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I tried converting it to esm and managed to convert it with TES5EDIT but the script still won't compile complaining about a bunch of other mods scripts like SGO and slavetats and how an array can't be resized blah blah. I tried to force it to save anyway and that didn't work either.

Oops. I forgot about that... you might also need to extract the scripts from UIExtentions (because of some stuff Soulgem Oven uses, that filters down through CCAS).

No idea about slavetats, but there may also be other things that need doing in order to edit CCAS.


Basically, to get everything working for CCAS, I've needed to jump through several hoops. It would probably be easier if I just made all of these mods dependencies, but I don't want to do that.

If you can wait a while (possibly a few months, sorry) I'll update to v11 and then it'll work with the new modevent.


Hype hype hype :D

Oh dear... I don't want to get anyone's hopes up. It's really not much of an update, just a couple of bugfixes mostly.


Current changelog for v11:

  • Added support for a future SD+ update (NB: by the time v11 updates, the SD+ update will probably have happened already).
  • Added a "surprise me" option to the prostitute start subtree. Note that the "enslaved" subtree options are already contained in the normal Surprise Me option, so they didn't need one.
  • Fixed missing goodbye flag on the Surprise Me (general) option.
  • Added some minor graphical stuff to the Aspiring Mage scenario, and added a small section.
  • Redid Dend's Journal so it looks better.
  • Fixed bad conditions for Milk Farm, Brood Maiden, Necromancer Pet, Spriggan Host, Alicia, Dibella Initiate, and Soul Gem Incubator.
  • Added "multiple" to the Mara statue dialogue on prostitute and enslaved topics, so players will know that there are multiple options under those headings.
  • Fixed the Bandit Honeypot scenario issue with the player permanently being friendly to all other bandits. I think. NB: Known issue with this now appears that the bandits at that place only are universally friendly to everyone if you don't use the bandit honeypot start. Still trying to figure this crap out...
  • Moved the starting location and master for the SD+ Enslaved scenario (navmesh problem fixed - now your master should start walking normally).
  • Updated Parasites of Skyrim book with a couple of new parasites. I should really split this into three different books...
  • Removed the female-only check on the Angrim's Apprentice scenario.
  • Altered the Bandit Honeypot journal entry a bit for the sake of consistency.
  • Moved the start marker for the Arachnophobia scenario a little deeper into the cave.
  • Switched the way the factions are handled in the Giant Offering scenario - you are now considered the property of the giants while you are marked with the Grine Woad. Note that this means you are permanently friendly to giants until you remove the woad. Once you remove the tattoo, you are removed from the faction. Putting the tattoo back on will re-add you to their faction. This also applies to players who do not choose the giant offering scenario. Players who wish to use the tattoo without altering their factions should use one of the other tattoos in the Grine section - just not the "Grine Woad" tattoo. I did not make Slavetats a requirement for the giant offering scenario. Players who do not use slavetats should be warned - the giants will be hostile to you if not tattooed with Grine Woad.
  • Added a Prison Overhaul scenario. NB: This requires the latest XPO patch.
  • Added Trapped In Rubber start. The scenario requires Trapped In Rubber 0.54 (or above).
  • Added Succubus scenario for both PSQ and Deadly Drain.
  • Added in the Retching Netch prostitute start. NB: Make sure your SKSE.INI file has the appropriate fixes in it, or you might get an infinite loading screen problem with this scenario.
  • Added a second Arachnophobia option for those that are using the newer version. I did <i>not</i> make these two options mutually exclusive. If you are using both versions of Arachnophobia (not recommended), you will have access to both scenarios (and no real way to tell them apart until you actually start the game).
  • Added Things In The Dark scenario (setting for Ibn as a personal slave)
  • Fixed an issue with the healer in Raven Rock having BF dialogue without BF being installed.
  • Fixed a potential issue with the Dog Chewtoy start, with people leaving the keep in unanticipated ways.
  • A few minor changes and fixes that I can't remember off the top of my head.


And if you're talking about the new bit for the Aspiring Mage (or Bumbling Mage, or Trapped In Oblivion, it's been called all three internally :) ), that's also not much, it really isn't.

