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Guys, I clearly stated "temporarily removed". There's zero chance that the mods will be discontinued and I have no intention of quitting. Four-Play 's future ism't up in the air at all.


The mods have only been down for less than a day. Ashal already commented. We're having a discussion and many solutions are being suggested. One of the modders affected is going to try something today. 


The mods will be down for 3 days max. 


And just to be clear, my own personal stance on this from the very moment that site was initially brought to my attention, as I stated to the other modders in our ongoing conversation, is as follows:


"Personally: screw it, we're not complicit in any way and do not approve of this stuffs, we already did whatever we can to make patching those mods as hard as possible (which unfortunately still isn't that hard), if those people decided to go ahead to make those patches anyway then frankly, it's none of our responsibility and we can't keep wasting so much time and efforts trying in vain to counter-act them. I would just put out a statement on my mods' OPs to say this (except in more 'legal' language) and be done with it and focus my attention instead on actual development, although I'm open to suggestions and will temporarily take down Violate and Community Patch now while we discuss what to do."


I merely took the mods down temporarily so that I have time to ask whether such a stance is alright to take from a LoversLab rule/ legal point of view and if anyone more experienced has a better idea. As ag12 stated, it's simply a 'better safe than sorry' step. Outside of the legality of it, I have a responsibility to the other modders that I work with / whose work my mods take advantage of: it's not just a Violate or Community Patch issue, the fact that my mods are being patched for this stuffs means that Leito's and Crazy's animations, Vioxsis's strap-on and many others' work are being / could potentially be used for this stuff, and they and future content creators may not be so happy to contribute to the FO4 adult modding scene, unless we show that we have taken a clear stance and appropriate steps to protect ourselves and them.


This isn't a morality issue: I'm making mods that have fantasy rape and bestiality in them - as much as those contents on that site turn my stomach, who am I to judge them? I'm well aware that those contents those people are doing are still fantasy and don't mean they want to commit such acts in  real life. It is however a legal issue because last time I check, in the country I'm living in and the country where LoversLab is hosted, fantasy rape and bestiality content is okay, but those contents can land you in jail. A debate on whether the law is logical or not is purely academic, it's the way it is and I have no intention nor need to break it.


And the reasons why we're keeping it vague in the pubic threads are a. we don't want to bring attention to that site, b. those patch makers are members here on LoversLab and are probably reading all this.

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That is why I made no comment in the main thread till now.

All I will say is, without Four Play and Family planning, I would not touch FO4. These 2 mods specifically, are the reason why I got FO4 in the first place. And I don't give 2 hoots about the missions in the game, nor do I care about normal game play. Same thing goes for my Skyrim, without SexLab and Beeing Female, I wouldn't be playing Skyrim after the 30 hour mark, and most likely not even finishing the story line at all.


What Vinfamy and the crew are giving me, is what Bethesda totally ignored. Make it feel like life, and starting a new family.

Story starts - Frozen for who knows how many years, thawed long enough to see my husband shot, and baby taken. Frozen again, for who knows how long. At the start of the game, for all I knew, my son had died of old age already... So, I planned from the beginning, to start a new family.

*Yes, I did finish the main story line* When I came across the child behind the glass, I asked questions, but the replies of the child did not match what I was saying. Totally breaking the story line for me.


So I am just looking forward to any updates, as they come for Four Play, and Four Play related content from LoversLab.

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Should we inform Bethesda to stop selling Skyrim next time? They're just as involved in this as Vinfamy is.

Read Vinfamy's comment above and you'll realize how dumb your comment is.



Nope. Already read it, the mod was still down. There's absolutely no need to put it on hold for outside patches which we have no control over. Any other issue has been an issue since the beginning.

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That is why I made no comment in the main thread till now.

All I will say is, without Four Play and Family planning, I would not touch FO4. These 2 mods specifically, are the reason why I got FO4 in the first place. And I don't give 2 hoots about the missions in the game, nor do I care about normal game play. Same thing goes for my Skyrim, without SexLab and Beeing Female, I wouldn't be playing Skyrim after the 30 hour mark, and most likely not even finishing the story line at all.


