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Started creating an illustrated story "Bretny and the Chain Beasts" that also serves as a walk through (so obviously contains spoilers).

Attached the first chapter which runs until the end of the "Beasts of Chain" quest.

For viewing full screen (16:9) or dark background is recommended.




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SCB v0.3.6.

It gets better and better, the enslavement to the SCB Master worked now and of course I had to mess it up by letting him become a SD+ Owner too ?

If the SCB master in that cave near Ivarstead dies, does he respawn after a while or is he gone forever?


I also see SCB regularly catch hostile NPC in the wilds and transfer them to ZAP near cities. This has some evil side effects ^^

My PC became a SCB scientists and follows the beasts to see what they are up to:



Every screenshot is so amazing with those beast, I try to hold back to upload them all lol


First encounter was a necromancer that fought a huge chain beast with her summon. Needless to say she never had a chance. I decided to follow the beast to see where it will carry her to:









It went to Windhelm, I stayed close!



While following the huge chain beast to Windhelm some man eater from "enemy plus" got also caught by beasts.





They all made their ways to Windhelm, at that rate Skyrim needs a lot more ZAP furniture lol





Arrival at Winhelm stables:



While SCB was busy to get the caught NPC into furniture SLAC had other ideas for the caught necomancer:



After that SCB successfully got her into ZAP:



Sadly i had to kill the giant chain beast after delivery



The enemy plus man eater female struggled hard against the beast, even managed to get dress up again:



but it didn't do her any good, she got the same treatment as the necromancer:





To prevent all nearby NPC to get killed I had to kill pretty much everything, well, nothing new in Skyrim right? ?



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2 hours ago, donttouchmethere said:

If the SCB master in that cave near Ivarstead dies, does he respawn after a while or is he gone forever?

He does not respawn.  However, if you get send to the cage anyways (eg by remote capture, trap or mod event) his brother should show up.  (You will recognize him, looks just like him and is also called Mark.)



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10 hours ago, MTB said:

You are giving very little to go on, making it hard for people to help.  Can only give some general tips of things to try.

Make sure it is not the intended behavior; eg on first capture should be stripped and collar equipped, nothing else.

Ensure you have a complete install so 3.4 (3.5 for sse) + optionally updates and are starting from a clean save. (When having issues, testing with a new game is recommended.)

Check dependencies eg is zaz working ok.

Is an item (collar, chains etc) added to your inventory every time (on capture/test spell), are they equipped?

if you add he items yourself (eg AIM) do they show up correctly.



Tested on new save back then too, same issue.

On capture spell nothing is equipped.

All dependancies are installed.

In general, after stripping, items arent added at all.

I can add the items manually, yeah. The animations work properly and they dont bug out or anything.

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4 hours ago, MTB said:

He does not respawn.  However, if you get send to the cage anyways (eg by remote capture, trap or mod event) his brother should show up.  (You will recognize him, looks just like him and is also called Mark.)



His brother called Mark? I hope he has a huge family ^^

(PS: does he has a sister too? :classic_happy:)


Busy Mark!

Voice Showcase - "Mark Hamill" - YouTube


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I tested this mod again now for some time and it's nice to see that it's much better now then the other version I tried. Cool that a fighter now has a chance and you can change this in the settings in a much better way. It was running very stable I don't see any problems on that way. Yeah, the big ones later are... very hard to defeat and when you touch such a mine then you are in trouble, but this wasn't the thing why I de-installed the mod later on my next run.


The problem for me was, that all in all it's a little bit pointless in the end. You run into a beast and... you kill it. Unlock the chest collect the key and go on... OR you lost, this beast brings you into a furniture... think about it for a while what you have done and... you can go, thanks for your cooperation. With simple slavery this makes a little bit more sense, but I don't like simple slavery, because I just install this mods here to have a little bit of fun on my way, but then the adventure must go on. Simple Slavery ends most time in a reload for me, because you have not a chance to escape in this mods.


I still miss the story behind this things a little bit. Where are they coming from and why are they doing this? Is it a little bit like in War of the Worlds, where the Martians are capturing the humans because the need the blood or is this more a deadra-thing? Is there a place where they are bringing all the people or are they doing this... just for fun? I hope to see more in the future sometimes from this side.