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Hopefully I can be sacrificed to the azura star some time ;P


Sad story, that... I actually had everything built up and ready, minus a bit of dialogue and some scripting, and then I managed somehow to corrupt the .esp I was working on. Lost a good eight hours of work, got discouraged. So... yeah, it will happen, but probably not for v11.

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Do you have any plans to add to the Oblivion start? I like that one the most. 

Glad you like it. I don't have any plans to add much to it, but the next version does add another (small) location. Hang on, let me find some screenshots...




attachicon.gifScreenShot63.jpg attachicon.gifScreenShot64.jpg

attachicon.gifScreenShot65.jpg attachicon.gifScreenShot66.jpg

attachicon.gifScreenShot68.jpg attachicon.gifScreenShot70.jpg

attachicon.gifScreenShot71.jpg attachicon.gifScreenShot72.jpg


Not much content, really. Just some experimentation with lighting and object orientation, with some new meshes.



i'm wanting to learn to use the Creation Kit to help develop it so much. I feel it could be it's own thing with some expansion. But, at the same time, I'm scared to try something so over my head and mess it up.


Start's fine as is, though. And the new area looks good. My mind's just running with the idea.

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Hopefully I can be sacrificed to the azura star some time ;P


Sad story, that... I actually had everything built up and ready, minus a bit of dialogue and some scripting, and then I managed somehow to corrupt the .esp I was working on. Lost a good eight hours of work, got discouraged. So... yeah, it will happen, but probably not for v11.



Aw. Well. I hope you get encouraged by me wanting it ;P

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Hey I am having a bit of a problem and I don't know if it is this mod doing it or another just trying to nail it down. When I use the enslaved option and then simple slavery, or start as a milk maid etc the quest auto completes and I'm just left there standing around doing nothing. For example trying the little bondage adventure gets me to the start of it from simple slavery and while all the stuff is setting up and equipping, the stuff tries to equip twice for the same item and there is a warning for it from the game. Also I get double dialogue from either simple slavery or maybe it is the bondage adventure quest I dunno. But with no way to finish that quest I have to use debug option in cursed loot to remove everything it really sucks.


I copied all files from your mod back in to my game just to make sure nothing was altered by accident. I have checked other mods too I just don't know what the hell is causing it but it sucks, I even went through the oblivion plane start and that worked just fine actually. Soon as I start some pervy stuff it just auto completes.

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i'm wanting to learn to use the Creation Kit to help develop it so much. I feel it could be it's own thing with some expansion. But, at the same time, I'm scared to try something so over my head and mess it up.



Start's fine as is, though. And the new area looks good. My mind's just running with the idea.


By all means, start learning! We always need people making more great mods. :)

And don't worry about any lack of knowledge - everyone starts out new, and you don't need to know any programming or anything to get started. All you need is a bit of time at first to get used to the frankly bizarre way the Creation Kit is designed. A bit of a learning curve there. It's not terrible, but it's not great either. If you're just barely starting out, it can look all sorts of confusing, but once you get the hang of how things are organized, it's easy enough to work with.

There are any number of tutorials, mostly video but some text, about how to get started modding.



Aw. Well. I hope you get encouraged by me wanting it ;P



Sorry. :)


Hey I am having a bit of a problem and I don't know if it is this mod doing it or another just trying to nail it down. When I use the enslaved option and then simple slavery, or start as a milk maid etc the quest auto completes and I'm just left there standing around doing nothing. For example trying the little bondage adventure gets me to the start of it from simple slavery and while all the stuff is setting up and equipping, the stuff tries to equip twice for the same item and there is a warning for it from the game. Also I get double dialogue from either simple slavery or maybe it is the bondage adventure quest I dunno. But with no way to finish that quest I have to use debug option in cursed loot to remove everything it really sucks.


I copied all files from your mod back in to my game just to make sure nothing was altered by accident. I have checked other mods too I just don't know what the hell is causing it but it sucks, I even went through the oblivion plane start and that worked just fine actually. Soon as I start some pervy stuff it just auto completes.

Sounds like you're encountering a fairly common problem, where you sleep in the LAL bed and it fades to black, then fades back in and nothing has happened. Try cleaning your save as per how JDough did it (link).

