Enter_77 Posted December 4, 2016 Posted December 4, 2016 View File Maids II: Deception Original | Special Edition Main Package Download Due to the size of Maids II: Deception (2GB+), it must be downloaded from one of the sites below. Packages uploaded here on LL are supplementary. Mod Sites ModDB    Nexus Mods File Storage View Readme - How to combine 7z part files.txt for installation instructions. MEGA Torrent Available on this file's downloads. Help seed by combining all parts of the regular M2 download and renaming the single .7z archive as "Maids II - Deception SE" ________________________________ Description ________________________________ Maids II: Deception (M2) is a sequel to Maids I: Euphoria for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Originally intended to be a simple mod that would add a single maid to a player house for dress-up, the series has evolved to feature a questline. M2 aims to expand upon where M1 left off, this time with an emphasis on story. Quest Start: The quest should be added to the Miscellaneous section of the quest journal upon loading the game with SMSkyrim.esp activated. The quest will instruct you to travel to the town of Jonestead. The Story So Far During the Oblivion Crisis, an organization of mages and alchemists known as Project Purity sought to rule Tamriel by first enslaving its women through the use of a corrupted Hist tree's sap that, when ingested, provoked an insatiable frenzy that made female victims vulnerable to submission. At the request of two maids who were cursed with the sap's effects, the Champion of Cyrodiil put a stop to Purity's plans and saved the women held captive in the palace of the Argonian warlord Desann. The descendants of the two maids - the Pinder family - would face persecution by a resurgent Purity as retaliation for their defeat. Over time, this rivalry escalated to the point where in order to survive, the family had to form a clandestine group of mercenaries whose only purpose was to put an end to Purity once and for all. 200 years later, only two family members remain in a small underground town in Skyrim. The reasons for how and why the rivalry started have long been forgotten by both sides of the conflict. Yet the mercenary group founded by the family remains strong and has undergone drastic transformations. Now composed entirely of female warriors and assassins that rival the Dark Brotherhood in terms of secrecy and skill, the conflict has reached a standstill with both sides waiting for the other to resurface for one last showdown. With the province under siege by dragons and the civil war, Purity is bound to use this distraction as an advantage and unleash their final plan to eradicate the Pinder family and reveal their most devastating weapon yet, all in the name of saving the world from the enigmatic woman known as Matari. Features 17 main quests with several offshoot side quests    A large underground complex with several connecting dungeons    A new land called Sky's Divide, a tropical dwarven fortress island that becomes accessible from the final quest onwards    A new dungeon tileset based on the Dwemer ruins of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind    114 interior cells, 16 worldspaces    1 new home and another - a ship - that can be obtainable depending on the Dragonborn's actions    Approximately 13,000 lines of dialogue with branching paths    79 voice actors voicing 116 characters    A maid management system that expands alongside the main questline and allows players to hire up to 98 maids, have them serve as followers, and depart on missions to temporarily increase player stats while in a city or retrieve a specific type of supplies    Optional MCM menu for maid management    A companion with an optional friendship and romance system    An optional brothel with a dynamic economic system    New items, including those from other TES games    Optional enemy patrols in the Skyrim wilderness depending on the player's place in the main questline Episodes M2 was originally released in episodic format from 2012 - 2016 for the original The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Each episode advanced the main questline while also adding some post-quest reward bonuses. Below were the release dates for each episode. Episode I 28 April 2012 Episode II 12 October 2012 Episode III 26 May 2013 Episode IV 29 March 2014 Episode V 9 August 2016 ________________________________ WARNING ________________________________ M2 is a script-intensive mod with 2,072 scripts. It's highly recommended that M2 is started on a new, clean save (new character/game) with as few script-intensive mods activated as possible. It's suggested that this save be kept aside for M2 updates. If playing on an existing save, it's important to make a backup of the save prior to installing and activating M2. If M2 is ever deactivated and uninstalled, script data will be left over in the save which may affect the stability of the save and other mods that add scripts (such as quest mods). This problem is due to Skyrim's scripting and save system which causes scripts from uninstalled mods to "stick" to a save long after it has been uninstalled. The following issues encountered in M2 are signs that a save game may be experiencing the negative effects of this left over data: Quest advancement issues    Scene/NPC-to-NPC conversation stalls (NPCs will appear with the "This person is busy." message when activated and their conversations will never progress)    Crashes to Desktop (CTDs) or frozen loading screens Use a save game cleaner, such as SkyrimTools, as a measure of last resort to repair bloated saves. Please read the FAQs for additional suggestions on what to do when problems are encountered. ________________________________ Requirements & Recommendations ________________________________ Semi-Required These are only required for certain installations and optional features. Fores New Idles in Skyrim (FNIS)       * Installing - custom animations will be added for certain characters.       * Not Installing - characters will stand in place when these animations are requested.       * IMPORTANT - remember to run GenerateFNISforUsers.exe after M2 has been installed so that the new animations will function. Read the FNIS readme for detailed instructions.    Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE)       * SKSE is a prerequisite for SkyUI.       * NOTE - SKSE features a built-in mechanic that removes references to OnUpdate() in Papyrus logs called by scripts of uninstalled mods. This is useful in preventing certain CTDs.       * NOTE - SKSE v1.7 improves memory handling and may prevent CTDs for certain systems.    SkyUI       * Installing - SkyUI implements the MCM menu system for M2, which includes portable maid management, settings, and uninstallation.       * Not Installing - disables the M2 MCM menu; players required to go to the Pinder House in Jonestead and use the Notepad to access the settings through in-game menus.       * NOTE - Hide SkyUI can be installed, in addition to SkyUI, to retain the vanilla UI while still installing the MCM system.       * NOTE - A known issue with MCM causes plug-ins placed after the 128th slot in the load order (form ID 7F) to have script issues. Place SMSkyrim.esp at a higher position.       * NOTE - if the MCM menu for M2 is not added when loading the mod for the first time, enter the following into the console:       SetStage SKI_ConfigManagerInstance 1 Recommended These are suggested optional utilities and mods that only serve to enhance features. Dimonized UNP Body       * While any body type, including vanilla, is compatible with M2, most of the added clothing and armors were only designed for UNP by their original creators. Seams may show for non-UNP body types.    Flower Girls SE x       * Patch specifically designed for M2 adds animations to the Euphoria Palace brothel.          Sexlab Patch       * Integrates special scenes using the SexLab framework where a fade-to-black transition would normally be used. Pre-Installation Make a backup save before starting the game with M2 activated. This is a precaution that should always be done before beginning any quest mod.    Install any semi-required and recommended mods that are intended to be used before starting the game with M2 activated. If previously installed, ensure that they are fully updated. ________________________________ Incompatibilities ________________________________ Compatibility Patches Download the "Mod Patches" package from the downloads for a collection of patches for other mods and body replacers. Incompatible The following mods have been confirmed to be incompatible with M2. Any follower management mod that affects M2 NPCs may cause unexpected quest issues. Avoid using to follower management mod for maids in M2. KEY YELLOW --- moderate incompatibility; usually aesthetic. New locations overlap each other, but quest progress can continue. Console commands such as ToggleCollision (tcl) may need to be used. RED --- major incompatibility; M2 is rendered unplayable. Artifacts of Skyrim - Revised Edition    * Places a ruin on top of a quest-specific location in M2 (Jonestead).    Cathedral - Improved Mountain LOD and Z Fight Patch    * Overrides gameplay mechanics during scripted moments in M2, including enemy encounters.    Imperious - Races of Skyrim    * Overrides gameplay mechanics during scripted moments in M2, including enemy encounters.    Improved Closefaced Helmets    * Replaces vanilla ebony helmets resulting in invisible faces for the Heroes of Nirn in M2.    Insects Begone    * Causes CTDs in M2's final quest location by replacing skeleton meshes used by new creatures.    Interesting NPCs    * Places the ruin Skyshadow Crypt on top of a quest-specific location in M2 (Euphoria Palace).    * NOTE - the included Interesting NPCs patch with M2 alleviates this issue to an extent.    Open Cities    * Quests will not progress when instructed to visit cities from the vanilla game.    Perkus Maximus    * Assassination on certain M2 NPCs will not register them as dead.    The Timelost Dwemer - A Deep Elf Race    * Prevents an item from being used in the final quest if the PC is a Dwemer. M2 is fully playable up to that point.    T'Skyrim - Winterhold    * Alters Winterhold significantly enough preventing M2 NPCs from navigating the area correctly. ________________________________ FAQs ________________________________ Crashes to Desktop (CTDs) There are crashes when starting the game.       * Disabling other large mods and mods that make land-edits to Skyrim's world may help resolve the issue. Remember that this means progress and stats in those mods will be lost when saved with them deactivated. If the deactivated mod(s) contain scripts, this may cause further issues during the playthrough as mentioned in the WARNING section above. Always keep a backup save before attempting to find the problem mod.    