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6 minutes ago, 2cool4u_1 said:

OFF TOPIC : I ask a favor.


Hi friends,

As some of you may know I had an accident a few weeks ago. Recovery for my head, eyes, and arm is going better than the doctors anticipated. I took some x-rays of my hip yesterday, to make sure everything is healed well, so that I can start therapy to stand again. I just got a call from the surgeon. He actually passed off a surgery to another doctor so that he can personally talk to me, not his secretary or assistant surgeon. He'd been combing the hospital for me all morning, and is surprised that I'm at home. They initially thought I may have a fracture. It turns out that my femur (upper leg) is badly broken on the outside, the inside, and across the hip. They couldn't see it earlier because of the immense swelling. Ordinarily he'd put several screws in, I'd be admitted for several weeks, then months of intense therapy. However, there's an issue. Due to the seriousness of it, he could not tell me what it is over the phone. He has a surgery at 8am tomorrow, so he wants me to go to the hospital and just go straight to his clinic before 7am. It's imperative that he speaks to me ASAP. I'm trying to take it in a positive way, but I'm honestly a little worried.


The Favor: I don't need you to write anything, say a prayer, or anything like that. Just, as you read this, please wish me luck. Positive wishes from positive, good-hearted people like yourself, would REALLY help me out. Thanks.

Wow.  Good luck man.

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42 minutes ago, mrrakkonn said:

Taking her drunk friend back to the hotel

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Several of the early pics are glitched out and didn't upload right, so we're left wondering if:  A- the dude was the drunk friend  B- drunk friend ran into some dude on the way back, and she handed her off, or C- she hooked up on the way back, and drunk friend found her own way back.

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4 minutes ago, snowdog04 said:

Several of the early pics are glitched out and didn't upload right, so we're left wondering if:  A- the dude was the drunk friend  B- drunk friend ran into some dude on the way back, and she handed her off, or C- she hooked up on the way back, and drunk friend found her own way back.

Lol. I'll try uploading them again ?

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I feel for you and although it's gonna be tough, I hope you can sleep well tonight in preparation, 

I'm hoping this is some good urgent news and that anything bad is non existant old news, 


Stay strong and we are rooting for you! 


tenor (2).gif

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@mrrakkonn @B10HAZARD. @snowdog04 @YourFalseHope @porkybork @erplederp @R-Lo Thanks guys. I feel slightly better already. Your good thoughts helped me find a positive aspect in this. The eye surgeon said I took a really hard hit to the head (luckily I can be very hard-headed?). So I guess I'm glad my hip / leg is in bad shape, because it took most of the impact instead of my head, otherwise it would be a lot worse.

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Thanks @R-Lo - Once Wicked Whims is updated my game will be almost if not better than it was before :)

Good luck @2cool4u_1- Hope all goes well


One more pic from Island Living



Also Nick bumped into his mum (She's the Police Chief) on Sunali Island. She's working on a murder case there.



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3 hours ago, Julie J said:

Good luck @2cool4u_1- Hope all goes well

Thanks. I appreciate it. Here's some pics to compliment yours, though not as good. (The plumbobs are purposely shown to indicate human or mermaid, even though it's not necessary in this case).



















@angiebaby23 Thank you.

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Just want to thank everyone again. It really helped me emotionally (and I think physically). Here's the outcome of my meeting, for those that are interested.



The Negative;

My leg is a bit of a mess, and you can see it by looking at the x-rays. Aside from being broken in a few places, it has several fractures, and "needs" a plate with screws. Unfortunately, the surgeon believes that performing such an operation would cause my bones to break apart / crumble, because of all the breaks and fractures. There are a few other complications (he only told me one), but either way he classifies the surgery as having a low success rate with high risk. He would not accept doing such surgery.


The Positive;

The reason for his urgency is that I somehow (to his amazement --why he expected me to be in hospital) managed to keep it mostly in place (there is a very slight misplacement). He needs me to make sure I continue to do so. After conferring with my doctor, and another surgeon, he believes there is a decent chance that it can heal as it is. It's not likely, but if I'm able to keep it as is, I may be able to skip surgery. How usable it is afterwards is unknown, but insignificant compared to the first part. So we decided to monitor it every 3 weeks until it's healed (about 6 months), and see how it goes from there. I'm really glad that was not my head!