What Vinfamy and the crew are giving me, is what Bethesda totally ignored. Make it feel like life, and starting a new family.

Story starts - Frozen for who knows how many years, thawed long enough to see my husband shot, and baby taken. Frozen again, for who knows how long. At the start of the game, for all I knew, my son had died of old age already... So, I planned from the beginning, to start a new family.

*Yes, I did finish the main story line* When I came across the child behind the glass, I asked questions, but the replies of the child did not match what I was saying. Totally breaking the story line for me.


So I am just looking forward to any updates, as they come for Four Play, and Four Play related content from LoversLab.

If Beth stayed true to FO like FO1/2. Then we wouldn't even had the need for most Adult mods.


So far FO has been their try out for their poster child games(elder scrolls).

If it wasnt for us, FO be dead.


In a way, FO adult mods are bringing back features in the FO universe that Beth cut away. Slavery,Hookers,Sex,drugs and alcohol played a big part in 1 and 2.


And the whole parent and child thing was the worst idea ever done i FO universe. They basically strapped us down onto a chair instead on putting us on a leash like FO3/FONV.

Without mods, nothing what you do in the whole damn game matters. ITs ME3 all over.

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That is why I made no comment in the main thread till now.

All I will say is, without Four Play and Family planning, I would not touch FO4. These 2 mods specifically, are the reason why I got FO4 in the first place. And I don't give 2 hoots about the missions in the game, nor do I care about normal game play. Same thing goes for my Skyrim, without SexLab and Beeing Female, I wouldn't be playing Skyrim after the 30 hour mark, and most likely not even finishing the story line at all.


What Vinfamy and the crew are giving me, is what Bethesda totally ignored. Make it feel like life, and starting a new family.

Story starts - Frozen for who knows how many years, thawed long enough to see my husband shot, and baby taken. Frozen again, for who knows how long. At the start of the game, for all I knew, my son had died of old age already... So, I planned from the beginning, to start a new family.

*Yes, I did finish the main story line* When I came across the child behind the glass, I asked questions, but the replies of the child did not match what I was saying. Totally breaking the story line for me.


So I am just looking forward to any updates, as they come for Four Play, and Four Play related content from LoversLab.

If Beth stayed true to FO like FO1/2. Then we wouldn't even had the need for most Adult mods.


So far FO has been their try out for their poster child games(elder scrolls).

If it wasnt for us, FO be dead.


In a way, FO adult mods are bringing back features in the FO universe that Beth cut away. Slavery,Hookers,Sex,drugs and alcohol played a big part in 1 and 2.


And the whole parent and child thing was the worst idea ever done i FO universe. They basically strapped us down onto a chair instead on putting us on a leash like FO3/FONV.

Without mods, nothing what you do in the whole damn game matters. ITs ME3 all over.



They bring back the aspect of slavery with Nuka World, one of the worst DLCs they have. Since there's no way to divide and conquer them with the normal story mode it comes with.


I agree, without the adult mods, many of these games would of died shortly after hitting the gates. In fact, if I can't find adult mods for a game, and I am sure I won't enjoy it for long if I got it, then I won't get it. It's the adult mods that draw me to specific games more so than the games themselves.


No idea what ME3 is at all. : after completing the writing of the rest of the post, I am going to guess Mass Effect 3, Never played any of the Mass Effect games, nor looked for any adult mods for it outside LoversLab.


Skyrim with all it's available mods, is my main game currently. Even if I swap between a few games from time to time. Like right now, I am doing a quick test run of the pregnancy mod for New Vegas, found a couple interesting problems, and reported them, even tho my character still hasn't ovulated yet, she will soon enough. One of the problems turned out to be deliberate by another mod. The other, will see.

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That is why I made no comment in the main thread till now.

