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About lol123456

  • Birthday 03/04/1989

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  1. I think the body on shot is CBBE with Sporty Sexy Map, but I'm not sure in 100%. Take a shot with CNHF body and SassyKing Smashing Face. She made great complex mod, not only containing high quality textures, but also tintmasks and complexions for old or 'ugly' characters I'm her psycho-fan http://iamthekingofsass.tumblr.com/tagged/SassyKing%27s-DL%27s http://iamthekingofsass.tumblr.com/post/114604306093/i-saw-you-answered-an-ask-on-your-favorite-mods Thanks shosholada I really appreciate you finding the most important piece of my quest. I am also looking for a good hair mod and a similar custom armor. what would you recommend. Thanks
  2. Hello, I have been away from this site for awhile but want to get back into modding skyrim. What mods would go into making this follower. I have made my own companions and mods before but it has been sometime so I could probably only install mods at this point. Here is a screenshot of the follower I want. What mods go into making this voluptuous muscly orc axe wielder.
  3. I figured out how to install the body pack, it was pretty straight forward. But how do I get TBBP to work? and can I have a custom skeleton installed for it to work? I copied the TBBP meshes to the body mod folder and replaced the old ones. I installed xp32 custom skeleton and copied over skeleton_female to the mod folder also. I ran FNIS I don't know if I am supposed to or not. I am using SKSE. still no bouncy efffect.
  4. Hi, since my previous post will probably drown in the pages to come, what is the proper step by step order to install the body mods for the belly to work. many thanks.
  5. Is there something wrong? Nope. CTDs are perfectly normal BBP skeleton and animations? Follow these instructions for the body. If you want the UNPB body, install it last. Hi, I have followed those instructions to the letter Install CBBE Body Install bodyslide + overwrite bodyslide folder with C++ belly build Build the body with C++ bodyslide Install TBBP Install XPMS The Belly still will not grow for me
  6. During the animation? Or after the animation ends? If it's the later, then that's intended. As previously stated, the player joining the chaurus faction makes for a lot of boring dwemer dungeons. For CTD issues first make sure you remove all loose scripts for this mod in your Skyrim Data folder. Those scripts are | zzchauruseggsscript.pex | zzencchaurushachlingscript.pex | zzencchaurushachlingseedscript.pex | zzestrusbreedereffectscript.pex | zzestruschaurusae.pex | zzestruschaurushachlingfeedscript.pex | zzestruschaurusmcmscript.pex | zzestruschaurussex01.pex | zzestruschaurussex02.pex | zzestruschaurustenta01.pex | zzestruschaurustenta02.pex | zzestrusinvulnerabilityeffectscript.pex | zzestrusplayer.pex | \---source zzchauruseggsscript.psc zzencchaurushachlingscript.psc zzencchaurushachlingseedscript.psc zzestrusbreedereffectscript.psc zzestruschaurusae.psc zzestruschaurushachlingfeedscript.psc zzestruschaurusmcmscript.psc zzestruschaurussex01.psc zzestruschaurussex02.psc zzestruschaurustenta01.psc zzestruschaurustenta02.psc zzestrusinvulnerabilityeffectscript.psc zzestrusplayer.psc Ok. somehow I got the impregnantion and birthing to work. However I can't seem to get the pregnant body to work. The breasts and stomach do not swell at all any suggestions? as far as I know I have the latest xp32 skeleton. but for reference can you tell me exactly what body mods and what skeleton package I need from xp32
  7. ok I guess it's my fault for not reading however I got the animation to trigger when the chaurus bites me. But the game crashes after the animation if I try to wait or save.... also the chaurus continues to attack after the impregnantion event. it does not say anything about joining the chaurus faction or getting pregnant
  8. ill check on the thread later after I've thought this over lunch
  9. I would settle for a command that activates the animation. like setstage something xD
  10. would sanguines debauchery somehow conflict with it? that's all I can think of. and no I don't mean to be rude or rush anyone
  11. hopefully someone will know something in the next few posts
  12. how could I lower it with the console, although I am fairly certain it is standard resistance. as I am playing as a nord with no special mods or stat alterations
  13. Hi, this mod works I think well the menu shows up in MCM and i can change settings there. however the spit from a Chaurus does nothing except damage the player. estrus works fine but I cannot seem to get pregnant. If you could tell me why that would be great thanks
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