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Thanks, this one worked. I love you.


Now i have another problem.


If i choose that dialogue from Zaid that i want to teach aela and the other companion what i've learned, a fews seconds before the gangbang i get CTD.

It happens as soon as the sex scenes start. Any other sex scene work fine.


The first gangbang (the one when we enter in the dungeon for the first time) worked with no problems.


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Jack Wow, on 16 Dec 2015 - 6:06 PM, said:snapback.png



You do have some grammar issues. If you want additional help please PM me. Will be glad to help. With Brutus in Markarth. I shall report back

I will gladly accept your offer and send you a text file with my texts.

I learned my bad english a long, long time at school, but somehow i missed that english lesson about slave sluts, rape content and male genitals  ;)


As for text, please do. Not at work at the moment so would be a good time. As for school, I got my "education" living in Thailand for 5 years. Zaid's comment of being in a bar drinking beer while some young lady blows you off under the table! The memories of Soi Cowboy, WOOF!!! I remember warning her not to spill anything on my friends shoes. 

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Number of sex scenes doesn't start because sexlab refuses to play a scene when player is in dialogue with an NPC.

I suppose you did it that you have functions triggering scenes attached to dialogue start instead of dialogue finish.



What comes here is a major criticism. But i do believe that criticism is good for as long as it is constructive.

Feel free to ignore it as I'm perfectly aware that at this point it would be easier to write a new mod than change Slaverun to work like this:



I think that the very basic idea of Slaverun since the very beginning was wrong. It shouldn't be around enslaving just citizens or at least all of citizens.

It should be around enslaving criminals and those that Jarl considers an enemy for whatever reason.

The holds of Skyrim are neck deep in mess. There is a war going on. There are bandits and rogue mages everywhere, some silverhand freaks walk right in the middle of the city and murder one of the most respected citizens - Kodlak.

Income from trade went to hell as only merchants that dare to travel between Skyrim cities these days are Khajiits. And - as trade taxes are generally the biggest source of income - Whiterun treasury is empty now and Jarl has no money to even pay wages to his soldiers. Which makes it that even his guards start to question his rule.

Citizens are very unhappy with the current situation and together with Hemiskr preaching there is a risk of revolt of those who want Whiterun to join the stormcloak rebellion.

Jarl would have to be quite desperate to find a solution.

A group of slavers could propose such a solution - they would help him stabilize the situation and in return he would legalize enslavement of all sort of criminals.

And so player mission would be to capture and enslave bandits, rogue mages etc. Defeat and enslave stormcloak soldiers. Arrest and enslave anyone who dares to question Balgruufs rule. Additional quest to frame and enslave an innocent citizen because Jarl thinks they are trying to undermine his authority for example.


Once Whiterun would be stabilized (quests to clear out number of bandit hideouts, protect Whiterun from one or two stormcloak attacks, arrest some citizens, keep the rest of citizens happy because they are allowed to use slaves however they want) mission could be to do the same in another (imperial) city.

Once all imperial cities would be stable mission would be to quell the stormcloak rebellion - but not by just defeating them. An example has to be made so no one would ever think about betraying the empire again - defeated cities would be enslaved.


Player could come in either as one of the slavers (dominant path) or a random traveler who was framed into being a criminal / stormcloak supporter and enslaved (submissive path). By working for the slavers player could have an option to avoid being treated as the lowest type of slave.


By so main source of income would no longer be whoring - as who would pay for a whore in a city where every second citizen is considered a free fuck?

Money would come from slave trade and trade taxes once Skyrim roads would be made safe once again.

Additional benefit you would drop charges of sexism as it wont be all around male supremacy anymore  ;)



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Number of sex scenes doesn't start because sexlab refuses to play a scene when player is in dialogue with an NPC.

I suppose you did it that you have functions triggering scenes attached to dialogue start instead of dialogue finish.



What comes here is a major criticism. But i do believe that criticism is good for as long as it is constructive.

Feel free to ignore it as I'm perfectly aware that at this point it would be easier to write a new mod than change Slaverun to work like this:



I think that the very basic idea of Slaverun since the very beginning was wrong. It shouldn't be around enslaving just citizens or at least all of citizens.

It should be around enslaving criminals and those that Jarl considers an enemy for whatever reason.

The holds of Skyrim are neck deep in mess. There is a war going on. There are bandits and rogue mages everywhere, some silverhand freaks walk right in the middle of the city and murder one of the most respected citizens - Kodlak.