There are crashes when upgrading to a new version.       * This is likely due to script updates made to objects in a cell that the player is currently in upon loading the saved game. A solution is to either try to load that saved game repeatedly until it works or to load a different save first then load the desired save.    There are random crashes or there are crashes when trying to enter an interior added by M2.       * If using FNIS, make sure the latest version is installed and update behavior files using the packaged user tool, GenerateFNISforUsers.exe.       * Lowering graphics settings may also help resolve frequent crashes. CTDs may be related to low system resources such as RAM and video card RAM.       * In addition to the above, ENB and high resolution texture packs place added stress on the system. Temporarily disable them one at a time to determine if they're the cause.       * Sometimes the only solution is to play M2 on a new character. An explanation is given in the "Warning" section at the top of this Description. Dialogue Characters can't be spoken to and the message "This person is busy." appears.       * The only known solutions besides playing from a new, clean save with few script-intensive mods activated is to do one or more of the following:          - Sprint into the problem NPCs to cause them to stagger and jumpstart the scene.          - Disabling and then enabling the characters with this message through the console.          - Leave a room and immediately reenter.          - Adjust SMSkyrim.esp in Skyrim's load order.          - If an audio device is not connected, scenes will not function properly.          - Manually advance the scene/conversation that the characters are supposed to have by using the Resource ID document from the User Resources package in the downloads section and entering the appropriate console commands.    Voices for new NPCs are too low or high.       * The majority of the recorded lines in M2 have been edited to be on the same audio level as those in vanilla Skyrim. Enabling Loudness Equalization for your computer's main playback device will improve Skyrim's dialogue volume and level the new NPC dialogue automatically (search online for instructions on how to enable this based on your operating system). Note that Loudness Equalization may amplify environment sounds to various levels. Installation The error "BOSS_API_INVALID_ARGS: Master Files must load before other plugins" when trying to install the mod.          * Uninstall any previous versions of M2. When installed, keep the SMSkyrim.esp plug-in grouped together with master files with the extension .esm. SMSkyrim.esp has been flagged as a master file as of v4.0 despite retaining the .esp extension.    There are errors when updating M2 with a previous version in Nexus Mod Manager.          * Uninstall all M2 installation packages and close NMM. Go to the installation directory of NMM: \\Nexus Mod Manager\\Skyrim\\Mods\\          Remove all Maids packages from this folder and place them in a temporary folder. Reopen NMM and install the desired packages that were just removed. Delete old or obsolete packages. Missing Textures There are missing textures (purple objects) or no quest updates.       * If downloading and installing via Nexus Mod Manager, it's possible that the M2 installation has been corrupted and requires a reinstallation. This usually only happens when updating from a previous version. Quests SMSMQ00 - Jonestead ErrandsThe first quest is not added to the journal and other M2 content is missing.       * Try the following to determine the problem:          - Make sure SMSkyrim.esp and SMSkyrim - Compressed.esp are present and activated; adjust SMSkyrim.esp and SMSkyrim - Compressed.espin Skyrim's load order if desired.          - Ensure that the SMSkyrim.bsa and SMSkyrim - Compressed.bsa are present.          - In-game, test to see if the town of Jonestead exists by entering cow SMSJonestead 0 0 into the console; if the command fails, consider reinstalling the M2 package.    SMSMQ02 - Serenity's SirensThe Euphoria Palace warehouse/catacombs door remains locked after speaking to Gatoma.       * The cause of this bug may be due to a change to the door's lock state after a v2.x update. Select the door through the console and enter Unlock    SMSMQ03 - DisciplesLilith travels to a location other than The Frozen Hearth in Winterhold.       * The cause of this issue is unknown, but may be related to the mod "My Home is Your Home" (see Incompatibilities). To fix the issue manually, enter The Frozen Hearth and enter the following into the console ('xx' = SMSkyrim.esp's load order/form ID):                prid xx061F09          MoveTo Player          prid xx029944          MoveTo Player          evp          SMSMQ12 - VoidCan ___ be saved?       * No, this character cannot be saved.    SMSMQ13 - You Are Not AloneThe game hangs on a black screen upon completing the quest.       * The entire player character's inventory is transferred to a container when this quest is completed. Having an excessively large inventory through mods and console commands that bypass weight limits can cause this transfer process to freeze. It's recommended to clear out as many items from the inventory prior to entering the cave in this quest.    