All I will say is, without Four Play and Family planning, I would not touch FO4. These 2 mods specifically, are the reason why I got FO4 in the first place. And I don't give 2 hoots about the missions in the game, nor do I care about normal game play. Same thing goes for my Skyrim, without SexLab and Beeing Female, I wouldn't be playing Skyrim after the 30 hour mark, and most likely not even finishing the story line at all.


What Vinfamy and the crew are giving me, is what Bethesda totally ignored. Make it feel like life, and starting a new family.

Story starts - Frozen for who knows how many years, thawed long enough to see my husband shot, and baby taken. Frozen again, for who knows how long. At the start of the game, for all I knew, my son had died of old age already... So, I planned from the beginning, to start a new family.

*Yes, I did finish the main story line* When I came across the child behind the glass, I asked questions, but the replies of the child did not match what I was saying. Totally breaking the story line for me.


So I am just looking forward to any updates, as they come for Four Play, and Four Play related content from LoversLab.

If Beth stayed true to FO like FO1/2. Then we wouldn't even had the need for most Adult mods.


So far FO has been their try out for their poster child games(elder scrolls).

If it wasnt for us, FO be dead.


In a way, FO adult mods are bringing back features in the FO universe that Beth cut away. Slavery,Hookers,Sex,drugs and alcohol played a big part in 1 and 2.


And the whole parent and child thing was the worst idea ever done i FO universe. They basically strapped us down onto a chair instead on putting us on a leash like FO3/FONV.

Without mods, nothing what you do in the whole damn game matters. ITs ME3 all over.



How exactly are you tied down in FNV, the character has Amnesia from the beginning, which allows you to make decisions and choose factions with out a game forced background to clash with your choice.   Its one of the main reasons I enjoy FNV so much not to mention the DLCs are actually story lines that expand the game not just asset adders like almost all of the DLCs for FO4. 


Nukaworld chapped my butt because you're forced to play the kind of character the writer(s) envisioned.   I made it only as far as meeting the various faction leaders then went back to a pre nuka world save and just ignored the whole DLC.  what a waste of time and money.  


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That is why I made no comment in the main thread till now.

All I will say is, without Four Play and Family planning, I would not touch FO4. These 2 mods specifically, are the reason why I got FO4 in the first place. And I don't give 2 hoots about the missions in the game, nor do I care about normal game play. Same thing goes for my Skyrim, without SexLab and Beeing Female, I wouldn't be playing Skyrim after the 30 hour mark, and most likely not even finishing the story line at all.


What Vinfamy and the crew are giving me, is what Bethesda totally ignored. Make it feel like life, and starting a new family.

Story starts - Frozen for who knows how many years, thawed long enough to see my husband shot, and baby taken. Frozen again, for who knows how long. At the start of the game, for all I knew, my son had died of old age already... So, I planned from the beginning, to start a new family.

*Yes, I did finish the main story line* When I came across the child behind the glass, I asked questions, but the replies of the child did not match what I was saying. Totally breaking the story line for me.


So I am just looking forward to any updates, as they come for Four Play, and Four Play related content from LoversLab.

If Beth stayed true to FO like FO1/2. Then we wouldn't even had the need for most Adult mods.


So far FO has been their try out for their poster child games(elder scrolls).

If it wasnt for us, FO be dead.


In a way, FO adult mods are bringing back features in the FO universe that Beth cut away. Slavery,Hookers,Sex,drugs and alcohol played a big part in 1 and 2.


And the whole parent and child thing was the worst idea ever done i FO universe. They basically strapped us down onto a chair instead on putting us on a leash like FO3/FONV.

Without mods, nothing what you do in the whole damn game matters. ITs ME3 all over.



How exactly are you tied down in FNV, the character has Amnesia from the beginning, which allows you to make decisions and choose factions with out a game forced background to clash with your choice.   Its one of the main reasons I enjoy FNV so much not to mention the DLCs are actually story lines that expand the game not just asset adders like almost all of the DLCs for FO4. 


