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Japanese Women decry Beta Males: "You Must Approach Us!"


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Overall, MRAs and anti-feminists like to use it as some kind of proof that feminism and overly-demanding women have turned most men into meek betas (again, a false term) afraid of their own shadow and they all need to be liberated and become MGTOWs because if all men aren't as angry and spiteful as they are, they just won't be satisfied.



It's not that some people claim that women and their demands are directly responsible for the many frustrated men out there, it's more that they claim that feminism has caused a decline in masculinity yet the vast majority of women still prefer men that are, well, masculine and manly in the classical sense. I mean, I can see at least some truth in it, to be fair - men are exceedingly rare when it comes to role models for young children. And even if they're present, they probably won't socialize boys in a way that encourages them to seek traditional male values, which are highly sought after when it comes to the dating and mating part in one's life.


It's a schizophrenic situation for many men because they don't know what they're supposed to do, they feel like it's a damned if you, damned if you don't situation. Stuff like MGTOW is playing make believe because you can't just re-wire your brain to not want intimacy and relationships with people you are sexually attracted to, so they meet online and assure one another that what they're doing is right and smart while probably crying themselves to sleep every night.


Generally, women don't care if low value* men reject the dating market in the same way men don't care if low value women abstain from dating men, it just means the probability to get what you want rises when the trash gets discarded instead of cluttering up everything.


*Low value isn't meant to de-humanize unwanted or unsuccessful people on the whole, but there's no point in denying that humans evaluate each other when it comes to finding potential partners. It's cruel but what can you do, you either score high or you don't.



Yeah to be honest if the only way these men can be masculine is by relying on a system of inequality to prop them up... then they weren't worth a lot in the first place.

These men love to moan and complain about assertive women and hypergamy (it's all a matriarchal conspiracy you guyz, I swear!) and blame everyone else for all their problems which is, ironically, the least masculine and most "beta" way of thinking out there.

I don't know if 3rd wave feminism has hit Japan hard like in some western countries but judging by the articles I think it is on the rise...Modern feminism... I don't know, is it just me, but doesn't it seem that a LOT of the "modern feminist" are only looking for an outlet to project their inner insecurities, and maybe anger, for not having a physical appearance that fits the biologically driven perceptions of physical beauty? Hey, not all women can pose in Playboy, that's reality (and by the way, I haven't opened a Playboy in decades). I am not going to be in the pages of GQ magazine, but I am not going to go full retard over that fact.... just saying.?


That is not feminism, that is assholes being assholes, and sadly many on the feminist and anti-feminist side project that.

For every feminist who thinks a tap on the shoulder is rape, videogames promote misogyny and that the "age of men" is over, there's an anti-feminist who thinks women control men with our menstrual cycles (fucking what?), women will bring the downfall of western culture and that Wonder Woman is anti-male propaganda.

For every Anita Sarkeesian there's a Stefan Molyneux. For every stereotypical blue haired shrieking feminist there's a stereotypical neckbearded trilby wearing MGTOW.


Point is, stop listening to the idiots on both sides and focus on real issues. We'll all be better off.

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That is not feminism, that is assholes being assholes, and sadly many on the feminist and anti-feminist side project that.

For every feminist who thinks a tap on the shoulder is rape, videogames promote misogyny and that the "age of men" is over, there's an anti-feminist who thinks women control men with our menstrual cycles (fucking what?), women will bring the downfall of western culture and that Wonder Woman is anti-male propaganda.

For every Anita Sarkeesian there's a Stefan Molyneux. For every stereotypical blue haired shrieking feminist there's a stereotypical neckbearded trilby wearing MGTOW.


Point is, stop listening to the idiots on both sides and focus on real issues. We'll all be better off.



In other words be an Omega...

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Overall, MRAs and anti-feminists like to use it as some kind of proof that feminism and overly-demanding women have turned most men into meek betas (again, a false term) afraid of their own shadow and they all need to be liberated and become MGTOWs because if all men aren't as angry and spiteful as they are, they just won't be satisfied.