SMSMQ16 - OdysseyWhere is Dimitri and his ship?       * Finding Dimitri and his ship becomes possible upon completing the quest SMSMQ12 - Void as an optional, side objective. To start the final quest, visiting him will be necessary. If SMSMQ15 - Defiance is completed without having visited him, either wait for a courier to deliver a message or speak to the innkeeper in Dawnstar's Windpeak Inn. After receiving a note from either source, read it to allow the rowboat on the east coast of Dawnstar to be activated, leading to Dimitri's ship.    What are the solutions to the crystal arrays?       * There are diagrams of the proper alignments scattered on the same floor as the crystal arrays in-game. The Walkthrough (PDF format) included in the User Resources package contains all the diagrams.    Miscellaneous Are the new outfits available to be downloaded separately?       * All new outfits in the mod, except for Tarrius's outfit, were designed by other authors; links to the outfits are listed in the Credits section.    Can the Euphoria Palace dancers' outfits be changed to non-lore friendly as in previous versions?       * Due to reported conflicts, the outfits had to be removed. Dancers now only wear the standard tavern outfits.    The Euphoria Palace main lobby on the first floor has no lighting.       * This is caused by certain ENB setups. Disabling the "sun" ornament will fix the lighting. Do this by entering the following into the console ('xx' = SMSkyrim.esp's form ID/load order ID):       prid xx025698       disable    How can maids be assigned to custom locations?       * This feature is available after completing the quest "Love and Peace." Ask a maid to follow and travel to the custom location. Once inside, ask the maid to start working there and then dismiss her as a follower so she can begin her work routine.    A specific NPC is left in the maid management system after being fired or removed due to story reasons.       * NPCs in M2 use the vanilla follower system when necessary. There are no safeguards for changes made by mods that alter how followers function. It's recommended to avoid using these mods' functions to force M2 NPCs to follow/leave.    Music no longer plays.       * This is intentional while playing through certain quests in M2. If no music plays for an extended period of time and beyond critical questline moments, enter into the console StartQuest SMSMiscMusicStop to force all custom music added by M2 to be removed from the game engine's playlist.    The game is stuck on a solid black or solid white screen.       * Enter into the console sisme 0 and then sisme 1 to force release the custom imagespace modifiers. ________________________________ Credits, Thanks, Disclaimers ________________________________ Credits and permissions are listed in the main package readme. Submitter Enter_77 Submitted 12/04/2016 Category Regular Mods Requires Regular Edition Compatible No 3
SkyRyder93 Posted December 13, 2016 Posted December 13, 2016 whoooo was so waiting for this to come my fav quest mod
El_Duderino Posted August 12, 2017 Posted August 12, 2017 OMG OMG OMG! Â Why did I not install and play this mod sooner? Whatever held me back, it was so foolish. I'm probably only a little bit into this story now (just met Matari) but I can already say that this is a wonderful mod. The story unfolds in an enthralling way and I love how the player is kept wondering about what's really going on, what mysterious forces are at play here. Dialogue and voice acting are outstanding and the locations I've seen so far have all been very imaginative. This is so impressive. Â So if you're like me and for whatever reason have not played this mod yet -- do yourself a favor, create a new profile in MO and at least give it a try. I'm pretty sure you won't regret it. Â For the record, even though I'm posting this here, I'm actually playing the Oldrim version of this mod in the recommended "lightened" load order, though still with a basic set of SL mods in it. Not a single issue encountered so far, nothing wonky in battle or the countless NPC scenes, mod and game seem to be stable as a rock.
Nazzzgul666 Posted August 12, 2017 Posted August 12, 2017 I agree with El_Duderino, three minor downsides i've found that i was missing a bit the countless opportunities to add some more addult stuff. I didn't dare to put too much adult mods into my setup that could break things. And that i didn't play the first part (for Oblivion i think?), it's definitly not necessary but i think it would have made it a bit easier to get the backstory or some references. Last i hoped to keep the maids at the end, put them into devious devices and let them work for me when it's finished, but i'm not sure if that thiss didn't happen because of the choices i've made. Â But it is definitly an amazing quest mod in every respective, worth playing it at least once and probably a second time. I also really loved the village and houses, finally somebody who understands that houses don't need to have stuff in every single inch, just leaving some space especially if the textures are so nice like here is actually a pro imho. The island at the end felt a little bit empty for all the running around, but not that much and i couldn't tell anything i'd add. If i may make an suggestion for a next part: maybe 10% smaller would still have been enough here.
