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2 hours ago, Flashy (JoeR) said:

Im more than positive that once I am back home and able to delve into things that a resolution will be found and implemented, whether within RSE or AAF by means of some sort of patching or by examining the source and the ESP and finding where the breakpoint is and updating @dagobaking on my findings so that he can finally put this issue to bed. :smile:

That will be a glorious day.


It sounds like it is closer now. I think it may be a timing thing. Some package overlaps for just a moment when the event goes out and messes up the package RSE is trying to use.

1 hour ago, RohZima said:

1. Is there a way that AAF or the modder, through the xml files, can make the Animations appear in alpha numerical order in game? Because then you could create stages called abc1/2/3 etc and just scroll through? I just made a poser mod but the poses are not in numerical order (screenshot below)


To make lookups more efficient and prevent duplicates I index a lot of things by id or formid. That's the reason for the weird order. I am just thinking down the road when/if people have a lot of content packs, I want it to handle as many as possible without lag. Sorting big lists can be expensive. So, I will make that a feature that can be turned off in the settings.

43 minutes ago, RohZima said:

Ahh, I guessed that at first but then I second guessed and though it wouldn't work lol



You can make the entry "" and it would work. But, you can also just delete the entire attribute including "gender=". The "<actor>" part is the node and that has to remain.

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2 hours ago, Flashy (JoeR) said:

As a followup to my previous, has anyone tried AAF with FP_Violate yet, to see if the same outcome occurs? Since it uses pacification and packages as well, that is... Im curious.

I have never used FP_Violate before tonight.  The first encounter with it started with a 2 person animation and worked without changing the factions shown in the first two pictures.  Then a 3 person scene tried to start with a companion and since none exist yet for AAF, a message stating that it could not be loaded popped up.  Afterwards, everybody just stood around and pointed for several minutes as seen in the 3rd screenshot so I reloaded and tried again without a companion.  The next two times had the initial scene try to be a threesome.  I eventually shot one of the raiders and it caused them to become hostile and restart the whole process with the animation shown in the last screenshot.  I think another animation was about to start but the game froze on me.  It is late so this is it for me tonight.  Maybe somebody else can report on their experience.



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37 minutes ago, Jughandle said:

I have never used FP_Violate before tonight.  The first encounter with it started with a 2 person animation and worked without changing the factions shown in the first two pictures.  Then a 3 person scene tried to start with a companion and since none exist yet for AAF, a message stating that it could not be loaded popped up.  Afterwards, everybody just stood around and pointed for several minutes as seen in the 3rd screenshot so I reloaded and tried again without a companion.  The next two times had the initial scene try to be a threesome.  I eventually shot one of the raiders and it caused them to become hostile and restart the whole process with the animation shown in the last screenshot.  I think another animation was about to start but the game froze on me.  It is late so this is it for me tonight.  Maybe somebody else can report on their experience.



Yeah. That will be tough to test until there are 3-person animations set up for AAF.


How do you get that screen listing the factions? Is that just something you call through the console?

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Here is a question for modders running on systems with non-English languages:


Does the game internally use English for form names and only translates the display? Or, do non-English installs actually use translated form names?


For example, if I check a race likes this: Game.GetPlayer().GetRace().GetName() will that always be "Human" in Papyrus no matter what language is being used?

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I confirm with fp violate it works a little better but only with the scenes has two actors if the mod AAF tells me that it can not launch animations FFM, MFM, FMF, FMM, MMF ... because can not find.
however when an animation crashes I always lose the use of pipboy, shortcuts of weapons etc.

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Just tried this mod out and downloaded and installed through nmm. I added the 2000 to the ini and I'm getting "not installed correctly" when I started a new save. I have it toward the bottom of the load order, and I made sure to install the correct version of LLFP. Any ideas or suggestions?

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for FO4 1.10.50:

F4SE : 0.6.4


You may need to edit AAF setting xml to refer theses versions to avoid version errors messages.

<setting id="llfp_release_required" value="17"/>
<setting id="f4se_release_required" value="14"/>

I seen that somewhere... Easy for llfp version, replace "17" by "13 but f4se version? "11"? IDK.


I think it is better to manually install F4SE. there is a lot of youtube tutorials.

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8 hours ago, dagobaking said:

I would like to start an "Incompatible" list of mods to help people out. But, I don't want to add mods to the list that aren't truly incompatible. Are you certain those are the ones that cause problems?



yeah, i'm sure. without that esps, AAF works collectly. 