It's not that some people claim that women and their demands are directly responsible for the many frustrated men out there, it's more that they claim that feminism has caused a decline in masculinity yet the vast majority of women still prefer men that are, well, masculine and manly in the classical sense. I mean, I can see at least some truth in it, to be fair - men are exceedingly rare when it comes to role models for young children. And even if they're present, they probably won't socialize boys in a way that encourages them to seek traditional male values, which are highly sought after when it comes to the dating and mating part in one's life.


It's a schizophrenic situation for many men because they don't know what they're supposed to do, they feel like it's a damned if you, damned if you don't situation. Stuff like MGTOW is playing make believe because you can't just re-wire your brain to not want intimacy and relationships with people you are sexually attracted to, so they meet online and assure one another that what they're doing is right and smart while probably crying themselves to sleep every night.


Generally, women don't care if low value* men reject the dating market in the same way men don't care if low value women abstain from dating men, it just means the probability to get what you want rises when the trash gets discarded instead of cluttering up everything.


*Low value isn't meant to de-humanize unwanted or unsuccessful people on the whole, but there's no point in denying that humans evaluate each other when it comes to finding potential partners. It's cruel but what can you do, you either score high or you don't.

Yeah to be honest if the only way these men can be masculine is by relying on a system of inequality to prop them up... then they weren't worth a lot in the first place.

These men love to moan and complain about assertive women and hypergamy (it's all a matriarchal conspiracy you guyz, I swear!) and blame everyone else for all their problems which is, ironically, the least masculine and most "beta" way of thinking out there.

I don't know if 3rd wave feminism has hit Japan hard like in some western countries but judging by the articles I think it is on the rise...Modern feminism... I don't know, is it just me, but doesn't it seem that a LOT of the "modern feminist" are only looking for an outlet to project their inner insecurities, and maybe anger, for not having a physical appearance that fits the biologically driven perceptions of physical beauty? Hey, not all women can pose in Playboy, that's reality (and by the way, I haven't opened a Playboy in decades). I am not going to be in the pages of GQ magazine, but I am not going to go full retard over that fact.... just saying.?

That is not feminism, that is assholes being assholes, and sadly many on the feminist and anti-feminist side project that.

For every feminist who thinks a tap on the shoulder is rape, videogames promote misogyny and that the "age of men" is over, there's an anti-feminist who thinks women control men with our menstrual cycles (fucking what?), women will bring the downfall of western culture and that Wonder Woman is anti-male propaganda.

For every Anita Sarkeesian there's a Stefan Molyneux. For every stereotypical blue haired shrieking feminist there's a stereotypical neckbearded trilby wearing MGTOW.


Point is, stop listening to the idiots on both sides and

focus on real issues. We'll all be better off.



Of course a chick would take as stance like this. She has no idea what it's like to be a man in westernized society today because she isn't one. She must be one of those chicks who is scared of being left alone because of MRAs and MGTOW who won't shut up about their experiences and what they know. Don't worry, there will always be blue pill suckers out there who have deluded themselves into thinking they are not beta males and cucks for bowing to every whim of an unappreciative girlfriend or wife at the expense of their own wallet, freedom, and happiness.


And No, it's not just "basement dwelling neck-beards", it's men from all walks of life who are waking up and calling women and feminists out on their shit. Do you have any idea how common that neck-beard shaming tactic is? Have something original to say for once.

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Yeah I'm sorry I have a hard time taking anyone who uses the terms "alpha, beta, omega" or "red pill/blue pill" seriously.

Especially given that "alpha, beta, omega" is entirely fictional, "red pill/blue pill" comes from a movie made by a couple of trans women and "red pill" comes from a movie where a man ultimately self-lobotomises because he refuses to give up the made-up macho fantasy world he constructed for himself in his mind.


As for the neckbeard, I was speaking of stereotypes and extremists. Hence why it was preceeded by "blue haired shrieking feminist". I thought that was enough of a hint I wasn't labelling anyone. 

Though it's apparent your low self-esteem and projection issues have left you quite defensive indeed about this.


Believe me, I've heard it all before. "You don't understand me and my male needs!" "Today's society excludes me!" "I'm tired of feminists telling me what to do!" "I'm a red pill woke alpha rawr!".

You're not impressing anyone. Hopefully, this is a phase you will grow out of, or you'll just wake up one day and find yourself another bitter middle aged man, blaming women for all his problems and screaming into an empty void that everything would be great if only it was 1742 and women knew their place because you just can't accept that women are humans with our own quirks and not a commodity to be bought, traded and made to serve.