Nukaworld chapped my butt because you're forced to play the kind of character the writer(s) envisioned.   I made it only as far as meeting the various faction leaders then went back to a pre nuka world save and just ignored the whole DLC.  what a waste of time and money.  




With Nuka World, I went through with capturing the remaining parts of the park. Was relieved to find out that I didn't actually have to kill any settlers to do so. But then, they wanted to expand into the Common Wealth, that is when I jumped ship, and never went back to that story line. I am there to protect the Common Wealth, not have it run over by a bunch of delinquents, and I wasn't able to send the 2 factions after the oddball after the land was divided. "Who ever drives them out get's their piece of land" so, it would of been a 3 way war, between the clans, in the end, they would of been weakened enough to bring in a clean up crew to mop up the rest... By the time the leaders discover it was you all along, it would be too late.

The problem is, the DLC doesn't allow that kind of tactic! And I wanted to give the entire Nuka World park to the settlers and Merchants of the Common Wealth.


FO4, After being released from the freezer, as far as I was concerned, my entire family was already dead. Left me with mixed feelings. The game leads you to look for your son Shaun in multiple areas, trying to get you to follow the story line. Finding out being frozen for over 200 years, isn't a bad thing at all, time to fix the cryo tube and set the timer for 1000 years, and go back in without anyone knowing :D 1 tube won't use as much power, so should be able to last long enough...Maybe by then, things will have settled.


FNV, Only thing the game prods you to do at the beginning, is to seek revenge against the guy who shot you. Question is, does it really matter at this point when you wake up? You can look for him or not. without any prodding from others. So it's really not a bad thing.

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That is why I made no comment in the main thread till now.

All I will say is, without Four Play and Family planning, I would not touch FO4. These 2 mods specifically, are the reason why I got FO4 in the first place. And I don't give 2 hoots about the missions in the game, nor do I care about normal game play. Same thing goes for my Skyrim, without SexLab and Beeing Female, I wouldn't be playing Skyrim after the 30 hour mark, and most likely not even finishing the story line at all.


What Vinfamy and the crew are giving me, is what Bethesda totally ignored. Make it feel like life, and starting a new family.

Story starts - Frozen for who knows how many years, thawed long enough to see my husband shot, and baby taken. Frozen again, for who knows how long. At the start of the game, for all I knew, my son had died of old age already... So, I planned from the beginning, to start a new family.

*Yes, I did finish the main story line* When I came across the child behind the glass, I asked questions, but the replies of the child did not match what I was saying. Totally breaking the story line for me.


So I am just looking forward to any updates, as they come for Four Play, and Four Play related content from LoversLab.

If Beth stayed true to FO like FO1/2. Then we wouldn't even had the need for most Adult mods.


So far FO has been their try out for their poster child games(elder scrolls).

If it wasnt for us, FO be dead.


In a way, FO adult mods are bringing back features in the FO universe that Beth cut away. Slavery,Hookers,Sex,drugs and alcohol played a big part in 1 and 2.


And the whole parent and child thing was the worst idea ever done i FO universe. They basically strapped us down onto a chair instead on putting us on a leash like FO3/FONV.

Without mods, nothing what you do in the whole damn game matters. ITs ME3 all over.



How exactly are you tied down in FNV, the character has Amnesia from the beginning, which allows you to make decisions and choose factions with out a game forced background to clash with your choice.   Its one of the main reasons I enjoy FNV so much not to mention the DLCs are actually story lines that expand the game not just asset adders like almost all of the DLCs for FO4. 


Nukaworld chapped my butt because you're forced to play the kind of character the writer(s) envisioned.   I made it only as far as meeting the various faction leaders then went back to a pre nuka world save and just ignored the whole DLC.  what a waste of time and money.  




With Nuka World, I went through with capturing the remaining parts of the park. Was relieved to find out that I didn't actually have to kill any settlers to do so. But then, they wanted to expand into the Common Wealth, that is when I jumped ship, and never went back to that story line. I am there to protect the Common Wealth, not have it run over by a bunch of delinquents, and I wasn't able to send the 2 factions after the oddball after the land was divided. "Who ever drives them out get's their piece of land" so, it would of been a 3 way war, between the clans, in the end, they would of been weakened enough to bring in a clean up crew to mop up the rest... By the time the leaders discover it was you all along, it would be too late.

