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Billyy's SLAL Animations (2024-6-1)

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Too many animations = how Sexlab counts animations, not FNIS. 1.62 has a default of 500 Human/500 Creature animations allowed to be registered at once. SLAL has a "Count Registered Animations" option on its main MCM page to count your actual total. Exceed the maximum of registeredĀ animations allowed and the game's lousy string handling causes it to CTD. Blame Bugthesda for not doing things properly.

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48 minutes ago, Ernest Lemmingway said:

Too many animations = how Sexlab counts animations, not FNIS. 1.62 has a default of 500 Human/500 Creature animations allowed to be registered at once. SLAL has a "Count Registered Animations" option on its main MCM page to count your actual total. Exceed the maximum of registeredĀ animations allowed and the game's lousy string handling causes it to CTD. Blame Bugthesda for not doing things properly.

Considering how long it took Bethesda to even get their engine to a half decent standard (FO4/SkyrimSE), and actually stable its no real surprise how some portions of Skyrim turned out.Ā  Doesn't really help either that Bethesda didn't have the game configured to work properly under 64bit either

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1 hour ago, Ernest Lemmingway said:

Too many animations = how Sexlab counts animations, not FNIS. 1.62 has a default of 500 Human/500 Creature animations allowed to be registered at once. SLAL has a "Count Registered Animations" option on its main MCM page to count your actual total. Exceed the maximum of registeredĀ animations allowed and the game's lousy string handling causes it to CTD. Blame Bugthesda for not doing things properly.

no it's both, FNIS can load 20000 (20000 human andĀ 20000 creature) new animations into the game (sex, combat or other) but skyrim starts to die if you go past 10000 all together (depending on what mods are using them)

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Animation counts.Ā  Lots of confusion on this but it's really simple.


FNIS: Animation = one added animation file. Current limit is 20,000 animations added per creature. Humans are basically just another creature so the human animations have the same limit as each creature.Ā  This limit is sufficient since it seems that the game as a whole (LE at least, don't have good data on SE) cannot handle more than around 14,000 added animations (human and creature combined).


Sexlab - Currently has a limit of 500 "animations" (750 with a patch) but that's not the same as FNIS because an "animation" in Sexlab is in reality a group of individual animations as counted by FNIS.Ā  In Sexlab a Sex Animation will actually use a FNIS animation for each actor times the number of stages in the sex animation. A Sexlab animation for solo masturbation with 4 stages will use four FNIS animations, a Sexlab animation for two actors with seven stages will use fourteen FNIS animations and an animation for five actors with four stages will use twenty FNIS animations.


The FNIS count is the true count of ADDED animations. FNIS doesn't count the original animations released as a part of the game in it's totals.Ā  I strongly suspect that the total number of animations the game can support is actually around 32767 and the 14000 or so animations you can add with FNIS is really just the number that you can add using FNIS that takes you to the 32767 limit. There's a lot of "we keep using too fucking small integers to handle big numbers of items" crap going on in the game code and my guess is the this is another one of those.


The Sexlab count is the count of how many varied sex animation sets the Sexlab Framework supports.


The FNIS count of added animations is the number to look at when you add new animations to the game and it starts crashing because it's probably you running into the limit that the game itself will support.Ā  Remember to count both the human AND the creature animations when counting the total animations your game can support.



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We really should have a pinned topic about Skyrim LE's issues with animation overload IMO, it feels like every time Billyy releases a new set of awesome animations we quickly fill up two pages of misleading bug reports/repeated explainations about the problem and don't actually get to talk about the update itself.Ā  If there was a pinned topic at least we could just point people that report crashing after updating to that topic (same for every other animator's SLAL threads as obviously people are starting to hit the animation cap en-mass).Ā  Such a topic would probably be the most likely to attract a modding genius to try to figure out a way to bypass this apparently limit in the Skyrim engine.



Anyway, back to the real subject - the new update.


I honestly was surprised how much I liked the mammoth animations - I think the use of the cum animated object was genius as otherwise the *climax* would be pretty.... anti-climactic.Ā  The new bear animations are always appreciated, because for how common bears are in Skyrim there can never be enough bear animations IMO.


I also think the new furniture animations are great, especially the enchanting table one (what, they are just trying to charge a black soulgem without killing someone, honestly).Ā  I wouldn't mind if you kept working with the theme as long as you find it interesting, as I could see a similar animation for the skinning rack/anvil/staff enchanter.

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For those still wondering, the furotub is just a solo animation with animobjects, so just start an animation with 1 character and it should come up. I felt keeping it simple would make it easier for the user or even modder to decide when it was appropriate to use.


