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On 10/10/2021 at 8:44 AM, alternateaccounts said:

would you mind sharing your port pls?

So long as Vivi does not mind my sharing it then I do not mind sharing it. That and anyone who uses it would need to not mind have a merged SOS add-on file like I used to redirect everything to the right textures. 

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14 hours ago, FauxFurry said:

So long as Vivi does not mind my sharing it then I do not mind sharing it. That and anyone who uses it would need to not mind have a merged SOS add-on file like I used to redirect everything to the right textures. 

I was thinking of using to replace a standard DD item, but have no idea how to go about it. I tried googling a few item replacement tutorials, got the CK up and running through MO with multiple masters. I still don't get how to add a male model to the item.

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On 9/29/2021 at 1:52 AM, FauxFurry said:

One has to go into the esp to assign textures from the SOS add-on of one's choice to a given mesh.



So I decided to jump in and give it a whack, although with different end goals than yours. I'd like to be able to use a male character with some of the newer DD and SL mods.

I used Pet Project as a template to test on, mainly because there's not too much going on there in the items department.
The issue was belts equipped were invisible on males.

I manged to swap them out with DD items and it seems to work fine. (img 1)

I tried the same thing with Vivi's, and it shows up in game, but now the schlong is invisible.  I assume it's an issue with the mesh since i'm getting a gaping invisible hole and not purple textures. (images 2 & 3)

I've been comparing it to the zaz files from DD, but can't see what the difference is - other than them maybe not rendering that area or blocking it off from view entirely, thus circumventing the issue?


They show up fine when equipped from Vivi's mod (I downloaded the DD version posted here to check, but get the SOS undies bug).

This is my first stab at anything modding related, would really appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction.


Edit: Figured it out. I added the vivi nif to the pp_basicBeltOpenAA model in the second pic.

Here's the esp if anyone's interested, it uses Pet Project LE (which works fine) and Vivi's, you'll also need DD I guess. End result in final pic is the PetProject open belt.



Edited by alternateaccounts
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Here is a basic script that can be added to the cages so it requires a key to remove or it will be reequipped automatically.

Scriptname ViviCockCageLock extends ObjectReference  

Key Property ChastityKey Auto
Armor Property Cockcage auto
Actor property playerref auto 

Event OnUnequipped(actor akActor)
	If akActor == playerref
		if playerref.GetItemCount(Chastitykey) == 0


Properties to be filled are:

   ChastityKey - I used the DD Chastity Key (zadChastitykey) but any key can be used

   Cockcage - the cage that the script has been added to (or if used on another item that would go here)

   Playerref - just use the autofill function and it will grab the player reference

Anyone that wants to add it to items just create a new script, copy the above code into the script and have it compile it. After that just fill in the references.

Any items you have that had in your inventory before the script was added will need to be reacquired as the script will not work on pre-existing items.


Note that this script can be added to ANY equipable item, this one is geared towards armor in particular (the Armor property).


DD's 'Devices Underneath' will hide the cage without unequipping it, just set the body slot (or whatever else you want to use to hide it) to hide slot 52.


The above code can be used by anyone so long as they do not used it in scripts that are restricted in use or modification by other people (basically if this script is used as part of another script that script must be free to use and modify by anyone).

Adding the keyword 'VendorNoSale' to the items will block the ability to sell the item to most vendors. The only way to sell it (and it will come back if locked and you have no key) is to sell it to someone that buys stolen goods or have the perk that allows you to sell any item to any vendor.

Edited by Veladarius
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  • 3 weeks later...

Modification to Vivi's mod and makes the cages locking and requires a DD chastity key to be in the player's inventory. NOTE!!! this was built using v4 of DD so it needs the DDI ESM for the key, if someone wants to update it for v5 go ahead as I have not downloaded it. Another option is making a a custom key for it and changing the properties on the cages but I used the DD ones out of convenience. No DD keywords are used on them and they can be equipped along with DD belts (make sure slot 52 isn't hidden by them) and will not interfere with any DD items that don't use slot 52. They are not sellable either except to fences and if you have the perk to sell anything to anyone.


Also adds PERMANENT versions using a custom key but good luck trying to use it. The only way to get rid of it is hope for a glitch in an 'unequip all' event where it screws up the script and doesn't reequip it (Skyrim is Skyrim after all).


Scripts are simple, all cages use the script in the previous post and there is a script on the key for permanent ones (cages are marked as permanent). If you already have a cage ditch it and get a new one as Skyrim won't add or alter scripts on existing items.


To install just install over Vivi's mod, it will replace the esp and add the 2 scripts (source code is provided for them).


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  • 3 weeks later...

Specific question, but why not try:
I'd like to wear this just like the DD Chastity Belt, so with the possibility to hide it under armor.

However, when i equipp one of the cages, they seem to kinda replace or block the armor slot
Is there a workaround to this?


EDIT: Setting the Armor to revealing made it possible to wear armor on top of the cage

Edited by Horologia
found something out
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  • 2 months later...

New version is up. Let me know of any errors.


Now it might looks like that I like shiny silver, and that is because I like shiny silver :P

Also sorry about the naming lol, I will try to come up with something better at one point,



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On 11/8/2021 at 4:41 AM, Veladarius said:

Modification to Vivi's mod and makes the cages locking and requires a DD chastity key to be in the player's inventory. NOTE!!! this was built using v4 of DD so it needs the DDI ESM for the key, if someone wants to update it for v5 go ahead as I have not downloaded it. Another option is making a a custom key for it and changing the properties on the cages but I used the DD ones out of convenience. No DD keywords are used on them and they can be equipped along with DD belts (make sure slot 52 isn't hidden by them) and will not interfere with any DD items that don't use slot 52. They are not sellable either except to fences and if you have the perk to sell anything to anyone.


Also adds PERMANENT versions using a custom key but good luck trying to use it. The only way to get rid of it is hope for a glitch in an 'unequip all' event where it screws up the script and doesn't reequip it (Skyrim is Skyrim after all).


Scripts are simple, all cages use the script in the previous post and there is a script on the key for permanent ones (cages are marked as permanent). If you already have a cage ditch it and get a new one as Skyrim won't add or alter scripts on existing items.


To install just install over Vivi's mod, it will replace the esp and add the 2 scripts (source code is provided for them).

LockingCages.zip 7.56 kB · 60 downloads

v3 plz?

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