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4 minutes ago, YourFalseHope said:

because they make beastiality animations. Look at that list carefully.. you'll notice all those creators are excluded.

Yes, when I looked them up I saw they had gotten into WP pretty big.  And unfortunately it seems their tentacle stuff is part of the WP set.

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Is the tentacle a custom object or are they using something existing from the actual game? 

If it's a cc, could you please share as I'd like to use it a bit differently ?

I'd like to use the prop but I don't want to visit those pages if I can help it ? tends to make my 'motivation' dry out a little bit and takes some time to recover ?

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"You think I hate you? I don't hate you. This job is eating me alive. I can't breathe anymore. And if I come out, this guy Lefty dies. They're gonna kill him because he vouched for me. Because he stood up for me. I live with that every day. That's the same thing if I put the bullet through his head myself, you understand? I spend all these years trying to be the good guy, you know? The man in the white fuckin' hat. For what? For nuthin'. I'm not becoming like them, I am them"






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1 hour ago, snowdog04 said:

@R-Lo  Asketo just makes various animations along with their objects, it's not all nasty like Alonely's has gotten.

Damn, that's....a lot of bestiality ?


Btw would someone be able to tell me who to talk to if Ive seen something inappropriate and wanted to report it?

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1 hour ago, snowdog04 said:

@R-Lo  Asketo just makes various animations along with their objects, it's not all nasty like Alonely's has gotten.

Thanks for the info! I'm really behind on things and so tied up in my stuff that I haven't updated the others animations in a while ? not sure what goes through some people's heads when they make certain things, in order to bring it to life I have to be able to place myself there in the middle to an extent ?


22 minutes ago, Nelandros said:

Damn, that's....a lot of bestiality ?


Btw would someone be able to tell me who to talk to if Ive seen something inappropriate and wanted to report it?


Just makes me happy I steered clear ?

The blue bar at the top of each post has a 'notify moderator/report content' link on the right, in there you give detail ?

Had to hit it myself a few times and they're quite swift with taking actions if it's out of bounds 

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I think the moderators draw the line at piracy, stolen mods, child pornography, and just being a dick.

Bestiality mods are included in the Skyrim section as well, so it’s not like it’s a new rule or anything. It’s nasty, but it’s also relatively easy to avoid. Hell, I don’t think the animal animations will even show up if you don’t have Wicked Pets installed.

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@SeymourM  This is the first time I became aware of your comic series. Amazing work! ?Gives me a headache to think of how much work is put into making one of these issues! It's not like its at all easy to get characters to pose and emote the way needed to tell the story. And then there's the time and effort to compose the layout. ? Thanks for sharing!



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3 hours ago, erplederp said:

@B10HAZARD. They have physics for hair and clothes! I need it in The Sims. ?

...and color wheels, curved walls, split-levels, design your own lot (shape and size), re-sizable furniture... and I'm guessing better gameplay at less cost to your CPU/GPU.

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@B10HAZARD. I’ll be honest, I wasn’t entirely sold on Paralives being a legitimate competitor for The Sims the first time I heard of it. But after seeing that trailer vs the latest Eco Living trailer, I’m super on board.

Seriously, the latest pack looks fucking pointless. I could write a damn essay on why, but I don’t think anyone wants to read all that lol.

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6 hours ago, Juliette Tango said:

@SeymourM  This is the first time I became aware of your comic series. Amazing work! ?Gives me a headache to think of how much work is put into making one of these issues! It's not like its at all easy to get characters to pose and emote the way needed to tell the story. And then there's the time and effort to compose the layout. ? Thanks for sharing!



Thanks, JT. 
I appreciate the time taken to compliment. 
I've taken a break from the comic in the last 8 months and trying to motivate myself to go back and finish this series. It's not well written or designed. I think if anything, it's simply presented well. If that.
I'm going back to try and beef up the issues, but... they're getting too big. I really need to "get to the point". 

Meh, whatever. It's fun to do.

Comic Life 3 does the magic.

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I made Nancy Landgraab's parents, Chester and Queenie, for an upcoming update for PBW. I tried to recreate Queenie's death by flames via firecracker and closed room, but uh...


She caught fire and survived... even though the room was still engulfed in flames. And yes, her family is just standing there outside. And yes, I did forget to disable overhead displays via WW Settings before I took that screenshot. I tried killing her using MCCC, but that didn't let an urn/tombstone pop up for some reason. I guess I'm just gonna have to use Extreme Violence instead. Oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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On 5/18/2020 at 8:48 PM, snowdog04 said:

Yes, when I looked them up I saw they had gotten into WP pretty big.  And unfortunately it seems their tentacle stuff is part of the WP set.