55 minutes ago, Reesewow said:

We really should have a pinned topic about Skyrim LE's issues with animation overload IMO, it feels like every time Billyy releases a new set of awesome animations we quickly fill up two pages of misleading bug reports/repeated explainations about the problem and don't actually get to talk about the update itself.Ā  If there was a pinned topic at least we could just point people that report crashing after updating to that topic (same for every other animator's SLAL threads as obviously people are starting to hit the animation cap en-mass).Ā  Such a topic would probably be the most likely to attract a modding genius to try to figure out a way to bypass this apparently limit in the Skyrim engine.



Anyway, back to the real subject - the new update.


I honestly was surprised how much I liked the mammoth animations - I think the use of the cum animated object was genius as otherwise the *climax* would be pretty.... anti-climactic.Ā  The new bear animations are always appreciated, because for how common bears are in Skyrim there can never be enough bear animations IMO.


I also think the new furniture animations are great, especially the enchanting table one (what, they are just trying to charge a black soulgem without killing someone, honestly).Ā  I wouldn't mind if you kept working with the theme as long as you find it interesting, as I could see a similar animation for the skinning rack/anvil/staff enchanter.

Iā€™m not familiar with the problem myself so I canā€™t really help, but I donā€™t want to talk over people trying to resolve their problems so I often let it play out while thinking ā€œwell, here we go again.ā€ Itā€™s a pretty annoying issue though; it really makes me think ā€œdo we actually need this specific animation, or is it wasted fnis slots?ā€


I often find itā€™s the case myself, ā€œWho would want slaughterfish/mammoth/dwemerbot/etc. animations? Come on.ā€ but then when I start doing them I find myself thinking ā€œhey, these are pretty cool.ā€ Mammoth climax animobject was indeed a stroke of genius. Any kind of external cumshot without one will bother me now.

Yep, good old bears. I hope that guy who a while ago requested an animation for ā€œanything where bear is smothering victim in ā€˜nether regionsā€™ā€ likes them. I plan on including more animations for creatures Iā€™ve already done before in future updates.

I might do more furniture stuff like those. I did enjoy making them, but I originally only made them because a mod author ā€œsuggestedā€ theyā€™d make a good addition.

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Sometimes there is a chicken and egg problem of not being able to use a non existent anim in a mod that really could use it. I posted a picture of both the Alchemy and Enchanting worktable anims (just one stage each though) on a new blog post.


The alchemy one was kinda random and doesn't fit anything, except I managed to make it fit where a regular table usually is placed. The Enchanting table I planned in a spare room in the College instead of trying to get it overlaid on the existing table. I would concurr with Reesewow on the soul charging idea and wonder how long a Soul Gem Oven or other related mod will take to pick up on it. Since you have a unique tag on the anim it could be called specifically for story elements.




Now to go mammoth hunting.





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So after installing the most recent version, though the animations work(with a certain quirk I'll mention below), there is at least two issues with the installer.Ā 


-The AnimObjects get installed without any hint that this is the case - granted, for this one perhaps I missed something in a description somewhere, but it seems to be true.Ā 

-The Creature furniture option, while not selected, it still adds the .json file, meaning that SLAL will pick up on it, even if none of the related animations were installed. It is also not mentioned when running FNIS in this case.Ā 


Also, the problem I was having in-game, would be that it seemed as if at least the creature animations where not being registered, or at least did not seem to be available for scenes(i.e did not show up in SexLab Tool's menu).Ā 



Perhaps a misunderstanding of how the Loader works, but it seems as if in this case, once you hit register...you don't need to rebuild the registry, either with the option on the above page, or in SexLab's MCM itself. As once I just hit the Register option, and then started a scene...




Previously, these were not showing up, though the MNC ones were...

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28 minutes ago, Billyy said:

I often find itā€™s the case myself, ā€œWho would want slaughterfish/mammoth/dwemerbot/etc. animations? Come on.ā€ but then when I start doing them I find myself thinking ā€œhey, these are pretty cool.ā€Ā 

Yea, I wouldn't bother restricting yourself because of the animation limit problems.Ā  The only reason they are cropping up in your thread is that you are making these unique animations later in the game's long lifecycle - users will just have to actually decide what they want to install instead of installing *everything all the time* - people have stacks of other SLAL packs/animation adding mods already installed and will need to decide if they want to cut back on some of those in favour of more creature animations.Ā 


I think the only reason I haven't had the issues others have reported is that I only use 2 of Funnybiz's animation packs instead of trying to install all of them (a relic of struggling with the string table bug before Crash Fixes beat that bug down).