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I'm quite fascinated by the japanese society, they manage to access occidental customs and  keep  in the same time, their old traditions.

Because I'm fascinated by the geishas, I studied a bit the values of this society. And really, I don't want to to live this country!

While I admire mangas, their video games, their food and many things else, there is no way I could survive in this society.

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Yeah I'm sorry I have a hard time taking anyone who uses the terms "alpha, beta, omega" or "red pill/blue pill" seriously.

Especially given that "alpha, beta, omega" is entirely fictional, "red pill/blue pill" comes from a movie made by a couple of trans women and "red pill" comes from a movie where a man ultimately self-lobotomises because he refuses to give up the made-up macho fantasy world he constructed for himself in his mind.


As for the neckbeard, I was speaking of stereotypes and extremists. Hence why it was preceeded by "blue haired shrieking feminist". I thought that was enough of a hint I wasn't labelling anyone. 

Though it's apparent your low self-esteem and projection issues have left you quite defensive indeed about this.


Believe me, I've heard it all before. "You don't understand me and my male needs!" "Today's society excludes me!" "I'm tired of feminists telling me what to do!" "I'm a red pill woke alpha rawr!".

You're not impressing anyone. Hopefully, this is a phase you will grow out of, or you'll just wake up one day and find yourself another bitter middle aged man, blaming women for all his problems and screaming into an empty void that everything would be great if only it was 1742 and women knew their place because you just can't accept that women are humans with our own quirks and not a commodity to be bought, traded and made to serve.




I don't know where you got your red/blue pill info from, but that's actually a Matrix reference, in spite of what you might think.

Alpha, beta, and omega are simply labels for varying degrees of "assertiveness", something that can actually be seen in the way people behave around each other if you take the time to pay attention (so no, it's actually not "entirely fictional"), and while it is true that "women are humans with their own quirks and not a commodity to be bought, traded and made to serve" they do have instincts that can be observed and defined, and those instincts have an effect on the way women feel, behave, and make decisions (like how they vote, who they love/fuck, or weather or not they choose to cheat). The fact is, feminism in general has played a major roll in the degradation of relationships between men and women, and ultimately a major roll in the degradation of any society in which it has been implemented. All of the info is out there on YouTube and various other places on the web, either go out there with an open mind and look for yourself, or don't, I don't care. As for myself, I'm going to continue to watch the dumpster fire burn, and watch in amusement as dismissive people like you scratch their heads as to why the fire keeps getting worse.


Also, no, I'm pretty sure what I'm going through is not a "phase", not unless some major changes start occurring.

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Yeah I'm sorry I have a hard time taking anyone who uses the terms "alpha, beta, omega" or "red pill/blue pill" seriously.

Especially given that "alpha, beta, omega" is entirely fictional, "red pill/blue pill" comes from a movie made by a couple of trans women and "red pill" comes from a movie where a man ultimately self-lobotomises because he refuses to give up the made-up macho fantasy world he constructed for himself in his mind.


As for the neckbeard, I was speaking of stereotypes and extremists. Hence why it was preceeded by "blue haired shrieking feminist". I thought that was enough of a hint I wasn't labelling anyone. 

Though it's apparent your low self-esteem and projection issues have left you quite defensive indeed about this.


Believe me, I've heard it all before. "You don't understand me and my male needs!" "Today's society excludes me!" "I'm tired of feminists telling me what to do!" "I'm a red pill woke alpha rawr!".

You're not impressing anyone. Hopefully, this is a phase you will grow out of, or you'll just wake up one day and find yourself another bitter middle aged man, blaming women for all his problems and screaming into an empty void that everything would be great if only it was 1742 and women knew their place because you just can't accept that women are humans with our own quirks and not a commodity to be bought, traded and made to serve.


I also wish these so called "modern feminists" is just a phase for women and grow out of it too...or they'll just wake up one day and find themselves a bitter middle-aged, menopausal woman blaming men for all her problems and screaming into an empty void that everything would be great if only it was 1742 and men knew their place because you just can't accept that men are humans with our own quirks and not a commodity to be bought, traded and made to serve...