It's still a cool mod and I'm curious what's coming next here. Go on with the great work!

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I was recently in the mood for a female character, so I installed a few player-as-victim mods, this one included. And I have to say, I had fun. Riverwood becomes a place to enter with great caution and the questline was interesting, which isn't something I was expecting. Never did finish it, but that was more to my save file collapsing under the weight of too many mods and a messed up migration to Nemesis.


One thing I did find: there's a hilarious bit of synergy if you also run Rigmor of Bruma. First of all, rescuing poor Rigmor is pretty much impossible. You're supposed to walk, carrying her unconscious, wounded body, and if you jump or spring or equip a weapon, the body gets dropped. Trouble is, you have to go past the Guardian Stones, and there are beasts near Embershard. I tried it half a dozen times and each time saw Rose and my gal get stripped and marched off, while Rigmor's body tumbled down the hill to be lost in the undergrowth. I eventually resigned myself to the idea that poor girl was going to die in a ditch and moved on.


The fun part though, comes from the Thalmor patrol searching for Rigmor. They take up position outside outside Riverwood. They're all tough, and all apparently protected. So what that means is that you can trigger a mine in Riverwood, end then kite the beasts into the Thalmor, then swim across the river and hide. Come back later and there's a bunch of naked Thalmor, and better yet, some dead beasts, which can be looted for keys and stuff.


It also makes the Thalmor commander get off his horse which you can then steal, without apparent penalty. Didn't get me much further, but I had a lot of fun not getting there :)

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1 hour ago, Randamaster said:

I tested this mod again now for some time and it's nice to see that it's much better now then the other version I tried. Cool that a fighter now has a chance and you can change this in the settings in a much better way. It was running very stable I don't see any problems on that way. Yeah, the big ones later are... very hard to defeat and when you touch such a mine then you are in trouble, but this wasn't the thing why I de-installed the mod later on my next run.


The problem for me was, that all in all it's a little bit pointless in the end. You run into a beast and... you kill it. Unlock the chest collect the key and go on... OR you lost, this beast brings you into a furniture... think about it for a while what you have done and... you can go, thanks for your cooperation. With simple slavery this makes a little bit more sense, but I don't like simple slavery, because I just install this mods here to have a little bit of fun on my way, but then the adventure must go on. Simple Slavery ends most time in a reload for me, because you have not a chance to escape in this mods.


I still miss the story behind this things a little bit. Where are they coming from and why are they doing this? Is it a little bit like in War of the Worlds, where the Martians are capturing the humans because the need the blood or is this more a deadra-thing? Is there a place where they are bringing all the people or are they doing this... just for fun? I hope to see more in the future sometimes from this side.


It's still a cool mod and I'm curious what's coming next here. Go on with the great work!



He has a point


So, as a quick thought, why not add a 'player begging' adventure, or similar, after the furniture lock up?  (it's a bit like Kimy's little bondage adventure but using your toys instead - possibly harder too)


Here, the player would be imprisoned/decked out in a gem equipped crawler, BUT with the PLAYER given the autonomy to crawl where they want to.  So, why?


Player's task would be that of persuading 'x' no of game 'civil' NPCs to unlock them/take them out of the beast and shag them .....


- on suitable furniture, all types of interaction for which there are currently suitable furniture anims, eg crosses, wheels stocks etc

- or even without furniture with the crawler cage just on standiby


,,,,,after which the NPC puts them back in the crawler again to seek out the next NPC. 



So how do you 'escape' the beast?  The beast has a release key of 'z' pieces (or can, say, be rusted/dissolved disabled with a potion of z dozes)


Each NPC, after having done their thing, gives the player 'n' pieces  of the key/portions of the potion they need to release themselves from the walkeroy. 


PC needs to collect all 'z' parts before release 


In fact, you wouldn't even need the beasts to march you to the set furniture in the first place - that could be a random outcome - if at times, after defeating you in combat, they just decked you out in chain suit, whacked your PCs rump and sent her off to work out her own release. 



