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Request for Texture an sound emulation.I need female Supermutant spawns with sound of some chat to sound female.Or just have someone record female sound track.


I will be specific because of some of the comments dont understand whats going on.

Without so much history.The short version.Few people believe the Supermutants are female an they are all males.This is not true.Some of them in game are females.But they all sound the same an look the same.Which many in the community found this to be incorrect.


Even with the supermutant injection or experimentation.The Supermutant should look completely different from sexuality.If a supermutant if female like in Fallout 3 NV Lily and Leo .(Link)


There is no possibility that the body frame for this creature would be that of a male.None.No mutation could do that.They should be female shaped.If anything the Amazons from Futurama. ( link )


Everyone that believes this is due to lack of time,artist creativity or even it didn't matter.But women though this too an i belive this needs to be corrected.Some artist conception was this. (link)


I know this is a challenge i would ask modders who know how to do this directly.But i will put up a post on Bethesda's page requesting this.



For some of you you may not know this.But Yes there are male an female Supermutants.yes.They have sex.But are sterile.They want to breed but cannot an they wander the wasteland to fix a cure to allow them to remail supermutants but bare children.That is their whole point of crossing the wastelands.

You all know this history.From Fallout 2.Marcus say " sexual ability comes back after a little while? "

Bethesda tried to rewrite the history by saying the FEV virus was changed for the next bach of supermutants.


     That would imply supermutants stopped appearing at all.An we all know that is not the cause.So that was just a statement by Eden and not by the game itself.It was an Optional thing.An not canon to lore because Supermutants still exist.


So to be clear.You cannot physically (even if mutated) have female organs an not have a female form.

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I've always thought (from memory in Fallout 3) that Super Muties were actually mutated females that got a strong body and a deep voice in the progress, not unlike the famous, buffed Press 'Brothers' from the former Soviet Union, ugly Tamara and Irina, that won all prizes on the short tracks in the Olympics and elsewhere in the 60s but never ever took a shower together with their sportive colleagues in the ladies room. Guess why huh.

As a result, when Super Muties called themselves 'brothers' in Fallout 4 I directly thought that they should prove that by going for a piss together with their adversaries first. We'd know more then, 'bwoys', but not already before.

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While in every fallout the mutants seem almost indistinguishable with regards their sex, fallout tactics the females were much the same, except they'd have a slightly less gruff voice, and the majority would have longer hair (yes, pre fallout 3 mutants had hair).


I suppose I always envisioned female mutants to resemble extreme female body builders with fucked up faces and pigmented skin. Not my thing personally, but I don't point and comment on other people's desires.


Not interested in this post? Move on! Simple as that.

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bro, you have seroiusly problems.

Don't we all? :P

yes, but dont extremly weird, why someone need a female supermutant?? Now he want to make strong a transexual :( :(

I might not like this particular fetish, but as even talos became a woman is skyrim, why not have super mutants as well?

Not my cup of tea but I like to have options :)

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While in every fallout the mutants seem almost indistinguishable with regards their sex, fallout tactics the females were much the same, except they'd have a slightly less gruff voice, and the majority would have longer hair (yes, pre fallout 3 mutants had hair).


I suppose I always envisioned female mutants to resemble extreme female body builders with fucked up faces and pigmented skin. Not my thing personally, but I don't point and comment on other people's desires.


Not interested in this post? Move on! Simple as that.

Tabitha and Lily in Fallout: New Vegas are examples of female Super Mutants so we already know that they are almost completely identical to the males. That is the reason why people were able to theorize that Fawkes was the woman converted into a Super Mutant described in a terminal entry in the vault where Fawkes is found. 



bro, you have seroiusly problems.


Don't we all? :P


yes, but dont extremly weird, why someone need a female supermutant?? Now he want to make strong a transexual :( :(



Female Super Mutants are already borderline transsexuals so it wouldn't be any weirder than what is in the base game.

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Why not base it off of this.



Im pretty sure the supermutants are just Interplay's tribute to hulk, which was around since 1960's. They used to have hair. Bethesda was going to add hair to super mutants but was scrapped.




Also its strange that they consider themselves to be superior race when they cant even breed to increase their numbers. eventually they will all be wiped out.

