hamburg finally realised that Steam's age verification process isn't robust so minors can easily access and buy these games, they just have to lie about their age when asked by Steam. Which means that the statement in the screenshot is a bold lie to shift the blame away from them and that makes me even madder than the fact itself. Right now I don't know if I will be able to actually play Subverse, a game I supported on Kickstarter. And my Steam wishlist that I frequently check for sales offers got a bit shorter too. I'm not mad at the gubbernmint people from Hamburg btw, but at Steam for lazily blocking these games for everybody here and pissing off their German users instead of finally implementing some sort of age verification system. But maybe they are working on it, at least I hope so. If not I will take my games buying business to GoG, they don't offer any sexual content anyway and they have many of the same games that are sold on Steam. Also they didn't piss me off so far. Fuck you Steam! ?
  7. You would have to edit the armor slots in the esp to make sure that doesn't happen, either in this mod or in the clothing mod. ... Here, replace the esp from my mod with this one: le666piercings.esp I replaced the armor slot that I used (slot 58, see this consensus) with the two torso slots, which means that most if not all vanilla armors and their conversions should be compatible to this. Please tell me if that does the job, didn't test it myself so I don't know if there are unwanted side effects.
  8. Still haven't bought the game because I expect them to release a few huge patches in the next months that will probably vastly improve upon the initial release, just like they did with Witcher 3. And then I'll probably wait for a 40 to 50% sale or something because why not if I already managed to hold off playing it for that long. ... It's hard though, I really want to play this right now. ?
  9. Emotional intelligence is a real thing, long acknowledged by corporate management everywhere. Quite funny that there are still neanderthals who try to deny that this stuff matters a lot, especially if you want to make a career. ? How to measure it? You don't. You could roleplay situations between superiors and subordinates, with conflicts and differences that the superior has to settle. But I don't think that leads to some sort of score, just to things like "you're qualified for the job, when can you start working" or "you will hear from us". Just an example of a situation where emotional intelligence is required. Or to put it differently, do you think someone with Asperger would make a good manager? No? Why not, his IQ is probably through the roof. ^^
  10. I think you're right. That's probably also the reason why all these programs to get girls interested in science don't work. One can try to explain this away with societal expectations, sexist workplaces and peer pressure by other girls all day but it's getting less and less convincing with each new decade. They are just not that interested in dead things, period. One thing I'd like to add though. When we talk about what men and women want then of course we should never forget that in all discussions about larger groups we are always looking at normal distributions (and other distribution functions) that often heavily overlap with the groups that we compare them to. There are a lot of women interested and gifted in math and sciences (besides biology) and you should never ever use arguments like this to question the decisions and career choice of an individual.
  11. A comment posted by the Internet Watch Foundation chairman doesn't make it look like they think that harshly of Pornhub tbh. https://www.iwf.org.uk/news/pornhub-data-out-of-context-tells-us-nothing But maybe he just didn't want to say more because then Pornhub could sue him for libel? Dunno. How do you know that they didn't moderate uploads? That story about the girl and her mother finding pictures and videos of her on Pornhub is so old and gets cited so often that even I heard of it and I don't even frequent Pornhub. Except for checking let's plays of hentai games that look promising, and then in 99% of cases turn out to be poorly translated dogshit with ridiculous views about women and often with child porn even in major releases ... Y U so fucked up, Japan?!!! ... anyway ... They seem to have handled the GirlsDoPorn case badly though, reacting very slowly, which supports what you claim. I'm not here to defend them but I imagine moderating a site this big is rather difficult. So unless you do what they just did and prevent all unverified users from uploading there's always a few cases at least that will slip through the net.
  12. As far as I understood it this doesn't really matter. They seem to help them to find illegal material like child porn and actual rape videos. Still a very drastic measure, might bite them in the ass if they piss off enough unverified uploaders and consumers. And I don't get the removal of downloads. Like at all. If you only allow verified accounts why do you still care if someone might reupload the videos? Certainly not to protect children and potential rape victims. Sounds more like something they wanted to do anyway and just didn't know how to sell to their userbase before. ^^
  13. True. I simply didn't want to introduce another tool/program but you're right. When you measure it like this you still don't know where the bone is relative to the mesh surface though. And it seems like these vertex coordinates don't exactly align with the bone coordinates (one has the origin of coordinates above the mesh, the other below it) so you can't compare them without an extra step. Also using global coordinate differences/offsets only worked in this case and will not in many others. Depends on the local coordinate system of the bone that you want to attach the collision box to. So in a lot of cases you will probably need Nifscope to get the correct vertex coordinates for the xml. The xml vertex values have nothing to do with the mesh vertices btw ... except that the collision box should ideally have the right size to add collisions somewhere near the mesh surface. Which brings me to another hint: Nifscope 2 is better than 1.1.3 because it shows the local coordinate system for the selected bone. So no more need to copy bones on top of themselves and changing coordinates just to see how it's oriented. You can also check mesh vertex coordinates in Nifscope 2 but it seems like you have to click directly on the vertex to select it and these things are small as fuck.
  14. Dunno where you live that you never encountered them but these publications do exist. One prominent example over here would be taz. They do have journalistic standards and I guess their actual fact reporting isn't too bad but boy to they employ a lot of these weird creatures that must have graduated in one of these "gender studies" majors that produce word diarrhea every day and try to discredit and undermine actual science whenever they can. I can still remember the discussions I had with them about how the scientific method is subjective too and how our knowledge of the physical world is culturally determined instead of actually accumulating facts - so very foreign aliens from another planet would get entirely different results - that stupid bullshit and their smug faces when spouting it always infuriated me and always will. These people are real. And they try to sell you their narrative about the real world out there. But as I said, I don't take this very seriously anyway, doesn't seem to have much influence on the real world around me. What worries me a little is that these dogmatic fights between woke left and cynical right distract from the fact that in a majority of the countries on this planet feminism is still a very valid and just cause. And the possibility that at least some of the people disparaging it here and on other sites / in other places might be actually assholes from these exact countries fighting against people who just want to have equal rights and opportunities, something we take for granted in Europe. So this whole discussion isn't as clear-cut as it seems in my opinion and that's why I think I'll stop engaging in it at this point. I don't know you guys and what your story and agenda is. Example: You're from Brazil or India and think feminism is bullshit? Get rekt.
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