BOTH sides need to wake up...

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BOTH sides need to wake up...








That is not feminism, that is assholes being assholes, and sadly many on the feminist and anti-feminist side project that.

For every feminist who thinks a tap on the shoulder is rape, videogames promote misogyny and that the "age of men" is over, there's an anti-feminist who thinks women control men with our menstrual cycles (fucking what?), women will bring the downfall of western culture and that Wonder Woman is anti-male propaganda.

For every Anita Sarkeesian there's a Stefan Molyneux. For every stereotypical blue haired shrieking feminist there's a stereotypical neckbearded trilby wearing MGTOW.


Point is, stop listening to the idiots on both sides and focus on real issues. We'll all be better off.



I don't know if I should laugh or cry when I see people being so easily triggered.

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Yeah I'm sorry I have a hard time taking anyone who uses the terms "alpha, beta, omega" or "red pill/blue pill" seriously.

Especially given that "alpha, beta, omega" is entirely fictional, "red pill/blue pill" comes from a movie made by a couple of trans women and "red pill" comes from a movie where a man ultimately self-lobotomises because he refuses to give up the made-up macho fantasy world he constructed for himself in his mind.


As for the neckbeard, I was speaking of stereotypes and extremists. Hence why it was preceeded by "blue haired shrieking feminist". I thought that was enough of a hint I wasn't labelling anyone. 

Though it's apparent your low self-esteem and projection issues have left you quite defensive indeed about this.


Believe me, I've heard it all before. "You don't understand me and my male needs!" "Today's society excludes me!" "I'm tired of feminists telling me what to do!" "I'm a red pill woke alpha rawr!".

You're not impressing anyone. Hopefully, this is a phase you will grow out of, or you'll just wake up one day and find yourself another bitter middle aged man, blaming women for all his problems and screaming into an empty void that everything would be great if only it was 1742 and women knew their place because you just can't accept that women are humans with our own quirks and not a commodity to be bought, traded and made to serve.




I don't know where you got your red/blue pill info from, but that's actually a Matrix reference, in spite of what you might think.


Alpha, beta, and omega are simply labels for varying degrees of "assertiveness", something that can actually be seen in the way people behave around each other if you take the time to pay attention (so no, it's actually not "entirely fictional"), and while it is true that "women are humans with their own quirks and not a commodity to be bought, traded and made to serve" they do have instincts that can be observed and defined, and those instincts have an effect on the way women feel, behave, and make decisions (like how they vote, who they love/fuck, or weather or not they choose to cheat). The fact is, feminism in general has played a major roll in the degradation of relationships between men and women, and ultimately a major roll in the degradation of any society in which it has been implemented. All of the info is out there on YouTube and various other places on the web, either go out there with an open mind and look for yourself, or don't, I don't care. As for myself, I'm going to continue to watch the dumpster fire burn, and watch in amusement as dismissive people like you scratch their heads as to why the fire keeps getting worse.


Also, no, I'm pretty sure what I'm going through is not a "phase", not unless some major changes start occurring.


The Matrix is a movie made by two directors who are trans women. You might want to look that up.


It is entirely fictional, sir. It's origin is, as I've said, based on a misunderstanding of wolf pack behaviour in captivity. 

It is something used by incredibly naive man-children to pretend you are more assertive and better at your life than other men, when you really are not.


Everybody has instincts, but instincts don't rule me, because I'm a sapient human being. As are we all, at least.. I assume so. Trends can be observed among any group, but using theses trends against any given individual is a recipe for failure.

The fact that you cite "info on youtube and the web" as your sources for your unsubstantiated claims is laughable, by the way. Try to actually interact and communicate with people. Men who aren't angry shouting heads on youtube, and women who aren't your asshole ex-girlfriend and maybe you'll get a grip on reality.


As for what I said about you going through a phase. That is just my hope. I don't exactly like seeing people stew in their own anger in perpetuity.

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These 'it's just instincts' and 'just a chemical reaction, bro' memes need to die, seriously. You can't determine which action is influenced by what aspect of your being and to what degree. In layman's terms, human thoughts and actions are influenced by a couple of things: Instincts, socialization, memory and your stream of consciousness, the latter being a clusterfuck extraordinaire because no one knows what actually causes this. But even if you factor out consciousness you still can't determine what does what because instincts, socialization and memory are inseparably connected with each other.


