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Something like this painting would be awesome in my opinion. A balance of sexy and mutant.





This, but with the arms a bit beefier and a bit more muscle definition over the entire body. The height and thickness look good over all.


the supermutants in fo4 look fat, they used to look like they had overgrown muscles in the 3rd. also whats up with the unnecessary nose ring.



All the things in the picture and you pick the nose ring, lol?

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First off.I though the sight you got that from was Shadbase.Anyway!


I was more thinking like this.







Except with way more zits facial scars disolved chin and cracks on the body.They are suppose to look grusome.An probably no hair.Unless they retain some memory of their past an wear wigs.An according to lore they all wear the same armor.The armor is Unisex.


This should also go into another second of Animals that are male an female.When you get the perk to deal damage to the opposet sex.It should matter.If it only works on humans then it`s a complete waste of a perk.


    I mean i have seen Skyrim mods that make aminals grase an migrate.Rabbits steal vegetables.You have this game.Where all creatures are just the same.No differences in male or female.This game is very liimited.

Hmm.....Now that i think about it.Someone should also be modding the magazines you find.So you can actually read whats in the magazines.I think it should be passed on to Deviantart.

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I've always thought (from memory in Fallout 3) that Super Muties were actually mutated females that got a strong body and a deep voice in the progress, not unlike the famous, buffed Press 'Brothers' from the former Soviet Union, ugly Tamara and Irina, that won all prizes on the short tracks in the Olympics and elsewhere in the 60s but never ever took a shower together with their sportive colleagues in the ladies room. Guess why huh.

As a result, when Super Muties called themselves 'brothers' in Fallout 4 I directly thought that they should prove that by going for a piss together with their adversaries first. We'd know more then, 'bwoys', but not already before.


There are three different types of supermutant in Fallout:


Mariposa supermutants from 1, 2, Tactics and New Vegas lose secondary sexual characteristics like breasts, but still retain their genitalia and sex drives. They can be any gender.  They are sterile because FEV modifies cells to be "perfect" in order to withstand disease and damage, and it assumes reproductive cells are damaged because they only contain half as many chromosomes as other cells and attempt to repair them. The fact supermutants are sterile are major plot points in 1 and Tactics, make for a hilarious visit to a whorehouse with Marcus in 2, and make them a doomed race in NV.


Fallout 3 mutants are the same but lack sex drive because to Bethesda, adult means peppering the F-word into dialog and blowing up heads, instead of doing things like dealing with deeply personal conflict on a meaningful level.


Fallout 4 mutants apparently lose their genitalia entirely, which makes you wonder how they pee.

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Fallout 4 mutants apparently lose their genitalia entirely, which makes you wonder how they pee.



Actually it's more like they have boxers on, rather than not having anything down there.

Makes you wonder, why they'd care to wear them in the first place.

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They dont lose their sex organs, they are just infertile.

And if Bethesda says otherwise then I say fuck them lol...


it says in the game that there is no slavery in the east but Cait, your follower, is LITERALLY sold to you as a companion.

Honestly what the hell happened with the development team of Fallout this time around?

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The FEV makes them all look pretty much the same.  There are audio tapes in FO3 that cover the topic and describe the transformation process and the end result is a huge hulking genderless mutant.  There is a conversation between two spinebreakers in the German Town police station and one of them says, "I had a dream about a woman, or I dreamed that I used to be a woman."  So there you go.  Right or wrong Bethesda writes the lore now and what they do is canon.


Regardless, fuck lore.  In my FO3 all of the super mutant overlords have man bits meshes.  Nothing wrong with She-Hulk type super mutants if that's what people want.  Knowing this forum, the next step will be futa super mutants...or futa-mutants.  :D



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I could be wrong here, but I could of sworn in one of the previous FO's there was a side quest or some lore you read that explained regardless of the starting sex Super Mutants all ended up looking the same way post FEV.


Regardless if I'm right or now, I'd for sure download a super mutant mod to introduce female super mutants if they were kind of sexy in some way. I don't do gross though, not my bag lol.

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Wait this is 10 years later right?So Supermutants should have a cure for insanity an memory loss right? Which is cannon.Lily losing her past memory or Lily going insane? That is a major point in the story.Also.Yeah that whole losing genitalia.I think was a Typo.Because they said Asexual.Meaning the loss of sexual interest.What i think they meant to say was they obtained a A sexual body form.An not Asexual as in one word.Meaning triangle or a child's body.But that in every sense was during the FEV.