Guest Posted October 6, 2017 Posted October 6, 2017 Downright one of the best mods out there for any game. Great story.
KoolHndLuke Posted October 6, 2017 Posted October 6, 2017 Downright one of the best mods out there for any game. Great story. I agree! Though after playing it once, I will make some changes for this play-through.
Lodakai Posted October 23, 2018 Posted October 23, 2018 The nexus download mentions that there is an INPC patch... but I can't seem to find it anywhere. I must have downloaded it from 4 different locations so far, no dice. does anyone know where I can find the patch to resolve the Skyshadow Crypt locational conflict?  Â
DamnedFrog Posted October 24, 2018 Posted October 24, 2018 Hi. It's said that this mod is a bit script-intensive, and to avoid other heavy scripted mods. Â Is there some mods that I should absolutely avoid ? Especially SexLab mod ? Â And is it safe to use mod like My Home Is Your Mod or a followers manager (I was thinking to use Nether's Follower Framework which seem to be lighter than iAFT or EFF) ? And Fertility Mode ?
Lodakai Posted October 24, 2018 Posted October 24, 2018 2 hours ago, DamnedFrog said: Hi. It's said that this mod is a bit script-intensive, and to avoid other heavy scripted mods.  Is there some mods that I should absolutely avoid ? Especially SexLab mod ?  And is it safe to use mod like My Home Is Your Mod or a followers manager (I was thinking to use Nether's Follower Framework which seem to be lighter than iAFT or EFF) ? And Fertility Mode ? It really depends on your rig and setup.  I think the warning is meant to be just that, a warning.  It means use heavy scripts at your own risk and don't expect support if your load is too high.  But I am using it with sexlab, paradise halls, pahe-hsh, pahe aygas, ZAP 8, SL Defeat,  legacy of the dragonborn, mhiyh, EFF, follower live package, Aurlyn dawnstone.... suffice it to say my load is pretty damn heavy.  Any one of these could be too heavy for your setup or system.  Trial and error is the only way to know for sure.  If you're willing to risk it.. add a few of your favorite mods.  But ONLY add the ones you absolutely think you will want or need. The less you put in there, the less likely you will run into problems later.  Play for a week and see if it is stable. If not... then just ditch a few of them and start over. Just consider any failure in scripts to be the permanent death of that dragonborn... causing a severe cataclysm and time loop.. thus a new dragonborn is born... and the lands have changed.
DamnedFrog Posted October 25, 2018 Posted October 25, 2018 43 minutes ago, Lodakai said: It really depends on your rig and setup.  I think the warning is meant to be just that, a warning.  It means use heavy scripts at your own risk and don't expect support if your load is too high.  But I am using it with sexlab, paradise halls, pahe-hsh, pahe aygas, ZAP 8, SL Defeat,  legacy of the dragonborn, mhiyh, EFF, follower live package, Aurlyn dawnstone.... suffice it to say my load is pretty damn heavy.  Any one of these could be too heavy for your setup or system.  Trial and error is the only way to know for sure.  If you're willing to risk it.. add a few of your favorite mods.  But ONLY add the ones you absolutely think you will want or need. The less you put in there, the less likely you will run into problems later.  Play for a week and see if it is stable. If not... then just ditch a few of them and start over. Just consider any failure in scripts to be the permanent death of that dragonborn... causing a severe cataclysm and time loop.. thus a new dragonborn is born... and the lands have changed. Thank you for your fast reply.  My notebook is a potato (and a mashed one ?), so I'm always cautious with heavy scripted mod. For example, I have gave up to use Wet and Cold, because it cause to much lag in the scripts. I think I will go with the minimum.  I'm also curious, there is a patch for Flower Girls, so I think it's a good idea to use that sex framework. But I do not know a lot of mods whose used it (I'm only think of Amorous Adventures and Fertility Mode) Could I have some issues if I also install SexLab, which is used by far more mods ?  Last question ?. Is there some mods that that really enrich the interest of M2 you would recommend to me ?
Kristus Kringle Posted October 25, 2018 Posted October 25, 2018 7 hours ago, DamnedFrog said: Hi. It's said that this mod is a bit script-intensive, and to avoid other heavy scripted mods. I don't know the answer but Maids II is probably the best questline I've played in Skyrim. Well made, interesting story, interesting characters, good voice acting (better than vanilla IMO). It is absolutely worth ditching a few other mods if necessary to play it. 1
DamnedFrog Posted October 25, 2018 Posted October 25, 2018 16 hours ago, McLude said: I don't know the answer but Maids II is probably the best questline I've played in Skyrim. Well made, interesting story, interesting characters, good voice acting (better than vanilla IMO). It is absolutely worth ditching a few other mods if necessary to play it. I definitively want to try this mod. And I'm ready to not use other mods that could make my game unplayable. But I wonder if there are some mods that make even more fun to play M2. So I could select which one I keep.