I'm not sure about items equipping twice, though. Most of the Slavery scenarios (in particular the Captured Dreams and Simple Slavery ones) don't add or equip any items at all, nor do they do anything but send modevents. My guess is you've got something conflicting somehow with Simple Slavery and Bondange Adventure (what mod is that? DCL?). It's possible, but since IIRC both mods also just use modevents, it should also be unlikely. But I can't say for certain.

At any rate, try JDough's fix first. I don't know why CCAS does that to some people but not others (I've never had it happen, for example), but you're not the only one who has had that problem, and the fix solves it.



What I did to fix it:

Now I opened my save game with 'Save Game Cleaner' v2.0.6, filtered for 'CCAS' scripts and deleted the whole set of script instances (not the listed scripts, only the instances).

Saved the modified save game, loaded and started a random scenario (dog scenario): Success!

Closed and restarted Skyrim, loaded back into the modified save (LAL cell) and chose another scenario (pregnant slave to Kin family): Success!


I have then re-activated JUGs and tried to start the Giants pet scenario: fail, landed back in the LAL cell

Disabled JUGs again, loaded back in and launched the Giants pet scenario again: Success!


So JUGs definitely interferes with the start.

But the cleaning of the CCAS instances made it all work - for me anyways.


"This scenario sends you directly to Sexlab Stories"

whats this supposed to mean exactly :/ 

It means basically that CCAS only sends a "message" to Sexlab Stories, and then Sexlab Stories takes over. For example, the Red Wave prostitute scenario works like this:

  1. You select the option in CCAS.
  2. You use the LAL bed.
  3. CCAS content ends, doing one last thing:
  4. CCAS sends a trigger message to Sexlab Stories,
  5. Sexlab Stories receives the trigger message, grabs the player and does whatever it does. In this case, moving the player to another location, adding and/or equipping items, and setting up the basics of the scenario.

So when I say "sends to Sexlab Stories" basically I just mean that I didn't do any actual work, and I'm just riding on skyrimll's coattails.

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What I did to fix it:

Now I opened my save game with 'Save Game Cleaner' v2.0.6, filtered for 'CCAS' scripts and deleted the whole set of script instances (not the listed scripts, only the instances).

Saved the modified save game, loaded and started a random scenario (dog scenario): Success!

Closed and restarted Skyrim, loaded back into the modified save (LAL cell) and chose another scenario (pregnant slave to Kin family): Success!


I have then re-activated JUGs and tried to start the Giants pet scenario: fail, landed back in the LAL cell

Disabled JUGs again, loaded back in and launched the Giants pet scenario again: Success!


So JUGs definitely interferes with the start.

But the cleaning of the CCAS instances made it all work - for me anyways.


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"This scenario sends you directly to Sexlab Stories"

whats this supposed to mean exactly :/ 

It means basically that CCAS only sends a "message" to Sexlab Stories, and then Sexlab Stories takes over. For example, the Red Wave prostitute scenario works like this:

  1. You select the option in CCAS.
  2. You use the LAL bed.
  3. CCAS content ends, doing one last thing:
  4. CCAS sends a trigger message to Sexlab Stories,
  5. Sexlab Stories receives the trigger message, grabs the player and does whatever it does. In this case, moving the player to another location, adding and/or equipping items, and setting up the basics of the scenario.

So when I say "sends to Sexlab Stories" basically I just mean that I didn't do any actual work, and I'm just riding on skyrimll's coattails.



so if i were gonna play a chaurus broodmother would it be better to start with the chaurus egg breeder start or the chaurus broodmother start? 

"You start out in Chillwind Depths. If you have EC+ installed, you'll be pregnant with some chaurus eggs. If you have SD+ installed, you'll have a Chaurus Worm parasite. If you have Sexlab Stories installed, you'll automatically start the Chaurus Queen quest. "

sounds like alot more than 

"This scenario sends you directly to Sexlab Stories and ends automatically once you've been sent."


also thanks for your help and quick responses :D 

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so if i were gonna play a chaurus broodmother would it be better to start with the chaurus egg breeder start or the chaurus broodmother start? 