      After the FEV is a different story.An due to Spoliers i cant answer where these mutants stand.Because they are all clones an it pisses me off.We need more models an yes you need genitalia to pee.So yeah it needs to be added.Just a bulge or something an for females it wont matter.They are getting a bullet to the head anyway.I just want something accurate an not some rushed game design.Please.

Note! I am not saying Lazy exactly.It could have just been rushed an not completely done.NO OFFENSE TO CREATORS.I know you visit this site as well Bethesda an i am not insulting you.But i can see the holes.

I could be wrong here, but I could of sworn in one of the previous FO's there was a side quest or some lore you read that explained regardless of the starting sex Super Mutants all ended up looking the same way post FEV.


Regardless if I'm right or now, I'd for sure download a super mutant mod to introduce female super mutants if they were kind of sexy in some way. I don't do gross though, not my bag lol.


You are absolutely right.During the Transformation.But afterwords no.They get their normal form back over time.So no.They are not generless.Or have no genitals.We actually believe the creators were just lazy.An made excuses.Why else would Female Supermutants be played by male voice actors.AND Copy pasted body types.

They dont lose their sex organs, they are just infertile.

And if Bethesda says otherwise then I say fuck them lol...


it says in the game that there is no slavery in the east but Cait, your follower, is LITERALLY sold to you as a companion.

Honestly what the hell happened with the development team of Fallout this time around?


I don't know but it really wish we have slaver towns again.An i could be evil.Or like i requested.We could become Supermutants or Ghouls.I wish we could have done that.Its the same Skyrim engine so this cant be that hard.

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They dont lose their sex organs, they are just infertile.

And if Bethesda says otherwise then I say fuck them lol...


it says in the game that there is no slavery in the east but Cait, your follower, is LITERALLY sold to you as a companion.

Honestly what the hell happened with the development team of Fallout this time around?

no slavery yet you see cages full of corpses, also there is a school where people are kidnapped and forced to form contract to give blood to their master. or get tortured.

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No see.Thats what i am talking about.That is just what Bethesda did.I mean it exactly as i said.A complete female model.Not a clone of the male form.OK one of my favorite body types is CHSBHC.Anyone can take that body form.An just make the legs slightly thicker an more muscle on the arms.The hips,chest shoulders,back and the ass would all still be the same.

That would be a supermutant.Except you need to add battle damage.An the scale would have to be that close to supermutant size.Maybe 1.03 or 1.06 in size.But NOT a close of males.The body is needed.Then someone has to provide the lining for body armor.So when the armor is put on.It connects to the body type.Super solderer should not mean you are male.

In fact i think the red Sonja body


THAT is your Supermutant body right there!


An this is the Unisex armor is all that is needed to match it.



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The easiest way to get what you're asking for is to import a female body mesh you like into Blender or 3DMax, delete the skeleton, clear the parents, clear the weights and then import the vanilla FO4 supermutant mesh on top of it.  After that you treat the female body mesh as a template and do a mesh overlay with the supermuntant mesh; pushing and pulling faces and verts to shape it to the female body.  

Once that's done simply delete the female body and export the nif.  That would leave you with a supermutant female body that is still rigged to the vanilla skeleton.  All of the animations and game rigging would work.  It would use the default supermutant textures but some quick work in Photoshop or GIMP would add nipples and a vagina.  Color matching existing female body textures and some simple copy/work would get the job done.

You could use the finished product as a mesh replacer or wait for the CK to come out and make it a new mesh set.  The mesh work would take about two days maximum to complete, start to finish.  It ain't that hard to do and the necessary tools already exist.


If you don't know how to do it then you have some software to download and some tutorials to read.  I doubt with the current state of FO4 mesh work anyone is going to break down and do the job for you.  The people who know how to do FO4 mesh work are doing their own thing and the rest only know BodySlide.  That means it's up to you to make the content you want, which is what modding is all about anyway.

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Personally for the effort involved to create a specific Female Supermutant body, skeleton and then all the clothing meshes. Its a crap load of work, I think I'd just narrow it down to two options:


1 Males Supermutant body with female clothing and hair.

2 CBBE deformed / muscled female human body with ugly face and Supermutant textures.


Personally I'd go with No1 and use No2 for the Hybrid offspring cause we gunna have them :)

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This thread gives me some fun thoughts about having a big tough super mutant gal to pal around with my vault girl, could be secret lovers with the mutant bottoming for the futa vault dwelller...