The problem is, the DLC doesn't allow that kind of tactic! And I wanted to give the entire Nuka World park to the settlers and Merchants of the Common Wealth.


FO4, After being released from the freezer, as far as I was concerned, my entire family was already dead. Left me with mixed feelings. The game leads you to look for your son Shaun in multiple areas, trying to get you to follow the story line. Finding out being frozen for over 200 years, isn't a bad thing at all, time to fix the cryo tube and set the timer for 1000 years, and go back in without anyone knowing :D 1 tube won't use as much power, so should be able to last long enough...Maybe by then, things will have settled.


FNV, Only thing the game prods you to do at the beginning, is to seek revenge against the guy who shot you. Question is, does it really matter at this point when you wake up? You can look for him or not. without any prodding from others. So it's really not a bad thing.



I pretty much like the sex mods for my games because it adds some realism, Immersion to the game.   F03 was kind of a disappointment in that regard, but oh well.  LOL.  


Something I'd like to see as a mod, that can be, if you stretch your mind a little (LOL),  tied into the main quest of FO4 and fourplay, the PC male or female has to dive into the stripper, hooker, slave culture looking for information about the people who took Shaun.  either as a pimp, hooker or eventually a valued customer.  


there could be a brothel in Diamond city and good neighbor, maybe another in a Gunner encampment, and yet another could be run by Raiders who are tired of running around and have settled down as pimps auctioning slaves off on the side.  


Thats pretty much how I role play the game anyway, every place the pc goes he is listening for odd scraps of info that might lead him to his son and ever settler that shows up at a settlement he builds might know something even if its only a rumor. 

and of course just roaming around for long stretches he might just stumble across the people he is looking for. 


okay. sorry to have hijacked the thread.   we now return you to our smut in progress.  LOL



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That is why I made no comment in the main thread till now.

All I will say is, without Four Play and Family planning, I would not touch FO4. These 2 mods specifically, are the reason why I got FO4 in the first place. And I don't give 2 hoots about the missions in the game, nor do I care about normal game play. Same thing goes for my Skyrim, without SexLab and Beeing Female, I wouldn't be playing Skyrim after the 30 hour mark, and most likely not even finishing the story line at all.


What Vinfamy and the crew are giving me, is what Bethesda totally ignored. Make it feel like life, and starting a new family.

Story starts - Frozen for who knows how many years, thawed long enough to see my husband shot, and baby taken. Frozen again, for who knows how long. At the start of the game, for all I knew, my son had died of old age already... So, I planned from the beginning, to start a new family.

*Yes, I did finish the main story line* When I came across the child behind the glass, I asked questions, but the replies of the child did not match what I was saying. Totally breaking the story line for me.


So I am just looking forward to any updates, as they come for Four Play, and Four Play related content from LoversLab.

If Beth stayed true to FO like FO1/2. Then we wouldn't even had the need for most Adult mods.


So far FO has been their try out for their poster child games(elder scrolls).

If it wasnt for us, FO be dead.


In a way, FO adult mods are bringing back features in the FO universe that Beth cut away. Slavery,Hookers,Sex,drugs and alcohol played a big part in 1 and 2.


And the whole parent and child thing was the worst idea ever done i FO universe. They basically strapped us down onto a chair instead on putting us on a leash like FO3/FONV.

Without mods, nothing what you do in the whole damn game matters. ITs ME3 all over.



How exactly are you tied down in FNV, the character has Amnesia from the beginning, which allows you to make decisions and choose factions with out a game forced background to clash with your choice.   Its one of the main reasons I enjoy FNV so much not to mention the DLCs are actually story lines that expand the game not just asset adders like almost all of the DLCs for FO4. 


