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Japanese Women decry Beta Males: "You Must Approach Us!"


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“A nice guy has no chance of success, and his approaches will be treated as harassment. In sum, all approaches from guys other than Chad are harassment.”


I can't agree more with that guy. No matter how good you are, they will always reject you. So men just quit, there's no point to try, this is not being beta. Just because you don't fit in some social media driven look/role, it doesn't mean you are bad person or bad "material". You are not a Chad, so what? Right? But no, women ALWAYS want some piece of shit abuser Chad who fucks them up on all levels and leaves. The normal guys just dont bother anymore. I stopped bothering almost 3 years before my girl approached me. Yes, she approached me. And I can tell you, the first time we went out I was very clear that I am not trying anything, I will not hit on her like Chad since I dont chase the tail anymore. And she did the first step because she saw that I really was "whatever man, idgaf".


Its completely women's fault for the current situation. If they were not going for the looks first nothing like this would have happened. Did you know a normal guy (whos not chad) who will turn a normal looking girl back? No, you don't. But even BELOW average girls reject normal or even above normal material guys ALL THE TIME! Its women's fault 100%! They decided their faith. They brought this curse on them, so they have to cure it by themselves. The robots and the AIs are coming anyway.

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IMHO women are victims in this just as men, 3rd wave feminism would never had so much influence without someone powerfull backing it up, just the existence of it is already contradicting itself, because if there would be any patriarchal opression, feminism wouldnt have been allowed to exist in the first place.


All this leads to easy manipulation and shit ton of money that someone sucks out of all the dumb people falling for it, but it also shows how abusive women can become when they get so much power.

Current feminism/social justice isnt progressive but regressive, you just have to watch some of their protests, half of them when asked dont even know what they protesting against, while showing traits of what the movement is supposed to be against.


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Women are victims as much as a child who habitually breaks her own toys is a victim.


It takes roughly two brain cells to unravel modern feminism for the vile farce it is but whenever the issue of basic human dignity for guys comes up, it's the sound of crickets from the masses. People continuing to support "feminism" without actually giving a shit are the problem. They've always been the problem. Feminism is just the modern stand-in for the oppressive and malicious religions of the past that were only made possible by the sea of filthy ignorant cretins backing it.


The pendulum will swing back the other way in the next 10-15 years once the new generation of guys deconstruct their Mama's Boy brainwashing, understand the shit deal men have always gotten, resurrect the demon god-king "Machismo" and the ensuing counter-cultural rebellion will attain new benchmarks for ugliness. I've preemptively excused myself from the human race because this shit is soul-killing. Egalitarianism is a fictional ideal: the oppressed always become the oppressors, there are no good guys to cheer for. There never was.


Just become a herbivore and await that sweet meteor of death.

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*IMHO women are victims in this just as men, 3rd wave feminism would never had so much influence without someone powerfull backing it up, just the existence of it is already contradicting itself, because if there would be any patriarchal opression, feminism wouldnt have been allowed to exist in the first place.


**All this leads to easy manipulation and shit ton of money that someone sucks out of all the dumb people falling for it, but it also shows how abusive women can become when they get so much power.

Current feminism/social justice isnt progressive but regressive, you just have to watch some of their protests, half of them when asked dont even know what they protesting against, while showing traits of what the movement is supposed to be against.


*Exactly. I wish more people would point this out when feminists keeps pushing the "patriarchy oppression" excuse.

There is no such thing in the 1st world. If it did, you would not be able to sit there, with you expensive phone that daddy gave you, and complain all day.

Might exist on some individual level in some households (especially religious one), but there is no such system in the west.


However, when it comes to many 3rd world countries, where Islam has a strong presence - now we're talking!

Saudi Arabia, is probably one of the worst, since they are following the absolute extreme version of it.


And here comes the very ironic part. Feminists refuse to criticizes any of it because you know: "THAT'S RACIST"

They refuse to help women with actually real problems. Instead they attack things that are safe, such as gaming, movies etc etc.

They turn every issue into a female issue, when it's actually a human issue. They teach women they are all victims.

And I could go on and on, but it would take days to post this then.


**Again, totally agree. It's so fun to watch all those "trump this and trump that" protesters videos (or any other topic) and they have no idea why they do it. "Why are you protesting? Because he is a sexist racist pig" "okay, where is the proof?" "ehhhhhhh......."