Kristus Kringle Posted October 26, 2018 Posted October 26, 2018 7 hours ago, DamnedFrog said: I definitively want to try this mod. And I'm ready to not use other mods that could make my game unplayable. But I wonder if there are some mods that make even more fun to play M2. So I could select which one I keep. Last time I played it was around 4-5 months ago and I barely remember yesterday so I'm not much help. I had the major sexlab stuff installed but the mod is pretty much self contained. It does have multiple endings based on your choices so you may decide to play it more than once.Â
Lodakai Posted October 29, 2018 Posted October 29, 2018 On 10/24/2018 at 8:59 PM, DamnedFrog said: Thank you for your fast reply.  My notebook is a potato (and a mashed one ?), so I'm always cautious with heavy scripted mod. For example, I have gave up to use Wet and Cold, because it cause to much lag in the scripts. I think I will go with the minimum.  I'm also curious, there is a patch for Flower Girls, so I think it's a good idea to use that sex framework. But I do not know a lot of mods whose used it (I'm only think of Amorous Adventures and Fertility Mode) Could I have some issues if I also install SexLab, which is used by far more mods ?  Last question ?. Is there some mods that that really enrich the interest of M2 you would recommend to me ? Well I can't say that I've ever played it to completion... so I couldn't tell you.  I tend to restart a lot and just test mods out.  But this would probably enrich it without making the game script intensive  https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/8764 I used it to customize the appearance of the characters that appear in the quest.
SirNuttzAlot Posted February 6, 2019 Posted February 6, 2019 What outfit is the 5th picture? Â (the white one)
Helmut290456 Posted May 21, 2019 Posted May 21, 2019 Hallo Enter,  first, sorry for my bad english...but I can´t better. You make a very nice mod, and I have play with many fun. But I haven´t found the mechanic for restore the bordello. What must I do when I will reopen the bordell, or dosn´t work this? In tne manual write you : An optional brothel with a dynamic economic system What must I do that this work?  Thanks
brendan62 Posted May 23, 2019 Posted May 23, 2019 For 4 days the torrent has not moved would be very good if it could be seeded
Vedren01 Posted May 23, 2019 Posted May 23, 2019 6 hours ago, brendan62 said: For 4 days the torrent has not moved would be very good if it could be seeded Why not download it from nexus ?  Can't say I'm much of a fan.. I love story and lore but this is just way to ES lore breaking for me but I'm gonna try and finish it, but I keep falling asleep ... I've played it for the last 2-3 days so probably close to 20 hours now and there has literally been 10-20 mins in that time which wasn't npcs talking AT you and most of what they say has been repeated so much I think the mod would only have been half the size if they'd just cut down the repeat dialogues (we get it your maids/kill bill brides are the bees knees). Some of the conversations are literally over 15 mins long... Like I said I like lore but you gotta break it up more than that... Over all its like this mod is someone's fanfic on the net and they made all their story lines/npcs more powerful and more important than any in game story line... they literally said at one point the situation was more dire than the oblivion crisis LOL. Also it seems to be a long love letter to that custom race from way back the Ashen...
Kristus Kringle Posted May 23, 2019 Posted May 23, 2019 11 hours ago, brendan62 said: For 4 days the torrent has not moved would be very good if it could be seeded  https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/189
brendan62 Posted May 25, 2019 Posted May 25, 2019 If i could download it from Nexus i would but its impossible on my internet and nexus servers download dropouts for me download a file of that size. The torrent is stuck at 72 percent with 33 leechers and no seeders please someone seed this Â
kariem yasein Posted October 16, 2019 Posted October 16, 2019 i read the description but i still dont understand what does this extension add to the one in the nexus ? is it a sexlab patch or something ?
gaps1 Posted July 12, 2020 Posted July 12, 2020 Sorry but this mod feels like a Greek tragidy, in the end everyone dies or leaves you, Thanks but no Thanks 1
Enter_77 Posted August 31, 2020 Author Posted August 31, 2020 Announcement Sexlab Patch by Yinkle has been released that replaces fade-to-black transitions with scenes using the framework.
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