Income from trade went to hell as only merchants that dare to travel between Skyrim cities these days are Khajiits. And - as trade taxes are generally the biggest source of income - Whiterun treasury is empty now and Jarl has no money to even pay wages to his soldiers. Which makes it that even his guards start to question his rule.

Citizens are very unhappy with the current situation and together with Hemiskr preaching there is a risk of revolt of those who want Whiterun to join the stormcloak rebellion.

Jarl would have to be quite desperate to find a solution.

A group of slavers could propose such a solution - they would help him stabilize the situation and in return he would legalize enslavement of all sort of criminals.

And so player mission would be to capture and enslave bandits, rogue mages etc. Defeat and enslave stormcloak soldiers. Arrest and enslave anyone who dares to question Balgruufs rule. Additional quest to frame and enslave an innocent citizen because Jarl thinks they are trying to undermine his authority for example.


Once Whiterun would be stabilized (quests to clear out number of bandit hideouts, protect Whiterun from one or two stormcloak attacks, arrest some citizens, keep the rest of citizens happy because they are allowed to use slaves however they want) mission could be to do the same in another (imperial) city.

Once all imperial cities would be stable mission would be to quell the stormcloak rebellion - but not by just defeating them. An example has to be made so no one would ever think about betraying the empire again - defeated cities would be enslaved.


Player could come in either as one of the slavers (dominant path) or a random traveler who was framed into being a criminal / stormcloak supporter and enslaved (submissive path). By working for the slavers player could have an option to avoid being treated as the lowest type of slave.


By so main source of income would no longer be whoring - as who would pay for a whore in a city where every second citizen is considered a free fuck?

Money would come from slave trade and trade taxes once Skyrim roads would be made safe once again.

Additional benefit you would drop charges of sexism as it wont be all around male supremacy anymore  ;)




hmm while i do find your idea interesting, its indeed a complete new mod that would be needed to do that. feel free to do it if you can ;)


as for Slaverun idea... it isnt wrong, i know i love it. it might not be what you'd like, but its a great mod. as for making money... there are many other ways to make money in skyrim than whoring xD


edit = and the sex animations should start. it does for me. you probably have a problem with your setup. maybe you should need to reset Sexlab and register the animations again.

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There is a mod to turn all citizens of skyrim into vampires, why not all females into slaves?  Besides, there is a civil war going on, war costs lots of money.  The Jarls are doing every thing they can to bring in more revenue. I applaud their ingenuity. Long live Gor! 

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I noticed the red/brown forehead but I think it is a tattoo or a war paint. it is quite ugly to me. I would suggest to remove it. but I had no crash for them, even the task to birng them to carriage went well.

Red/Brown forehead is caused by mods that set the color of the lips (some other head parts have also been implicated), another little bug courtesy of Bethesda.

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Number of sex scenes doesn't start because sexlab refuses to play a scene when player is in dialogue with an NPC.

I suppose you did it that you have functions triggering scenes attached to dialogue start instead of dialogue finish.



What comes here is a major criticism. But i do believe that criticism is good for as long as it is constructive.

Feel free to ignore it as I'm perfectly aware that at this point it would be easier to write a new mod than change Slaverun to work like this:



I think that the very basic idea of Slaverun since the very beginning was wrong. It shouldn't be around enslaving just citizens or at least all of citizens.

It should be around enslaving criminals and those that Jarl considers an enemy for whatever reason.

The holds of Skyrim are neck deep in mess. There is a war going on. There are bandits and rogue mages everywhere, some silverhand freaks walk right in the middle of the city and murder one of the most respected citizens - Kodlak.

Income from trade went to hell as only merchants that dare to travel between Skyrim cities these days are Khajiits. And - as trade taxes are generally the biggest source of income - Whiterun treasury is empty now and Jarl has no money to even pay wages to his soldiers. Which makes it that even his guards start to question his rule.

Citizens are very unhappy with the current situation and together with Hemiskr preaching there is a risk of revolt of those who want Whiterun to join the stormcloak rebellion.

Jarl would have to be quite desperate to find a solution.

A group of slavers could propose such a solution - they would help him stabilize the situation and in return he would legalize enslavement of all sort of criminals.