As far as 'chemical* reaction' goes, well, everything is just a chemical reaction. Without any chemical reaction in your brain you're simply dead. Love and hate, sadness and happiness, anger and fear, pain and pleasure - all of these things and everything else you can think of is just your brain influenced by chemical reactions. Even your very thoughts are chemical processes so trying to shit on love specifically because it's just a 'chemical reaction' is pretty retarded because everything is.


*electrochemical reaction' would be more accurate, by the way.

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I think legalizing prostitution everywhere would "minimize" some of these issues for men (and perhaps women). I say this because while I admire the female form and want them for sex- that is all. A somewhat sexually satisfied man is much easier to deal with. The hormones that drive men are much more powerful than that of women I think. Case in point- men constantly think about sex as opposed to women who seem to think about it occasionally. And no. I don't care what scientist say on the matter because I have both felt this as being a man and observed it in friends and society. If women did think about sex as often- then there would be non-stop fucking everywhere in the world!!!!!! :D


 Try to imagine a day where you go to work and everyone has a grin from ear to ear because they were fucking their brains out the night before! Sexual tension is one of the main factors for stress in any given society of young, healthy virile adults- and teens for that matter. It is a need like eating or drinking that if isn't satisfied makes people fuckin grumpy! When you separate it like food or drink and keep it satisfied then and only then can one more easily focus their attention on others and their "needs".

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Well, thinking about something is entirely different from acting it out. That being said, casual sex and promiscuity tend to affect your mental health negatively iirc. It can also be an indicator for disorders, but it's not clear if these disorders lead to someone being promiscuous or if being promiscuous is something that plays into developing said disorders in the first place. Again, it's hard to look at a single part of the human psyche because every aspect of it influences and is influenced by every other aspect.

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Well, thinking about something is entirely different from acting it out. That being said, casual sex and promiscuity tend to affect your mental health negatively iirc.

You do realize that sounds pretty ridiculous don't you? Men and women wanting to fuk for the sake of it is not indicative of anything except they're being horny and wanting casual, non- committal sex. I sure as hell don't feel bad after getting laid- and I suspect you probably don't either if everyone in the party was consenting.

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You do realize that sounds pretty ridiculous don't you? Men and women wanting to fuk for the sake of it is not indicative of anything except they're being horny and wanting casual, non- committal sex. I sure as hell don't feel bad after getting laid- and I suspect you probably don't either if everyone in the party was consenting.



Your brain doesn't know the difference between casual sex and non-casual sex and for the longest time sex eventually resulted in children. During sex, your brain explodes in a cocktail of differenct reactions, some of which do play a significant role in pair bonding. But you don't want any pair bonding when you have casual sex with people just for the sake of it. Psychological studies are a bit iffy sometimes, granted, but when they're paired with a sprinkle of neuroscience they're all we've got so far and the studies I know suggest that casual sex is more likely to have adverse effects on you.

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Your brain doesn't know the difference between casual sex and non-casual sex and for the longest time sex eventually resulted in children. During sex, your brain explodes in a cocktail of differenct reactions, some of which do play a significant role in pair bonding. But you don't want any pair bonding when you have casual sex with people just for the sake of it. Psychological studies are a bit iffy sometimes, granted, but when they're paired with a sprinkle of neuroscience they're all we've got so far and the studies I know suggest that casual sex is more likely to have adverse effects on you.


I can understand that. But try telling that to a couple of horny teens and see how much they listen. They will be laughing about it while they are fuking somewhere because sexual release feels so damn good! It's sort of the same thing as telling people not to drink or do drugs or maybe smoke. Telling them it is bad for them and they shouldn't do it seems to have the opposite effect of warning them away.

 I would argue that why would something that feels so natural be bad for people? And as far as the risk of pregnancy- that has always been a concern, but still hasn't stopped horny people from getting together throughout time. I do agree though that there is more reason today to abstain from casual sex than at any other time, but that still isn't stopping people. Wherever you might find attractive men and women- whether in the work place, the local pub, or the mall- sexual tension is going to be ever-present and lure some at least to succumb to their baser instincts of wanting sex with someone they may not know at all.