"You start out in Chillwind Depths. If you have EC+ installed, you'll be pregnant with some chaurus eggs. If you have SD+ installed, you'll have a Chaurus Worm parasite. If you have Sexlab Stories installed, you'll automatically start the Chaurus Queen quest. "

sounds like alot more than 

"This scenario sends you directly to Sexlab Stories and ends automatically once you've been sent."


also thanks for your help and quick responses :D 



The "Chaurus Egg Breeder" start basically plops you down in Chillwind Depths and then uses a couple of optional SD+ and EC+ bits of code to do things to your character.


The "Chaurus Brood Mother" start is a separate scenario based around the player becoming the queen of the Chaurus.


They are both essentially Sexlab Stories scenarios, based around the Falmer, but they send to different events.


FTR, the "Falmer Slave" scenario also uses the same scenario as the Chaurus Egg Breeder start.



All three are similar in how they start you out, with somewhat differing outcomes.

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I tried converting it to esm and managed to convert it with TES5EDIT but the script still won't compile complaining about a bunch of other mods scripts like SGO and slavetats and how an array can't be resized blah blah. I tried to force it to save anyway and that didn't work either.

Oops. I forgot about that... you might also need to extract the scripts from UIExtentions (because of some stuff Soulgem Oven uses, that filters down through CCAS).

No idea about slavetats, but there may also be other things that need doing in order to edit CCAS.


Basically, to get everything working for CCAS, I've needed to jump through several hoops. It would probably be easier if I just made all of these mods dependencies, but I don't want to do that.

If you can wait a while (possibly a few months, sorry) I'll update to v11 and then it'll work with the new modevent.


Hype hype hype :D

Oh dear... I don't want to get anyone's hopes up. It's really not much of an update, just a couple of bugfixes mostly.


Current changelog for v11:

  • Added support for a future SD+ update (NB: by the time v11 updates, the SD+ update will probably have happened already).
  • Added a "surprise me" option to the prostitute start subtree. Note that the "enslaved" subtree options are already contained in the normal Surprise Me option, so they didn't need one.
  • Fixed missing goodbye flag on the Surprise Me (general) option.
  • Added some minor graphical stuff to the Aspiring Mage scenario, and added a small section.
  • Redid Dend's Journal so it looks better.
  • Fixed bad conditions for Milk Farm, Brood Maiden, Necromancer Pet, Spriggan Host, Alicia, Dibella Initiate, and Soul Gem Incubator.
  • Added "multiple" to the Mara statue dialogue on prostitute and enslaved topics, so players will know that there are multiple options under those headings.
  • Fixed the Bandit Honeypot scenario issue with the player permanently being friendly to all other bandits. I think. NB: Known issue with this now appears that the bandits at that place only are universally friendly to everyone if you don't use the bandit honeypot start. Still trying to figure this crap out...
  • Moved the starting location and master for the SD+ Enslaved scenario (navmesh problem fixed - now your master should start walking normally).
  • Updated Parasites of Skyrim book with a couple of new parasites. I should really split this into three different books...
  • Removed the female-only check on the Angrim's Apprentice scenario.
  • Altered the Bandit Honeypot journal entry a bit for the sake of consistency.
  • Moved the start marker for the Arachnophobia scenario a little deeper into the cave.
  • Switched the way the factions are handled in the Giant Offering scenario - you are now considered the property of the giants while you are marked with the Grine Woad. Note that this means you are permanently friendly to giants until you remove the woad. Once you remove the tattoo, you are removed from the faction. Putting the tattoo back on will re-add you to their faction. This also applies to players who do not choose the giant offering scenario. Players who wish to use the tattoo without altering their factions should use one of the other tattoos in the Grine section - just not the "Grine Woad" tattoo. I did not make Slavetats a requirement for the giant offering scenario. Players who do not use slavetats should be warned - the giants will be hostile to you if not tattooed with Grine Woad.
  • Added a Prison Overhaul scenario. NB: This requires the latest XPO patch.
  • Added Trapped In Rubber start. The scenario requires Trapped In Rubber 0.54 (or above).
  • Added Succubus scenario for both PSQ and Deadly Drain.
  • Added in the Retching Netch prostitute start. NB: Make sure your SKSE.INI file has the appropriate fixes in it, or you might get an infinite loading screen problem with this scenario.
  • Added a second Arachnophobia option for those that are using the newer version. I did <i>not</i> make these two options mutually exclusive. If you are using both versions of Arachnophobia (not recommended), you will have access to both scenarios (and no real way to tell them apart until you actually start the game).
  • Added Things In The Dark scenario (setting for Ibn as a personal slave)
  • Fixed an issue with the healer in Raven Rock having BF dialogue without BF being installed.
  • Fixed a potential issue with the Dog Chewtoy start, with people leaving the keep in unanticipated ways.
  • A few minor changes and fixes that I can't remember off the top of my head.


