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Dear Lord.. If people would need another Reason for hating Mommy Succubus.. X_x




Somebody give me a Gun! So i can kill that bitch myself ? This chapter is going to give me feelings and a Headache..  Not very horny of me doing that stuff.. Gonna need a lot of fucking bullshit after this


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1 minute ago, yorpers said:

Man I'm sitting here terrified about what your mind came up with? Going to rip off rupert's head or something ?

No no... Just.. The Feels.. I mean.. Maaan I'm gonna cry myself to sleep tonight ? I will try having it ready on Friday 

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29 minutes ago, Speed Metal said:

"Want me to send him into space?"

Yes please. As Far as you possibly can


29 minutes ago, yorpers said:

That's what I thought when I first saw that bear lmao, no thanks taking screenshots with that.?

I honestly thought when I saw him "Wow, this is gonna be FUN!" Then I tried posing him.. Saw it doesn't work with the Hotkeys, only with spells.. Expressions the same, for that I have still FEP cause I like some of their expressions, so that works kinda too.. I will manage for one Chapter or two.." And THEN I had one of those super cool Ideas you have when you take a dumb.. "WHAT IIIIIF..." And everything went as it did.. Now I'm stoke with that little Shit for more then 6 Chapters.. And I'm finally making his Last one... Uff.. I will never add anything like him again to the story..



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22 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

Bye Bye Teddy.

It amazes me how long you could bear this teddy. I only installed him yesterday, just to have him sent flying. He's got such a fucking annoying voice, and his constant complaining that I didn't pick up his book just gave me the rest. I've threw him out of my game right after the shots were taken.

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5 minutes ago, Speed Metal said:

It amazes me how long you could bear this teddy. I only installed him yesterday, just to have him sent flying. He's got such a fucking annoying voice, and his constant complaining that I didn't pick up his book just gave me the rest. I've threw him out of my game right after the shots were taken.


Only out of necessity. You see I wrote him in the Story and just couldn't get away from him anymore, unless i wanted to ad yet another unexplained Thing in the Story. So I had to bear him far longer then i wanted to. If it weren't for that, I would've thrown him out after 2 Chaps ? Think the only reason i could take it that long is that I never heard his voice after test screening him

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10 minutes ago, Speed Metal said:

Lucky you. Those 10 mins I had to hear him were far too long for me.

I can understand that.. Worst Thing about this little Thing is, the Idea is wonderful, it sounds really fun but when you come to use him a While.. Yeah, it's like all these Serana mods. They seem fun, some of them even interesting but once you play them a little while, they annoy the shit out of you like no other

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5 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

I can understand that.. Worst Thing about this little Thing is, the Idea is wonderful, it sounds really fun but when you come to use him a While.. Yeah, it's like all these Serana mods. They seem fun, some of them even interesting but once you play them a little while, they annoy the shit out of you like no other


Right??  Like "Oh, shut-up already Serana!  We started this convo three cells ago."



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8 minutes ago, yorpers said:

Marilyn Monroe blush.

Never ?


4 minutes ago, Speed Metal said:

That's a problem I have with most custom voiced followers. The idea is great, 'til you have them with you.


Yes. I could play with Inigo and Mr'ssi fine. As far as I remember they didn't annoy me and the later hat the best Storyline out of them. But after putting Inigo and Lucien together.. They repeated the same convo every 10 Minutes. And After her Storyline, Rissi didn't had much appeal anymore either.

So I got back to standard voiced Followers, at least I didn't lost much when I made them Mute


6 minutes ago, Fiend71 said:

Right??  Like "Oh, shut-up already Serana!  We started this convo three cells ago."

Aye... And her constant comments after a Fight ended were.. It was a Challenge to not throw park her in a Cave and play Dawnguard with that Mod on.


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I find Sofia the ANNOYING voiced follower to be the most grating.  She says some pretty dumb things.  It's funny - once.  That, and her follow AI makes it so she constantly bumps into you by default.  Not at all annoying when you're lining up a stealth bow shot. ?


Yeah - M'rissi was fun.  Like you say, until her story's done.  Then she's just baggage.

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2 minutes ago, Fiend71 said:


I only used Sofia because I liked one of her overhauls fine.. And she looked hot while doing my Werewolf.. That's about it. Not a real reason to keep her in the LO ?

But i might use her someday.. I mean, I always wanted to make a Giant eating Humans story or something like that ? But i need to level up my Photoshop Skills to mound her head on a Spike

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26 minutes ago, Speed Metal said:

Don't get me started on this bitch.


There's more?  I mean - yes there is - her damned outfits for one. 


Against the author's recommendation, I imported her to NFF just for that, and yes Gukahn, some of her replacers are pretty hot.  STFU though, and don't ever bump into me again, if you enjoy breathing...lol


If there was ever a follower I felt like punching in the mouth, it was totally her though...lol   "Stupid fucking cow!"

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