AND, for a bit of added spice, if not outright masochism


- not all NPCs approached might have the needed items so, whilst the NPC is guaranteed a blissful experience, the player has no idea if they will get anything they need, and are hoping for, at the end of it


- whilst on the search for NPCs who may have what you need,  bandits/villains/robbers/guards/all the 'bad' people etc encountered can indulge themselves with the PC, without giving the player any part of the escape tools/potions etc, so the player has  to be very careful on her travels


- to avoid the finding of suitable NPCs being too easy


---------- disable fast travel

---------- disallow entry to the major gated strongholds

---------  require the player to collect at least one part or the release solution from an NPC in 'y' random holds.  Imagine having to navigate in a crawl from Eastmarch to Haafinger, via Falkreath to get 3 components, 1 from each hold


- And. finally, if you wanted to be really sadistic, if they met any more beasts in their travels, they could steal some of the release machanism parts too  LOL



Is this practicable?  You probably already have available


- the crawl mechanism

- the furniture and related anims - ZAZ and SLAL

- other anims - via Sexlab/SLAL


so what would be needed would be the stuff to


- let the PC direct the crawl - which is there already in part

- manage the scenario and control the NPC interactions



Whether or not you have either, or both of, the time and inclination, I have no idea, but Something like that would make the story continue beyond the potentially repetetive capture/march/meditative restraint/release that concerned @Randamaster 


Anyway, that's just FWIW.  But it would make for a further, really fun, development of your mod




And, for anyone who survived to this point, if you haven't tried this mod, DO!   It's fun. it's hard, and produces some of the best, most unexpected enemy encounters you'll find


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20 hours ago, BigBossEzio said:

Tested on new save back then too, same issue.

On capture spell nothing is equipped.

All dependancies are installed.

In general, after stripping, items arent added at all.

I can add the items manually, yeah. The animations work properly and they dont bug out or anything.

Odd. This happens in the same script, and not something I have seen issues with before.

If they fail to equip (eg conflicting DD device) they should still be in your inventory...

Maybe the properties of the script aren't correctly filling for some reason,

Are there any errors in the (main) log eg complaining about None items wrt to SCB scripts (and in particular SCB_ScriptEffectCapture)?

What happens if you enable quick capture, is the crawler correctly equipped, does it progress to punishment?



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On 11/7/2020 at 2:52 PM, MTB said:


Started creating an illustrated story "Bretny and the Chain Beasts" that also serves as a walk through (so obviously contains spoilers).

Attached the first chapter which runs until the end of the "Beasts of Chain" quest.

For viewing full screen (16:9) or dark background is recommended.



BCB-Chapter1.pdf 8.23 MB · 18 downloads


Continuing the story:  Bretny starts her quest against the unstable Chain Beast Mines.

Chapter 2 comes in multiple parts that cover this quest, and other events that happen and side quests that Bretny takes on in the mean time.

Attached is the first part of Chapter 2.



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4 hours ago, MTB said:

Odd. This happens in the same script, and not something I have seen issues with before.

If they fail to equip (eg conflicting DD device) they should still be in your inventory...

Maybe the properties of the script aren't correctly filling for some reason,

Are there any errors in the (main) log eg complaining about None items wrt to SCB scripts (and in particular SCB_ScriptEffectCapture)?

What happens if you enable quick capture, is the crawler correctly equipped, does it progress to punishment?



quick capture doesnt change anything. still the same as before. go naked, then nothing happens except permastunned and the status effect that makes you go ethereal and sais you are being captured.

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On 11/9/2020 at 2:01 AM, BigBossEzio said:

quick capture doesnt change anything. still the same as before. go naked, then nothing happens except permastunned and the status effect that makes you go ethereal and sais you are being captured.


Please check logs for hints, as I have no idea what could be causing this. 

If restraints are working by themselves but not being added...

? The target is not a valid target; eg wrong gender or not a playable/registered race (npc only).  (but for PC: beasts not hostile unless `cloak of authority' disabled.)

? There is some devious device that gets in the way that does not have the appropriate keyword, eg filling the neck(collar) slot without a `zad_DeviousCollar' keyword. => Should show  "Slot occupied" message in the SCB log.

But neither should lead to `permastunned', just stripped and goes on. 

? Missing or old scripts files => That should would likely give some warnings/errors in the main script log.



