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[AAF] FO4 Animations by Leito - 21/09/06 - v2.1b

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37 minutes ago, riot_punch said:

@OlBenny I think you are using one of my overlay patch, since "vaginal" isn't an original overlay group. 


Ah-ha, that was it!  Back on the 4th I installed CumNWealth-SavageCabbage 1.0.3a and I totally forgot that I had.  That was causing it.  I remember reading it somewhere or another and was thinking I should probably install that.  So I clearly need to update that.  Thank you, Riot!

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2 hours ago, OlBenny said:

Ah-ha, that was it!  Back on the 4th I installed CumNWealth-SavageCabbage 1.0.3a and I totally forgot that I had.  That was causing it.  I remember reading it somewhere or another and was thinking I should probably install that.  So I clearly need to update that.  Thank you, Riot!

You're welcome, make sure there are no files from older versions in your data file, almost all of the files are updated in the latest patch.

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On 12/23/2018 at 6:10 AM, tesalutamus said:

In your post, you've selected Jason as the sole participant. There are no available solo male animations [that I know of]. Almost all solo animations are for women [Masturbate, twerk, bound on the floor].

In AAF sex [at least 2 persons] always select the female first [your character or a female NPC] then a male [my post earlier explains how a female NPC can take the role of male in F-M animations].

Presuming standard controls for the AAF. 
1. Press home to load AAF
2. Press enter to toggle the wizard
3. At selection menu, page down selects, up and down arrow key chooses [i.e. page down on your character name, press up/down arrow key to select a male partner, then press page down again]
4. Press right arrow to go to location menu, choose from one
5. Press right arrow to choose animation
6. ???
7. Profit [see attachment]



I knew it would be something simple/stupid.


Thanks!  It really was easy in the end.


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Hi all. Just installed the animation pack and new to this. When the animation start, is there a hotkey to zoom out and see the action without opening the console and type 'TFC'. In Skyrim Sexlabs framework, there is an option to allow us to use free camera. Is there an option like that in any of the FO4 mods here?


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32 minutes ago, bearbil said:

Hi all. Just installed the animation pack and new to this. When the animation start, is there a hotkey to zoom out and see the action without opening the console and type 'TFC'. In Skyrim Sexlabs framework, there is an option to allow us to use free camera. Is there an option like that in any of the FO4 mods here?


AAF automatically triggers free camera mode. no hotkey needed.

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2 hours ago, Larrydd said:

Hi read most of the posts and have started a brand new game,is there any way that will show if the mod is working,have pressed the home key ?thanks

The AAF wizard should show up. Home > Enter > choose options etc etc etc. If you have only this animation pack, just choose one of the options and then it should animate.

Please refer to AAF to know how it works, or otherwise backtrack to a few pages to see the step by step process of using these animation

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15 minutes ago, Saphiira said:

for me the actors does not have proper positions. also some of leitos animations dont work. ig the aggressive ones does, but the non agressive ones doesnt. i used a step by step installation guide for install (with  NMM) and using four play. 

This fix was posted in another thread, but is a common issue. You just need to make sure your position data is sane, not all of them are updated, or you may be using an older copy...


But, look in any of Leito's positionData.xml's and if you see this: 


<animationOffset actor="1" offset="0,70,0"/>
<animationOffset actor="2" offset="0,0,0"/>


Comment it out like this: 


<animationOffset actor="1" offset="0,70,0"/>
<animationOffset actor="2" offset="0,0,0"/>



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1 minute ago, WandererZero said:

Yes. I literally gave someone else the solution about 2 posts UP in the thread. 

What do you mean when you say "

Comment it out like this: 


<animationOffset actor="1" offset="0,70,0"/>
<animationOffset actor="2" offset="0,0,0"/>


that's what the file already says.


I'm confused...

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16 minutes ago, sissycharlotte said:

What do you mean when you say "

Comment it out like this: 


<animationOffset actor="1" offset="0,70,0"/>
<animationOffset actor="2" offset="0,0,0"/>


that's what the file already says.


I'm confused...

im confused aswell. ig he means u have to add the "<(!=ig this was a typo?)--" and "-->"  but im not sure.

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8 hours ago, WandererZero said:

This fix was posted in another thread, but is a common issue. You just need to make sure your position data is sane, not all of them are updated, or you may be using an older copy...


But, look in any of Leito's positionData.xml's and if you see this: 


<animationOffset actor="1" offset="0,70,0"/>
<animationOffset actor="2" offset="0,0,0"/>


Comment it out like this: 


<animationOffset actor="1" offset="0,70,0"/>
<animationOffset actor="2" offset="0,0,0"/>



anyways @WandererZero can u paste the link of the already existing topic for my prob here? 

very thankies ?

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46 minutes ago, sissycharlotte said:

I'm confused...


35 minutes ago, Saphiira said:

im confused aswell.


It's not at all confusing, and you have to really pay attention to detail when you're working with these mods, because they're in a constant state of development. So, here we go. 




In this example, I have the file "Leito_FF_positionData.xml" open. You can find ALL AAF configs/definition xmls in the following location: 


Fallout 4/Data/AAF/


Now, see the two lines that contain the tag "animationOffset"? 


Comment those lines out using the proper syntax. For this file, comments are enclosures with the "<!--" and "-->"


What you want to do in this case, is add these around the place where you do not want the settings to be read, as you can see here: 




See how the commenting has greyed them out? You can use any text editor, such as notepad, or in my case Notepad++. But this is what you're shooting for when someone says to comment a line out in an XML file. 


There are a few files with the off positioning. Leito_FF_positionData.xml is just one. I think the SM_positionData also has this as well. 


This is how you comment out stuff. Go to it. 




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24 minutes ago, WandererZero said:



It's not at all confusing, and you have to really pay attention to detail when you're working with these mods, because they're in a constant state of development. So, here we go. 




In this example, I have the file "Leito_FF_positionData.xml" open. You can find ALL AAF configs/definition xmls in the following location: 


Fallout 4/Data/AAF/


Now, see the two lines that contain the tag "animationOffset"? 


Comment those lines out using the proper syntax. For this file, comments are enclosures with the "<!--" and "-->"


What you want to do in this case, is add these around the place where you do not want the settings to be read, as you can see here: 




See how the commenting has greyed them out? You can use any text editor, such as notepad, or in my case Notepad++. But this is what you're shooting for when someone says to comment a line out in an XML file. 


There are a few files with the off positioning. Leito_FF_positionData.xml is just one. I think the SM_positionData also has this as well. 


This is how you comment out stuff. Go to it. 




thats all and should fix the prob? lol ok. ill try^^ i dont have any experience with mod creating or .xml files so do i have to find any positioning file and comment out or....?

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2 minutes ago, WandererZero said:

Well, Four Play is kind of dead, and AAF is the future. I would start learning how to install and use AAF. You really won't regret it...it's a very sensible framework, and uses a really decent UI to accomplish things. 

well thx for the tip but i will use four play as long as it is possible. i just need it for the violate mod. i will try using AAF when its necessary at all. back to commenting out: i have to do it with every positioning file?


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