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Painslut Companion, Fully voiced

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Honestly I have been beating my head at getting sexis to work with my next companion, I am trying for custom sex scenes with custom voices and actual facial expression etc, I have gotten everything to work but lining up the actors and keeping them together lol

I might get to alicia honestly I dont know, If i pause to do something else ill get more frustrated with scripting this damn game than i already am


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No idea man try reloading the game she should run to the basement, try booting up saving reloading then going in again, or hearthfire could in some way be screwing with it.

already made that, still same error, tried with couple races and with another painslut.zip , its k i just removed that mod, ill try when a near version comes out.

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Who's doing the voice for the next companion? If it's the same girl, try getting her to use a better mic. The current voice sounds real staticy, it's not a huge problem if you can't, but it's something to keep in mind. 



A better mic? We did this companion to show that sex mods get more attention than an over 300 hour in the making dungeon mod. The vo was done with ventrilo not in a studio.  I guess there is always one that doesn't know all the details but has plenty of suggestion and criticism. I have an idea, enjoy the freebie since the va did it for free. xD

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Who's doing the voice for the next companion? If it's the same girl, try getting her to use a better mic. The current voice sounds real staticy, it's not a huge problem if you can't, but it's something to keep in mind. 



A better mic? We did this companion to show that sex mods get more attention than an over 300 hour in the making dungeon mod. The vo was done with ventrilo not in a studio.  I guess there is always one that doesn't know all the details but has plenty of suggestion and criticism. I have an idea, enjoy the freebie since the va did it for free. xD


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  • 4 weeks later...


Anger is just wasted energy that could be put to better use by creating more excellent mods like this. Keep up the good work and know that it is more appreciated here where all the pervs like myself hang out.

Lol Nah anger is fuel, anger is power my friend it is the way of the dark side.

Blizzard was not prepared!


I just bought a gtx560ti 2gb and a 80$ power supply with my first gd paycheck and NOW I CANT FEED MY ADDICTION


Anyway thanks for the support yet again, and I logged on here to actually say something and got lost on a tangent...


Oh yea, as far as other voice actors for commissioned mods *wink wink* I have a British VA who is banned for 3 weeks to do any X rated shit although she wants to, shes 17 :P but soon!

I have a 20 year old who would only do moderate mature content, decent voice.

And I have another 20 year old who voiced my succubus and the child in descent who I am 100% sure I could talk into a sub type companion and she would be perfect for it.


And then there's Jay, who voices ALL my male characters and can basically sound almost like w/e you want and do a plethora of legit sounding accents, TBH I am a sellout I'd do a mod with him being a man whore but I'd have to do it in moderation, my alpha male type personality might break and then I'd need sexual orientation rehabilitation therapy counseling or something...


CA joke they trying to ban the practice of that shit this week or something lol



But keep up any critiques, this was a demo reel basically and I have already noted the gender selection for audio, thats a easy fix, I wont do Lock in intro scenes anymore, sorry all the locked out peeps, I will use unique locations linked to the main world, and include dbl facegen data in the BSA as well as the zip from now on.


I had to lock out favor states cause I could never get her to stop fucking waiting even forcing scenes on her etc, had some great lines for that like "Have I been a good girl master, did I earn a beating?" They are still there just not accessible.

That and she is supposed to orgasm when she bleeds out, I think making her essential voided that.


I originally had it so she would rip of her clothes randomly in battle when she screamed "I want to feel the cuts on my skin" or w/e, but it annoyed the hell out of me to make her put them back on, and I even tried a dbl trigger to make options to tell her to keep them on from then on and negate it but that went south as well.



First comp mod so itl get better :P

Cool thing is since they will all sit on unique scripts/scenes you wont need shit like UFO for my companions, you could ahve all of them follow you at once anytime.



I admire people who voice custom content,I think I wouldn't do it myself.I will wait for the "whole picture" though,even if this piece is pretty good actually.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Guest wellbredbitch

i gave alicia some blood red high heels to wear. she wears them fine but nothing else i give her.  why is that please?

maybe she is stuck with that hide armor.  i had planned a pvc miniskirt and basque for her.

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The answer is simple. Make sure the armor you give her has a higher armor rating then the leather she has on. If you want a specific piece of armor/clothing that you want her to wear, make sure it has more armor rating then her default armor. All followers will only wear the best armor in their inventory. I did however do an experiment with a few followers to determine which armors they preferred, however i couldnt remember my findings. What i basically did was find a cloth armor, a light armor, and a heavy armor and made sure all 3 armors had the exact same armor rating. So basically, the armor the follower chose to wear was the type they prefer. I believe Alicia prefers light armor, but i dont remember. So dont hold me to it.


Anyway, back to your issue at hand, if you want to make sure alicia wears what you want her to wear, boot up the Creation Kit and make an armor for her with what you want her to wear, and edit the Armor rating to like 50 or something. That'll make sure she'll wear it. I doubt what she has on will be near 50 armor rating, i bet its like 20 or so armor rating. If you dont know how to create an armor in CK, i can walk you through it if you have Skype.

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i gave alicia some blood red high heels to wear. she wears them fine but nothing else i give her.  why is that please?

maybe she is stuck with that hide armor.  i had planned a pvc miniskirt and basque for her.

The comment about giving better armor is true but try this sequence:


From the console:


<select Alicia>




That should clean out her default inventory, now you can use the:


equipitem <code for item> 1


The "1" there is key, it marks that as an unremovable (by the NPC) item. If she can't remove it then she won't take it off and replace it with a magically found replacement of her original armor that you removed above.


Note that you should add every bit of clothing you want to give her in one go, don't exit console mode and try handing here clothing a piece at a time because the first item you hand her will trigger the built in "dress the NPC in default clothing" routine.

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