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Bretny and The Chain Beasts (Continued)


Links to previous sections:

On 11/7/2020 at 2:52 PM, MTB said:


Started creating an illustrated story "Bretny and the Chain Beasts" that also serves as a walk through (so obviously contains spoilers).

Attached the first chapter which runs until the end of the "Beasts of Chain" quest.

For viewing full screen (16:9) or dark background is recommended.

BCB-Chapter1.pdf 8.23 MB · 32 downloads


On 11/8/2020 at 9:53 PM, MTB said:


Continuing the story:  Bretny starts her quest against the unstable Chain Beast Mines.

Chapter 2 comes in multiple parts that cover this quest, and other events that happen and side quests that Bretny takes on in the mean time.

Attached is the first part of Chapter 2.

BCB-Chapter2part1.pdf 8.24 MB · 10 downloads


In the attached second part of Chapter 2 Bretny has an unexpected encounter, which gives her a plan that leads her to discover another unstable Chain Beast Mine, as well as unlocking several and completing one side quest.

Assumes Beast in the Wilds (MCM setting) is active.



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The attached file contains the second (final) part of Chapter 3, the Epilogue and a page with some additional screen shots.

With this the story is complete.  Overview:


Bretny and The Chain Beasts (Complete)


An illustrated story that also serves as a walk through (so obviously contains spoilers).

Assumes all content plugins are activated. To create the same MCM settings as used, Beast in the Wilds should be activated. (No other changes needed.)

Each chapter covers the adventures of our heroine Bretny during one quest of the main quest line.

For viewing full screen (16:9) or dark background is recommended.


Chapter 1


In the first chapter our heroine, Bretny. comes to Skyrim and discovers it is home to strange devices and beasts.


Chapter 2, part 1 (of 3)


In the first part of Chapter 2 Bretny starts her quest against the unstable Chain Beast Mines, looking for a way to destroy them.


Chapter 2, part 2 (of 3)


In the second part of Chapter 2 Bretny has an unexpected encounter, which gives her a plan that leads her to discover another unstable Chain Beast Mine, as well as some side missions.


Chapter 2, part 3 (of 3)


In the third and final part of Chapter 2 Bretny has several encounters, makes a long trip, and completes her quest to deal with the unstable Chain Beast Mines.


Chapter 3, part 1 (of 2)


In the first part of Chapter 3 Bretny is troubled by the impact her battle against Chain Beast Mines is having on her, but this is not the only type of trouble that comes her way.


Chapter 3, part 2 (of 2)  (in attached file)



In the final part of Chapter 3, Bretny finds her previous actions have opened up a dark path to mastery of the power of Chain Beasts.


Epilogue (In attached file)


In the Epilogue, Bretny reflects on the journey she has taken, and where she will go from here.


Additional illustrations. (in attached file).



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I destroyed all of the marked mines but the "Beauty and the chainbeast" quest doesn't update/finish. 

In fact none of the quest objectives are marked as complete. 

"Destroy all the unstable chainbeast mines" - Destroyed the marked ones

"Return with the chainbeast key" - Done

"Seek aid in defeating chain beasts" - Not sure what it is. I talked to the mages and I got the chainbreaker sword

"Find a way to rid skyrim of unstable chainbeast mines" - Done as above


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7 hours ago, Mr_Shaky said:

I destroyed all of the marked mines but the "Beauty and the chainbeast" quest doesn't update/finish. 

In fact none of the quest objectives are marked as complete. 

"Destroy all the unstable chainbeast mines" - Destroyed the marked ones

"Return with the chainbeast key" - Done

"Seek aid in defeating chain beasts" - Not sure what it is. I talked to the mages and I got the chainbreaker sword

"Find a way to rid skyrim of unstable chainbeast mines" - Done as above



>"Seek aid in defeating chain beasts"

That is indeed the `aid'. Reading the note will give a hint on what is so special about it and will update this objective.


> I destroyed all of the marked mines but the "Beauty and the chainbeast" quest doesn't update/finish. 

Yes Bretny did not know what to do at first either; check out Chapter 2 part3 above...


>"Return with the chainbeast key" - Done

If that does not get updated, after you delivered it, then that is a bug.