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7 hours ago, oRACLe063 said:

Both LLFP AND F4SE. I thought I downloaded the right version. is it not jiving with version

The latest versions of LLFP and F4SE would not work with an older version of the game.


In theory, I don't see any reason why AAF wouldn't work on that version of the game and with older LLFP and F4SE. When you get the error message, it doesn't close down or anything. So, if all plugins are indeed working properly, AAF could still work despite the error messages.


That said, I've heard reports that older versions of Fallout 4 don't work.

6 hours ago, Polistiro said:

Hi Dagobaking, for the beds animations with crazy animations, with the furnitures xml, the only thing i observe it's the error message absence.

When bed selection animation is supposed to be available?



It should scan nearby for the forms listed under the furniture groups and include them in the list of location options provided that there are also positions available that match the actors selected (the right numbers of genders). Maybe something is up with the xml, please post and i will take a look.

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15 hours ago, zyrxx said:

So these patches are doing great work, but we seem to have 1 issue to resolve, when you go into an animation, the screen will fade to black and load for a sec, then when it finishes loading and comes back, my character isn't there and the person is just standing there. So we aren't crashing but we arent doing animations

I partially solved that issue by putting the AAF.esp at the very beginning of my load order.

It is actually the first esp loaded after the esm in my setup.


I say partially because I managed to get an animation play once. The second one gave me the same issue. And I stopped there because I got tired of uninstalling/installing the mod.

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Thanks guys, I just got sick of constantly updated F4SE everytime Bethesda tried selling me a useless backpack "mod". Its my own form of protesting their shit. Ill maybe pony up and use the most recent version. Ive been doing this shit for awhile now since Morrowind and modding the shit out the games since FO3. They have never been so annoying. I swear its like they were bought out by Disney. If they were actually fixing things that would be one thing. 

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On 01/05/2018 at 5:42 PM, dagobaking said:

please post and i will take a look

OK, thanks

AAF Crazy gun anim with beds furniture.7z For Crazy6987 - sex Animations 2.7 GUN version 3.11.17

Thanks at CGI for given me his helpfull WIP files.


I'm not sure about offsets. I copied / pasted from leito.

I don't really understand about offsets, if i seen good, there is 3 possible locations where is offsets: 1 in aaf settings for default and 2 in positiondata ?

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43 Alpha posted.


1. Added more intelligent back-up routine to try to get actors to start travel package when/if it fails to start the first try.
2. Added sorting of lists in the wizard. This can be turned off in settings for efficiency.
3. Fixed actor scanning so that actorType xml works.
4. Added a placeholder "BUSY" indicator to give UI immediate feedback on button press. Will make something prettier eventually.
5. Added partial functionality for filtering animations by race.


@RohZima I added sorting for the actors and locations but spaced adding for the most important part, positions. I will get that added in next build.


@Vader666 The previous set-up had a flaw that was preventing new actorTypes from being scanned. It was actually adding a new criteria. So, an actor would have to have ALL of the keywords in order to be picked up in the scan! That is fixed. I think that the way it works needs clarification:


The actorType xml only defines what actors get picked up in scans. It does not define the only races that can be used by AAF. Once an actor is in the scan, it reads the race name from the game and uses that to line them up with working animations.


For example, if you add the "ActorTypeCreature" keyword to actorType xml, it will pick up a lot of different races (bloatfly, brahmin, etc.). Within the animation xml, you designate race per actor (or leave no race designation which defaults to human). That can be any race that exists in the game and does not rely on pointing to the actorType xml in any way.


An example of an XML adding a new keyword to the scanner:

<meta title="YOURMOD_actorTypeData.xml" version="1.0" dataSet="actorType"/>
<defaults source="Fallout4.esm"/>

<group id="Creatures">
    <actorType form="00013795" id="ActorTypeCreature"/>


An example of an animation XML designating a non-human race:

<meta title="YOURMOD_animationData.xml" version="1.0" dataSet="animation"/>
<defaults source="YOURMOD.esp"/>

<animation id="backflipping_bloatfly" time="150">
    <actor gender="F">
        <idle form="0100B71E" id="laughing_hysterically_F"/>
    <actor gender="M" race="bloatfly">
        <idle form="0100B71F" id="backflip_bloatfly"/>


NOTE: There are some rough edges of the race filtering that I need to finish. Namely, it is going by a "count" of races per animation and isn't re-ordering to make the right animation play on the correct race. That is ok for many tests on 2 character animations because non-human races (as far as I have seen) always register as male. So, as long as you designate the non-human race as the only male option in your animation xml, it should populate that one correctly.