Nukaworld chapped my butt because you're forced to play the kind of character the writer(s) envisioned.   I made it only as far as meeting the various faction leaders then went back to a pre nuka world save and just ignored the whole DLC.  what a waste of time and money.  




With Nuka World, I went through with capturing the remaining parts of the park. Was relieved to find out that I didn't actually have to kill any settlers to do so. But then, they wanted to expand into the Common Wealth, that is when I jumped ship, and never went back to that story line. I am there to protect the Common Wealth, not have it run over by a bunch of delinquents, and I wasn't able to send the 2 factions after the oddball after the land was divided. "Who ever drives them out get's their piece of land" so, it would of been a 3 way war, between the clans, in the end, they would of been weakened enough to bring in a clean up crew to mop up the rest... By the time the leaders discover it was you all along, it would be too late.

The problem is, the DLC doesn't allow that kind of tactic! And I wanted to give the entire Nuka World park to the settlers and Merchants of the Common Wealth.


FO4, After being released from the freezer, as far as I was concerned, my entire family was already dead. Left me with mixed feelings. The game leads you to look for your son Shaun in multiple areas, trying to get you to follow the story line. Finding out being frozen for over 200 years, isn't a bad thing at all, time to fix the cryo tube and set the timer for 1000 years, and go back in without anyone knowing :D 1 tube won't use as much power, so should be able to last long enough...Maybe by then, things will have settled.


FNV, Only thing the game prods you to do at the beginning, is to seek revenge against the guy who shot you. Question is, does it really matter at this point when you wake up? You can look for him or not. without any prodding from others. So it's really not a bad thing.



I pretty much like the sex mods for my games because it adds some realism, Immersion to the game.   F03 was kind of a disappointment in that regard, but oh well.  LOL.  


Something I'd like to see as a mod, that can be, if you stretch your mind a little (LOL),  tied into the main quest of FO4 and fourplay, the PC male or female has to dive into the stripper, hooker, slave culture looking for information about the people who took Shaun.  either as a pimp, hooker or eventually a valued customer.  


there could be a brothel in Diamond city and good neighbor, maybe another in a Gunner encampment, and yet another could be run by Raiders who are tired of running around and have settled down as pimps auctioning slaves off on the side.  


Thats pretty much how I role play the game anyway, every place the pc goes he is listening for odd scraps of info that might lead him to his son and ever settler that shows up at a settlement he builds might know something even if its only a rumor. 

and of course just roaming around for long stretches he might just stumble across the people he is looking for. 


okay. sorry to have hijacked the thread.   we now return you to our smut in progress.  LOL


Just a quick FYI...

When you first get to Nuka World there is a route you can tae where you don't side with the raiders, I came across it on my first visit.  In the market is someone who suggests killing them all.


In that play through I had inished the Institute and was a jerk to everyone so kept that rp going and sided with the raiders.  Haven't played long enough to go back on a new play through to se what its like but it is there.

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Just a quick FYI...

When you first get to Nuka World there is a route you can tae where you don't side with the raiders, I came across it on my first visit.  In the market is someone who suggests killing them all.


In that play through I had inished the Institute and was a jerk to everyone so kept that rp going and sided with the raiders.  Haven't played long enough to go back on a new play through to se what its like but it is there.



cool I did not know that, thanks I might give it another shot then. 


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Just a quick FYI...


When you first get to Nuka World there is a route you can tae where you don't side with the raiders, I came across it on my first visit.  In the market is someone who suggests killing them all.


In that play through I had inished the Institute and was a jerk to everyone so kept that rp going and sided with the raiders.  Haven't played long enough to go back on a new play through to se what its like but it is there.



My play through, I finished with the Institute, and the Minutemen co-existing. The minutemen are the main force to help protect the Commonwealth, while the Institute continues with it's research of plant life, and ways to reverse the harmful effects of radiation, among other projects.