Hi there! Indeed I focus on several different types of content, but the reason the tentacles were initially in the WP package is because Patreon does not support bestiality, so, figuring that Patreon also didn't allow tentacles, I was trying to mirror that structure in my non-patron package too, and keeping the "possibly-controversial" content all together in one package as was advised by several people. The structure of my packages is:

  • WW normal package -> WW Patreon package
  • WP normal package (and misc. controversial content) -> WP donators-from-other-sites package (and misc. controversial content/Special)

Any changes I make to the categories of content of what's included in the Patreon or donator version of these packages, I make to the non-patron or non-donator ones too, to make the structure consistent.


However, I have since removed the tentacle animations from the WP package and put them in the normal WW package because I've now seen tentacle content on Patreon, so now they're included in both the normal and Patreon WW packages. If this becomes an issue for Patreon, then the tentacles will go into a separate non-donator and donator package altogether to again be more similarly-structured.


Also, yes, the reason I and some other animators were removed from the WW main page list of animations is because I also produce bestiality content. This isn't because of a grudge on their part, this is simply a requirement they had to fulfill to avoid getting into trouble while also maintaining pages like Patreon etc., so there's no bad blood or anything. ^.^


I've gotten complaints that people think the tentacles are way too far and too "gross" to be included in the normal WW package (understandable) and have reported me for such, and I've also gotten complaints that bestiality is too far (understandable), and that's fine. Literally everyone has different ideas and preferences, and come on, it's easiest not to judge someone on either, especially given the two overlap to a pretty large degree by nature (both are considered "monsters" - I mean, after all, where do tentacles come from and what creature are they based upon?), but are also different in a few ways legally. Thus I admit it really confuses me that people who are into tentacles are so vehemently against bestiality to the point of reporting it while being more than okay with seeing tentacles, and the other way around. There's nothing wrong with being into one while not liking the other, and reporting it is quite silly, but each to their own, we're all people here, and nobody's creating content to hurt anyone, it's all pixelated characters that don't exist, so why get upset over it? The moderators have made it clear both are allowed on this site, so it's indeed as simple as not installing what you don't want - WickedPets is required for the pet animations to work, so disabling them was always as simple as not having the mod and it would've always been impossible to see them in your game, even on accident. ^.^


To respond to puzzling comments about me and the content I make in this thread:

On 5/19/2020 at 2:41 AM, R-Lo said:

Thanks for the info! I'm really behind on things and so tied up in my stuff that I haven't updated the others animations in a while ? not sure what goes through some people's heads when they make certain things, in order to bring it to life I have to be able to place myself there in the middle to an extent ?

I normally would not post this in this thread but I've been directed by people to the negative talk or even literal insults that were happening about me and some animators like me inside of it - please keep in mind a lot of our downloaders overlap. If you have further issues, please direct them to me via PM, but I will respond this way if people publicly use a thread to complain about something that is nothing more than a personal preference. So, to respond to this which makes it fair and so both sides are represented, I am not the same as you and do not have to be into something to make an animation for it, and secondly please do not judge based on what others make or what people who download things are into, that seems especially very strange to do on this site specifically - plenty of people (including of your own consumer base) are also into such things as can be seen by the fact that people are downloading it so much, and making uncalled-for blanket judgments about all of them for that one shared interest is very silly. You also express interest in making tentacle animations while simultaneously holding this stance, and I've covered how equally silly and lacking self-awareness that is in the paragraph above. Some of the same people complaining about bestiality have also posted a picture of their Sim having sex with a Parenthood object that simulates octopus tentacles. I can't really wrap my head around the mental gymnastics of this stance, but to each their own.


I also admit the cat- and animal-like content you have in your game confuses me and strikes me as hypocritical if you're so against what I make to the point of reporting or being insulting about it (I'm also pretty sure a lot of people see screenshots from your game and might even think you make the content you're complaining about - the person who directed me to this thread, in fact, was one of those people that, again, like both of our content but thought you'd make animal animations too because of the types of ears and horns on some of your characters), but no matter, we're both animators, let's please be professional and nice. ^.^ Your animations are lovely and I'm happy to use them, and have for some time. ^.^

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