And so player mission would be to capture and enslave bandits, rogue mages etc. Defeat and enslave stormcloak soldiers. Arrest and enslave anyone who dares to question Balgruufs rule. Additional quest to frame and enslave an innocent citizen because Jarl thinks they are trying to undermine his authority for example.


Once Whiterun would be stabilized (quests to clear out number of bandit hideouts, protect Whiterun from one or two stormcloak attacks, arrest some citizens, keep the rest of citizens happy because they are allowed to use slaves however they want) mission could be to do the same in another (imperial) city.

Once all imperial cities would be stable mission would be to quell the stormcloak rebellion - but not by just defeating them. An example has to be made so no one would ever think about betraying the empire again - defeated cities would be enslaved.


Player could come in either as one of the slavers (dominant path) or a random traveler who was framed into being a criminal / stormcloak supporter and enslaved (submissive path). By working for the slavers player could have an option to avoid being treated as the lowest type of slave.


By so main source of income would no longer be whoring - as who would pay for a whore in a city where every second citizen is considered a free fuck?

Money would come from slave trade and trade taxes once Skyrim roads would be made safe once again.

Additional benefit you would drop charges of sexism as it wont be all around male supremacy anymore  ;)




I gladly accept your feedback :)


for the first point, yes, i noticed this short before i released the version. One main goal of this version was to improve stability and hopefully eliminate/reduce those skyrim freezes (they realy annoy me). So i added a lot of checks before calling sexlab. A little to much i think, but i thought, better a check to much than less and i will very carefully reduce them a bit.



for the second, i agree in many points, and if i would start this or a similar mod now, i would probably do some of that things, but not all. Your mod concept has much less logic errors (or none) than slaverun has. When i started changing the old slaverun i had zero moddings skill and just wanted to change a few things that i didn't like.

But than i got deeper and deeper in this modding thing and continued and continued with no real plan or concept. In RL i work as a Java developer and i prefer having specification and design document very much, but working in a scrum team, well, also in RL not everything is clear and perfect :D


So, i will continue this way, for slaverun reloaded, maybe fixing minor design things, but the whole theme will be unchanged. For your mod i think i would have to restart from scratch, and couldn't reuse most things. But of course i could reuse the modding skill i got, and things would go much faster.


I will probably need a lot of time to "finish" the female, male and dominate female questline. I don't have any plans for Fallout, but when there will be an Elder Scrolls 6 some day, i will probably continue modding there (on loverslab of course) and do a better second mod, maybe with some of your ideas.


As i like skyrim very much,  i would also love to hear an announcement from Bethesda about an Elder Scrolls 6 :heart:





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Number of sex scenes doesn't start because sexlab refuses to play a scene when player is in dialogue with an NPC.

I suppose you did it that you have functions triggering scenes attached to dialogue start instead of dialogue finish.



What comes here is a major criticism. But i do believe that criticism is good for as long as it is constructive.

Feel free to ignore it as I'm perfectly aware that at this point it would be easier to write a new mod than change Slaverun to work like this:



I think that the very basic idea of Slaverun since the very beginning was wrong. It shouldn't be around enslaving just citizens or at least all of citizens.

It should be around enslaving criminals and those that Jarl considers an enemy for whatever reason.

The holds of Skyrim are neck deep in mess. There is a war going on. There are bandits and rogue mages everywhere, some silverhand freaks walk right in the middle of the city and murder one of the most respected citizens - Kodlak.

Income from trade went to hell as only merchants that dare to travel between Skyrim cities these days are Khajiits. And - as trade taxes are generally the biggest source of income - Whiterun treasury is empty now and Jarl has no money to even pay wages to his soldiers. Which makes it that even his guards start to question his rule.

Citizens are very unhappy with the current situation and together with Hemiskr preaching there is a risk of revolt of those who want Whiterun to join the stormcloak rebellion.

Jarl would have to be quite desperate to find a solution.

A group of slavers could propose such a solution - they would help him stabilize the situation and in return he would legalize enslavement of all sort of criminals.

And so player mission would be to capture and enslave bandits, rogue mages etc. Defeat and enslave stormcloak soldiers. Arrest and enslave anyone who dares to question Balgruufs rule. Additional quest to frame and enslave an innocent citizen because Jarl thinks they are trying to undermine his authority for example.