I have even seen people from Canada, that goes to USA to protest. I mean what? Trump is not your fucking president, so why are you there protesting? Shouldn't you care more about your own country and it's problems? I guess they do it for the numbers. It may look like there is many who protest, but when lets say, half of them doesn't even belong there, it becomes another story.


And about manipulation. BLM is good example of this. The existence of the group is all based on a lie. And they have been funded by George Soros, which is one of the worst most successful investor, and known for ruin everything he touches on purpose. He is completely evil and should be crucified.

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 I feel bad for young people because porn on demand has changed what women expect and destroyed most men's confidence and modern society now promotes depopulation  through abortion, "alternative lifestyles" and feminism, all for the sake of the new "Climate" religion and social media isolates everyone. If it doesn't happen on the screen it isn't real.


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Women are victims as much as a child who habitually breaks her own toys is a victim.


It takes roughly two brain cells to unravel modern feminism for the vile farce it is but whenever the issue of basic human dignity for guys comes up, it's the sound of crickets from the masses. People continuing to support "feminism" without actually giving a shit are the problem. They've always been the problem. Feminism is just the modern stand-in for the oppressive and malicious religions of the past that were only made possible by the sea of filthy ignorant cretins backing it.


The pendulum will swing back the other way in the next 10-15 years once the new generation of guys deconstruct their Mama's Boy brainwashing, understand the shit deal men have always gotten, resurrect the demon god-king "Machismo" and the ensuing counter-cultural rebellion will attain new benchmarks for ugliness. I've preemptively excused myself from the human race because this shit is soul-killing. Egalitarianism is a fictional ideal: the oppressed always become the oppressors, there are no good guys to cheer for. There never was.


Just become a herbivore and await that sweet meteor of death.

Its a good thing though, many more men are going to wake up thanks to that and live a more happy life.




*IMHO women are victims in this just as men, 3rd wave feminism would never had so much influence without someone powerfull backing it up, just the existence of it is already contradicting itself, because if there would be any patriarchal opression, feminism wouldnt have been allowed to exist in the first place.


**All this leads to easy manipulation and shit ton of money that someone sucks out of all the dumb people falling for it, but it also shows how abusive women can become when they get so much power.

Current feminism/social justice isnt progressive but regressive, you just have to watch some of their protests, half of them when asked dont even know what they protesting against, while showing traits of what the movement is supposed to be against.


*Exactly. I wish more people would point this out when feminists keeps pushing the "patriarchy oppression" excuse.

There is no such thing in the 1st world. If it did, you would not be able to sit there, with you expensive phone that daddy gave you, and complain all day.

Might exist on some individual level in some households (especially religious one), but there is no such system in the west.


However, when it comes to many 3rd world countries, where Islam has a strong presence - now we're talking!

Saudi Arabia, is probably one of the worst, since they are following the absolute extreme version of it.


And here comes the very ironic part. Feminists refuse to criticizes any of it because you know: "THAT'S RACIST"

They refuse to help women with actually real problems. Instead they attack things that are safe, such as gaming, movies etc etc.

They turn every issue into a female issue, when it's actually a human issue. They teach women they are all victims.

And I could go on and on, but it would take days to post this then.


**Again, totally agree. It's so fun to watch all those "trump this and trump that" protesters videos (or any other topic) and they have no idea why they do it. "Why are you protesting? Because he is a sexist racist pig" "okay, where is the proof?" "ehhhhhhh......."


I have even seen people from Canada, that goes to USA to protest. I mean what? Trump is not your fucking president, so why are you there protesting? Shouldn't you care more about your own country and it's problems? I guess they do it for the numbers. It may look like there is many who protest, but when lets say, half of them doesn't even belong there, it becomes another story.


And about manipulation. BLM is good example of this. The existence of the group is all based on a lie. And they have been funded by George Soros, which is one of the worst most successful investor, and known for ruin everything he touches on purpose. He is completely evil and should be crucified.


Yeah its really crazy how noone seems to realize that these feminists never mention that, these people simply want get outraged and pat themself on the back...another good deed done for the day.

Most of the women are supporting it only because of the status it brings them, as their existence depends on their social standing, they will parrot whatever is popular to say, but may not feel that way actually.

Its a golden rule for me not listen to what a woman says but to look at what she does.


Take Sweden for example, the feminist utopia, with immigrants tearing the place down and the goverment covering everything up.

The women there are scared to even go out as they would get killed or raped.