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On 11/18/2020 at 4:43 AM, MTB said:


>"Seek aid in defeating chain beasts"

That is indeed the `aid'. Reading the note will give a hint on what is so special about it and will update this objective.


> I destroyed all of the marked mines but the "Beauty and the chainbeast" quest doesn't update/finish. 

Yes Bretny did not know what to do at first either; check out Chapter 2 part3 above...


>"Return with the chainbeast key" - Done

If that does not get updated, after you delivered it, then that is a bug.



Love the stories, but any update at all on when the SE version may work right? Like the summoned CB letting you interact with people they capture instead of them wandering off into the sunset and being able to finish Ebony Mine quest properly please?

Currently the "Marker" doesn't work if you upgrade any summons as the creatures do as they like with Spider / Mobile Prison, unable to interact with the captured just "Hlp Meh" and they MAY get punished, most the time they just continue life but in chained up state with no workable dialogue without debug RELEASE, if it works. 

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3 hours ago, kohlteth said:


Love the stories, but any update at all on when the SE version may work right? Like the summoned CB letting you interact with people they capture instead of them wandering off into the sunset and being able to finish Ebony Mine quest properly please?

Currently the "Marker" doesn't work if you upgrade any summons as the creatures do as they like with Spider / Mobile Prison, unable to interact with the captured just "Hlp Meh" and they MAY get punished, most the time they just continue life but in chained up state with no workable dialogue without debug RELEASE, if it works. 


Actually started on creating a working SE setup, so may be able to convert again soon-ish.

Not sure converting the latest version will get everything working, but I did fix some bugs related to what you mention.

Up till then you could try what fred200 did; ignoring the type 43 record issue and simply use the LE updates on top of the latest versions for SSE.

Attached is the conversion of the meshes added in v0.3.7 you would need for that; Procedure would be:

Export settings, stop mod in mcm>debug, remove mod, clean save.

Install v0.3.5SSE then install v0.3.7 update (the LE version)

extract attached file into data\meshes\SCB\   (thus replacing the two meshes added by v0.3.7LE update).

If you decide to try this, perhaps report back on your results for others.



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On 11/21/2020 at 5:40 PM, MTB said:


Actually started on creating a working SE setup, so may be able to convert again soon-ish.

Not sure converting the latest version will get everything working, but I did fix some bugs related to what you mention.

Up till then you could try what fred200 did; ignoring the type 43 record issue and simply use the LE updates on top of the latest versions for SSE.

Attached is the conversion of the meshes added in v0.3.7 you would need for that; Procedure would be:

Export settings, stop mod in mcm>debug, remove mod, clean save.

Install v0.3.5SSE then install v0.3.7 update (the LE version)

extract attached file into data\meshes\SCB\   (thus replacing the two meshes added by v0.3.7LE update).

If you decide to try this, perhaps report back on your results for others.


ExtractTo-data-meshes-scb.7z 102.8 kB · 6 downloads

Did as above, now small problem, it does not seem to save quest progress, so skipped to Ebony Mine, but no new quest in quest log, tried again and got a "Skip option" well 2 of them, small and larger, tried both, nothing happens, and MCM for Chainbeasts becomes unusable until you load last save, just blank from then on. 


Guess will have to wait for your SE version.. Was worth a shot though. 

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7 hours ago, JuliusXX said:

There's a bug in the installation files of v0.3.7. SSE version. The folder "15 BodySlide CBBE" should be named "15 BodySlideFilesCBBE". It causes an error during installation. Renaming the file seems to fix it.

Thanks for reporting.  On checking Config file I noticed the UUNP Bodyslide had a similar naming issue; fixed these and some other minor bugs that would generate some installer warnings (but no real problems).  Uploading a replacement version right now.

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23 hours ago, kohlteth said:

Did as above, now small problem, it does not seem to save quest progress, so skipped to Ebony Mine, but no new quest in quest log, tried again and got a "Skip option" well 2 of them, small and larger, tried both, nothing happens, and MCM for Chainbeasts becomes unusable until you load last save, just blank from then on. 


Guess will have to wait for your SE version.. Was worth a shot though. 

Thanks for reporting back. The SE version is out now, hopefully that works well. Seems ok in my (limited) testing but have not been able to try the PAHE plugin part as I don't have it yet on my SSE setup.

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