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8 hours ago, Nelandros said:

I get the impression that those three would enjoy being photographed anyway! ?


Funnily enough I was kinda thinking that too so maybe she'll be happy to get caught out one day ?

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Once Gemma got pregnant, Rebecca went back to school for a law degree.  She'll get her own place, and probably convince Thorne Bailey to divorce his wife and marry her.  The professor you run into in the commons has long curly hair and a mustache, which reminded me of someone.  I gave him the Hawaiian shirt and glasses...





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6 hours ago, porkybork said:

I smoked weed for the first time ever

Is that weed I smell or BS? ? If its true, you are older than I was when I first smoked!

Hope it's primo stuff! Oh right it's legal for 'recreational use' in CA.  You don't have to scrounge for the shatty stuff. Here in TX you'd get 20 years for it! What a fracked up country!

Enjoy PB! ?

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3 hours ago, Juliette Tango said:

Is that weed I smell or BS? ? If its true, you are older than I was when I first smoked!

Hope it's primo stuff! Oh right it's legal for 'recreational use' in CA.  You don't have to scrounge for the shatty stuff. Here in TX you'd get 20 years for it! What a fracked up country!

Enjoy PB! ?

It was an indica strain. My sister shared her pen with me (sibling bonding and whatnot lol). I’ve never smoked anything before, so I didn’t actually inhale it properly the first time. I tried again like 20 minutes later, made it a point to inhale on a set of empty lungs, and even swallowed the vapor. I then had the most uncomfortable coughing fit of my life. A few minutes later and, BOOM, buzz town.

Funnily enough, this isn’t actually my first encounter with weed, just the first time I’ve smoked (vaped?) it. In high school, a friend of mine shared his edibles with me in the middle of this remedial English class (I was lazy as fuck when I was a teenager). It didn’t kick in until I got home, and I don’t really remember what happened when I did, but I did exactly 0% of the homework I was supposed to.

Yeah, TX has no chill lol. 

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Finished up Jamie Jolina and added her to Willow Creek, so I figured I'd show you guys all her outfits. Check 'em out under the spoiler!




















Hot Weather:



Cold Weather:



Can you tell that I like this sim?


I think I mentioned this in an earlier post, but I'm trying to figure out which hair to give Nancy Landgraab. I was thinking that her and Bella Goth could have this sort of lifelong rivalry i.e. the bratty rich girl vs. the down-to-earth homegirl. I've selected a few hairstyles in the follow pics inside the next spoiler, so I'd appreciate it if anyone can tell me what they think. The general look I'm going for is "sexy and bitchy rich mom."




I've also gotten started on the Langerak household. So far, I've only gotten through Zelda Mae, but the others shouldn't take too long.


TS3 Zelda Mae:



My version of Zelda Mae:



Apparently those black hole colored eyes in TS3 are actually dark green, so that's why her eyes are the color they are in my version.


Lots of blonde chicks today, huh? I doubt any of you are complaining about that though lol.

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2 hours ago, porkybork said:

I was thinking that her and Bella Goth could have this sort of lifelong rivalry i.e. the bratty rich girl vs. the down-to-earth homegirl.

It even carries over into their professional lives, organized crime boss vs. secret agent, which when you play it, it sounds more like undercover detective work than international spying.


I think she needs a "Karen" hairstyle.  She wants to speak to the manager... and make him an offer he can't refuse.

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16 hours ago, snowdog04 said:

In my game, I have Rebecca working on becoming the next Mrs. Bailey.  Thorne will have to give up the twat knot though.

Nah they were just filming a sex scene ? Although that boob grab wasn't part of the script and he just couldn't help himself from doing it. I mean, who wouldn't, right? ?

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8 hours ago, JMTe said:

Nah they were just filming a sex scene ? Although that boob grab wasn't part of the script and he just couldn't help himself from doing it. I mean, who wouldn't, right? ?

I have Rebecca to where they have both bars full, and the "Convince to leave spouse" interaction is available.  But I've never used that before, and she's just finishing up university.  If that immediately brings up the move in screen, it would be a problem- he can't move into the dorm, I'm definitely not moving her in with the family!

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Meet Olivia Colomar... or Sombra! ?


My take on the hacker gal from Overwatch. There's a hairstyle which is more accurate (and ridiculous), so I opted for the one below instead. She almost looks like a Shadowrun character. The outfit has the right "fight the power" vibe too, but I probably won't be able to resist dressing her up in some cutesy stuff. ?











A reference pic



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So it turns out that the "Convince to leave spouse" interaction makes them immediately divorce, but not do anything else.  Now I know.  Thorne has moved in with Rebecca.

As a Gen Xer, I absolutely couldn't stand looking at that blonde twat knot any longer, and also I assume black is his natural hair color.  His skills are the usual almost nothing that you get when you take over an NPC.  Seems they'll need to get a tiny home for a while, so he can blitz on leveling some skills- instruments especially, since he's supposed to be a musician but his best instrument is guitar at level 5.



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The Trailblazer perk is fun, but it also means you'll see sims wearing your outfits who really shouldn't.

Stay classy, Angela.



Speaking of staying classy, a couple days after moving in with Rebecca, Thorne got a phone call from Octavia saying she just had a baby.  The tabloids probably FREAKED over him dumping his wife while she was pregnant!  Oh well, no such thing as bad publicity, right?

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22 hours ago, YourFalseHope said:

hey @R-Lo I'm uh working on a new project involving my story "shift"... remember your vampire girl with all the open wounds? do you by chance remember who made that or can send it to me? if you've read "shift" you'll understand why.. but I guess the short of it is I'm planning another screenshot story like the sexual ocean possession/sacrifice story.. but with shift in making a statement that Love is still possible even from the pits of death and despair. So I'm on the hunt for blood splatter? i have bruises and scars already.


I suppose this goes for anyone if they have links to stuff. ?


Link to "Shift" if anyone wants to read it to understand what I'm doing - Emotional story warning I suppose? https://oliverfoust.blogspot.com/2020/02/short-story-shift.html 



It took some tracking down ? this is the one I use and good luck with your story! ?



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