Their goverment would rather destroy their own country then to be called racists..politics at its best.


But even without all of this, many men are starting to wake up to the shit deal we been born/conditioned to.



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Fucking  MRA/incel screeds are hilarious. Chads... Maybe if these fuckstains weren't so horrible they could get laid. Women, after all, do not exist solely for them to fuck.

If you mean me by MRA/incel then nope, though nice contradiction you have there, you say women dont exists solely for fucking but at the same time your argument revolves around shaming men not being able to get sex from them.


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Fucking  MRA/incel screeds are hilarious. Chads... Maybe if these fuckstains weren't so horrible they could get laid. Women, after all, do not exist solely for them to fuck.

If you mean me by MRA/incel then nope, though nice contradiction you have there, you say women dont exists solely for fucking but at the same time your argument revolves around shaming men not being able to get sex from them.



Did I call you out? Nope. But you answered anyway. So there ya go.


Also, ironically, I'm not shaming men for not being able to get laid. I'm shaming men who are shit towards women. They're so caught up in how awesome they are in nowhere but their own heads that they can't figure out that if they could learn to treat women decently and as people first, to actually care about woman's needs, hopes, etc., to be genuinely interested, they wouldn't be trapped in a life of involuntary celibacy. But their entire attitude towards women is shit, then they're shocked when they can't find a woman that'll date them. And that's what makes them hilarious.

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They're so caught up in how awesome they are in nowhere but their own heads that they can't figure out that if they could learn to treat men decently and as people first, to actually care about men's needs, hopes, etc., to be genuinely interested, they wouldn't be trapped in a life of involuntary celibacy. But their entire attitude towards men is shit, then they're shocked when they can't find a man that'll date them. And that's what makes them hilarious.


Just by replacing these you described a modern day feminist woman.

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Seems this thread is largely about voluntary celibacy.


Never understood why people get so frothing-mad at incels. They're just kinda pitiful, not really worth the strong emotions. And what's with the name "foreveraloneguy"?

... Not really though... If they were refusing any sex, then sure, but one of the comments in the main post,“Take care of your lusts at a brothel or on the Internet, and use domestic appliances to take care of the housework. There’s no need for a real wife which costs so much to maintain.” is not celibacy. Choosing not to seek a relationship is fine, but then creating a grocery list


“We don’t approach women because we don’t want to be arrested.”

“If a guy confesses his love to a woman nowadays it is treated as harassment, no wonder so few men do.”

“And none of these women would approach a guy themselves I’m sure.”

“Stick to delivery health guys. Legalise it now FFS.”

“Take care of your lusts at a brothel or on the Internet, and use domestic appliances to take care of the housework. There’s no need for a real wife which costs so much to maintain.”

“Considering the legal risks faced by men in marrying nobody could recommend it, that’s really all that matters in this.”

“A nice guy has no chance of success, and his approaches will be treated as harassment. In sum, all approaches from guys other than Chad are harassment.”

“Women need to wise up and stop their fascination with clothing and hair styles no men are interested in if they want to catch the eye of guys.”

“Totally. I hate those fucking fringes all the AKB girls have. And all the latest fashions completely conceal all female contours, they look like something a pregnant woman would wear.”

“Unlimited porn is to blame. Limit male access to porn and when they get horny enough they will approach!”

“I can only think of married guys as masochistic perverts. Maybe they can’t help it if they are workers though.”

“Why must the guy approach? This is discrimination!”

“Nobody would approach all those uggos and old hags anyway.”

“Many Japanese women support male conscription. Why? So once Japanese men fall on the battlefield they can marry a white!”

“1. Men must confess their love to women.

2. Women choose the man.

3. If she doesn’t like him, it’s harassment.

4. If guys don’t approach women and there are more unmarried women, it is all the fault of men.

Fucking females are trash, aren’t they?”

“They preach equality of the sexes whilst these pitiful women demand to be approached and remain completely passive. No woman would propose to a guy and buy him a ring, now would they? They won’t even go dutch on a date…”

“If you approach and are shot down, she’ll tell all her friends and you’ll be socially hamstrung. It’s too risky.”

“Most men are just waiting for the robots and AIs now, and you can bet they’ll be more than satisfied with them.”

“Once they are in their thirties it is too late for them anyway.”

“In Japan they’ll start getting asked ‘why aren’t you married?’ from 25 on.”