When I got to just outside the market area, no one suggested such a thing, I may have to go into the market and start asking around to find a way to jump start the mission to kill them off. BUT the guy who lets you out of the cage where you killed the other boss, did make a remark saying,"You don't want to take on all of the gangs..." and there was no reply to being able to say, "Yes I do."


Anyway, why bother with being the leader of the gang, when you have to do everything yourself anyway, you can't send the gang members off to do anything!

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Btw, I'm also working on adding dog (there will be an off switch in the MCM obviously) and threesome support to Four-Play (Crazy recently made animations for those), so when this gets reuploaded (most likely tomorrow), it might just be the old version 2.5.1 or there's a chance it will also be a new update 2.6 with dog and threesome functionality. If the latter is the case, then I'll include an off switch for cum too, I still haven't received the CumTec cum textures yet.


Same for Violate too.

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You guys know about the Streisand Effect?


Basically, making a big deal out of this and temporarily taking it down will only send a broader message of invitation to pedophiles, especially since there really is no solution. The better course of action would have been to privately discuss this with your confidants and either add a disclaiming note, or to take it down afterwards if the verdict was to remove it.


Regardless, I appreciate that you will continue to develop these sex-mods and all of the effort you have put into it. Hopefully nothing further will deter you from doing so.

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FO4, After being released from the freezer, as far as I was concerned, my entire family was already dead. Left me with mixed feelings. The game leads you to look for your son Shaun in multiple areas, trying to get you to follow the story line.


I hated that too. So much. I refused to even buy the game for more than $10. (Though I ended up getting it for free by winning a raffle.)

Luckily this mod removed all that garbage: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18946/

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FO4, After being released from the freezer, as far as I was concerned, my entire family was already dead. Left me with mixed feelings. The game leads you to look for your son Shaun in multiple areas, trying to get you to follow the story line.


I hated that too. So much. I refused to even buy the game for more than $10. (Though I ended up getting it for free by winning a raffle.)

Luckily this mod removed all that garbage: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18946/



Grats on your win, and thank you so much for the reference, if I ever start a new game, I won't be a part of that story line! Also, it would of been nice if they had something similar for Skyrim, they need to stop calling me the dragon born or Dovakiin, seriously.... LOL I am just some mother wanting to be left alone with her children to hunt and gather supplies...

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I have two cents to put on the table here.


1. I never even thought of there being sex mods for an adventure game, before I stumbled upon this site.


2. I would never have opened my eyes to or gandered at - bestiality, bondage or necrophilia, ever, if it weren't for this site and the mods for Skyrim(I didn't even know what to look for).


So I ask you this - what do you think that this little irrelevant hissy-fit will accomplish other than promote pedophilia? X) I bet you that many more have started to actively search for underage content just because of this thread. (One guy mentioned the same a bit earlier)


The spoon has been invented and reinvented so many times that it is now a fork!


Edit: Solutions could be to just stop making this or to close down loverslab in general. As with everything else, people will be annoyed for two weeks and then move on to something else. Problems solved.



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Кстати, я также работаю над добавлением собаки (очевидно, будет отключен MCM) и втроем поддержка Four-Play (Crazy недавно созданная анимация для них), поэтому, когда это будет перезагружено (скорее всего, завтра), это Может быть просто старой версией 2.5.1, или есть шанс, что это будет также новое обновление 2.6 с функциями для собак и тройки. Если последнее так, то я включу выключенный переключатель для спермы, я все еще не получил текстуры cumTec cum.


То же самое для Нарушения тоже.

Good news. Bug with the inability to find animations for sex npc-npc, will be fixed? In the brothel, this message constantly appears and the NPC disappear or flicker instead of sex scenes. All animations are installed.

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I have two cents to put on the table here.


1. I never even thought of there being sex mods for an adventure game, before I stumbled upon this site.


2. I would never have opened my eyes to or gandered at - bestiality, bondage or necrophilia, ever, if it weren't for this site and the mods for Skyrim(I didn't even know what to look for).