 When your eyes meet with that sexy someone across the room. When you pretend to not notice and try to do something else with your thought still lingering on that person. When scenarios start forming in your mind of some hot, steamy encounter with them. The more you try reason your way away from it- the more powerfully appealing it becomes! You know they want you the same as you want them. Nature will take its course in most of those situations. ;)


I would further argue that it may be in peoples nature to "wander" sexually in an effort to diversify the genetic soup we are born from. After all, random genetic material is needed to maintain our collective health. To much selective breeding can only lead to flaws and stagnation in our species growth and adaptation. I conclude that it is an equal amount of both-  people who are genetically predisposed to seek many mates and those that are more "tuned" towards monogamy- that are essential to maintaining our overall species growth and refinement. That is not including the cultural gains that a society might inherit as well since I believe that cultural traits are at least partly passed on from parents to offspring.

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I can understand that. But try telling that to a couple of horny teens and see how much they listen. They will be laughing about it while they are fuking somewhere because sexual release feels so damn good! It's the same thing as telling people not to drink or do drugs or maybe smoke. Telling them it is bad for them and they shouldn't do it seems to have the opposite effect of warning them away.



Drugs are actually a good example - why exactly aren't all humans taking drugs all the time? They're easy and fast ways to stimulate the reward center yet most humans don't do drugs. Why exactly? Even most rats don't do drugs when given the chance if they're in a healthy and good environment. If they're all by themselves however, they easily get addicted to cocaine yet cocaine in itself is a much, much more powerful stimulator than say, playing hide and seek or socializing with other members of your species. There seems to be a factor somewhere that is able to differentiate between meaningful and shallow stimulation, the latter being more often than not dangerous to different degrees. And it seems to work because most humans don't do drugs. At least not regularly enough to develop an addiction.





 I would argue that why would something that feels so natural be bad for people? And as far as the risk of pregnancy- that has always been a concern, but still hasn't stopped horny people from getting together throughout time. I do agree though that there is more reason today to abstain from casual sex than at any other time, but that still isn't stopping people. Wherever you might find attractive men and women- whether in the work place, the local pub, or the mall- sexual tension is going to be ever-present and lure some at least to succumb to their baser instincts of wanting sex with someone they may not know at all.

Well, eating is also a very natural thing to do and it feels good, too - especially if you eat stuff that's high in sugar and fat. Dat brain be cravin' those calories, man. Yet despite being and feeling natural eating can outright kill you and in general be a huge detriment to your physical health and condition if you eat everything the primal part of your brain tells you to eat. Sugar destroys your liver, fat clogs your arteries and salt rises your blood pressure and you don't even need to be obese for these things to happen.




I would further argue that it may be in peoples nature to "wander" sexually in an effort to diversify the genetic soup we are born from. After all, random genetic material is needed to maintain our collective health. To much selective breeding can only lead to flaws and stagnation in our species growth and adaptation. I conclude that it is an equal amount of both-  people who are genetically predisposed to seek many mates and those that are more "tuned" towards monogamy- that are essential to maintaining our overall species growth and refinement. That is not including the cultural gains that a society might inherit as well since I believe that cultural traits are at least partly passed on from parents to offspring.



Monogamy isn't selective breeding, though. Humans are tuned towards pair bonding, not necessarily monogamy, the latter being a cultural thing after all. I'd argue that monogamy was put in place in many cultures in order to make sure that everyone in a society, men, women and children do have a relatively secure and stable environment to exist in. Despite what people today may think of our ancient ancestors, most of the things they came up with were actually preferable over the natural state of things, hence their ideas being successful because cultural and societal changes are still subject to the laws of evolution, at least to some degree. Meaning if a change is detrimental to a society it will probably not persist in the long rong and eventually be replaced with something that fills that niche.

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Drugs are actually a good example - why exactly aren't all humans taking drugs all the time? They're easy and fast ways to stimulate the reward center yet most humans don't do drugs. Why exactly? Even most rats don't do drugs when given the chance if they're in a healthy and good environment. If they're all by themselves however, they easily get addicted to cocaine yet cocaine in itself is a much, much more powerful stimulator than say, playing hide and seek or socializing with other members of your species. There seems to be a factor somewhere that is able to differentiate between meaningful and shallow stimulation, the latter being more often than not dangerous to different degrees. And it seems to work because most humans don't do drugs. At least not regularly enough to develop an addiction.