“Now that I think of it, isn’t saying that it is common wisdom that men must approach but that there are huge numbers of passive men who won’t approach something of a paradox?”

“They mean ‘common wisom (amongst our female overlords)’…”

“Women: If you’re not a rich Chad don’t come near me, I’ll turn you into a criminal.

Men: Understood.


“In the real society, dating and marriage is reduced to all women scrambling to get at a few Chads. Men no women will touch and the women broken and discarded by Chads are all that remains, the real issue is what to do with this lot. But men no women will touch can still rent a woman, whilst Chad’s cast-offs can only vent on 2ch. What an age we live in.”


of blame on the other person is wrong... maybe not wrong in facts, but ridiculous in practice.

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They're so caught up in how awesome they are in nowhere but their own heads that they can't figure out that if they could learn to treat men decently and as people first, to actually care about men's needs, hopes, etc., to be genuinely interested, they wouldn't be trapped in a life of involuntary celibacy. But their entire attitude towards men is shit, then they're shocked when they can't find a man that'll date them. And that's what makes them hilarious.


Just by replacing these you described a modern day feminist woman.



Except it doesn't, you're just replacing words because you don't have an actual argument, and you're just trying to boil down everything to "no u" in order to pretend you're saying something significant when all you're doing is blowing enough hot air to float a zeppelin.


While some feminists may indeed be like that, it doesn't describe the whole, nor does it describe the ideology.

Feminism is not about hatred of men. MRA/MGTOW/etc are most definitely about the hatred of women and blaming women for all their deficiencies, and it's especially amusing that loners being called out on it are now called "beta males" by these very same woman-hating creeps.


Incidentally, "alpha" and "beta" male are an entirely made up, artificial concept based on a misunderstanding of the behaviour of captive wolf packs. There is no such thing, and anyone who uses the terms exposes themselves as an ignoramus and a sexist.


 I feel bad for young people because porn on demand has changed what women expect and destroyed most men's confidence and modern society now promotes depopulation  through abortion, "alternative lifestyles" and feminism, all for the sake of the new "Climate" religion and social media isolates everyone. If it doesn't happen on the screen it isn't real.



Uhuh. Why are you even here then? Go to your Christian anti-porn sites where you can spout that kind of utter rubbish.

Porn on demand has "changed what women expect"? Uh, no. It's clearly just made you self-conscious and self-loathing, and nobody, especially not women are to blame for your internal psyche.

I'm not even going to get into you impugning on women's freedom of choice and your anti-non straight rhetoric. It is amazing how even here, even on a site for erotic game mods I have to deal with this far right misogynist homophobic nonsense.

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Seems this thread is largely about voluntary celibacy.


Never understood why people get so frothing-mad at incels. They're just kinda pitiful, not really worth the strong emotions. And what's with the name "foreveraloneguy"?


In Japan's case it's that they have an issue with an aging population and not enough young people having kids.

Though overall this is less to do with that and more due to their hyper-isolationist culture and refusal to accept immigrants, though that truth is one that won't be acknowledged by the resident frog men here.


Overall, MRAs and anti-feminists like to use it as some kind of proof that feminism and overly-demanding women have turned most men into meek betas (again, a false term) afraid of their own shadow and they all need to be liberated and become MGTOWs because if all men aren't as angry and spiteful as they are, they just won't be satisfied.

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They're so caught up in how awesome they are in nowhere but their own heads that they can't figure out that if they could learn to treat men decently and as people first, to actually care about men's needs, hopes, etc., to be genuinely interested, they wouldn't be trapped in a life of involuntary celibacy. But their entire attitude towards men is shit, then they're shocked when they can't find a man that'll date them. And that's what makes them hilarious.


Just by replacing these you described a modern day feminist woman.



Except it doesn't, you're just replacing words because you don't have an actual argument, and you're just trying to boil down everything to "no u" in order to pretend you're saying something significant when all you're doing is blowing enough hot air to float a zeppelin.


While some feminists may indeed be like that, it doesn't describe the whole, nor does it describe the ideology.

Feminism is not about hatred of men. MRA/MGTOW/etc are most definitely about the hatred of women and blaming women for all their deficiencies, and it's especially amusing that loners being called out on it are now called "beta males" by these very same woman-hating creeps.


Incidentally, "alpha" and "beta" male are an entirely made up, artificial concept based on a misunderstanding of the behaviour of captive wolf packs. There is no such thing, and anyone who uses the terms exposes themselves as an ignoramus and a sexist.