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Thoughts to make female super mutants a little lore:


The institute produce a special type of snths, and use them for the FEV  experiment


So with the prewar DNA and maybe some machine, they finally got super mutant amazon :D

Why explain it at all? why not make it seem as if there were females all along but they couldn't breed. or maby they both separated into different factions and finally met up in the common wealth. They are like amazonian warriors with no men. they beat down men to rape to increase their numbers or something like that. and the men rape women and eat men.

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If you do find a way to randomize them, you could have those chosen by the .esp/script to look for an alternate mesh that uses an alternate greenish texture (custom orcs from skyrim?) and then you can use bodyslide for user's choice, and apply a different height scale to it. Lore be damned.You could probably accomplish this now as a complete supermutant npc replacer. There's not really a need to make a new mesh in blender when you can whip it up in bodyslide and change the file structure.

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You already have them. Tabitha and Lily.http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/5/51/Tabitha.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20101224215006


There.There is your representation of Females in video games.Some dude voicing a female role and using a Male body meshe.There you go.Does it look like a female body meshe? When they walk do they walk lighter than males?No.That is a male.Period.The FEV does NOT turn you into a male.Bethesda got lazy.That is a fact.So if you want more of the same.Then you are looking for more of this.


I Suggest someone get on Female models.An as for

cj3rdkill Look at Lily 


if you dont support this.You are getting more of the same.Lazy programming.Bad Skill trees and so on.If i have a perk that works on females an you cant get anything but males all the time.That is called a bug.When you have to question it.It is probably a bug.


Also i frankly choose the Amazoinan due to the body form.Look at Shehulk an she does not look ugly.We are talking about mutated.So no not Green They should be ugly as fuck.But the body should be female in looks.Very tone a due to females consumption of food an low body weight.Much lower than men`s.So they would not make a stomping sound.


The physical attributes should be correct.Same level of strength.Enough to tear an human's arm off.Just that females in general should not look super bodybuilder size.



This is wrong.female-bodybuilder.jpg



The body builder clearly focused on Back an not just a normal build.


This is right.CarlaRossi.png?1411072845


The design i am Suggesting is more of This which the slumped eye brows an lower jaw design.








This would make a lot more sense.The design is already there.It just needs to be added.Cut marks on the face an some disease bubbles texture maps on the skin should be set to it so it can crit on them in the perk tree..An your done.

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Why not base it off of this.



Im pretty sure the supermutants are just Interplay's tribute to hulk, which was around since 1960's. They used to have hair. Bethesda was going to add hair to super mutants but was scrapped.




Also its strange that they consider themselves to be superior race when they cant even breed to increase their numbers. eventually they will all be wiped out.


This would be true except that the hulk is not the body form a average male would take.The average male body builder form is much smaller an not so wide.

This is avergage after being affected from the FEV virus over time.photo.jpg



What they would look like in game would be that.Not this.





   Knotice how exaggerated the body is.The same can be said for Shehulk.Her body would be the same.The FEV virus is based on a human design.Not mythological creature.They should look muscular even when fat.But proportional

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If you do find a way to randomize them, you could have those chosen by the .esp/script to look for an alternate mesh that uses an alternate greenish texture (custom orcs from skyrim?) and then you can use bodyslide for user's choice, and apply a different height scale to it. Lore be damned.You could probably accomplish this now as a complete supermutant npc replacer. There's not really a need to make a new mesh in blender when you can whip it up in bodyslide and change the file structure.


I wonder wether the supermutant race is a big mesh or a human size mesh with larger skeleton


Yeah that's really matters much if we begin to think of sex scene

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Something like this painting would be awesome in my opinion. A balance of sexy and mutant.





This, but with the arms a bit beefier and a bit more muscle definition over the entire body. The height and thickness look good over all.


the supermutants in fo4 look fat, they used to look like they had overgrown muscles in the 3rd. also whats up with the unnecessary nose ring.

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If you do find a way to randomize them, you could have those chosen by the .esp/script to look for an alternate mesh that uses an alternate greenish texture (custom orcs from skyrim?) and then you can use bodyslide for user's choice, and apply a different height scale to it. Lore be damned.You could probably accomplish this now as a complete supermutant npc replacer. There's not really a need to make a new mesh in blender when you can whip it up in bodyslide and change the file structure.

"This is right."

Im 100% sure thats  a man.

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