So I ask you this - what do you think that this little irrelevant hissy-fit will accomplish other than promote pedophilia? X) I bet you that many more have started to actively search for underage content just because of this thread. (One guy mentioned the same a bit earlier)


The spoon has been invented and reinvented so many times that it is now a fork!


Edit: Solutions could be to just stop making this or to close down loverslab in general. As with everything else, people will be annoyed for two weeks and then move on to something else. Problems solved.


I mean, yeah, without this site I propably wouldn't know that I like beasteality, but I'm still not a fan of bondage or necrophilia. Same goes for underage content, and I honestly don't think many people here really care about the other guys patching this sites awesome work. It's just really annoying that because of that, our beloved modders have to waste their time on this. As Vinfamy stated, they had to take it down for a while because of legal issues. They'll sort it out soon and we'll be fine. Nothing to see here.


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I have two cents to put on the table here.


1. I never even thought of there being sex mods for an adventure game, before I stumbled upon this site.


2. I would never have opened my eyes to or gandered at - bestiality, bondage or necrophilia, ever, if it weren't for this site and the mods for Skyrim(I didn't even know what to look for).


So I ask you this - what do you think that this little irrelevant hissy-fit will accomplish other than promote pedophilia? X) I bet you that many more have started to actively search for underage content just because of this thread. (One guy mentioned the same a bit earlier)


The spoon has been invented and reinvented so many times that it is now a fork!


Edit: Solutions could be to just stop making this or to close down loverslab in general. As with everything else, people will be annoyed for two weeks and then move on to something else. Problems solved.


It is also the due dilligence side of things, if you are aware of things like that, then it is the authors place to put appropriate blocks and flags in place to stop it, if done most federal and police groups will go fair do they are actively trying to block such content, and then go after the ones editing the mod to allow such content, if they do not do so then there is nothing stopping such police groups from knocking on their doors with search and confiscate warrants for ongoing investigations into such things, which is the last sort of stuff anybody wants.

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I have two cents to put on the table here.


1. I never even thought of there being sex mods for an adventure game, before I stumbled upon this site.


2. I would never have opened my eyes to or gandered at - bestiality, bondage or necrophilia, ever, if it weren't for this site and the mods for Skyrim(I didn't even know what to look for).


So I ask you this - what do you think that this little irrelevant hissy-fit will accomplish other than promote pedophilia? X) I bet you that many more have started to actively search for underage content just because of this thread. (One guy mentioned the same a bit earlier)


The spoon has been invented and reinvented so many times that it is now a fork!


Edit: Solutions could be to just stop making this or to close down loverslab in general. As with everything else, people will be annoyed for two weeks and then move on to something else. Problems solved.


It is also the due dilligence side of things, if you are aware of things like that, then it is the authors place to put appropriate blocks and flags in place to stop it, if done most federal and police groups will go fair do they are actively trying to block such content, and then go after the ones editing the mod to allow such content, if they do not do so then there is nothing stopping such police groups from knocking on their doors with search and confiscate warrants for ongoing investigations into such things, which is the last sort of stuff anybody wants.



I see, good point. They(loverslab) have, however, already made their point by not allowing underage content on this site. They also enforce it at any given opportunity.


Modders cannot stop "them" from altering their code. Much like antivirus, firewalls and every other form of security just requires someone "smarter" or inventive to find a way past.


I think that both the modders and this site will forever be in the clear about underage content - but you are right, it is better to be on the safe side and promote a little "we-care-about-this"-propaganda, than to wait for judgement and not do anything :-P


This discussion and issue keeps coming up no matter where you are in these forums. Rape is another one frequently visited - where some knight in shining armour on a perverts playground pops up, and teaches us all that rape is wrong. Somehow that person still found his way here though x) If any of us visiting this site EVER were to try any of this shit in real life, no matter what it is in these genres - I bet we would end up puking, running or in jail inside two months lol


The further we get into the new millenium the more the borders are moved and reality tends to blur with all the nice graphics, immersion and plots that we engage in. It is, however, still fiction. Those who do not know the difference are truly in a bind.

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