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More Nasty Critters Special/Anniversary Edition

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1 hour ago, just a temp said:

ok i dont know why but i cant figure out for the life of me how to install this i follow the instrucions he gave i download all the files 001 002 003 and put them a new folder then i extracted 001 it didnt work i have 0 clue what to do now

scroll up and read previous posts / messages. this is covered numerous times.

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On 10/2/2023 at 8:44 AM, UsernameTaken666 said:

this is covered numerous times.


This "showstopper", popping up over and over in this thread, and answers provided over and over again... shows how shamelessly lazy are folks asking about it, what probably is the main cause of their helplessness in dealing with thing so fucking simple that should be embarrassing to even admit it on site dedicated to modding which in first place requires minimum basic understanding of "computer shit" to even consider it.


Anyway, what @MadMansGun accidentally discovered appears to be great preliminary filter and if anyone would ask me (I know noone does) - it should be implemented by all modders, site-wide ?

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I am currently experiencing that bug, where the chaurus is not un-scaled properly when entering a scene.

In another thread it was said, that certain mods that edit the creatures/skeletons can cause this, so to make my search for the culprit a little easier, are there any mods known for doing this?


I am on the newest version, of MNC, CF, HC and the ModCompatKit.

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1 hour ago, ANNOProfi said:

the ModCompatKit

please tell me that you did NOT install the full freaking kit.

1 hour ago, ANNOProfi said:

are there any mods known for doing this?

too many to list, most common is xp32 being loaded after mnc

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8 hours ago, MadMansGun said:

please tell me that you did NOT install the full freaking kit.

I may or may not have done that, but removing it may or may not have had not effect.


8 hours ago, MadMansGun said:

too many to list, most common is xp32 being loaded after mnc

It could have been xp32, because for some reason, NMM decided to ignore it's own sorting rule and load it after mnc. Loading it before mnc didn't fix it either sadly.


For a short-term solution, it was actually Sexlab itself. I had disabled the "Disable scaling/CTD fix" option, as it interfered with regular scenes, but with it on, the chaurus is fixed.

This is obviously not a permanent solution, but good to know regardless.


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12 hours ago, ANNOProfi said:

I am currently experiencing that bug, where the chaurus is not un-scaled properly when entering a scene.

In another thread it was said, that certain mods that edit the creatures/skeletons can cause this, so to make my search for the culprit a little easier, are there any mods known for doing this?


I am on the newest version, of MNC, CF, HC and the ModCompatKit.

UPDATE: I found the culprit, it was the Beastess mod. A bit of a shame, but from what I've seen, it wasn't that good of a mod anyway.

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4 hours ago, UsernameTaken666 said:

Beastess works fine for me.


It works fine assuming two thing are done:

1) it's cleaned in xEdit due to dirty edits presence

2) one has created patch for it to merge flawlessly with other mods on the list (creature, NPCs and locations wise), and/or it's bashed (which I would not rely on completely as bashed patch relies heavily on load order and sometimes it's not what's should be taken as priority when solving conflicts from end user perspective and what he wants to achieve)


bottom line is it's actually a mod not really that good to even bother.

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Hi everyone!
If anyone can help me.
Overnight I started experiencing bugs around Creature Frameworks. Certain creatures do not have schlongs. When I select a particular creature, "Pupeeter" shows that the Skin is Unknown. When I start an animation with them, the animation works, but there is no schlong.
What is interesting is that not all creatures are flawed, only these:
- Werewolf
- Elk
- Bear
- Frostbite Spider
I've already checked everything, checked in SSEdit if something conflicts with MNC or ABC, but nothing. I reinstalled Creature Framework, MNC, ABC, but no change. I re-registered Creature Framework, no change. I started a new character but the problem still occurs.
I didn't install any new mods, nor did I change the loading order. Does anyone have an idea what the problem could be and why only the listed creatures are faulty? I don't want to reinstall nearly 800 mods because of this...

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7 hours ago, MadMansGun said:

you are not looking at a stock skyrim creature, likely it's a edited copy from immersive creatures.


I've never used Immersive Creatures. :/

The only modification is Fluffwork Patch, but I've been using it since 2022, I've never had a problem with it.



Edited by D3vilizeR
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2 hours ago, ValenH said:

Is there any specific reason why this mod converts all dragons to "dragoness" (female)? I think it would be more appropriate if male dragons existed too, is this mod only for a specific fetish need?

that's your game doing that, it should be a mix of males and females.

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18 hours ago, MadMansGun said:

that's your game doing that, it should be a mix of males and females.

This only happens on dragons after this mod (I also have SOS and ABC), they fly above me and then suddenly after a while they turn solid-purple and get renamed to "dragoness", is there any way to disable female dragons? Maybe that will fix it...

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