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30 minutes ago, Billyy said:

For those still wondering, the furotub is just a solo animation with animobjects, so just start an animation with 1 character and it should come up. I felt keeping it simple would make it easier for the user or even modder to decide when it was appropriate to use.


Iā€™m not familiar with the problem myself so I canā€™t really help, but I donā€™t want to talk over people trying to resolve their problems so I often let it play out while thinking ā€œwell, here we go again.ā€ Itā€™s a pretty annoying issue though; it really makes me think ā€œdo we actually need this specific animation, or is it wasted fnis slots?ā€



I often find itā€™s the case myself, ā€œWho would want slaughterfish/mammoth/dwemerbot/etc. animations? Come on.ā€ but then when I start doing them I find myself thinking ā€œhey, these are pretty cool.ā€ Mammoth climax animobject was indeed a stroke of genius. Any kind of external cumshot without one will bother me now.


Yep, good old bears. I hope that guy who a while ago requested an animation for ā€œanything where bear is smothering victim in ā€˜nether regionsā€™ā€ likes them. I plan on including more animations for creatures Iā€™ve already done before in future updates.


I might do more furniture stuff like those. I did enjoy making them, but I originally only made them because a mod author ā€œsuggestedā€ theyā€™d make a good addition.


Hm... since Amorous adventures I'm thinking about mammoth tusks....Ā 

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30 minutes ago, Kuroyami said:


Yes, I currently rape the animobjects onto you. Youā€™ll need something from them in creature 2, both furniture, and legacy packs (probably the human pack too in the future), so I felt it was an easy way to manage them all on my end, and easy way to make sure people werenā€™t missing objects in their animations.

Thanks for pointing out the additional json file. It looks like the file for creature 1 pack mistakenly includes the .json file for creature2 and creature furniture. These shall be removed in future versions.

While Iā€™ve never experienced in myself, Iā€™ve heard some people sometimes have animations that donā€™t come up even after registered in SLAL. I believed reloading the json data in SLAL MCM is a possible solution for this scenario.

19 minutes ago, Reesewow said:

Yea, I wouldn't bother restricting yourself because of the animation limit problems.Ā  The only reason they are cropping up in your thread is that you are making these unique animations later in the game's long lifecycle - users will just have to actually decide what they want to install instead of installing *everything all the time* - people have stacks of other SLAL packs/animation adding mods already installed and will need to decide if they want to cut back on some of those in favour of more creature animations.Ā 


I think the only reason I haven't had the issues others have reported is that I only use 2 of Funnybiz's animation packs instead of trying to install all of them (a relic of struggling with the string table bug before Crash Fixes beat that bug down).

Too many animations is truly a first world problem.

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awesome new animations! i just recently started using the "my home is your home" mod to put my girlfriends into some house with alchemy and enchanting tables. WhenĀ they sandbox around and bend over at those tables....Ā oh baby.

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7 hours ago, draghiamnl said:

Anyone else has problems with the mammoth animations? For me, before any animation begins, my character goes ragdoll like she died, than the animation starts and she starts flying around, at the end of the animation she only runs in place.

Uuuuuuh.... that sounds like a special type of bug.Ā  I'd double-check that you have animation slots open in Sexlab itself, rerun FNIS and possibly reinstall your character's skeleton making sure to use the latest version.

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16 hours ago, Reesewow said:

Uuuuuuh.... that sounds like a special type of bug.Ā  I'd double-check that you have animation slots open in Sexlab itself, rerun FNIS and possibly reinstall your character's skeleton making sure to use the latest version.

thank you i reinstalled my skeleton and reseted all animations, now it works.

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iv got a problem with creature pack two that I'm hoping someone can help me with. when ever creature pack two is installed the game will ctd on new-game/load of save. it does this even when there are basicallyĀ no other animations installed. creature 1, creature furniture, human, and human furniture pack all install and work brilliantly. its only creature pack 2 that is causing me issues.iv had this problem for the last few updates, but since the author keeps adding really cool stuff to it i figured id try and fix it. Any oneĀ got an idea of what it could be?

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Hello, i really love your animations, but i encounterd and issue with your animations only... i can play every animation from every other animatior but yours wont even give me the option to use them, the "play animation" tab is disable on every animation from this mod, i don't really know how to fix this issue and i don't see people having it, i did all the basics, putting the .esp on biger priority, re-installing it, disable other .esp's and Run FNIS multiple times but nothing, i can't get your animations to play, i hope someone has a way to fix it

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