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@2cool4u_1: I'm really sorry to hear this. I will sent my prayers above and wish you all the best (more than I can express). Just undergo it and also lay faith in the competent hands of the surgeon. It's all you can do for now. Just know that a lot of people here are thinking about you. Lots of hugs!


Edit: That's and a relief and also very stressful at the same time. I keep my fingers crossed for you.

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45 minutes ago, YourFalseHope said:

yay cant wait for you to post it with the animations ❤️

2 done so far and 4 more to go! 

Im having to track the movement by eye and record every frame by hand one at a time, 

And each clip is around 36 seconds long lol


It's not so bad to work with but tricky to apply to existing animations ?

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31 minutes ago, angiebaby23 said:

@2cool4u_1 I'm sorry the surgeon didn't have better news for you, but I'm glad it wasn't worse, too.  Take care of yourself and heal up well!



EVERYBODY. I really, really needed your support, otherwise I wouldn't have said anything. I don't want to hijack this thread with sympathies, especially if I don't need it. The way I choose to look at it; The surgeon said I may be able to opt out of having a really bad surgery. That's great news.




The 1st glass is full (of water).

The 2nd glass is full (half water, half air).

The 3rd glass is full of air.

No matter what happens, the glass is always full. You just have to look for it. Pessimists always see only the negatives. Who wants nothing but bad news all the time? So why take the negatives when you can have all the positives? I'd rather have nothing but good news each day. That's my choice. What's yours?

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3 hours ago, 2cool4u_1 said:

Just want to thank everyone again. It really helped me emotionally (and I think physically). Here's the outcome of my meeting, for those that are interested.


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The Negative;

My leg is a bit of a mess, and you can see it by looking at the x-rays. Aside from being broken in a few places, it has several fractures, and "needs" a plate with screws. Unfortunately, the surgeon believes that performing such an operation would cause my bones to break apart / crumble, because of all the breaks and fractures. There are a few other complications (he only told me one), but either way he classifies the surgery as having a low success rate with high risk. He would not accept doing such surgery.


The Positive;

The reason for his urgency is that I somehow (to his amazement --why he expected me to be in hospital) managed to keep it mostly in place (there is a very slight misplacement). He needs me to make sure I continue to do so. After conferring with my doctor, and another surgeon, he believes there is a decent chance that it can heal as it is. It's not likely, but if I'm able to keep it as is, I may be able to skip surgery. How usable it is afterwards is unknown, but insignificant compared to the first part. So we decided to monitor it every 3 weeks until it's healed (about 6 months), and see how it goes from there. I'm really glad that was not my head!



Hey thanks for the update, although there is that downside I'm happy that it's being anticipated and not having you experience more pain if surgery did go ahead, 


The body is a remarkable thing and capable of immense healing, the key thing is positive thought and faith in yourself and family, 

A family member of mine went to Iraq and was injured real bad and was told he'd be wheelchair bound, a couple of years later he was down on one knee proposing to his girl and dancing at the wedding, 


I won't go all religious or voodoo on you lol but I do believe that strength of your heart and soul goes a long way and the recovery is tough but the pain of physio etc does pay off for sure and I hope that you will be given some options there, 


Well done for getting through today and I hope that you're treating yourself tonight ??

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25 minutes ago, YourFalseHope said:

still looking for views or opinions on the drastic change to Oliver's genitalia... i know he isn't peoples cup of tea but i'm just curious from a feedback standpoint. it isn't going to effect how i play or continue to evolve him.. I just am curious of those who do care, etc what the view on it is from what is known about him.


Sorry but Im catching up and reading back, I'll give you my thoughts in a mo once I've read your earlier post, 

Been a hectic day and chores are a mofo haha, 

Just testing some stuff I been fussy about and will get back to you ?

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On 6/26/2019 at 4:55 PM, mrrakkonn said:

Yes, but not right at this moment, and she's not quite done yet. But I can PM her to you when I get the chance (which will be before I put together the download, which requires a bit more work). 

That PM would be very helpful ?

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