And if you're talking about the new bit for the Aspiring Mage (or Bumbling Mage, or Trapped In Oblivion, it's been called all three internally :) ), that's also not much, it really isn't.



for TID : what did prepared exactly ? Does I need to fit TID a little ? (in TID player as lsave is just a slave "common to use"  not a property of a specific noble. You will become the servant of a specific noble (Azhra the dead, ugly/vampire/cannibal) until she dies).


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for TID : what did prepared exactly ? Does I need to fit TID a little ? (in TID player as lsave is just a slave "common to use"  not a property of a specific noble. You will become the servant of a specific noble (Azhra the dead, ugly/vampire/cannibal) until she dies).




All I did for Things in the Dark was this:

    quest titdstart = quest.getquest("aTID0Starter")

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for TID : what did prepared exactly ? Does I need to fit TID a little ? (in TID player as lsave is just a slave "common to use"  not a property of a specific noble. You will become the servant of a specific noble (Azhra the dead, ugly/vampire/cannibal) until she dies).




All I did for Things in the Dark was this:

    quest titdstart = quest.getquest("aTID0Starter")


Ok, It should perfectly works.


Few words about TID : only few slaves are property of specific falmers (Magda for Thaiakal, Frendnir for Azhra, the brothel whores for Simza). Most of the slaves are supervized by the slavers faction, rulled by Karetek, and her servant Daithe, who is your overwatcher.




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Aw hell I found the cause of my doubled up devious devices and autocomplete quest problems it was this mod. When I uninstalled ccas and went back to immerslave I could get sent to simple slavery mod then to little bondage adventure just fine but as soon as I tried to save CTD with immerslave. So now I have to leave off immerslave and wait til my character gets caught or enslaved and sold off to get to simple slavery mod oh well. I have no idea why this mod makes my char double up on devious devices and autocomplete quests but it does.

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Aw hell I found the cause of my doubled up devious devices and autocomplete quest problems it was this mod. When I uninstalled ccas and went back to immerslave I could get sent to simple slavery mod then to little bondage adventure just fine but as soon as I tried to save CTD with immerslave. So now I have to leave off immerslave and wait til my character gets caught or enslaved and sold off to get to simple slavery mod oh well. I have no idea why this mod makes my char double up on devious devices and autocomplete quests but it does.


Sorry to hear it's CCAS at fault. As this mod does absolutely nothing with devious devices, I cannot reproduce your issue, and I suspect it to be some strange incompatibility between CCAS and Immerslave. My guess would be that if Immerslave works fine without CCAS, the reverse would also be true, but I haven't tested that.


At any rate, glad you figured it out.

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I was not using both immerslave and ccas at the same time, what I did was remove immerslave then install your mod which got rid of my CTD on save problem a few days ago but your mod gives me the problems I listed earlier. So I uninstalled your mod and put immerslave back in and CTD on save.again. Been searching for a solution to the CTD on save for that mod but nothing turns up.

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Very nice mod concept I must say. So far I've had few issues, although for some reason in the wolf start all the three wolves started off by killing eachother in a free for all.  No clue why, seemed weird. Are they not part of the same faction? Is it intended?

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all im getting is nows not the time to sleep after actvating the statue clicking the bed trapped in that tiny cell maybe i installed it wrong.


You might have a common problem. Try JDough's fix (link).


had to reinstall it but now crashing once content loads but that's a problem with something else entirely. thanks for the heads up keep that link in mind later.

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Very nice mod concept I must say. So far I've had few issues, although for some reason in the wolf start all the three wolves started off by killing eachother in a free for all.  No clue why, seemed weird. Are they not part of the same faction? Is it intended?


Well that's a new one.  We've had the wolves attack the player, not attack the player, and now attack each other.


No, that's not intended.  Did you try the bear start? Do they fight each other too? How about the trolls?

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