Once Whiterun would be stabilized (quests to clear out number of bandit hideouts, protect Whiterun from one or two stormcloak attacks, arrest some citizens, keep the rest of citizens happy because they are allowed to use slaves however they want) mission could be to do the same in another (imperial) city.

Once all imperial cities would be stable mission would be to quell the stormcloak rebellion - but not by just defeating them. An example has to be made so no one would ever think about betraying the empire again - defeated cities would be enslaved.


Player could come in either as one of the slavers (dominant path) or a random traveler who was framed into being a criminal / stormcloak supporter and enslaved (submissive path). By working for the slavers player could have an option to avoid being treated as the lowest type of slave.


By so main source of income would no longer be whoring - as who would pay for a whore in a city where every second citizen is considered a free fuck?

Money would come from slave trade and trade taxes once Skyrim roads would be made safe once again.

Additional benefit you would drop charges of sexism as it wont be all around male supremacy anymore  ;)




I gladly accept your feedback :)


for the first point, yes, i noticed this short before i released the version. One main goal of this version was to improve stability and hopefully eliminate/reduce those skyrim freezes (they realy annoy me). So i added a lot of checks before calling sexlab. A little to much i think, but i thought, better a check to much than less and i will very carefully reduce them a bit.



for the second, i agree in many points, and if i would start this or a similar mod now, i would probably do some of that things, but not all. Your mod concept has much less logic errors (or none) than slaverun has. When i started changing the old slaverun i had zero moddings skill and just wanted to change a few things that i didn't like.

But than i got deeper and deeper in this modding thing and continued and continued with no real plan or concept. In RL i work as a Java developer and i prefer having specification and design document very much, but working in a scrum team, well, also in RL not everything is clear and perfect :D


So, i will continue this way, for slaverun reloaded, maybe fixing minor design things, but the whole theme will be unchanged. For your mod i think i would have to restart from scratch, and couldn't reuse most things. But of course i could reuse the modding skill i got, and things would go much faster.


I will probably need a lot of time to "finish" the female, male and dominate female questline. I don't have any plans for Fallout, but when there will be an Elder Scrolls 6 some day, i will probably continue modding there (on loverslab of course) and do a better second mod, maybe with some of your ideas.


As i like skyrim very much,  i would also love to hear an announcement from Bethesda about an Elder Scrolls 6 :heart:






as a user of your mod, i can tell this, fuck the logic, and enjoy ^^




i love this mod, i love skyrim, and an Elder Scrolls 6 would be great indeed hehe


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is there any way to update the mod without having to start from the beginning? that would make this mod even better :D


hmm depend on how far you are in the mod i'd guess. if you are in an early stage, you probably can update without problem.


not sure after that, but might still work ^^,

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is there any way to update the mod without having to start from the beginning? that would make this mod even better :D

You can. I have been. However the last update was only possible (without borked quest lines) if you use a save before returning to Dragonsreach ie. before doing any mini jobs. The last update worked fine for me. Just don't use a save where Zaid says "TODO".

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I tried the mod, i ran into a glitch/bug/issue. 


Got to the Riverwood part (played as female) and Alvor was gonna whip me, but once we got up to the cross, my character got in it and Alvor just stood there. I tried the unstuck command in MCM and nothing happened Also tried reloading from an earlier point and doing it again, still got stuck.


This was in the november 30th version though. Haven't tried with the newest one.

If you are using someones Riverwood mod it seems to mess up. However it should work with the MCM override BEFORE you talk to Alvor. Worked for me anyway.



No, not using any area mods. Except the larger Cidhna Mine.

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I tried the mod, i ran into a glitch/bug/issue. 


Got to the Riverwood part (played as female) and Alvor was gonna whip me, but once we got up to the cross, my character got in it and Alvor just stood there. I tried the unstuck command in MCM and nothing happened Also tried reloading from an earlier point and doing it again, still got stuck.


This was in the november 30th version though. Haven't tried with the newest one.

If you are using someones Riverwood mod it seems to mess up. However it should work with the MCM override BEFORE you talk to Alvor. Worked for me anyway.



No, not using any area mods. Except the larger Cidhna Mine.


You must go back to an earlier save and check the animal animation box and try it again. I think I used a save inside Riverwood trader. Walkto scripts are notoriously dodgy. For instance I gave up on the Maria Eden Mod for the same reason. I do hope this section gets removed from this mod.