In case I didn't just spell it out I love small dom/big sub kinda stuff. :P

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This mod idea is not for sex purposes but to fix a problem that has transcended from Fallout's for years.You cannot have the same body form,weight,voice, and walking style that of a male an still call it a female.Bethesda's or Dice i don't know who.Did this an i am trying to get it fixed.This is a patch or Fix.An also year i cant mod.I have tried.But without the GEEK i dont know if anyone can do any of this.So i am looking for someone to support this.

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You guys might not know this, but Outfit studio can load Super mutant bodies pretty easily.  I dunno how you'll give them a new head without Geck, though.


You don't want your Super mutant waifus to look like this would you?




You also don't really need to do all of that, or the GECK, if it's like Skyrim.  You could make a CBBE preset body, take that and all the other components of human bodies/heads and set them aside, and point them at copies of the corresponding textures that you have altered to be green or whatever.  Then you could go the direct replacer path and just move those meshes to where super mutant body meshes are stored (making them all use that body) or go the more complex route and use FO4Edit to point a female version of the race to your meshes in the appropriate armor pieces that handle super mutant bodies.  I don't know if the game has any female flagged super mutants (doubtful), but you could add them and put them in leveled lists and have them spawn.


It's basically similar to things you needed to do in Skyrim if you wanted to make a custom race and give it a unique body from standard human actors.

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Animations are skeleton rig specific.  Use a human body without rigging it to the supermutant skeleton and it won't work correctly.  The animations would distort the mesh.


Couldn't you set the female skeletal model for the race to the human skeleton as a workaround?


Granted, I don't have a clue.  I was just toying around with this though, making a suitable CBBE body and setting it up just as an armor to see how it looked.  The green skin I made was overridden by the skin tone that I have chosen, I haven't figured that out yet, although it might not even be an issue if applied to the super mutant race.



Well, I took it for a test run in game.  Put a specifically female super mutant in and spawned it.  I did change the race skeleton for females to the human skeleton.


The green skin worked.  The rest... well...








The lack of a head or hands isn't really a problem, I hadn't finished setting it up, only did the body.  But obviously there would be more to it.

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I can't see your jpgs.  Anyway,


The bone weights between the meshes would be totally different, as would be the rigging.  Every NiNode would have to be checked manually, the XYZ translations and YPR rotations matched and the scales adjusted.  The bones would be different and even the ones that might be named the same would be wrong in one way or another.  Example: For the base starting female mesh there might be a NiNode named NPC L ForearmTwist1 [LLt1].  If that NiNode isn't present and parented in the supermutant skeleton it would have to be added along with all of the children (including an edited Ni Collision Object).  Even if that was done the game would probably crash when you entered a cell with a creature using the modified body.  If that NiNode was present, the translations and rotations would have to be edited to match what is on the skeleton and without right weights it would distort the mesh.


What I stated in this post isn't the easiest way, but the results would be a game ready mesh; and it would be done correctly.  What people are talking about in this thread requires a working knowledge of a real 3d editor and an intimate understanding of nifscope.  There simply isn't a fast and dirty way to make it happen.


'Back in the Day' rant


At one time there were a lot of Bethesda modders doing mesh work; look at all of the armor and outfits available for Oblivion and FO3/NV.  The advent of BodySlide/OutfitStudio for Skyrim killed that since those programs are easy to use.  Now there is a deficit in mesh modders and riggers since people couldn't be bothered with learning 3d modelling.  Maybe people will be motivated to use something other than BodySlide/OutfitStudio and get back into 3d work.  Regardless, eventually they'll have to since the modders who once made outfits are slowly withdrawing, not allowing conversions, or just walking away.  I doubt the handful of Skyrim modders who made the leap to FO4 will be willing to support the whole community.  The vacuum will need to be filled at some point.

Blender, nifscope and GIMP are free and there are multitudes of tutorials available so it's up to those interested to step up their modding game and learn new things.


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I tried my hand at 3d modeling in NV for a bit, but Blender was really finicky and took a lot to learn.  And when Skyrim came out it broke the version I had working and I kinda gave up on it.  I can do most of what I want to do in my own game with Bodyslide (I pretty much always make some type of custom armor, for example).


Anyways, I tried my very amateur hand and came up short.  Ah well.

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I tried my hand at 3d modeling in NV for a bit, but Blender was really finicky and took a lot to learn.  And when Skyrim came out it broke the version I had working and I kinda gave up on it.  I can do most of what I want to do in my own game with Bodyslide (I pretty much always make some type of custom armor, for example).


Anyways, I tried my very amateur hand and came up short.  Ah well.

Well you are miles ahead of many of us to get that far, keep trying and tweaking, it looks like you're 90% there.
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