Nah i was talking about the 3rd wave feminists who are toxic towards men, im well aware about feminists that are actually feminists.



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Nah i was talking about the 3rd wave feminists who are toxic towards men, im well aware about feminists that are actually feminists.



I would also disagree that all of "3rd wave" feminism is like that, and I especially disagree that even the ones who are obnoxiously anti-male are to blame for situations like these, especially in Japan who as anti-feminists often like to say is a culture quite different from ours and has never accepted feminism to the same degree as the west.

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So you cherry picked the one instance where someone mentioned prostitutes. So what. The issue is regarding Japanese guys choosing to not play the relationship game anymore, not whether they're finding ways to get their rocks off (of course they are.)


I imagine most of them are whacking it to hentai anyhow, they're not salary men. As for grocery lists, are you seriously complaining about them explaining themselves when government and society start blaming them? Are you afraid they're hurting women's feelings?

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Seems this thread is largely about voluntary celibacy.


Never understood why people get so frothing-mad at incels. They're just kinda pitiful, not really worth the strong emotions. And what's with the name "foreveraloneguy"?


In Japan's case it's that they have an issue with an aging population and not enough young people having kids.

Though overall this is less to do with that and more due to their hyper-isolationist culture and refusal to accept immigrants, though that truth is one that won't be acknowledged by the resident frog men here.


Overall, MRAs and anti-feminists like to use it as some kind of proof that feminism and overly-demanding women have turned most men into meek betas (again, a false term) afraid of their own shadow and they all need to be liberated and become MGTOWs because if all men aren't as angry and spiteful as they are, they just won't be satisfied.



Uh the immigrants are the first one who are blamed when economy drops. they should leave they are stealing our jobs etc.. immigrnats are not really the solution. only away to stop it. but the population should solve this first instead of relying on foreign immigrants like most countries been doing when there are not enough population grows.


This is just a viscous circle that never going to be solved since most economy cant keep it self steady.

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@Wandering Starspawn: Yep, I completely cherry picked it... but the issue in Japan isn't celibacy so much as the psyche both sides have toward the other side. I bet on the other side, there's a list of equally toxic, one-sided bullshit, and the fact that is they'd be wrong too.




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Everyone's a little right, everyone's a little wrong. But one side gets savagely ridiculed for complaining about fucking anything while the other is uncritically lauded for having the courage to throw tantrums whenever it doesn't get its way. That more than anything else is why I sympathize with one side and not the other.


The celibacy in Japan is an issue because falling birthrates and unambitious thrifty men are depressing the already shitty economy. The only surprise is that it took so long for Japanese men to burn out. Neither side had to like each other, they just had to make babies for their country...misogyny and misandry in balanced measure can result in stability. Japan managed to maintain this state of affairs for centuries but now that they can't offer men any sort of stability or even basic dignity, those men are no longer interested in working themselves to death. Can't wait to see the Japanese government ineptly attempt to rectify this like some Chinese zoo trying to coax their pandas into fucking. It will be both sad and hilarious.


Personally I've always held deep contempt in my heart for simplistic subservient men who would sacrifice their health and dreams for such a stupid prize as an idyllic life with wife and kids and ugly little home, but whatever. I guess that was the price of progress. But that era is dying quickly now and it deserves to. Women and robots can surely take up the slack now while men masturbate themselves into a coma.

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Japanese men are refusing marriage and dating because of ridiculous traditional standards?!.. What a shock! I mean it's almost as if these men have some respect for themselves, and don't WANT to work themselves (in some cases, literally) to death for no real benefit. Who would've thought?


By the way, the "herbivore man" and MGTOW are technically two different things. The herbivore man is swearing off women and marriage over ridiculous traditional standards set by the society they live in, where as MGTOW refuse women and marriage because, well.. let's just say there are hours worth of YouTube videos that could fill you in on all of the details, as that is a rather complicated subject (Turd Flinging Monkey does a pretty good job of logically explaining things in that department, though there are other channels out there if you're really curious about what the Matri.. I mean MGTOW is or why it exists).


This is just a sample





If this makes sense, then "you get it", if it doesn't, well.. try opening your mind more, and maybe running back and fourth through the figurative mine field that is dating and marriage a few more times, and once you've lost a leg, then maybe you'll "get it".

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