Also of note is that the routine used for the API is not using the race filter yet. So, if you are using the proxy and have added new races in the scan, it could break things.

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15 hours ago, dagobaking said:

I think I have enough info. Thank you. I probably need to stagger out the equip changes over time the same way 4P does. I'm going to add that as a feature that can be turned on or off in the settings because it seems like it depends on something about individual machines (graphics card?). It never happens to me. So, I it will be good to retain the fast option for when it works.


I didn't think graphics cards/issues would be a factor, but here's what I've got graphics wise:

msi 980TI 2-way SLI

NVIDIA drivers at version 390.77  (pending driver update to 397.31, not installed as yet)


ENB .307 with Vogue ENB version v0.19.1

All graphics settings on Ultra


When running the game, Afterburner generally reports ~7GB VRAM usage and ~10GB-12GB of RAM.  I have not noticed any material difference in resource usage with or without AAF, four-play, etc.   Most of my VRAM is being utilized for high resolution models and textures.  With all of that disabled though and only the ENB running - I still get the delays.


Thanks for your hard work on this!  Do let me know if I can be of more help to you.

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26 minutes ago, Polistiro said:

OK, thanks

AAF Crazy gun anim with beds furniture.7z

I'm not sure about offsets. I copied / pasted from leito.

I don't really understand about offsets, if i seen good, there is 3 possible locations where is offsets: 1 in aaf settings for default and 2 in positiondata ?

The xml looks ok. I will check out. This is to work with the 3-11 version of this: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/3288-crazy6987-sex-animation/ ?

16 minutes ago, AWP3RATOR said:


I didn't think graphics cards/issues would be a factor, but here's what I've got graphics wise:

msi 980TI 2-way SLI

NVIDIA drivers at version 390.77  (pending driver update to 397.31, not installed as yet)


ENB .307 with Vogue ENB version v0.19.1

All graphics settings on Ultra


When running the game, Afterburner generally reports ~7GB VRAM usage and ~10GB-12GB of RAM.  I have not noticed any material difference in resource usage with or without AAF, four-play, etc.   Most of my VRAM is being utilized for high resolution models and textures.  With all of that disabled though and only the ENB running - I still get the delays.


Thanks for your hard work on this!  Do let me know if I can be of more help to you.



Yeah. It's definitely just a theory about graphics cards. This came up in a discussion on the discord server. The idea isn't that there isn't enough power but that graphics cards can have differences in how they handle the same game. The other case we saw of this same thing was someone using a 1080TI. Maybe something about the TI group?

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51 minutes ago, Polistiro said:

OK, thanks

AAF Crazy gun anim with beds furniture.7z

I'm not sure about offsets. I copied / pasted from leito.

I don't really understand about offsets, if i seen good, there is 3 possible locations where is offsets: 1 in aaf settings for default and 2 in positiondata ?

I tested this and it works for me without changes.


I think maybe you are trying to test on a bed that isn't in the furniture XML. (That includes most bed forms but not all). It works on the beds in the dugout inn in diamond city.


Ok. I understand the confusion about offsets now. This is my fault for rushing through naming conventions.


These go in position data and apply adjustments to every animation that the positions use:


<animationOffset actor="1" offset="0,70,0"/>
<animationOffset actor="2" offset="0,0,0"/>


These go in the animation xml and affect only that animation:


<animation id="romance1" offset="0,0,0,0:0,25,0,180">
    <actor gender="F">
        <idle form="35C6"/>
    <actor gender="M">
        <idle form="35C5"/>


And this is the confusing one. This offset is actually not referring to the actors animation position at all. This use of offset refers to the position that the actors walk to before the animation starts. This allows controlling where an actor walks to relative to a furniture or person. So, they can stand in front of a partner or walk to the front of a couch. This example just means that if no offset is defined in the position, have the character walk a spot directly in front of the target location and face them/it:

<defaults startEquipmentSet="unEquip" stopEquipmentSet="reEquip" offset="0,50,180"/>


As you note, this shows up in the AAF settings as well. In fact, the above example is redundant and can be removed. I eventually added the default in settings so that it wouldn't break peoples content packs if they forgot to include a default offset.

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Thanks, that is really helpful ... So if i understand, they are hierarchized  and the last one is that one who directly affect an animation. Right?


For beds i tested on beds that are in the xml by command (placeatme ID) maybe this way won't work. Sorry...

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