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The proposed changes to Slaverun would likely require the mod to build around or into the Civil war quests, as fun as that sound it doesn't seem like it would be easy just working out the logic within the vanilla game not to mention trading of holds if it is available for the main quest.

Also I don't really mind the logic of Slaverun as it is right now, it is about slaver coming into town and promote slavery as a means for profit that logic isn't really that far fetch base on the turmoil in Skyrim.

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One bug I've noticed - the slave on the cross outside Whiterun and one of the Jarl's slave servants seem to suffer from a miscoloured forehead. From digging around it looks like this is down to a common error in the values in the mod, rather than a conflict or anything (I removed Coverwomen just in case, and that only made it more noticeable). There's some stuff on the nexus about how to fix it. Not really a big issue, but thought I'd point it out.


Edit note - noticed it on a couple of the ornamental prisoners in the training dungeon, too.

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The proposed changes to Slaverun would likely require the mod to build around or into the Civil war quests, as fun as that sound it doesn't seem like it would be easy just working out the logic within the vanilla game not to mention trading of holds if it is available for the main quest.

I am doing this mod with a level 4 character who has (with LAL) not started any main quest. I think that is the safest way to run this mod.

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Kinda wish there were SOME changes to the overworld. What i really liked in the original Slaverun was how there was such changes to the town. Like stocks everywhere, a sex toy shop and just loads of toys for "use" in the dungeon.


Problem is that if you change something in the overworld that actually touches the town, it'll become instantly incompatible with JK's Whiterun, Dawn of Skyrim or EtaC.

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Kinda wish there were SOME changes to the overworld. What i really liked in the original Slaverun was how there was such changes to the town. Like stocks everywhere, a sex toy shop and just loads of toys for "use" in the dungeon.


If you have Diablo-esque Decorations installed as well, it does make a few changes. Not on the scale you're talking about, though.

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I noticed the red/brown forehead but I think it is a tattoo or a war paint. it is quite ugly to me. I would suggest to remove it. but I had no crash for them, even the task to birng them to carriage went well.

Red/Brown forehead is caused by mods that set the color of the lips (some other head parts have also been implicated), another little bug courtesy of Bethesda.


I hope i have found and fixed the problem with the red forehead. When i regenerated the facegendata last time in a MO profile with "Babes of the skyrim" mod, i got those ugly faces.

I have regenerated now the facedata with a minimalistic MO profile and in game the faces for me are now normal again.


is there any way to update the mod without having to start from the beginning? that would make this mod even better :D

I don't know exactly what is allowed to change, so that just simple overwriting may work.

When i change a condition for a dialogue topic this seems to work without problems, changing scripts or scripts properties sometimes work, sometimes don't.

So the 100% safe version is to start a new game every time :-)

a clean safe and safe game cleaner is 99%,

the rest may work or may not work, i can't, maybe nobody can give you a garantee


















Great mod. Here are some screenshots of my bard character's before and after letting curiosity get the better of her and decide to investigate the Whiterun rumors.


nice, and in the next version the fashion oriented slave can custimize their devious devices she get by the mod a bit








i am working also on some more variations for your punishment when breaking the nudity law (probably only the fist and last will work in the next version)






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Great mod. Here are some screenshots of my bard character's before and after letting curiosity get the better of her and decide to investigate the Whiterun rumors.


nice, and in the next version the fashion oriented slave can custimize their devious devices she get by the mod a bit




i am working also on some more variations for your punishment when breaking the nudity law (probably only the fist and last will work in the next version)





Cool! Seriously can't wait! Nice to see you adding more customization and little touches in to an already great mod.


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The whipping scenes are quite the hit or miss in my game.

The whipping scene by Zaid works fine everytime.

Whipping scenes in falkreath worked too (I think it was the one in the wheel)


The scenes that never seem to work, are the ones where you just get whipped on the spot.

Like the Dawnstar and Markarth Quests.

eg. when the Orc in Markarth has to whip you, you move into position (on knees hands bound behindback).

Your control is lost and the orc just stands there, at whatever location he AI'd to.

This happens regardless if someone moves or not.

Even the scene where Brutus has to whip you in front of the Markarth Jarl, you get into position but Brutus just stands there.


Sure you can skip the whipping scene by disabling it but that isnt really a solution.

Not to mention really spoils the point of the mod.


I've double checked all my requirements are correct.

Reran FNIS.

loaded Slaverun right at the bottom.




attached pap log if its needed.



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