Well, eating is also a very natural thing to do and it feels good, too - especially if you eat stuff that's high in sugar and fat. Dat brain be cravin' those calories, man. Yet despite being and feeling natural eating can outright kill you and in general be a huge detriment to your physical health and condition if you eat everything the primal part of your brain tells you to eat. Sugar destroys your liver, fat clogs your arteries and salt rises your blood pressure and you don't even need to be obese for these things to happen.


Monogamy isn't selective breeding, though. Humans are tuned towards pair bonding, not necessarily monogamy, the latter being a cultural thing after all. I'd argue that monogamy was put in place in many cultures in order to make sure that everyone in a society, men, women and children do have a relatively secure and stable environment to exist in. Despite what people today may think of our ancient ancestors, most of the things they came up with were actually preferable over the natural state of things, hence their ideas being successful because cultural and societal changes are still subject to the laws of evolution, at least to some degree. Meaning if a change is detrimental to a society it will probably not persist in the long rong and eventually be replaced with something that fills that niche.


1st) I don't know where you are from, but where I live just about everyone is taking one form of drugs or another for reasons that have little or nothing to do with their physical health. I don't mean just illegal drugs- I mean all drugs including the ones sold over the counter or prescribed by doctors. Walk down the street somewhere in America and you would be hard pressed to find 10 ppl not doing some kind of drug.

 It's really not a good comparison because taking drugs is not a natural instinct- sex most certainly is.


2) Food is not a fair comparison because you can eat too much- but I dare say that you would only collapse from exhaustion after too much sex. Actually, sex is supposed to be a very healthy form of exercise. Also I would think most people would be very happy to die while having an orgasm!!! That is assuming there is any good way to go.


3) OK. So humans are tuned toward pair bonding. It's just that some of them are not especially inclined to "pair" with the same person all or every time. You find a sex partner first and then move on to the relationship. At least that is how it works for most people. If you enjoy fuckin them and can stand living with them then you both try to make the best of it- until it eventually falls to shit that is. :P

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Your brain doesn't know the difference between casual sex and non-casual sex and for the longest time sex eventually resulted in children.

Humans are not a monogamous species, though.


Human relationships used to last only about 1-2 years until they broke up and searched for other partners, and even if that short time period they often did not stay faithful to each other.

Monogamy in humans is a relatively new invention, it's just a couple of thousands years old. Even just a few hundred years ago it was normal in many parts of the world that one man had several wives as long as he could sustain them.


We see the remains of that still today, most couples lose most of their sex drive after about a year.

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I'ts not fear of marriage (I for example would like having kids)... These days if you approach a woman thinking about dating and you do not look like Tom Cruise, you automatically becomes a "rapist" for the woman in question. So it makes a lot more sense so simply avoid the attempt.

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Its just insane over there.

Yeah, well... I live in the U.S. where the poor, uneducated, and STD-riddled are breeding 20-1, so "insane" is subjective.



Well, the whole fucking world is going to be completely fucking insane. And it's our own fault. What to expect when we let psychopaths rule us? They corrupt us, they pervert us, they're dumbing us down. Shit like that happens when we are to lazy to take the responsibility to control the people who should govern us.

People think "ignorance is a bliss", staring into their smartphones the whole day, hunting pokemons and forgot to use their brain. Maybe we get what we deserve? Expect the worst for the future and buy an umbrella, then you are at least prepared when hell pukes all over us. :D

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"They say slavery has been abolished....."

Abolished, yeah, right. Of course THEY say that, but they are liars. In fact they adapted slavery and letting the people believe that they have something like a free will.


"The best slave is the one who thinks he is free." ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (a fucking freemason ;))


To return to the topic, they don't need and they don't want more slaves. According to these elites (Kissinger, Rockefeller etc.) we are already too many. They manipulate us and it results in the already mentioned problems in this topic, amongst other things. Too avoid an increasing world population they create things like the feminist, sjw, lgbt movements.





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